From Bipin, 8 Years ago, written in FreeSWITCH.
- view diff
  1. $modal is now deprecated. Use $uibModal instead.
  2. Executing MainController.
  3. MainController: WebSocket not connected. Redirecting to login.
  4. Executing MenuController.
  5. Executing SplashScreenController.
  6. Executing ModalSettingsController.
  7. Executing ChatController.
  8. media perm init complete
  9. Attempting to refresh the devices.
  10. enumerating devices
  11. MediaDeviceInfo
  12. audioinput: Default id = default
  13. MediaDeviceInfodeviceId: "communications"groupId: "4204737425"kind: "audioinput"label: "Communications"__proto__: MediaDeviceInfo
  14. audioinput: Communications id = communications
  15. MediaDeviceInfo
  16. audioinput: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) id = f0ceca0920127577edd263ef38b6e316412a27fbec70948ba4acbbfa53eb9dfe
  17. MediaDeviceInfo
  18. audiooutput: Default id = default
  19. MediaDeviceInfo
  20. audiooutput: Communications id = communications
  21. MediaDeviceInfo
  22. audiooutput: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) id = f2f91aecb6c4a7c64d20ea8c0c5a5a562f795bb2e788f324c87dbdd820f8ef03
  23. Audio IN Devices Array[3]
  24. Audio Out Devices Array[3]
  25. Video Devices Array[0]
  26. Devices were refreshed, checking that we have cameras.
  27. googlelogin: false
  28. Executing LoginController.
  29. Attempting to connect to verto.
  30. 320x180 supported.
  31. 320x240 not supported.
  32. 640x360 not supported.
  33. 640x480 not supported.
  34. 1280x720 not supported.
  35. Error:  Object {code: -32000, message: "Authentication Required"}
  36. logged in
  37. Connected to verto server: true
  38. 1920x1080 not supported.
  39. Attempting to refresh video resolutions.
  40. Attempting to sync supported and available resolutions
  41. VQ length: 6
  42. [Array[2]]
  43. VQ length 2: 1
  44. [Object]
  45. qvga_wide
  46. Executing PreviewController.
  47. Speed Test: Up: 25924 Down: 120471
  48. Executing DialPadController.
  49. GET https://localhost:9001/null 404 (Not Found)
  50. Attempting to call destination 2002.
  51. Camera Disabled
  52. Audio constraints Object {mandatory: Object, optional: Array[4]}
  53. Video constraints false
  54. Attempting to refresh the devices.
  55. enumerating devices
  56. -1
  57. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "default", kind: "audioinput", label: "Default", groupId: "2004946474"}
  58. audioinput: Default id = default
  59. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "communications", kind: "audioinput", label: "Communications", groupId: "4204737425"}
  60. audioinput: Communications id = communications
  61. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "f0ceca0920127577edd263ef38b6e316412a27fbec70948ba4acbbfa53eb9dfe", kind: "audioinput", label: "Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)", groupId: "1559950921"}
  62. audioinput: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) id = f0ceca0920127577edd263ef38b6e316412a27fbec70948ba4acbbfa53eb9dfe
  63. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "default", kind: "audiooutput", label: "Default", groupId: "2004946474"}
  64. audiooutput: Default id = default
  65. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "communications", kind: "audiooutput", label: "Communications", groupId: "4204737425"}
  66. audiooutput: Communications id = communications
  67. MediaDeviceInfo {deviceId: "f2f91aecb6c4a7c64d20ea8c0c5a5a562f795bb2e788f324c87dbdd820f8ef03", kind: "audiooutput", label: "Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)", groupId: "1510111246"}
  68. audiooutput: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) id = f2f91aecb6c4a7c64d20ea8c0c5a5a562f795bb2e788f324c87dbdd820f8ef03
  69. Audio IN Devices [Object, Object, Object]
  70. Audio Out Devices [Object, Object, Object]
  71. Video Devices []
  72. Devices were refreshed, checking that we have cameras.
  73. Executing InCallController.
  74. Stream Success
  75. stream started
  76. Offer SDP
  77. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:922509271 1 udp 2122255103 2001::5ef5:79… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 2", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  78. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2237255773 1 udp 2122194687 169.254.101.… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 3", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  79. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:3988902457 1 udp 2122129151… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  80. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:922509271 2 udp 2122255102 2001::5ef5:79… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 2", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  81. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2237255773 2 udp 2122194686 169.254.101.… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 3", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  82. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:3988902457 2 udp 2122129150… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  83. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2021630759 1 tcp 1518275327 2001::5ef5:7… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 2", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  84. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:3420073133 1 tcp 1518214911 169.254.101.… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 3", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  85. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2739023561 1 tcp 1518149375… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  86. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2021630759 2 tcp 1518275326 2001::5ef5:7… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 2", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  87. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:3420073133 2 tcp 1518214910 169.254.101.… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 3", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  88. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:2739023561 2 tcp 1518149374… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  89. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:466725869 1 udp 1685921535… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  90. offer RTCIceCandidate {candidate: "candidate:466725869 2 udp 1685921534… generation 0 ufrag s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr network-id 1", sdpMid: "audio", sdpMLineIndex: 0}
  91. broadcast time-start incall
  92. ICE Complete
  93. ICE SDP
  94. RECV offer SDP v=0
  95. o=- 3018471058368447081 2 IN IP4
  96. s=-
  97. t=0 0
  98. a=group:BUNDLE audio
  99. a=msid-semantic: WMS I6aZuIEDFEgPlqVwboc9SC4C9ebgurNwpuaW
  100. m=audio 52625 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 126
  101. c=IN IP4
  102. a=rtcp:52628 IN IP4
  103. a=candidate:922509271 1 udp 2122255103 2001::5ef5:79fb:38d8:392f:a99c:8344 52623 typ host generation 0 network-id 2
  104. a=candidate:2237255773 1 udp 2122194687 52624 typ host generation 0 network-id 3
  105. a=candidate:3988902457 1 udp 2122129151 52625 typ host generation 0 network-id 1
  106. a=candidate:922509271 2 udp 2122255102 2001::5ef5:79fb:38d8:392f:a99c:8344 52626 typ host generation 0 network-id 2
  107. a=candidate:2237255773 2 udp 2122194686 52627 typ host generation 0 network-id 3
  108. a=candidate:3988902457 2 udp 2122129150 52628 typ host generation 0 network-id 1
  109. a=candidate:2021630759 1 tcp 1518275327 2001::5ef5:79fb:38d8:392f:a99c:8344 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2
  110. a=candidate:3420073133 1 tcp 1518214911 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3
  111. a=candidate:2739023561 1 tcp 1518149375 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1
  112. a=candidate:2021630759 2 tcp 1518275326 2001::5ef5:79fb:38d8:392f:a99c:8344 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 2
  113. a=candidate:3420073133 2 tcp 1518214910 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 3
  114. a=candidate:2739023561 2 tcp 1518149374 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 network-id 1
  115. a=candidate:466725869 1 udp 1685921535 52625 typ srflx raddr rport 52625 generation 0 network-id 1
  116. a=candidate:466725869 2 udp 1685921534 52628 typ srflx raddr rport 52628 generation 0 network-id 1
  117. a=ice-ufrag:s++TdQnUXpWu0DOr
  118. a=ice-pwd:TQCtkr2gdDWnAHi12lTZnYYv
  119. a=fingerprint:sha-256 B6:24:49:5E:BB:CE:18:F9:BF:2A:14:65:95:B1:6A:6D:54:B1:7B:AF:4D:CD:3B:D1:AC:DF:38:E9:D6:60:25:D9
  120. a=setup:actpass
  121. a=mid:audio
  122. a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
  123. a=extmap:3
  124. a=sendrecv
  125. a=rtcp-mux
  126. a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
  127. a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc
  128. a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1
  129. a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
  130. a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
  131. a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
  132. a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
  133. a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
  134. a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
  135. a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
  136. a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
  137. a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
  138. a=maxptime:60
  139. a=ssrc:164895446 cname:7y6XBJM1HSeAZDum
  140. a=ssrc:164895446 msid:I6aZuIEDFEgPlqVwboc9SC4C9ebgurNwpuaW 6ca3b444-ad8a-478b-9968-8e203b627b10
  141. a=ssrc:164895446 mslabel:I6aZuIEDFEgPlqVwboc9SC4C9ebgurNwpuaW
  142. a=ssrc:164895446 label:6ca3b444-ad8a-478b-9968-8e203b627b10
  144. Dialog f00246a4-2136-48ef-5f03-5b58fe15b677: state change from new to requesting
  145. onDialogState: $.v…o.dialog {params: Object, verto: $.verto, direction: Object, lastState: Object, state: Object…}
  146. Got a not implemented state: $.v…o.dialog {params: Object, verto: $.verto, direction: Object, lastState: Object, state: Object…}
  147. Dialog f00246a4-2136-48ef-5f03-5b58fe15b677: state change from requesting to trying
  148. onDialogState: $.v…o.dialog {params: Object, verto: $.verto, direction: Object, lastState: Object, state: Object…}
  149. Calling: Outbound Call <2002>
  150. Attempting to hangup the current call.
  151. Dialog f00246a4-2136-48ef-5f03-5b58fe15b677: state change from trying to hangup
  152. onDialogState: $.v…o.dialog {params: Object, verto: $.verto, direction: Object, lastState: Object, state: Object…}
  153. Call ended with cause: NORMAL CLEARING
  154. Dialog f00246a4-2136-48ef-5f03-5b58fe15b677: state change from hangup to destroy
  155. onDialogState: $.v…o.dialog {params: Object, verto: $.verto, direction: Object, lastState: Object, state: Object…}
  156. Destroying: NORMAL CLEARING
  157. stopConference()
  158. Doesn't found data.liveArray.
  159. Redirecting to dialpad page.
  160. not digest
  161. [MediaStreamTrack]
  162. MediaStreamTrack {kind: "audio", id: "6ca3b444-ad8a-478b-9968-8e203b627b10", label: "Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)", enabled: true, muted: false…}
  163. stopping peer
  164. The call was hangup.
  165. Executing DialPadController.

Replies to chrome console rss

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Mr. lxbfYeaa php 7 Months ago.