#!/usr/bin/perl # Written by Garth van Sittert # October 2015 # Version 2.0.1 # Copyright 2015 BitCo ################################################################################ use DBI; # echo 'select domain_name from v_xml_cdr;' | PGPASSWORD=khbYjlU0wDyYErvvzUHC4zDht7U psql fusionpbx -U fusionpbx -h localhost | sed 's/vpbx-//' | sed 's/.bitcovoice.com//' $tmpfile = "/tmp/bathfusion-lastcdr"; $dstchannel="SIP/bitco"; $disposition="ANSWERED"; $domain="vpbx-bathroomfusion-jhb.bitco.co.za"; require "/etc/bitco/tms.conf" if (-e "/etc/bitco/tms.conf"); exit(1) if not defined($remoteuser); exit(1) if not defined($remotepass); $clientcode = "bathfusion"; if (-e $tmpfile) { $lastart_stamp = `cat $tmpfile`; # chomp($lastxml_cdr_uuid); # $query = "SELECT calldate, clid, src, channel, dst, dstchannel, duration, billsec, disposition, accountcode, uniqueid FROM cdr WHERE uniqueid >= '$lastuniqueid' ORDER BY calldate"; $query = "SELECT start_stamp as calldate,caller_id_number as clid,caller_id_name as src,destination_number as dst,duration,billsec,pin_number as accountcode FROM v_xml_cdr WHERE start_stamp >= '$lastart_stamp' and billsec > 3 and direction = 'outbound' and domain_name = '$domain' ORDER BY start_stamp;" } else { # $query = "SELECT calldate, clid, src, channel, dst, dstchannel, duration, billsec, disposition, accountcode, uniqueid FROM cdr ORDER BY calldate"; } $dsnlocal = "DBI:Pg:dbname=fusionpbx;host="; $dbhlocal->disconnect() if $dbhlocal; $dbhlocal = DBI->connect($dsnlocal, fusionpbx, khbYjlU0wDyYErvvzUHC4zDht7U) || die "Cannot connect to local MySQL server"; $dsnremote = "DBI:mysql:database=billing;host=tms.bitco.co.za"; $dbhremote->disconnect() if $dbhremote; $dbhremote = DBI->connect($dsnremote, $remoteuser, $remotepass) || die "Cannot to remote MySQL server"; $sthlocal = $dbhlocal->prepare($query); $sthlocal->execute(); $sthlocal->bind_columns(\$calldate, \$clid, \$src, \$dst, \$duration, \$billsec, \$accountcode); while($sthlocal->fetch()) { $clid =~ s/\"//g; ($clid) = split(/do("INSERT INTO cdr (calldate, clientcode, clid, src, channel, dst, dstchannel, duration, billsec, disposition, accountcode, uniqueid) VALUES('$calldate', '$clientcode', '$clid', '$src', 'SIP/$src', '$dst', '$dstchannel', '$duration', '$billsec', '$disposition', '$accountcode', '$clientcode')"); `echo $calldate > $tmpfile`; } $sthlocal->finish(); $dbhlocal->disconnect(); $dbhremote->disconnect(); ################################################################################ exit(0);