From Beige Marmoset, 4 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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  1. Event-Subclass: SMS%3A%3ASEND_MESSAGE
  2. Command: sendevent%20CUSTOM
  3. Event-Name: CUSTOM
  4. to:
  5. from:
  6. sip_profile: internal-ipv6
  7. dest_proto: sip
  8. So_whatchya_whatchya: watchya_want%3F!
  9. Content-Length: 34
  10. Event-UUID: e8310de2-5266-4b0c-bcd9-1f4dcd8445ae
  11. Event-Name: CUSTOM
  12. Core-UUID: 12838f09-a70d-4b1e-abb3-36c6fdb6f93a
  13. FreeSWITCH-Hostname: fs_playground
  14. FreeSWITCH-Switchname: fs_playground
  15. FreeSWITCH-IPv4:
  16. FreeSWITCH-IPv6: 2001%3A19f0%3A5401%3A1bb4%3A54ff%3A242%3Aac11%3A4
  17. Event-Date-Local: 2020-06-26%2007%3A45%3A50
  18. Event-Date-GMT: Fri,%2026%20Jun%202020%2011%3A45%3A50%20GMT
  19. Event-Date-Timestamp: 1593171950035990
  20. Event-Calling-File: mod_event_socket.c
  21. Event-Calling-Function: parse_command
  22. Event-Calling-Line-Number: 2267
  23. Event-Sequence: 11342
  24. skip_global_process: true
  25. dest_proto: sip
  26. proto: global
  27. Nonblocking-Delivery: true
  28. skip_global_process: true
  29. Content-Length: 34
  31. Would you like to be a pepper too?

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Untitled Hot Crane text 4 Years ago.