From Kiroy, 5 Years ago, written in FreeSWITCH.
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Viewing differences between and 403 forbidden FreeSwitch
  1. Hello everyone,
  3. This is about 403 forbidden with FreeSwitch. It occurs while outbound call sent from one of our local phone to our FS server to our ITSP.
  5. -I'm using the test drive install
  6. -I’ve tested the sip trunk ITSP directly connecting a softphone, it's working ok, outside calls passed thru
  7. -With our FS serveur, I’m able to receive inbound call from the outside (I used the action « transfer » to a local id) from public to default dialplan. It's working ok
  8. -Our FS server is properly connected to the ITSP, I checked with the cli « sofia status gateway XXX »
  9. -Regarding this, I know the outbound calls arrived at the gateway but failed, for instance "CallsOUT 7 / FailedCallsOUT 7"
  10. -ITSP said they did not saw our outbound call beeing rejected
  11. -I had a look at the CLI and Wireshark. I have the feeling that it does not use the ITSP ip when bridging but the local server IP instead (but it might be a misunderstanding on my side)
  12. It’s says, 403 Forbidden unallocated number regarding our server local IP, it nerver shows the ITSP domain
  13. -I’m sure I’m doing something stupid and I’m red-faced about it :-)
  15. This is what I saw thru wireshark from the message header. This looks strange to me, it looks like our serveur is sending the invite to himself (remember I’m just a rookie).
  16. Here are some extracts :
  18. -INVITE :
  20. From: "1001" <sip:1001@OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP>;tag=XXXXXXX
  21.     SIP Display info: "1001"
  22.     SIP from address: sip:1001@OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP
  23.         SIP from address User Part: 1001
  24.         SIP from address Host Part:  OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP
  25.     SIP from tag: XXXXXX
  27. To: <sip:EuropeanPhoneNumber@OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP>
  28.     SIP to address: sip:EuropeanPhoneNumber@OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP
  29.         SIP to address User Part:  EuropeanPhoneNumber
  30.         SIP to address Host Part: OUR_SERVEUR_LOCAL_IP
  32. I observe the same for the 407 PROXY AUTHENTIFICATION REQUIRED as for the 403 Forbidden. I have the feeling I’ve mis routed the call to the ITSP gateway on our serveur.
  33. However – thru a large regex (for testing purpose) - I’m using the bridge command in the « default context » in order to bridge the ITSP Gateway (just like in the book).
  35. What I found strange is that I can’t see the ITSP ip in the logs, it’s just like I never get thru the ITSP gateway even if our FS is connected to it.
  37. This is resulting in this 403 [FS CLI]
  39. 2019-01-30 15:51:56.575470 [DEBUG] sofia.c:7291 Channel sofia/external/ EuropeanPhoneNumber entering state [terminated][403]
  40. 2019-01-30 15:51:56.575470 [NOTICE] sofia.c:8484 Hangup sofia/external/ EuropeanPhoneNumber [CS_CONSUME_MEDIA] [UNALLOCATED_NUMBER]
  42. That’s it at the moment,
  43. I’ve tried my best until now with the book, it’s the first time I cannot go trhu by myself.
  46. In advance, thank you for your time
  48. Kiroy