From Saint-PsykØDeaD, 4 Years ago, written in Plain Text.
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Viewing differences between and starcraft2
  1. List of scamers terrorists gays fats in Starcraft 2 who ;
  2. will fake 2 play with you ... but with the ennemy in realty.
  3. will demand your informations for dark purposes
  4. will attak you like traitors but when they are in the same team than u.
  5. will report you many time, but 4 nothing !
  6. will insult you, with the most deep sschit
  7. will harass you non stop
  8. will cheat in every ways
  10. They will spying you in real life (not only in game)
  11. They will  kil you in real life!!!
  12. They will  kill e-sport
  13. Use the e-sport 2 do a lot $$$$$$$$$$
  14. Use all your childs 2 and continu !
  15. They have more than 50 000 accounts and they sell them afther harassment and terorism with it!
  19. ADDI
  20. Adrenaline
  21. afmghost
  22. Agent
  23. AIe
  24. Akagi
  25. akajon
  26. Akashic
  27. Alan
  28. Alan    
  29. Alpha
  30. Alucard
  31. Amnestia
  32. AndromedaGe
  33. AngelofDeath
  34. anibal
  35. apocalypse
  37. Aqyles
  38. AreaRae
  39. Arkantos
  40. ARKERO
  42. Ascension
  43. AVOCK
  44. Aybar
  45. BaaChan
  46. Baccaman
  47. BackRD
  48. bakedpineapp
  49. ballback
  50. bbc
  51. bbqEM
  52. BeepImaJeep
  53. benito
  54. Benzaldehyde
  55. betochingon
  56. BigBone
  57. BIIIID
  58. BirrGan
  59. BlackHawk
  60. Blackshark
  61. Blazzer
  62. BloodDeer
  63. BloodLegend
  64. Blubby
  65. Boden
  66. BoIt
  67. Bolota
  68. Bonez
  69. BoutBout
  70. BQuick
  71. Bradimus
  72. Brian
  73. BrotherNex  
  74. Bulldawg
  77. Cable
  78. CastleVania
  79. cenaruto
  80. CheeziSuShi
  81. Chewblasta
  82. Chicaro
  83. chilling
  84. ChooNo
  85. Chris
  86. ChupaCabra
  87. Cobra
  88. CoMiCCoN
  89. COMMANDextra
  90. Computer
  91. cookie
  92. Cotofox
  93. CptCheese
  94. CrashxD
  95. CrazyE
  97. CyanWhale
  98. CyNiC
  99. dafeji
  100. Dale
  101. Daner
  102. DarkVoid
  103. Deadlymouse
  104. deathnight
  105. DeathWarrant
  106. dehumidifier
  108. Delta
  109. DeltaOP
  110. deporktation
  111. Derek
  112. DERKHY
  113. Determined
  114. dethbiphartz
  115. Devi
  116. DiscGolf
  117. dks
  118. dlcktwisster
  119. Dogmas
  120. DonCorleone
  121. DonKeyKonG
  122. DonPingon
  123. Dragones
  124. Dragonstorm
  125. DYa
  126. Dynamic
  127. dyoon
  129. ECT
  130. EDMER
  131. eliogunner
  132. Engineer
  133. EpicGUI
  134. EROS
  135. Eterno
  138. Expendablol
  139. Ezekiel
  140. fabio
  141. Fahrenheit
  142. fatZergling
  144. fiatkom
  145. FINAO
  146. FinngerMeDan
  147. flappydog
  148. FlashFans
  149. FlNAO
  150. FlynnTaggart
  151. FlyShark
  153. Franklin
  154. Fry
  155. Fry ??
  156. Gambino
  157. GatlingKnife
  158. gatokio
  159. Gendalfbug
  160. GeneTonic
  161. Gesk
  162. Gethim
  163. GGgg
  164. GiantAxe
  165. GivehertheD
  166. Gladiator
  167. GoCats
  168. GoodDaytoDie
  169. GrabHerByPus
  170. granx
  171. greby
  172. Greenwall
  173. Greison
  174. GutsGambino
  175. HACKOS
  176. Hades
  177. HailBiden
  178. Hammer
  179. Hannibal
  180. HappyEnding
  181. HEADcomputer
  182. HelloBr
  183. HenTie ?
  184. HobGoblinNT TN ? un logo avec le nombre 20.
  185. HoggyStyIe
  186. hong
  187. HOON
  188. hwmeme
  189. IaIo
  190. ilich
  191. imatzel
  192. IME
  193. iNcinerate
  194. infinite
  195. israelmrz
  196. IvoryWarrior
  198. JAKMERE
  199. Jbernagar
  200. JdOp
  201. Jeff
  202. Jerabek fake player pro
  203. Jermz
  204. Jetfirek
  205. JETFIREK a déjà 1 battletag de merde idiot
  206. JHAWK
  207. jhonnyrico
  208. jimmyterran
  209. JITSAW
  210. JJOF
  211. joal
  212. Joe
  213. John
  214. JohnnyUtah
  215. JohnSmith
  216. Jon
  217. Jonsolo
  218. JoyDivision
  219. JPZEPP
  220. Juggler
  221. JuicyBurger
  222. jyq
  223. kadesh
  224. kakasan
  225. Kaltron
  226. KaMul
  227. kaozhell
  228. kerigan
  229. Khambra
  230. kid
  231. Killz
  232. kingbear
  233. kit
  234. kleptomania
  235. kmavpro
  236. KRAKEN
  237. krassnerch
  238. kyleeljudio
  239. kysjan
  240. lance
  241. lazerbolt
  242. LCF
  243. LDRTW
  244. Leaf
  245. Lefraisacap
  246. LEGAcy
  247. Leopard
  248. LEYENDA
  249. Lia
  250. linuxsucks toss bleu
  251. llamalover
  252. Lobo
  253. loco
  254. lori
  256. Lox
  257. Lunatic
  258. maboy
  259. mackigamer
  260. MaddogPro
  261. ManBearPig
  262. Mango
  263. Marx
  264. mask
  265. Massad
  266. matiascba
  267. matteO
  268. Max
  269. Maximilien
  270. MayanPrecise
  271. MeanBean
  272. mesa
  273. MHMD
  274. Michael
  275. miclo
  276. Mike
  277. MINH
  278. MiniNinja
  279. Misery
  280. Mixx
  281. mjflying
  282. MobiIe
  283. Moros
  284. Morpheus
  285. MrBrain
  286. MrZero
  287. NakG
  288. NarSiL
  289. Nazty
  290. NESCAFE
  291. NetOok
  292. Neurotik
  293. NightStalker
  294. Nihilist
  295. Ninestar
  296. NrGHumble
  297. Null
  298. NZXT
  299. ObiCat
  300. OChinChin
  301. Ocho
  302. OmManiPadeMe
  303. onedentwodo
  304. oneman
  305. onewarrior
  306. Osiris
  307. OverlordRL
  308. packrat
  309. padz
  310. Paladin
  311. Panchrist
  312. PaPaya
  313. patch
  314. Pepper
  315. Perrin
  316. perrok
  317. PhillipJFry
  318. PhongLy
  319. phx
  320. Pikee
  321. pinksock
  322. PinkUnicorn
  323. pirate
  324. Pizzy
  325. Plagueis
  326. PlayStation
  327. plmlq
  328. PlovdivBG
  329. Pompeyo
  330. PompeyoMagno
  331. popdatcooI
  332. pororo ?
  333. PricklyPear
  334. ProtossSC
  335. PullMyPost
  336. PwrBottom
  337. qdoh
  338. Qrst
  339. RADeagles
  340. Rakoun
  341. ramblinman
  342. rav
  343. RAYDER
  344. raynor
  345. rayong
  346. rayongw
  347. Rezlind
  348. rich
  349. Ripto
  350. Rocko
  351. roflQUAFFLE
  352. rolando
  353. Rush
  354. ryan
  355. Ryan
  356. RYANOR
  357. sargento
  358. scarface
  359. Scotteeo
  360. scottie
  361. Sculpin
  362. season
  363. sergiomedina
  364. SFRainX
  365. SGTdaTroll
  366. SHADOW
  367. ShadowRun
  368. Shiko
  369. SilverHat
  370. SilverKing
  371. SilverStar
  372. SirCharles
  373. SirSNeaKy
  374. SixFooter
  375. sixpool
  376. SkeIetonWig
  377. Skidmark
  378. skp
  379. Slayer
  380. Smart
  381. SmokyPai
  382. snoooters
  383. snowman
  384. snowprinter
  385. SnubIeT
  386. SoJu
  387. Soybeen
  388. Speedy
  389. SPRD
  390. SSaklll
  391. sTaLk
  392. Starkiller
  393. STDalexander
  394. Stronghold
  395. Stryfe  
  396. Sunburn
  397. surfistaxD  
  398. Swifti
  399. Tags
  400. TAVO
  401. TBDayMassacre
  402. tbucket
  403. Teng
  404. TexAg
  405. texpoontappa
  406. ThatJC
  407. TheFreak
  408. TheKiller
  409. TheRealNeo
  410. TheSmasher
  411. tileme
  412. TimAllen
  413. TinyRick
  414. titanes
  415. TITSLOL
  416. Tnoyes
  417. Tofulani
  418. TOTO
  419. trivial
  420. Trululu ma face
  421. TucanMistico
  422. Tweak
  423. Twisted
  424. UBbBs
  425. Unclear
  426. Unforeseen
  427. UNlVERSE
  428. User
  430. VADER
  432. vilujo
  433. VinneDaHun
  434. Vinny
  435. vinveezy
  436. ViolentRage
  437. VoidlessRage
  438. Vraptor
  439. vsouIz
  440. Vycious
  441. Wanamingo
  442. WarHalligan
  443. Wars
  444. Wavic
  445. Weiser
  446. WEST
  447. Westy
  448. WeWuzKangz
  449. Wilber
  450. WildChild
  452. WINNER
  453. wirosableng
  454. Womanizer
  455. XAleXOwnZX
  456. Xaos
  457. XDstevenXD
  458. xerxes
  459. XETER
  460. xGonGivlToU
  461. xLEOx
  462. xScientisTx
  463. xSoulSiphonx
  464. Xtracrispy
  465. yauyau
  466. Yerrbo
  467. YeS
  468. Yolo
  469. yoshie
  470. Zaks
  471. Zaolaotouer
  472. ZAQ
  473. Zebes
  474. Zerglinged
  475. ZeroZ
  476. Zoetarok
  477. zurgyzurg
  478. Zuthar
  479. Zyndeco

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Re: starcraft2 Nice text 3 Years ago.