[ERROR] fs_cli.c:1610 main() Error Connecting [Socket Connection Error]
Usage: ./fs_cli [-H <host>] [-P <port>] [-p <secret>] [-d <level>] [-x command] [-t <timeout_ms>] [profile]
-?,-h --help Usage Information
-H, --host=hostname Host to connect
-P, --port=port Port to connect (1 - 65535)
-u, --user=user@domain user@domain
-p, --password=password Password
-i, --interrupt Allow Control-c to interrupt
-x, --execute=command Execute Command and Exit
-l, --loglevel=command Log Level
-U, --log-uuid Include UUID in log output
-S, --log-uuid-short Include shortened UUID in log output
-q, --quiet Disable logging
-r, --retry Retry connection on failure
-R, --reconnect Reconnect if disconnected
-d, --debug=level Debug Level (0 - 7)
-b, --batchmode Batch mode
-t, --timeout Timeout for API commands (in miliseconds)
-T, --connect-timeout Timeout for socket connection (in miliseconds)
-n, --no-color Disable color