Dear members, . We can use the verto communicator client to join a conference handled by our own Freesitch server and using the default '' Google STUN server. . It works on Chrome, Firefox and Opera, on which we can connect ok and get audio+video. . But it does NOT work on Edge. . When using Chrome we can see one of the ICE Candidates DOES have the client public IP. . But when running the client on Edge we do NOT see such candidate. . What it is interesting is that if we don't use our Freeswitch server but the one hosted in then the verto client CAN connect ok and we get audio+video (although we noticed that even in this case we still not see the ICE Candidate with the client public IP in the SDP offer). . So my question is if the Freewitch server in is doing something "special" to retrieve the client public IP from the signaling messages or something like that. . By the way, we already set the following params in the verto conf: If you can give us any hints it would be much appreciated. Regards, Alex