- function _toConsumableArray(a) {
- if (Array.isArray(a)) {
- for (var b = 0, c = Array(a.length); b < a.length; b++) c[b] = a[b];
- return c
- }
- return Array.from(a)
- }
- function _classCallCheck(a, b) {
- if (!(a instanceof b)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function')
- }
- function _classCallCheck(a, b) {
- if (!(a instanceof b)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function')
- }
- function _toConsumableArray(a) {
- if (Array.isArray(a)) {
- for (var b = 0, c = Array(a.length); b < a.length; b++) c[b] = a[b];
- return c
- }
- return Array.from(a)
- }
- function _objectWithoutProperties(a, b) {
- var c = {
- };
- for (var d in a) b.indexOf(d) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && (c[d] = a[d]);
- return c
- }
- define('core/utils/getEmbeddedData', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a) {
- var b = window.document.getElementById('disqus-' + a);
- try {
- return b && JSON.parse(b.textContent || b.innerHTML)
- } catch (c) {
- return null
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/cookies', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = {
- _doc: window.document,
- create: function (b, c, d) {
- d || (d = {
- });
- var e = b + '=' + c + '; path=' + (d.path || '/'),
- f = d.domain,
- g = d.expiresIn;
- if (f && (e += '; domain=.' + f), '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(g)) {
- var h = new Date((new Date).getTime() + g);
- e += '; expires=' + h.toGMTString()
- }
- 'https:' === a._doc.location.protocol && (e += '; secure'),
- e += '; SameSite=None',
- a._doc.cookie = e
- },
- read: function (b) {
- for (var c, d = b + '=', e = a._doc.cookie.split(';'), f = 0; f < e.length; f++) if (c = e[f].replace(/^\s+/, ''), 0 === c.indexOf(d)) return c.substring(d.length);
- return null
- },
- erase: function (b, c) {
- var d = {
- };
- for (var e in c) c.hasOwnProperty(e) && (d[e] = c[e]);
- return d.expiresIn = - 1,
- a.create(b, '', d)
- },
- supported: function () {
- return a.create('cookie_support', '1'),
- '1' === a.read('cookie_support') && (a.erase('cookie_support'), !0)
- }
- };
- return a
- }),
- define('core/utils/fingerprint', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- function a(a) {
- a = a || {
- };
- var b = a.Math || window.Math,
- c = a.Date || window.Date;
- try {
- var d = (new c).getTimezoneOffset(),
- e = 1,
- f = window.screen;
- f && f.availWidth ? e = f.availWidth * f.availHeight + f.colorDepth : f && f.width && (e = f.width * f.height);
- var g = window.document.documentElement,
- h = g.clientWidth * g.clientHeight;
- return b.abs(17 * d + 25 * e - h)
- } catch (i) {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return {
- get: a
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/guid', [
- 'core/utils/fingerprint'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- a = a || {
- };
- var b = a.Uint32Array || window.Uint32Array,
- c = a.crypto || window.crypto,
- d = a.Math || window.Math;
- try {
- var e = new b(1);
- return c.getRandomValues(e),
- e[0]
- } catch (f) {
- return d.floor(1000000000 * d.random())
- }
- }
- function c() {
- var a = window.performance,
- b = a && a.timing;
- if (!b) return 100000;
- var c = b.domainLookupEnd - b.domainLookupStart,
- d = b.connectEnd - b.connectStart,
- e = b.responseStart - b.navigationStart;
- return 11 * c + 13 * d + 17 * e
- }
- function d(d) {
- d = d || {
- };
- var e = d.Math || window.Math,
- f = Number((new Date).getTime().toString().substring(3)),
- g = e.abs(f + c() - a.get()).toString(32);
- return g += b(d).toString(32)
- }
- return {
- generate: d
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/hash', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = function (a) {
- var b,
- c,
- d,
- e = 0;
- if (0 === a.length) return e;
- for (b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) d = a.charCodeAt(b),
- e = (e << 5) - e + d,
- e |= 0;
- return e
- };
- return {
- calculate: a
- }
- }),
- define('core/analytics/identity', [
- 'exports',
- 'core/utils/cookies',
- 'core/utils/guid',
- 'core/utils/hash',
- 'core/utils/fingerprint'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = !1,
- g = a.ImpressionManager = function () {
- this.isPrivate = !0,
- this.impId = c.generate()
- };
- g.prototype.COOKIE_NAME = '__jid',
- g.prototype.TTL = 1800000,
- g.prototype.init = function (a) {
- this.isPrivate = a && a.isPrivate,
- this.isPrivate || (this.prevImp = b.read(this.COOKIE_NAME)),
- this.persist()
- },
- g.prototype.setImpressionId = function (a) {
- this.impId = a,
- this.persist()
- },
- g.prototype.persist = function () {
- return this.isPrivate ? void b.erase(this.COOKIE_NAME) : void b.create(this.COOKIE_NAME, this.impId, {
- expiresIn: this.TTL
- })
- };
- var h = a.UniqueManager = function () {
- this.isPrivate = !0
- };
- h.prototype.COOKIE_NAME = 'disqus_unique',
- h.prototype.TTL = 31536000000,
- h.prototype.init = function (a) {
- return this.isPrivate = a && a.isPrivate,
- this.isPrivate ? void b.erase(this.COOKIE_NAME, {
- domain: window.location.host.split(':') [0]
- }) : (this.value = b.read(this.COOKIE_NAME) || c.generate(), void b.create(this.COOKIE_NAME, this.value, {
- domain: window.location.host.split(':') [0],
- expiresIn: this.TTL
- }))
- },
- h.prototype.isPersistent = function () {
- return !this.isPrivate && b.read(this.COOKIE_NAME) === this.value
- },
- a.init = function (b, c) {
- f && !c || (a.impression.init(b), a.unique.init(b), f = !0)
- },
- a.reset = function () {
- f = !1,
- a.impression = new g,
- a.unique = new h
- },
- a.reset(),
- a.clientId = function () {
- var b,
- c = a.unique;
- return c.isPersistent() && (b = c.value),
- b || e.get().toString()
- },
- a.getPercentBucketForString = function (a, b) {
- var c = 100,
- e = Math.abs(d.calculate(a));
- if (b) {
- var f = Math.pow(10, b);
- return e % (c * f) / f
- }
- return e % c
- },
- a.clientPercent = function () {
- return a.getPercentBucketForString(a.clientId())
- }
- }),
- define('core/config/urls', [
- 'common/urls'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return a
- }),
- define('core/analytics/jester', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/analytics/identity',
- 'core/config/urls'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.Model.extend({
- url: e.jester + '/event.js',
- defaults: {
- experiment: 'default',
- variant: 'control'
- },
- setHostReferrer: function (a) {
- a ? a.indexOf('http') === - 1 || this.set('page_referrer', a) : this.set('page_referrer', 'direct')
- },
- decoratePayload: function (c) {
- c.event || (c.event = 'activity'),
- c = b.extend(this.toJSON(), c),
- b.extend(c, {
- imp: d.impression.impId,
- prev_imp: d.impression.prevImp
- }),
- c.section || (c.section = 'default'),
- c.area || (c.area = 'n/a');
- var e = a.param(c).length;
- if (e > 2048 && this.has('page_referrer')) {
- var f = window.document.createElement('a');
- f.href = this.get('page_referrer');
- var g = f.hostname;
- g && (c.page_referrer_domain = g),
- delete c.page_referrer
- }
- return c
- },
- emit: function (c) {
- return a.ajax({
- url: b.result(this, 'url'),
- data: this.decoratePayload(c),
- dataType: 'script',
- cache: !0
- })
- }
- }),
- g = function (b) {
- var c = new window.Image;
- return c.src = e.jester + '/stat.gif?' + a.param({
- event: b
- }),
- c
- },
- h = function (c, d) {
- if (!b.any(d, function (a) {
- return a < 0
- })) {
- b.each(d, function (a, b) {
- d[b] = Math.round(a)
- });
- var f = new window.Image;
- return f.src = e.jester + '/telemetry/' + c + '.gif?' + a.param(d),
- f
- }
- },
- i = new f;
- return i.setHostReferrer(window.document.referrer),
- {
- ActivityClient: f,
- client: i,
- logStat: g,
- telemetry: h
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/urls', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = {
- },
- b = window.document.createElement('a');
- return a.getOrigin = function (a) {
- b.href = a;
- var c = b.href.split('/');
- return c[0] + '//' + c[2]
- },
- a.getHostName = function (a) {
- return b.href = a,
- b.hostname
- },
- a.getDomainPart = function (b, c) {
- 'undefined' == typeof c && (c = 0);
- var d = a.getHostName(b),
- e = d.split('.').reverse();
- return e[c]
- },
- a.getQuery = function (a) {
- return b.href = a,
- b.search
- },
- a.getPathname = function (a) {
- return b.href = a,
- b.pathname
- },
- a
- }),
- define('core/frameBus', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils/urls'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = window.opener || window.parent,
- f = window.name,
- g = window.document.referrer,
- h = {
- };
- h.client = d.getOrigin(window.document.location.href),
- h.secureClient = h.client.replace(/^\w+:\/\//, 'https://'),
- h.host = g ? d.getOrigin(g) : h.client;
- var i = {
- origins: h,
- messageHandler: function (a) {
- a = a.originalEvent;
- var b;
- try {
- b = JSON.parse(a.data)
- } catch (c) {
- return
- }
- b.name && '!' === b.name[0] && a.origin !== h.client && a.origin !== h.secureClient || 'client' === b.scope && i.trigger(b.name, b.data)
- },
- postMessage: function (a) {
- a = JSON.stringify(a),
- e.postMessage(a, '*')
- },
- sendHostMessage: function (a, b) {
- b = b || [
- ],
- i.postMessage({
- scope: 'host',
- sender: f,
- name: a,
- data: b
- })
- }
- };
- return b.extend(i, c.Events),
- a(window).on('message', i.messageHandler),
- a(window).on('unload', function () {
- i.sendHostMessage('die')
- }),
- window.DISQUS = window.DISQUS || {
- },
- window.DISQUS.Bus = i,
- i
- }),
- define('core/bus', [
- 'backbone',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/frameBus'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.extend({
- }, a.Events);
- return d.frame = c,
- d
- }),
- define('core/utils/storage', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = function (a) {
- var b = '_dsqstorage_';
- try {
- return a.localStorage.setItem(b, b),
- a.localStorage.getItem(b),
- a.localStorage.removeItem(b),
- !0
- } catch (c) {
- return !1
- }
- }(window),
- b = function () {
- var a = {
- };
- return {
- getItem: function (b) {
- return a.hasOwnProperty(b) ? a[b] : null
- },
- setItem: function (b, c) {
- a[b] = String(c)
- },
- removeItem: function (b) {
- delete a[b]
- },
- clear: function () {
- a = {
- }
- }
- }
- }();
- return {
- get: function (a) {
- var b = null;
- try {
- return b = this.backend.getItem(a),
- JSON.parse(b)
- } catch (c) {
- return b
- }
- },
- set: function (a, b) {
- try {
- this.backend.setItem(a, JSON.stringify(b))
- } catch (c) {
- }
- },
- remove: function (a) {
- try {
- this.backend.removeItem(a)
- } catch (b) {
- }
- },
- clear: function () {
- try {
- this.backend.clear()
- } catch (a) {
- }
- },
- backend: a ? window.localStorage : b,
- isPersistent: a
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/auth', [
- 'core/utils/cookies'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = {
- },
- c = 'disqusauth';
- return b.getFromCookie = function () {
- var b = (a.read(c) || '').replace(/"/g, '').split('|');
- !b || b[1] && b[6] || (b = [
- ], a.erase(c, {
- }));
- var d = parseInt(b[6] || '0', 10);
- return {
- avatarUrl: b[7] ? decodeURIComponent(b[7]) : void 0,
- datetimeFormatting: parseInt(b[4], 10) ? 'absolute' : 'relative',
- id: d,
- isModerator: parseInt(b[8], 10) > 0,
- staff: Boolean(parseInt(b[2], 10)),
- tzOffset: b[5],
- username: b[1],
- isAuthenticated: Boolean(d && '0' !== d)
- }
- },
- b
- }),
- define('core/switches', [
- 'underscore',
- 'remote/config',
- 'core/analytics/identity',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/utils/auth'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = 'switch:',
- g = {
- },
- h = {
- };
- return h._getKey = function (a) {
- return f + a
- },
- h.disableFeature = function (a) {
- g[a] = !1
- },
- h.resetFeature = function (a) {
- g[a] = null
- },
- h.forceFeature = function (a) {
- g[a] = !0
- },
- h.getSwitchContext = function (a) {
- var c = d.get(this._getKey(a));
- if (null !== c) return c;
- var e = g[a];
- return null != e ? e : (b.lounge && b.lounge.switches || {
- }) [a]
- },
- h.isFeatureActive = function (b, d) {
- var f = h.getSwitchContext(b);
- if (a.isBoolean(f)) return f;
- if (!f) return !1;
- var g = e.getFromCookie(),
- i = {
- percent: c.clientPercent(),
- user_id: g.id,
- username: g.username,
- is_staff: g.staff,
- is_moderator: g.isModerator
- },
- j = a.defaults(d || {
- }, i);
- return a.any(f, function (b, d) {
- var e = j[d];
- if (/percent$/.test(d) && a.isNumber(b)) {
- if (a.isNumber(e)) return b > e;
- if (a.isString(e)) {
- var f = 0;
- return b !== Math.round(b) && (f = b.toString().split('.').pop().length),
- b > c.getPercentBucketForString(e, f)
- }
- return !1
- }
- return a.isArray(b) ? a.contains(b, e) : b === e
- })
- },
- h
- }),
- define('core/utils/url/serializeArgs', [
- 'require',
- 'exports',
- 'module',
- 'core/utils/collection/each'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = a('core/utils/collection/each');
- c.exports = function (a) {
- var b = [
- ];
- return d(a, function (a, c) {
- void 0 !== a && b.push(encodeURIComponent(c) + (null === a ? '' : '=' + encodeURIComponent(a)))
- }),
- b.join('&')
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/url/serialize', [
- 'require',
- 'exports',
- 'module',
- 'core/utils/url/serializeArgs'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = a('core/utils/url/serializeArgs');
- c.exports = function e(a, b, c) {
- if (b && (a.indexOf('?') === - 1 ? a += '?' : '&' !== a.charAt(a.length - 1) && (a += '&'), a += d(b)), c) {
- var f = {
- };
- return f[(new Date).getTime()] = null,
- e(a, f)
- }
- var g = a.length;
- return '&' === a.charAt(g - 1) ? a.slice(0, g - 1) : a
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/isAdBlockEnabled', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- function a() {
- var a = d.createElement('div');
- return a.setAttribute('class', 'pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links ad-text adSense adBlock adContent adBanner'),
- a.setAttribute('style', 'width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important;'),
- a
- }
- function b(a) {
- if (null === a.offsetParent || 0 === a.offsetHeight || 0 === a.offsetLeft || 0 === a.offsetTop || 0 === a.offsetWidth || 0 === a.clientHeight || 0 === a.clientWidth) return !0;
- if (void 0 !== window.getComputedStyle) {
- var b = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
- if (b && ('none' === b.getPropertyValue('display') || 'hidden' === b.getPropertyValue('visibility'))) return !0
- }
- return !1
- }
- var c = 100,
- d = window.document;
- return function (e) {
- var f = a();
- d.body.appendChild(f),
- setTimeout(function () {
- var a = b(f);
- d.body.removeChild(f),
- e(a)
- }, c)
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/html/toRGBColorString', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = 'Color components should be numbers.';
- return function (b) {
- var c = Number(b.red),
- d = Number(b.green),
- e = Number(b.blue);
- if (isNaN(c) || isNaN(d) || isNaN(e)) throw new Error(a);
- var f = 'rgb',
- g = [
- c,
- d,
- e
- ],
- h = b.alpha;
- if (h) {
- if (h = Number(h), isNaN(h)) throw new Error(a);
- f += 'a',
- g.push(h)
- }
- return f + '(' + g + ')'
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/lang/isString', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a) {
- return '[object String]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(a)
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/html/setInlineStyle', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/collection/each',
- 'core/utils/lang/isString',
- 'core/utils/object/extend'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- return a.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase()
- }
- var c = a('core/utils/collection/each'),
- d = a('core/utils/lang/isString'),
- e = a('core/utils/object/extend');
- return function (a, f, g) {
- var h = {
- };
- d(f) ? h[f] = g : h = f;
- var i = e({
- }, h);
- c(i, function (a, c) {
- var d = b(c);
- d !== c && (delete i[c], i[d] = a),
- null === a && (i[d] = ''),
- void 0 === a && delete i[d]
- });
- var j = a.style;
- c(i, function (a, b) {
- j.setProperty(b, String(a), 'important')
- })
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/html/parseColor', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/html/setInlineStyle'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- return a.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase()
- }
- function c(a) {
- return a = a.replace(/^#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])$/, '#$1$1$2$2$3$3'),
- a = a.slice(1),
- {
- red: parseInt(a.slice(0, 2), 16),
- green: parseInt(a.slice(2, 4), 16),
- blue: parseInt(a.slice(4, 6), 16)
- }
- }
- function d(a) {
- var b = a.match(/^rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)$/);
- return {
- red: parseInt(b[1], 10),
- green: parseInt(b[2], 10),
- blue: parseInt(b[3], 10)
- }
- }
- function e(a) {
- var b = a.match(/^rgba\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),([\d.]+)\)$/);
- return {
- red: parseInt(b[1], 10),
- green: parseInt(b[2], 10),
- blue: parseInt(b[3], 10),
- alpha: parseFloat(b[4])
- }
- }
- function f(a, b, c, d) {
- return b = window.document.createElement(b),
- h(b, {
- visibility: 'hidden',
- color: c
- }),
- a.appendChild(b),
- c = d(b),
- a.removeChild(b),
- c
- }
- function g(a, c) {
- c = c || {
- };
- var e = c.container || window.document.body;
- return window.getComputedStyle ? (a = f(e, 'span', a, function (a) {
- return window.getComputedStyle(a, null).getPropertyValue('color')
- }), d(b(a))) : (a = f(e, 'textarea', a, function (a) {
- return a.createTextRange().queryCommandValue('ForeColor')
- }), {
- red: 255 & a,
- blue: a >>> 16,
- green: (65280 & a) >>> 8
- })
- }
- var h = a('core/utils/html/setInlineStyle');
- return function (a, f) {
- a = b(a);
- var h;
- if ('transparent' === a) return {
- red: 0,
- green: 0,
- blue: 0,
- alpha: 0
- };
- if ('#' === a.charAt(0)) h = c;
- else if ('rgba(' === a.slice(0, 5)) h = e;
- else if ('rgb(' === a.slice(0, 4)) h = d;
- else {
- if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(a)) throw new Error('parseColor received unparseable color: ' + a);
- h = g
- }
- return h(a, f)
- }
- }),
- define('core/host/globalFromSandbox', [
- 'require'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = window.document,
- c = b.createElement('iframe');
- return c.style.display = 'none',
- function (a, d) {
- var e = d && d[a] || null;
- try {
- return c.parentNode !== b.body && b.body.appendChild(c),
- c.contentWindow[a] || e
- } catch (f) {
- return e
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/host/utils', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/browser',
- 'core/utils/lang/isString',
- 'core/utils/html/getCurrentStyle',
- 'core/utils/html/parseColor',
- 'core/host/globalFromSandbox'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- for (var b = [
- /(https?:)?\/\/(www\.)?disqus\.com\/forums\/([\w_-]+)/i,
- /(https?:)?\/\/(www\.)?([\w_-]+)\.disqus\.com/i,
- /(https?:)?\/\/(www\.)?dev\.disqus\.org\/forums\/([\w_-]+)/i,
- /(https?:)?\/\/(www\.)?([\w_-]+)\.dev\.disqus\.org/i
- ], c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
- var d = a.match(b[c]);
- if (d && d.length && 4 === d.length) return d[3]
- }
- return null
- }
- function c(a, c, d) {
- var e = a.querySelector('script[src*="disqus"][src$="' + c + '"]');
- if (e) {
- var f = e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute('src') : e.src;
- d = d || b;
- var g = d(f);
- return g ? g.toLowerCase() : null
- }
- return null
- }
- function d(a, b) {
- var c,
- d,
- e = 0,
- f = new Array(a.length);
- for (c = 0; c <= a.length; c++) for (f[c] = new Array(b.length), d = 0; d <= b.length; d++) f[c][d] = 0;
- for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) a[c] === b[d] && (f[c + 1][d + 1] = f[c][d] + 1, f[c + 1][d + 1] > e && (e = f[c + 1][d + 1]));
- return e
- }
- function e() {
- for (var a = t.getElementsByTagName('h1'), b = t.title, c = b.length, e = b, f = 0.6, g = function (a) {
- var g,
- h = a.textContent || a.innerText;
- null !== h && void 0 !== h && (g = d(b, h) / c, g > f && (f = g, e = h))
- }, h = 0; h < a.length; h++) g(a[h]);
- return e
- }
- function f(a) {
- return a.toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').replace(/['"]/g, '')
- }
- function g(a) {
- var b = 0,
- c = 1,
- d = 2;
- if (!s('atob') || !s('requestAnimationFrame')) return c;
- try {
- a.postMessage('ping', '*')
- } catch (e) {
- return d
- }
- return b
- }
- function h(a, b, c) {
- c = c || b;
- var d = q(a, b, c);
- return !d || /color/i.test(b) && 0 === r(d).alpha ? a && h(a.parentNode, b, c) || d : d || null
- }
- function i(a, b, c, d) {
- p(b) && (b = t.createElement(b));
- var e = null;
- return b.style.visibility = 'hidden',
- a.appendChild(b),
- e = h(b, c, d),
- a.removeChild(b),
- e
- }
- function j(a) {
- for (var b, c = i(a, 'span', 'font-family', 'fontFamily'), d = c.split(','), e = {
- courier: 1,
- times: 1,
- 'times new roman': 1,
- georgia: 1,
- palatino: 1,
- serif: 1
- }, g = 0; g < d.length; g++) if (b = f(d[g]), e.hasOwnProperty(b)) return !0;
- return !1
- }
- function k(a) {
- var b = t.createElement('a');
- return b.href = Number(new Date),
- r(i(a, b, 'color'), {
- container: a
- })
- }
- function l(a) {
- var b = a.red,
- c = a.green,
- d = a.blue;
- if (a.hasOwnProperty('alpha')) {
- var e = a.alpha,
- f = function (a) {
- return Math.round(a * e + 255 * (1 - e))
- };
- b = f(b),
- c = f(c),
- d = f(d)
- }
- return (299 * b + 587 * c + 114 * d) / 1000
- }
- function m(a) {
- var b = i(a, 'span', 'background-color', 'backgroundColor'),
- c = r(b, {
- container: a
- });
- return 0 === c.alpha ? 'light' : l(c) < 128 ? 'dark' : 'light'
- }
- function n(a) {
- var b = k(a);
- return 0 === b.alpha ? 'light' : l(b) < 128 ? 'dark' : 'light'
- }
- var o = a('core/utils/browser'),
- p = a('core/utils/lang/isString'),
- q = a('core/utils/html/getCurrentStyle'),
- r = a('core/utils/html/parseColor'),
- s = a('core/host/globalFromSandbox'),
- t = window.document,
- u = function () {
- var a,
- b,
- c = function () {
- return !1
- };
- if ('hidden' in t) a = 'hidden',
- b = 'visibilitychange';
- else {
- if (!('webkitHidden' in t)) return {
- isHidden: c,
- listen: c,
- stopListening: c
- };
- a = 'webkitHidden',
- b = 'webkitvisibilitychange'
- }
- return {
- isHidden: function () {
- return t[a]
- },
- listen: function (a) {
- return t.addEventListener(b, a)
- },
- stopListening: function (a) {
- return t.removeEventListener(b, a)
- }
- }
- }(),
- v = function () {
- var a = t.createElement('div');
- a.style.visibility = 'hidden',
- a.style.width = '100px',
- a.style.msOverflowStyle = 'scrollbar',
- t.body.appendChild(a);
- var b = a.offsetWidth;
- a.style.overflow = 'scroll';
- var c = t.createElement('div');
- c.style.width = '100%',
- a.appendChild(c);
- var d = c.offsetWidth;
- return a.parentNode.removeChild(a),
- b - d
- },
- w = {
- getItem: function (a) {
- try {
- return window.localStorage.getItem(a)
- } catch (b) {
- }
- },
- setItem: function (a, b) {
- try {
- return window.localStorage.setItem(a, b)
- } catch (c) {
- }
- }
- },
- x = 1,
- y = function (a) {
- if (a.nodeType === x) {
- var b = q(a, 'max-height', 'maxHeight'),
- c = q(a, 'overflow-y', 'overflowY');
- return b && 'none' !== b && c && 'visible' !== c
- }
- },
- z = 4,
- A = function (a) {
- if (a.nodeType === x) return a.scrollHeight - a.clientHeight > z
- },
- B = function () {
- if (t.querySelector) {
- var a = t.querySelector('link[rel=canonical]');
- if (a) return a.href
- }
- };
- return {
- MAX_Z_INDEX: 2147483647,
- getShortnameFromUrl: b,
- getForum: c,
- guessThreadTitle: e,
- getContrastYIQ: l,
- getColorScheme: m,
- getElementStyle: i,
- getAnchorColor: k,
- getAnchorColorScheme: n,
- normalizeFontValue: f,
- isSerif: j,
- getBrowserSupport: g,
- pageVisibility: u,
- getScrollbarWidth: v,
- browser: o,
- storage: w,
- appearsToHideContent: y,
- hasOverflow: A,
- getCanonicalUrl: B
- }
- }),
- define('common/utils', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'loglevel',
- 'common/main',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/host/utils',
- 'core/utils/cookies',
- 'core/utils/html/parseColor'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = window.document,
- j = {
- };
- j.globalUniqueId = function (a) {
- return b.uniqueId(a) + '_' + Number(new Date)
- },
- j.setPublisherColor = function (a) {
- i.documentElement.style.setProperty('--publisher-color', a);
- var b = f.getContrastYIQ(h(a));
- b > 5 && b < 250 && i.documentElement.style.setProperty('--publisher-color-safe', a)
- },
- j.addStylesheetRules = function (a) {
- function c() {
- var e = b.find(i.styleSheets, function (a) {
- var b = a.ownerNode || a.owningElement;
- return b.id === d
- });
- if (!e) return void setTimeout(c, 50);
- for (var f = 0, g = a.length; f < g; f++) {
- var h = 1,
- j = a[f],
- k = j[0],
- l = '';
- '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(j[1][0]) && (j = j[1], h = 0);
- for (var m = j.length; h < m; h++) {
- var n = j[h];
- l += n[0] + ':' + n[1] + (n[2] ? ' !important' : '') + ';\n'
- }
- e.insertRule ? e.insertRule(k + '{' + l + '}', e.cssRules.length) : e.addRule(k, l, - 1)
- }
- }
- var d = 'css_' + (new Date).getTime(),
- e = i.createElement('style');
- e.id = d,
- i.getElementsByTagName('head') [0].appendChild(e),
- window.createPopup || e.appendChild(i.createTextNode('')),
- c()
- };
- var k = j.CORS = {
- handler: function (a, b, c) {
- a && c >= 200 && c < 300 ? a() : b && (c < 200 || c >= 300) && b()
- },
- XHR2: function (a, b, c, d) {
- var e = k.handler,
- f = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
- return f.open(a, b, !0),
- f.onreadystatechange = function () {
- f.readyState === window.XMLHttpRequest.DONE && e(c, d, f.status)
- },
- f
- }
- };
- k.request = function () {
- return 'withCredentials' in new window.XMLHttpRequest ? k.XHR2 : function () {
- return null
- }
- }(),
- j.isWindowClosed = function (a) {
- if (!a) return !0;
- try {
- return a.closed || void 0 === a.closed
- } catch (b) {
- return !0
- }
- },
- j.truncate = function (a, b, c) {
- return c = c || '...',
- a.length > b ? a.slice(0, b) + c : a
- },
- j.extractDomainForCookies = function (a) {
- return a.split('/') [2].replace(/:[0-9]+/, '')
- },
- j.cookies = {
- domain: j.extractDomainForCookies(e.root),
- create: function (a, b) {
- var c = 31536000000;
- g.create(a, b, {
- domain: j.cookies.domain,
- expiresIn: c
- })
- },
- read: g.read,
- erase: function (a) {
- g.erase(a, {
- domain: j.cookies.domain
- })
- }
- },
- j.updateURL = function (a, c) {
- var d,
- e = i.createElement('a');
- return c = c || {
- },
- e.href = a,
- c.hostname && c.hostname.match(/\.$/) && (c.hostname += e.hostname),
- d = b.extend({
- protocol: e.protocol,
- hostname: e.hostname,
- pathname: e.pathname,
- search: e.search
- }, c),
- d.pathname.match(/^\//) || (d.pathname = '/' + d.pathname),
- d.protocol + '//' + d.hostname + d.pathname + d.search
- },
- j.injectBaseElement = function (a, b) {
- b = b || i;
- var c = b.getElementsByTagName('base') [0] || b.createElement('base');
- c.target = '_parent',
- a ? c.href = a : c.removeAttribute('href'),
- c.parentNode || (b.head || b.getElementsByTagName('head') [0]).appendChild(c)
- },
- j.syntaxHighlighter = function () {
- var c = 1,
- e = 2,
- f = null,
- g = null,
- h = [
- ],
- i = {
- highlight: function (a) {
- null === g && i._load(),
- h.push(a),
- g === e && i.scheduleHighlight()
- },
- _highlight: function (b) {
- var c = a(b).html();
- a(b).html(c.replace(/^<br>/, '')),
- f.highlightBlock(b),
- i.scheduleHighlight()
- },
- scheduleHighlight: function () {
- var a = h.shift();
- a && window.requestAnimationFrame(b.bind(i._highlight, i, a))
- },
- _load: function () {
- g = c,
- d.loadCss('https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/styles/highlight.3128dd90ecaebd8542ac3442033f3f00.css'),
- require(['common/vendor_extensions/highlight'], function (a) {
- g = e,
- f = a,
- i.scheduleHighlight()
- })
- }
- };
- return i
- }();
- var l = a('html');
- j.getPageHeight = function () {
- var b = a('#tos__message'),
- c = b.outerHeight();
- return c && (c += b.offset().top),
- Math.max(c, l.height())
- },
- j.calculatePositionFullscreen = function () {
- return {
- pageOffset: a(window).scrollTop(),
- height: i.documentElement.clientHeight,
- frameOffset: {
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- }
- }
- },
- j.triggerClick = function (a, b) {
- var c,
- d,
- e = a[0],
- f = {
- altKey: !1,
- button: 0,
- ctrlKey: !1,
- metaKey: !1,
- shiftKey: !1
- };
- if (i.createEvent) {
- if (c = i.createEvent('MouseEvents'), b) for (d in f) f.hasOwnProperty(d) && b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (f[d] = b[d]);
- c.initMouseEvent('click', !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, f.ctrlKey, f.altKey, f.shiftKey, f.metaKey, 0, null),
- e.dispatchEvent && e.dispatchEvent(c)
- } else if (i.createEventObject) {
- if (c = i.createEventObject(), c.eventType = 'click', b) for (d in f) f.hasOwnProperty(d) && b.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = b[d]);
- e.fireEvent('onclick', c)
- }
- },
- j.delayLinkClick = function (a, c) {
- a.preventDefault(),
- b.delay(b.bind(j.triggerClick, this, c, a.originalEvent), 100)
- },
- j.mixin = function (a, c, d) {
- var e = a.prototype,
- f = b.extend({
- }, c, d);
- if (b.defaults(e, f), b.defaults(e.events, f.events), void 0 !== e.initialize && void 0 !== f.initialize) {
- var g = e.initialize;
- e.initialize = function () {
- var a = g.apply(this, arguments);
- return f.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- a
- }
- }
- return a
- },
- j.extractService = function (b, c) {
- var d = '[data-action^=' + c + ']',
- e = a(b);
- e = e.is(d) && e || e.closest(d);
- var f = e.attr('data-action') || ':',
- g = f.split(':') [1];
- return g
- },
- j.getConfigFromHash = function (a) {
- var d,
- e = a.location.hash;
- try {
- d = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(String(e).substr(1)))
- } catch (f) {
- c.debug('Failed to parse config from URL hash', f)
- }
- return b.isObject(d) ? d : {
- }
- };
- var m = /[<>]|:\/\//;
- return j.isPlainText = function (a) {
- return !a.match(m)
- },
- j.isDNTEnabled = function (a) {
- return a || (a = window),
- '1' === a.navigator.doNotTrack || 'yes' === a.navigator.doNotTrack || '1' === a.navigator.msDoNotTrack
- },
- j.shouldSample = function (a) {
- var b = parseInt(a, 10);
- return !!b && (!(b > 100) && Math.random() < b / 100)
- },
- j.decorate = function () {
- var a,
- c = b.toArray(arguments),
- d = c.pop();
- return b.isFunction(d) || (a = d, d = c.pop()),
- b.reduceRight(c, function (b, c) {
- return c.call(a || this, b)
- }, function () {
- return d.apply(a || this, arguments)
- })
- },
- j
- }),
- define('lounge/common', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a,
- b = function (b) {
- a = b
- },
- c = function () {
- return a
- };
- return {
- setLounge: b,
- getLounge: c
- }
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('lounge/tracking', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'raven',
- 'core/analytics/identity',
- 'core/analytics/jester',
- 'core/bus',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/hash',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/utils/isAdBlockEnabled',
- 'core/utils/html/toRGBColorString',
- 'remote/config',
- 'common/utils',
- 'common/main',
- 'lounge/common'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q) {
- 'use strict';
- function r(n, q) {
- function r(a, c, f) {
- var i = {
- abe: f ? '1' : '0',
- embed_hidden: q.config.isBehindClick ? '1' : '0',
- integration: q.config.integration,
- load_time: Number(new Date) - p.timings.initStart - (p.timings.renderStart && p.timings.bootstrapStart ? p.timings.renderStart - p.timings.bootstrapStart : 0)
- };
- if (h.isFeatureActive('init_embed_activity')) b.extend(i, {
- verb: 'load',
- object_type: 'product',
- object_id: 'embed'
- }),
- e.client.emit(i);
- else {
- var j = a.user.id,
- l = o.isDNTEnabled();
- b.extend(i, {
- event: 'init_embed',
- thread: C,
- forum: z,
- forum_id: A,
- imp: d.impression.impId,
- prev_imp: d.impression.prevImp,
- thread_slug: B.get('slug'),
- user_type: a.user.get('user_type') || 'anon',
- referrer: n.document.referrer,
- theme: 'next',
- dnt: l ? '1' : '0',
- tracking_enabled: c ? '1' : '0'
- }, q.config.experiment),
- j && '0' !== j && (i.user_id = j);
- var m = y.get('settings');
- m && b.has(m, 'adsProductLinksEnabled') && b.extend(i, {
- promoted_enabled: m.adsProductLinksEnabled,
- max_enabled: m.adsPositionTopEnabled
- }),
- (new n.Image).src = k(g.jester + '/event.gif', i, !1)
- }
- if (B.isModerator(a.user)) {
- var r = n.document.createElement('iframe');
- r.src = 'https://disqusads.com/enable-logging',
- r.style.display = 'none',
- n.document.body.appendChild(r)
- }
- }
- function t(a) {
- w = !0,
- x = a,
- s.shouldTrack(y, q.session.user) && (d.init({
- }, !0), s.load3rdParties(B, q))
- }
- var y = q.forum,
- z = y.id,
- A = y.get('pk'),
- B = q.thread,
- C = B.id;
- q.session.on('change:id', function (a) {
- e.client.set('user_id', a.id)
- }),
- q.session.once('change:id', function () {
- var b = this,
- c = s.shouldTrack(y, this.user),
- e = s.shouldTrack(y, this.user, !0);
- if (q.config.isPrivate && this.user && this.user.get('hasAcceptedGdprTerms') && d.init({
- isPrivate: !1
- }, !0), c && s.load3rdParties(B, q), !v && y.get('settings').adsEnabled && h.isFeatureActive('zyncOnly') && e) {
- var j = (new Date).getTime();
- a('body').append(a('<img>').hide().attr('src', g.zyncPixelImage + '&cid=c' + d.unique.value + '&cache_buster=' + j)),
- v = !0
- }
- l(function (a) {
- r(b, c, a)
- }),
- f.frame.sendHostMessage('tracking:init', {
- shouldTrack: c,
- isMobile: i.isMobileUserAgent(n),
- hostIdentityActive: h.isFeatureActive('hostIdentityActive', {
- forum: y.id,
- forum_percent: y.id
- }),
- liveConnectActive: e && h.isFeatureActive('liveConnectActive', {
- forum: y.id,
- forum_percent: y.id
- }),
- unique: d.unique.value
- })
- }),
- e.client.set({
- product: 'embed',
- thread: C,
- thread_id: C,
- forum: z,
- forum_id: A,
- zone: 'thread',
- version: p.version
- }),
- q.once('bootstrap:complete', function () {
- e.client.set({
- page_url: q.config.referrer
- });
- var a = q.config.experiment;
- a && e.client.set({
- experiment: a.experiment,
- variant: a.variant,
- service: a.service
- }),
- e.client.setHostReferrer(q.config.hostReferrer)
- });
- var D = {
- inViewport: function () {
- var c = q.config,
- d = {
- color_scheme: c.colorScheme,
- anchor_color: m(c.anchorColor),
- typeface: c.typeface,
- width: a(n.document).width()
- },
- f = {
- gpc: window.navigator.globalPrivacyControl ? 1 : 0
- };
- q.meta.topics && (f.topics = q.meta.topics.map(function (a) {
- return a.topic.toString()
- }).join(',')),
- d = b.pick(d, function (a, c) {
- switch (c) {
- case 'width':
- return b.isNumber(a);
- default:
- return b.isString(a) && '' !== a
- }
- }),
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'product',
- object_id: 'embed',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify(_extends({
- }, d, f))
- }),
- q.off('inViewport')
- },
- 'uiCallback:postCreated': function (a, c) {
- c = c || {
- },
- b.extend(c, {
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- verb: 'post'
- }),
- a.has('parent') && (c.target_type = 'post', c.target_id = a.get('parent')),
- e.client.emit(c)
- },
- 'uiCallback:postUpdated': function (a, c) {
- c = c || {
- },
- b.extend(c, {
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- verb: 'update'
- }),
- e.client.emit(c)
- },
- 'uiAction:postStartUpdate': function (a, c) {
- c = c || {
- },
- b.extend(c, {
- verb: 'click',
- adjective: 'edit',
- object_type: 'link',
- object_id: a.id
- }),
- e.client.emit(c)
- },
- 'uiAction:seeMore': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'open',
- object_type: 'section',
- object_id: 'thread/page-' + a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:seeMoreChildren': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'link',
- object_id: 'show_more_comments',
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(a)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:postUpvote': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'like',
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(b)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:postUnvote': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'unlike',
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(b)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:postDownvote': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'dislike',
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(b)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:threadUnlike': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'unlike',
- object_type: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:threadLike': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'like',
- object_type: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:postShare': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'share',
- object_type: 'post',
- object_id: a.id,
- target_type: 'service',
- target_id: b
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:threadShare': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'share',
- object_type: 'thread',
- target_type: 'service',
- target_id: a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickLink': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'link',
- object_id: a[0].href,
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(b)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:followUser': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'follow',
- object_type: 'user',
- object_id: a.id
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:unfollowUser': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'stop-following',
- object_type: 'user',
- object_id: a.id
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:openLogin': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'open',
- object_type: 'login',
- object_id: a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:onboardAlertShow': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'area',
- object_id: 'onboard_alert'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:onboardAlertDismiss': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'close',
- object_type: 'area',
- object_id: 'onboard_alert'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:openHome': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'open',
- object_type: 'product',
- object_id: b ? 'bridge' : 'home',
- section: a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewBanUser': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'area',
- object_id: 'ban_user'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickBanUser': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'ban_user',
- extra_data: a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewFlagPost': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'area',
- object_id: 'flag_post'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickFlagPost': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'flag_post'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewBlockUser': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'area',
- object_id: 'block_user'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickBlockUser': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'block_user'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewUpgradeCard': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'hover',
- object_type: 'icon',
- object_id: 'disqus_pro',
- organization_id: y.get('organizationId')
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickUpgrade': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'subscriptions',
- organization_id: y.get('organizationId')
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickCommentPolicy': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'link',
- section: 'comment_policy',
- object_id: a
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickThreadPremoderate': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'premoderate_thread'
- })
- },
- viewActivity: function (a, b) {
- var c = {
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: a,
- object_id: b
- };
- e.client.emit(c)
- },
- 'uiAction:loadEmailSubscriptionPrompt': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'load',
- object_type: 'section',
- object_id: 'email_subscriptions',
- section: 'email_subscriptions',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify({
- user_verified: Boolean(q.session.user && q.session.user.get('isVerified')),
- email_subscription_prompt: a
- })
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewEmailSubscriptionPrompt': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'section',
- object_id: 'email_subscriptions',
- section: 'email_subscriptions',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify({
- user_verified: Boolean(q.session.user && q.session.user.get('isVerified')),
- email_subscription_prompt: a
- })
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickEmailSubscriptionPromptSubscribe': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'subscribe',
- section: 'email_subscriptions',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify({
- user_verified: Boolean(q.session.user && q.session.user.get('isVerified')),
- email_subscription_prompt: a
- })
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickEmailSubscriptionPromptDismiss': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'hide_this_message',
- section: 'email_subscriptions',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify({
- user_verified: Boolean(q.session.user && q.session.user.get('isVerified')),
- email_subscription_prompt: a
- })
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewReactionsPromotion': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'section',
- object_id: 'reactions_onboarding',
- zone: 'thread',
- section: 'reactions_onboarding'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:reactionsEnable': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'enable_reactions',
- zone: 'thread',
- section: 'reactions_onboarding'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:reactionsDefer': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- object_id: 'maybe_later',
- zone: 'thread',
- section: 'reactions_onboarding'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:reactionsVote': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'vote',
- object_type: 'thread',
- adjective: a.get('text'),
- zone: 'thread',
- section: 'reactions',
- extra_data: JSON.stringify({
- reaction_id: a.id
- })
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:gifsClickButton': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- adjective: 'gif_picker',
- object_id: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:gifsScrollToBottom': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- adverb: 'results',
- object_type: 'zone',
- adjective: 'end',
- object_id: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:loadLiveComments': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- adverb: 'comments',
- object_type: 'notification',
- adjective: 'realtime',
- object_id: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:loadLiveReplies': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- adverb: 'replies',
- object_type: 'notification',
- adjective: 'realtime',
- object_id: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:clickBadge': function (a, b) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'badge',
- object_id: b,
- section: 'profile/badges',
- zone: 'thread',
- area: s.getEventTrackingArea(a)
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:viewBadgeModal': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'view',
- object_type: 'modal',
- object_id: 'badge',
- section: 'manage_badges',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:awardBadge': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'award',
- object_type: 'badge',
- object_id: a,
- section: 'manage_badges',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:removeBadge': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'remove',
- object_type: 'badge',
- object_id: a,
- section: 'manage_badges',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:behindClickButton': function () {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- adjective: 'behind_click',
- object_id: 'thread',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- },
- 'uiAction:toggleClassicDisqus': function (a) {
- e.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'button',
- adjective: a,
- object_id: 'toggle_classic_disqus',
- zone: 'thread'
- })
- }
- };
- q.on(D),
- f.on(D),
- f.frame.once('cmp.consent', t),
- f.frame.once('tracking.hostIdentity', function (b) {
- if (!u) {
- var e = [
- j.calculate(b.domain),
- b.id,
- d.unique.value
- ],
- f = a('body'),
- h = g.logger + '/1/' + n.btoa(JSON.stringify(e));
- try {
- f.append(a('<img>').hide().attr('src', h))
- } catch (i) {
- c.captureException(i)
- }
- u = !0
- }
- })
- }
- var s = {
- },
- t = !1,
- u = !1,
- v = !1,
- w = !1,
- x = {
- };
- return s.init = function (a) {
- r(window, a)
- },
- s.getEventTrackingArea = function (b) {
- return a(b.currentTarget).closest('[data-tracking-area]').attr('data-tracking-area')
- },
- s.load3rdParties = function (d, f) {
- if (g.glitter && !t) {
- var h = n.lounge.tracking || {
- },
- i = h.iframe_limit || 0,
- j = {
- postCount: d.get('posts') || 0,
- likeCount: d.get('likes') || 0,
- postVoteCount: b.reduce(d.posts.pluck('likes'), function (a, b) {
- return a + b
- }, 0),
- referrer: encodeURIComponent(f.config.referrer),
- tcString: x.tcString || ''
- };
- a.ajax({
- dataType: 'jsonp',
- cache: !0,
- url: g.glitter,
- data: {
- forum_shortname: d.forum.id,
- thread_id: d.id,
- referer: f.config.hostReferrer,
- tc: x.tcString || ''
- },
- jsonpCallback: 'dsqGlitterResponseHandler',
- success: function (d) {
- var f = a('body');
- b.each(d, function (d) {
- if (!('img' !== d.type && 'iframe' !== d.type || 'iframe' === d.type && (i -= 1, i < 0))) {
- var g;
- try {
- g = d.url.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, function (a, c) {
- var d = c.trim();
- if (!j.hasOwnProperty(d)) throw new Error('Unknown template variable in tracker URL: ' + d);
- return b.escape(j[d])
- });
- var h = a('<' + d.type + '>').hide().attr('src', g);
- d.logging && h.on('load', function () {
- e.logStat('glitter.loaded.' + d.logging)
- }),
- f.append(h)
- } catch (k) {
- c.captureException(k)
- }
- }
- })
- },
- error: function () {
- e.logStat('glitter.error')
- }
- }),
- t = !0
- }
- },
- s.shouldTrack = function (a, b) {
- var c = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2];
- return !(Boolean(a && a.get('settings').disable3rdPartyTrackers ^ c) || b && b.get('disable3rdPartyTrackers') || '1' === o.cookies.read('disqus_tracking_optout') || o.isDNTEnabled() || s.isPrivate(b))
- },
- s.isPrivate = function (a) {
- return q.getLounge().config.isPrivate && (!a || !a.get('hasAcceptedGdprTerms')) && !w
- },
- s.reset = function () {
- t = !1,
- u = !1,
- v = !1,
- w = !1,
- x = {
- }
- },
- s
- }),
- define('common/jsxUtils', [
- 'underscore'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- append: function (b, c) {
- var d = function e(c) {
- if (null !== c) return a.isArray(c) ? void c.forEach(e) : a.isElement(c) || c && c.nodeType === window.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ? void b.appendChild(c) : void b.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(c))
- };
- d(c)
- }
- }
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('react', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'common/jsxUtils'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = window.document;
- return {
- createElement: function (e, f) {
- for (var g = arguments.length, h = Array(g > 2 ? g - 2 : 0), i = 2; i < g; i++) h[i - 2] = arguments[i];
- if ('function' == typeof e) {
- h.length > 0 && (f = _extends({
- children: 1 === h.length ? h[0] : h
- }, f));
- var j = e(f);
- if (b.isArray(j)) {
- var k = d.createDocumentFragment();
- return c.append(k, j),
- k
- }
- return j
- }
- if ('string' != typeof e) throw new Error('Unknown type');
- var l = d.createElement(e),
- m = !1;
- return f && Object.keys(f).forEach(function (b) {
- var c = f[b];
- if (/^(?:data-|aria-|role$)/.test(b)) null !== c && l.setAttribute(b, c);
- else if ('dangerouslySetInnerHTML' === b) m = !0,
- l.innerHTML = c && c.__html || '';
- else if ('style' === b) Object.keys(c).forEach(function (a) {
- l.style[a] = c[a]
- });
- else if (/^on[A-Z]/.test(b)) c && a(l).on(b.slice(2).toLowerCase(), c);
- else if ('key' === b);
- else try {
- l[b] = c
- } catch (d) {
- }
- }),
- m || c.append(l, h),
- l
- }
- }
- }),
- define('react-dom', [
- 'common/jsxUtils'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- render: function (b, c, d) {
- return c && (c.innerHTML = '', a.append(c, b)),
- d && d(),
- null
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/shared/urls', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/utils/url/serializeArgs'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- c = a('core/utils/url/serialize'),
- d = a('core/utils/url/serializeArgs'),
- e = 'default',
- f = {
- lounge: 'http://disqus.com/embed/comments/',
- home: 'https://disqus.com/home/'.replace('home/', ''),
- recommendations: 'http://disqus.com/recommendations/'
- },
- g = function (a) {
- return 'https://' + a.replace(/^\s*(\w+:)?\/\//, '')
- },
- h = function (a, h, i, j) {
- var k = f[a];
- if (!k) throw new Error('Unknown app: ' + a);
- 'preview' === e && j && (e += '-' + j);
- var l = g(k),
- m = b({
- base: e
- }, h || {
- }),
- n = i ? '#' + d(i) : '';
- return c(l, m) + n
- };
- return {
- BASE: e,
- apps: f,
- get: h,
- ensureHTTPSProtocol: g
- }
- }),
- define('core/apps/BaseApp', [
- 'require',
- 'core/Events',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/utils/object/has',
- 'core/utils/uniqueId'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/Events'),
- c = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- d = a('core/utils/object/has'),
- e = a('core/utils/uniqueId'),
- f = function (a) {
- this.uid = e('dsq-app'),
- this.settings = a || {
- };
- var b = [
- ],
- c = this.constructor.prototype;
- do b.unshift(c),
- c = c.constructor.__super__;
- while (c);
- for (var f = 0, g = b.length; f < g; f++) c = b[f],
- d(c, 'events') && this.on(c.events, this),
- d(c, 'onceEvents') && this.once(c.onceEvents, this)
- };
- return c(f.prototype, b),
- f.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this.off(),
- this.stopListening()
- },
- f.extend = function (a, b) {
- var e,
- f = this;
- e = a && d(a, 'constructor') ? a.constructor : function () {
- return f.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- c(e, f, b);
- var g = function () {
- this.constructor = e
- };
- return g.prototype = f.prototype,
- e.prototype = new g,
- a && c(e.prototype, a),
- e.__super__ = f.prototype,
- e
- },
- f
- }),
- define('core/common/kernel/utils', [
- 'require'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- return e.getElementById(a) || e.body || e.documentElement
- }
- function c(a) {
- return f.href = a,
- f.hostname
- }
- function d(a, b) {
- b = b || e.documentElement;
- for (var c = a, d = 0, f = 0; c && c !== b; ) d += c.offsetLeft,
- f += c.offsetTop,
- c = c.offsetParent;
- return {
- top: f,
- left: d,
- height: a.offsetHeight,
- width: a.offsetWidth
- }
- }
- var e = window.document,
- f = e.createElement('a');
- return {
- getContainer: b,
- getHost: c,
- getOffset: d
- }
- }),
- define('core/host/json', [
- 'require',
- 'core/host/globalFromSandbox'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b,
- c = window,
- d = a('core/host/globalFromSandbox');
- return b = '[object JSON]' === c.Object.prototype.toString.call(c.JSON) ? c.JSON : d('JSON', c),
- b ? b : {
- }
- }),
- define('core/common/kernel/WindowBase', [
- 'require',
- 'core/Events',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/utils/uniqueId',
- 'core/common/kernel/utils',
- 'core/host/json'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/Events'),
- c = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- d = a('core/utils/uniqueId'),
- e = a('core/common/kernel/utils'),
- f = a('core/host/json'),
- g = function (a) {
- a = a || {
- },
- this.state = g.INIT,
- this.uid = a.uid || d('dsq-frame'),
- this.origin = a.origin,
- a.useSourcelessFrame ? this.host = e.getHost(window.location.href) : this.host = e.getHost(this.origin),
- this.target = a.target,
- this.sandbox = a.sandbox,
- this.window = null,
- g.windows[this.uid] = this,
- this.on('ready', function () {
- this.state = g.READY
- }, this),
- this.on('die', function () {
- this.state = g.KILLED
- }, this)
- };
- return c(g, {
- INIT: 0,
- READY: 1,
- KILLED: 2,
- windows: {
- },
- postMessage: function (a, b, c) {
- return a.postMessage(b, c)
- }
- }),
- c(g.prototype, b),
- g.prototype.requiresWindow = function (a) {
- var b = this;
- return function () {
- var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
- d = function () {
- var e = b.window;
- e ? a.apply(b, c) : setTimeout(d, 500)
- };
- b.isReady() ? d() : b.on('ready', d)
- }
- },
- g.prototype.sendMessage = function (a, b) {
- var c = f.stringify({
- scope: 'client',
- name: a,
- data: b
- });
- this.requiresWindow(function (a) {
- g.postMessage(this.window, a, this.origin)
- }) (c)
- },
- g.prototype.hide = function () {
- },
- g.prototype.show = function () {
- },
- g.prototype.url = function () {
- return this.target
- },
- g.prototype.destroy = function () {
- this.state = g.KILLED,
- this.off()
- },
- g.prototype.isReady = function () {
- return this.state === g.READY
- },
- g.prototype.isKilled = function () {
- return this.state === g.KILLED
- },
- g
- }),
- define('core/common/kernel/Iframe', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/html/setInlineStyle',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/common/kernel/WindowBase',
- 'core/common/kernel/utils'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/utils/html/setInlineStyle'),
- c = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- d = a('core/common/kernel/WindowBase'),
- e = a('core/common/kernel/utils'),
- f = window.document,
- g = function (a) {
- d.call(this, a),
- this.styles = a.styles || {
- },
- this.tabIndex = a.tabIndex || 0,
- this.title = a.title || 'Disqus',
- this.sandbox = a.sandbox,
- this.container = a.container,
- this.elem = null
- };
- return c(g.prototype, d.prototype),
- g.prototype.load = function () {
- var a = this.elem = f.createElement('iframe');
- a.setAttribute('id', this.uid),
- a.setAttribute('name', this.uid),
- a.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true'),
- a.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0'),
- a.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'),
- this.role && a.setAttribute('role', this.role),
- a.setAttribute('tabindex', this.tabIndex),
- a.setAttribute('title', this.title),
- 'string' == typeof this.sandbox && a.setAttribute('sandbox', this.sandbox),
- this.setInlineStyle(this.styles)
- },
- g.prototype.getOffset = function (a) {
- return e.getOffset(this.elem, a)
- },
- g.prototype.setInlineStyle = function (a, c) {
- return b(this.elem, a, c)
- },
- g.prototype.removeInlineStyle = function (a) {
- var b = this.elem.style;
- return 'removeProperty' in b ? void b.removeProperty(a) : void (b[a] = '')
- },
- g.prototype.hide = function () {
- this.setInlineStyle('display', 'none')
- },
- g.prototype.show = function () {
- this.removeInlineStyle('display')
- },
- g.prototype.destroy = function () {
- return this.elem && this.elem.parentNode && (this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem), this.elem = null),
- d.prototype.destroy.call(this)
- },
- g
- }),
- define('core/host/kernel', [
- 'require',
- 'exports',
- 'module',
- 'core/Events',
- 'core/utils/lang/isString',
- 'core/utils/object/has',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/common/kernel/Iframe',
- 'core/common/kernel/utils',
- 'core/common/kernel/WindowBase',
- 'core/host/json',
- 'core/utils/function/throttle'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a('core/Events'),
- d = a('core/utils/lang/isString'),
- e = a('core/utils/object/has'),
- f = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- g = a('core/common/kernel/Iframe'),
- h = a('core/common/kernel/utils'),
- i = a('core/common/kernel/WindowBase'),
- j = a('core/host/json'),
- k = window.document;
- b.throttle = a('core/utils/function/throttle'),
- window.addEventListener('message', function (a) {
- var c;
- try {
- c = j.parse(a.data)
- } catch (d) {
- return
- }
- var f = c.sender,
- g = e(i.windows, f) && i.windows[f];
- g && h.getHost(a.origin) === g.host && (a.origin !== g.origin && (g.origin = a.origin), 'host' === c.scope && g.trigger(c.name, c.data), 'error' === c.name && b.trigger('error', c.data))
- }),
- window.addEventListener('hashchange', function () {
- b.trigger('window.hashchange', {
- hash: window.location.hash
- })
- }),
- window.addEventListener('resize', b.throttle(function () {
- b.trigger('window.resize')
- }, 250, 50)),
- k.addEventListener('mousemove', b.throttle(function () {
- b.trigger('window.mousemove')
- }, 250, 50));
- var l = function () {
- b.trigger('window.scroll')
- };
- window.addEventListener('scroll', b.throttle(l, 250, 50), !1),
- k.addEventListener('click', function () {
- b.trigger('window.click')
- });
- var m = b.Popup = function (a) {
- a.uid = a.windowName,
- i.call(this, a)
- };
- f(m.prototype, i.prototype),
- m.prototype.load = function () {
- var a = this.window = window.open('', this.uid || '_blank');
- a.location = this.url()
- },
- m.prototype.isKilled = function () {
- return i.prototype.isKilled() || this.window.closed
- };
- var n = b.Channel = function (a) {
- var b = this;
- b.window = null,
- g.call(b, a),
- this.insertBeforeEl = a.insertBeforeEl,
- this.insertAfterEl = a.insertAfterEl,
- b.useSourcelessFrame = a.useSourcelessFrame,
- b.styles = f({
- width: '1px',
- 'min-width': '100%',
- border: 'none',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- height: '0'
- }, a.styles || {
- })
- };
- f(n.prototype, g.prototype),
- n.prototype.load = function (a) {
- var b = this;
- g.prototype.load.call(b);
- var c = b.elem;
- if (c.setAttribute('width', '100%'), b.useSourcelessFrame) {
- var e = function () {
- var a = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
- a.open('GET', b.url()),
- a.onreadystatechange = function () {
- c.contentWindow && a.readyState === c.contentWindow.XMLHttpRequest.DONE && 200 === a.status && (c.contentWindow.document.open(), c.contentWindow.document.write(a.responseText), c.contentWindow.document.close())
- },
- a.send()
- };
- b.on('redirect', function (a) {
- b.target = a,
- e()
- }),
- e()
- } else c.setAttribute('src', b.url());
- c.addEventListener('load', function () {
- b.window = c.contentWindow,
- a && a()
- });
- var f = d(b.container) ? h.getContainer(b.container) : b.container,
- i = (b.insertAfterEl ? b.insertAfterEl.nextSibling : b.insertBeforeEl) || null;
- f.insertBefore(c, i)
- },
- n.prototype.destroy = function () {
- return this.window = null,
- g.prototype.destroy.call(this)
- },
- b.on = c.on,
- b.off = c.off,
- b.trigger = c.trigger
- }),
- define('core/apps/WindowedApp', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/shared/urls',
- 'core/apps/BaseApp',
- 'core/host/kernel'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- c = a('core/shared/urls'),
- d = a('core/apps/BaseApp'),
- e = a('core/host/kernel'),
- f = window.document,
- g = d.extend({
- name: null,
- loaderVersion: null,
- frame: null,
- origin: c.ensureHTTPSProtocol('https://disqus.com'),
- state: null,
- getUrl: function (a, d) {
- return this.loaderVersion && (d = b({
- version: this.loaderVersion
- }, d)),
- c.ensureHTTPSProtocol(c.get(this.name, a, d, this.settings.previewVersion))
- },
- getFrameSettings: function () {
- var a = {
- target: this.getUrl(),
- origin: this.origin,
- uid: this.uid,
- sandbox: this.sandbox
- },
- b = this.settings;
- return b.windowName ? a.windowName = b.windowName : a.container = b.container || f.body,
- b.styles && (a.styles = b.styles),
- a.useSourcelessFrame = b.useSourcelessFrame,
- a
- },
- getFrame: function () {
- var a = this.getFrameSettings(),
- b = a.windowName ? e.Popup : e.Channel;
- return new b(a)
- },
- setState: function (a) {
- var b = this.constructor;
- return a in b.states && (this.state = b.states[a], void this.trigger('state:' + a))
- },
- init: function () {
- var a,
- b = this;
- b.frame = a = this.getFrame(),
- b.listenTo(a, 'all', function (c, d) {
- b.trigger('frame:' + c, d, a)
- }),
- b.listenTo(a, 'resize', function (a) {
- b.lastResizedHeight = a.height
- }),
- b.trigger('change:frame', a),
- b.frame.load(function () {
- b.setState('LOADED')
- }),
- b.setState('INIT')
- },
- destroy: function () {
- var a = this.frame;
- a && (this.stopListening(a), a.destroy()),
- this.setState('KILLED'),
- this.frame = null,
- d.prototype.destroy.call(this)
- },
- events: {
- 'frame:ready': function () {
- this.setState('READY')
- }
- }
- }, {
- states: {
- INIT: 0,
- LOADED: 1,
- READY: 2,
- }
- });
- return g
- }),
- define('core/utils/OnceTimer', [
- 'require',
- 'exports',
- 'module'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- c.exports = function (a, b) {
- var c = null,
- d = !1;
- this.start = function () {
- d || (c = setTimeout(function () {
- d = !0,
- a()
- }, b))
- },
- this.clear = function () {
- clearTimeout(c)
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/html/toHexColorString', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- function a(a) {
- if (a = Number(a), isNaN(a) || a > 255) throw new Error('Color components should be numbers less than 256');
- return a = a.toString(16),
- 1 === a.length ? '0' + a : String(a)
- }
- return function (b) {
- return '#' + a(b.red) + a(b.green) + a(b.blue)
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/sandbox', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = [
- 'allow-forms',
- 'allow-pointer-lock',
- 'allow-popups',
- 'allow-same-origin',
- 'allow-scripts',
- 'allow-top-navigation'
- ],
- b = function (b) {
- return b ? a.reduce(function (a, c) {
- return b[c] && (a += c + ' '),
- a
- }, '').trim() : ''
- };
- return {
- getAttribute: b
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/url/parseQueryString', [
- 'core/utils/collection/each'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b) {
- 'undefined' == typeof b && (b = window.location.search);
- var c = {
- };
- return a(b.substr(1).split('&'), function (a) {
- var b = a.split('=').map(function (a) {
- return decodeURIComponent(a.replace(/\+/g, '%20'))
- });
- b[0] && (c[b[0]] = b[1])
- }),
- c
- }
- }),
- define('core/analytics/reporting', [
- 'require',
- 'core/utils/collection/each',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/config/urls'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b(a) {
- var b = a.split('.'),
- c = b.length > 2 ? b[b.length - 2] : '';
- return c.match(/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/i) && c
- }
- function c(a) {
- (new window.Image).src = g(i + '/stat.gif', {
- event: a
- })
- }
- function d(a) {
- (new window.Image).src = g(i + '/event.gif', a)
- }
- function e(a) {
- var b = new window.URLSearchParams;
- f(a, function (a, c) {
- void 0 !== a && b.append(c, a)
- });
- var c = new window.XMLHttpRequest;
- c.open('POST', i + '/event.json', !0),
- c.withCredentials = !0,
- c.send(b)
- }
- var f = a('core/utils/collection/each'),
- g = a('core/utils/url/serialize'),
- h = a('core/config/urls'),
- i = h.jester;
- return {
- getLoaderVersionFromUrl: b,
- logStat: c,
- reportJester: d,
- reportJesterPOST: e
- }
- }),
- define('core/ads/safeFrameUtils', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = function (a) {
- return null !== a && !isNaN(Number(a)) && isFinite(a)
- },
- b = function (a) {
- return Math.min.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(a)) || 0
- },
- c = function (a) {
- return Math.max.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(a)) || 0
- };
- return {
- min: b,
- max: c,
- isNumeric: a
- }
- });
- var _createClass = function () {
- function a(a, b) {
- for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
- var d = b[c];
- d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1,
- d.configurable = !0,
- 'value' in d && (d.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d)
- }
- }
- return function (b, c, d) {
- return c && a(b.prototype, c),
- d && a(b, d),
- b
- }
- }();
- define('core/ads/NodeRect', [
- 'core/ads/safeFrameUtils'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function () {
- function b() {
- return _classCallCheck(this, b),
- 1 !== arguments.length || a.isNumeric(arguments[0]) ? void this.fromArray(arguments) : Array.isArray(arguments[0]) ? this.fromArray(arguments[0]) : this.fromObject(arguments[0])
- }
- return _createClass(b, [
- {
- key: 'fromArray',
- value: function (a) {
- this.reset(),
- a.length >= 6 ? (this.top = a[0], this.right = a[1], this.bottom = a[2], this.left = a[3], this.width = a[4], this.height = a[5]) : a.length >= 4 ? (this.top = a[0], this.right = a[1], this.bottom = a[2], this.left = a[3]) : 3 === a.length ? (this.top = a[0], this.right = a[1], this.bottom = a[2], this.left = 0) : 2 === a.length ? (this.top = a[0], this.right = a[1], this.bottom = a[0], this.left = a[1]) : (this.top = a[0], this.right = a[0], this.bottom = a[0], this.left = a[0]),
- this.update()
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'fromObject',
- value: function (a) {
- return this.fromArray([a.top,
- a.right,
- a.bottom,
- a.left,
- a.width,
- a.height])
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'update',
- value: function () {
- this.width || (this.width = this.right - this.left),
- this.height || (this.height = this.bottom - this.top)
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'reset',
- value: function (a) {
- a = a || 0,
- this.top = a,
- this.right = a,
- this.bottom = a,
- this.left = a,
- this.width = a,
- this.height = a
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getArea',
- value: function () {
- return (this.right - this.left) * (this.bottom - this.top)
- }
- }
- ]),
- b
- }();
- return b.getOverlapRect = function (c, d) {
- var e = a.max([c.left,
- d.left]),
- f = a.min([c.left + c.width,
- d.left + d.width]),
- g = a.max([c.top,
- d.top]),
- h = a.min([c.top + c.height,
- d.top + d.height]);
- return f >= e && h >= g && new b(g, f, h, e, f - e, h - g)
- },
- b.getOverlapArea = function (b, c) {
- var d = a.max([0,
- a.min([b.right,
- c.right]) - a.max([b.left,
- c.left])]),
- e = a.max([0,
- a.min([b.bottom,
- c.bottom]) - a.max([b.top,
- c.top])]);
- return d * e
- },
- b
- }),
- define('core/ads/domUtils', [
- 'core/ads/NodeRect'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = 9,
- c = function (a) {
- return a && a.parentNode
- },
- d = function (a, b) {
- if (!a) return null;
- var c = window.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a);
- return b && c.hasOwnProperty(b) ? c[b] : c
- },
- e = function () {
- return {
- x: window.pageXOffset,
- y: window.pageYOffset
- }
- },
- f = function (b) {
- var c = void 0;
- if (b && b.style) {
- var d = b.style.display;
- b.style.display = 'block',
- c = b.getBoundingClientRect(),
- b.style.display = d,
- c = new a(c);
- var f = e();
- c.left += f.x,
- c.right += f.x,
- c.top += f.y,
- c.bottom += f.y
- } else c = new a(0);
- return c
- },
- g = function (a, b) {
- var c = f(a);
- if (b) {
- var d = f(b);
- c.top = d.top - d.top + b.scrollTop,
- c.bottom = c.top + c.height + b.scrollTop,
- c.left = c.left - d.left + b.scrollLeft,
- c.right = c.left + c.width + b.scrollLeft
- }
- return c
- },
- h = function () {
- var b = e(),
- c = b.y,
- d = b.x + window.innerWidth,
- f = b.y + window.innerHeight,
- g = b.x,
- h = window.innerWidth,
- i = window.innerHeight;
- return new a(c, d, f, g, h, i)
- },
- i = function (a) {
- try {
- return a.nodeType === b ? a : a.ownerDocument
- } catch (c) {
- return null
- }
- },
- j = function (a) {
- var b = i(a),
- c = void 0;
- try {
- b && (c = b.parentWindow || b.defaultView || window)
- } catch (d) {
- c = window
- }
- return c
- },
- k = function (b) {
- var c = j(b),
- d = new a(0, c.innerWidth, c.innerHeight, 0, c.innerWidth, c.innerHeight),
- f = e();
- return d.left += f.x,
- d.right += f.x,
- d.top += f.y,
- d.bottom += f.y,
- d
- },
- l = function (a) {
- var b = i(a);
- if (b) return b.documentElement || b.body
- },
- m = function (b) {
- var c = l(b) || {
- },
- d = new a;
- return d.right = d.width = c.scrollWidth || 0,
- d.bottom = d.height = c.scrollHeight || 0,
- d
- },
- n = function (a, b) {
- for (; b; ) {
- if (b === a) return !0;
- b = b.parentNode
- }
- return !1
- },
- o = function (a) {
- var b = d(a);
- return 'inline-block' === b.display || 'none' !== b['float'] || 'absolute' === b.position || 'fixed' === b.position || 'auto' !== b.width || 'auto' !== b.height
- },
- p = function (a) {
- var b = d(a),
- c = {
- };
- return 'scroll' === b.overflowX || 'auto' === b.overflowX ? c.xscroll = a.offsetWidth - a.clientWidth : c.xscroll = 0,
- 'scroll' === b.overflowY || 'auto' === b.overflowY ? c.yscroll = a.offsetHeight - a.clientHeight : c.yscroll = 0,
- c.xhidden = 'hidden' === b.overflowX,
- c.yhidden = 'hidden' === b.overflowY,
- c
- },
- q = function (a) {
- var b = d(a);
- return !!(b.clip && 'auto' !== b.clip || b.clipPath && 'none' !== b.clipPath)
- };
- return {
- getParentNode: c,
- getWindow: j,
- getScroll: e,
- getRect: f,
- getRectRelativeTo: g,
- getViewportRect: h,
- getDocument: i,
- getWindowRect: k,
- getRootNode: l,
- getRootRect: m,
- getNodeStyle: d,
- isParentOf: n,
- hasLayout: o,
- getNodeOverflow: p,
- isNodeClipped: q
- }
- });
- var _createClass = function () {
- function a(a, b) {
- for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
- var d = b[c];
- d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1,
- d.configurable = !0,
- 'value' in d && (d.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(a, d.key, d)
- }
- }
- return function (b, c, d) {
- return c && a(b.prototype, c),
- d && a(b, d),
- b
- }
- }();
- define('core/ads/Geom', [
- 'core/ads/domUtils',
- 'core/ads/safeFrameUtils'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = 1,
- d = function () {
- function d(b) {
- _classCallCheck(this, d),
- this.node = b,
- this.document = a.getDocument(b),
- this.window = a.getWindow(b),
- this.root = a.getRootNode(b),
- this.ref = this.getRefNode(b.parentNode)
- }
- return _createClass(d, [
- {
- key: 'getRefNode',
- value: function (b) {
- for (; b && b.nodeType === c; ) {
- var d = a.getNodeStyle(b);
- if (a.hasLayout(b) || 'block' === d.display || 'none' !== d.clear) {
- var e = a.getNodeOverflow(b);
- if (e.xscroll || e.yscroll || e.xhidden || e.yhidden) return b;
- if (a.isNodeClipped(b)) return b
- }
- b = b.parentNode
- }
- return this.root
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getNodesOver',
- value: function (d, e) {
- e = e || 1;
- var f = [
- ],
- g = a.getRect(d),
- h = a.getRect(this.ref),
- i = a.getViewportRect(d);
- if (!window.document.elementFromPoint) return f;
- for (var j = {
- top: b.max([g.top,
- h.top]) - i.top,
- right: b.min([g.right,
- h.right]) - i.left,
- bottom: b.min([g.bottom,
- h.bottom]) - i.top,
- left: b.max([g.left,
- h.left]) - i.left
- }, k = (j.right - j.left) / 10, l = (j.bottom - j.top) / 10, m = j.left; m < j.right; m += k) for (var n = j.top; n < j.bottom; n += l) {
- for (var o = window.document.elementFromPoint(m, n); o && o.nodeType === c; ) {
- var p = a.getNodeStyle(o);
- if (a.hasLayout(o) || 'block' === p.display || 'none' !== p.clear) break;
- o = o.parentNode
- }
- o && o.nodeType === c && o !== this.node && o !== this.root && !a.isParentOf(o, this.node) && (f.push(o), f.length >= e && (m = j.right, n = j.bottom))
- }
- return f
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getWindowGeom',
- value: function () {
- var a = this.window.innerHeight || 0,
- b = this.window.innerWidth || 0,
- c = this.window.screenY || this.window.screenTop || 0,
- d = c + a,
- e = this.window.screenX || this.window.screenLeft || 0,
- f = e + b;
- return {
- t: c,
- r: f,
- b: d,
- l: e,
- w: b,
- h: a
- }
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getSelfGeom',
- value: function () {
- var c = a.getRect(this.node),
- d = a.getRect(this.ref),
- e = a.getNodeStyle(this.node),
- f = a.getWindowRect(this.node),
- g = c.width,
- h = c.height;
- this.ref !== this.root && (g = b.max([0,
- b.min([c.right,
- d.right]) - b.max([c.left,
- d.left])]), h = b.max([0,
- b.min([c.bottom,
- d.bottom]) - b.max([c.top,
- d.top])]));
- var i = b.max([0,
- b.min(c.right, f.right) - b.max([c.left,
- f.left])]),
- j = b.max([0,
- b.min([c.bottom,
- f.bottom]) - b.max([c.top,
- f.top])]),
- k = b.min([g,
- i]),
- l = b.min([h,
- j]),
- m = c.width ? k / c.width : 0,
- n = c.height ? l / c.height : 0,
- o = k * l / (c.width * c.height),
- p = 1,
- q = this.getNodesOver(this.node, p);
- if (q.length) {
- var r = a.getRect(q[0]),
- s = b.max([0,
- b.min([r.right,
- c.right]) - b.max([r.left,
- c.left])]),
- t = b.max([0,
- b.min([r.bottom,
- c.bottom]) - b.max([r.top,
- c.top])]);
- o = b.max([0,
- (k * l - s * t) / (c.width * c.height)])
- }
- var u = a.getScroll();
- return {
- t: c.top - u.y,
- r: c.right - u.x,
- b: c.bottom - u.y,
- l: c.left - u.x,
- z: e.zIndex,
- w: c.width,
- h: c.height,
- xiv: 1 === m ? '1' : Number(m).toFixed(2),
- yiv: 1 === n ? '1' : Number(n).toFixed(2),
- iv: 1 === o ? '1' : Number(o).toFixed(2)
- }
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getExpandGeom',
- value: function () {
- var c = a.getRect(this.ref),
- d = a.getRect(this.node),
- e = a.getWindowRect(this.node),
- f = {
- top: b.max([c.top,
- e.top]),
- right: b.min([c.right,
- e.right]),
- bottom: b.min([c.bottom,
- e.bottom]),
- left: b.max([c.left,
- e.left])
- },
- g = a.getNodeOverflow(this.ref);
- return {
- t: b.max([0,
- d.top - f.top]),
- r: b.max([0,
- f.right - d.right]),
- b: b.max([0,
- f.bottom - d.bottom]),
- l: b.max([0,
- d.left - f.left]),
- xs: Boolean(g.yscroll),
- yx: Boolean(g.xscroll)
- }
- }
- },
- {
- key: 'getGeom',
- value: function () {
- return {
- win: this.getWindowGeom(),
- self: this.getSelfGeom(),
- exp: this.getExpandGeom()
- }
- }
- }
- ]),
- d
- }(),
- e = {
- get: function (a) {
- var b = new d(a);
- return b.getGeom()
- }
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('core/ads/ads', [
- 'require',
- 'core/shared/urls',
- 'core/apps/WindowedApp',
- 'core/host/json',
- 'stance/main',
- 'stance/utils',
- 'core/common/kernel/WindowBase',
- 'core/utils/OnceTimer',
- 'core/utils/html/toHexColorString',
- 'core/utils/object/extend',
- 'core/utils/sandbox',
- 'core/utils/url/parseQueryString',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/utils/urls',
- 'core/utils/urls',
- 'core/analytics/reporting',
- 'core/ads/Geom'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('core/shared/urls'),
- c = a('core/apps/WindowedApp'),
- d = a('core/host/json'),
- e = a('stance/main'),
- f = a('stance/utils'),
- g = a('core/common/kernel/WindowBase'),
- h = a('core/utils/OnceTimer'),
- i = a('core/utils/html/toHexColorString'),
- j = a('core/utils/object/extend'),
- k = a('core/utils/sandbox'),
- l = a('core/utils/url/parseQueryString'),
- m = a('core/utils/url/serialize'),
- n = a('core/utils/urls').getOrigin,
- o = a('core/utils/urls').getQuery,
- p = a('core/analytics/reporting'),
- q = a('core/ads/Geom'),
- r = c.extend({
- name: 'ads',
- origin: void 0,
- onceEvents: {
- 'view:enter': function () {
- this._reportLegacy({
- verb: 'view',
- adverb: '0ms-no50perc'
- })
- },
- 'view:iab': function () {
- this._reportLegacy({
- verb: 'view',
- adverb: 'iab-scroll'
- })
- }
- },
- events: {
- 'frame:ready': function (a) {
- this.forumId = a.forumId,
- this._reportLegacy({
- verb: 'load',
- extra_data: a.extraData,
- advertisement_id: a.advertisement_id,
- provider: a.provider
- }),
- this.bindViewEvents(),
- this.triggerGeomUpdate()
- },
- 'frame:resize': function (a) {
- this.frame.setInlineStyle('height', a.height + 'px'),
- 0 === a.height ? this.trigger('ad-placement-empty') : (a.adWidth && this.frame.setInlineStyle('width', a.adWidth + 'px'), this.trigger('ad-placement-filled')),
- this.triggerGeomUpdate()
- },
- 'frame:click': function () {
- this._reportOnce({
- verb: 'click'
- }, 'click')
- },
- 'frame:hover': function () {
- this._reportOnce({
- verb: 'hover'
- }, 'hover')
- },
- 'frame:error-provider-not-ready': function (a) {
- this._reportLegacy({
- verb: 'fail',
- object_type: 'provider',
- object_id: a.provider || this.getProvider(),
- adverb: 'provider_not_ready'
- })
- },
- 'frame:error-no-height': function (a) {
- this._reportLegacy({
- verb: 'fail',
- object_type: 'provider',
- object_id: a.provider || this.getProvider(),
- adverb: 'no_height'
- })
- },
- 'frame:clearSandbox': function () {
- this.frame.elem.hasAttribute('sandbox') && this.frame.elem.removeAttribute('sandbox')
- },
- 'frame:$sf-init': function () {
- this.settings.isOnHostPage && (this.isSafeframe = !0)
- },
- 'frame:error': function (a) {
- this.settings.isOnHostPage && this.postMessageDirect({
- event: 'error',
- data: {
- error: a
- }
- })
- }
- },
- constructor: function () {
- c.apply(this, arguments),
- this.origin = n(this.settings.adUrl),
- this._reportOnceHistory = {
- },
- this.settings.isOnHostPage && (this.detectLazyload = this.detectLazyload.bind(this), window.addEventListener('scroll', this.detectLazyload));
- var a = this.settings.adUrl.indexOf('/ads-iframe/taboola/') >= 0;
- this.settings.useSourcelessFrame = this.settings.sourcelessIframe && this.settings.isOnHostPage && (!this.settings.defaultPlacementUrl || !this.settings.adBlockEnabled) && !a
- },
- init: function () {
- if (this.settings.forum = l(o(this.settings.adUrl)).shortname, this.settings.forum) {
- var a = window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent || window.navigator && window.navigator.vendor || window.opera,
- d = this.settings.disableAdsIos && /iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(a) || this.settings.disableAdsAndroid && /Android/.test(a),
- e = this.settings.disableAds,
- f = this.settings.isInHome || this.settings.isOnHostPage && 0 === window.location.href.indexOf(b.apps.home);
- if (!f && e && this.settings.canDisableAds || d) return void this.trigger('prevented-ad-load');
- this._reportOnce({
- verb: 'call',
- object_type: 'provider',
- object_id: this.getProvider(),
- adjective: 1
- }, 'call'),
- this.settings.sandboxAds && (this.sandbox = k.getAttribute({
- 'allow-scripts': !0,
- 'allow-same-origin': !0,
- 'allow-forms': !0,
- 'allow-popups': !0
- })),
- c.prototype.init.call(this)
- }
- },
- detectLazyload: function () {
- if (this.frame && this.settings.isOnHostPage) {
- var a = this.frame.elem.getBoundingClientRect().top,
- b = a - window.innerHeight,
- c = window.innerHeight * this.settings.lazyloadViewports;
- b < c && (this.postMessageDirect({
- event: 'lazyload'
- }), window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.detectLazyload))
- }
- },
- getProvider: function () {
- if (this._provider) return this._provider;
- var a = this.settings.adUrl.match(/provider=(\w+)/);
- return a && (this._provider = a[1]),
- this._provider
- },
- getUrl: function () {
- var a,
- b = this.settings;
- return a = 'inthreaddisqusadstxt' === b.experiment.experiment && 'active' === b.experiment.variant && 'inthread' === b.placement ? window.document.location.href : b.isOnHostPage ? b.url || window.document.location.href : b.url || b.referrer,
- m(b.adUrl, {
- anchorColor: i(b.anchorColor),
- colorScheme: b.colorScheme,
- sourceUrl: a,
- typeface: b.typeface,
- canonicalUrl: b.canonicalUrl,
- disqus_version: b.version,
- deviceWidth: b.deviceWidth,
- maxWidth: b.maxWidth
- })
- },
- triggerGeomUpdate: function () {
- if (this.frame.elem && this.isSafeframe && this.settings.isOnHostPage) {
- var a = q.get(this.frame.elem);
- this.postMessageDirect({
- event: 'geom-update',
- data: {
- geom: a
- }
- })
- }
- },
- bindViewEvents: function () {
- if (!this._viewEventsBound) {
- this._viewEventsBound = !0,
- e.bindWindowEvents(!0);
- var a = this,
- b = function (b, c) {
- a.postMessageDirect({
- event: b,
- percentViewable: c
- })
- },
- c = 1000,
- d = new h(function () {
- a.trigger('view:iab'),
- b('view:iab')
- }, c),
- g = !1;
- this.listenTo(e({
- el: this.frame.elem
- }), {
- enter: function () {
- a.trigger('view:enter'),
- b('view:enter'),
- a.triggerGeomUpdate()
- },
- exit: function () {
- b('view:exit'),
- g && (g = !1, b('view:50out'), d.clear()),
- a.triggerGeomUpdate()
- },
- visible: function (c, e) {
- var h = f.visiblePercent(e, c.offset()),
- i = 50;
- h >= i && !g ? (g = !0, b('view:50in'), d.start()) : h < i && g && (g = !1, b('view:50out'), d.clear()),
- b('view', h),
- a.triggerGeomUpdate()
- }
- })
- }
- },
- postMessageDirect: function (a) {
- this.frame.requiresWindow(function (a) {
- var b = d.stringify(j({
- }, a, {
- space: 'disqus'
- }));
- g.postMessage(this.window, b, this.origin),
- g.postMessage(this.window, 'disqus.' + a.event, this.origin)
- }) (a)
- },
- _report: function (a) {
- var b = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {
- },
- c = this.settings,
- d = b.provider || this.getProvider();
- a.forum_id = c.forumId || this.forumId;
- var e;
- e = c.placement && c.placement.indexOf('timeline') > - 1 ? 'home' : 'recommendations' === c.placement ? 'recommendations' : 'embed';
- var f = b.usePOST ? 'reportJesterPOST' : 'reportJester';
- p[f](j({
- imp: c.impressionId,
- experiment: c.experiment.experiment,
- variant: c.experiment.variant,
- service: c.experiment.service,
- area: c.placement,
- product: e,
- forum: c.forum,
- zone: 'thread',
- version: c.loaderVersion,
- page_url: c.referrer || window.document.location.href,
- page_referrer: c.hostReferrer || window.document.referrer,
- object_type: 'advertisement',
- provider: d,
- event: 'activity'
- }, a))
- },
- _reportLegacy: function (a) {
- var b = this.settings;
- this._report(j({
- ad_product_name: 'iab_display',
- ad_product_layout: 'iab_display',
- bin: 'embed:promoted_discovery:' + b.experiment.service + ':' + b.experiment.experiment + ':' + b.experiment.variant,
- object_id: a.advertisement_id ? '[' + a.advertisement_id + ']' : '',
- section: 'default'
- }, a))
- },
- _reportOnce: function (a, b) {
- this._reportOnceHistory[b] || (this._reportLegacy(a), this._reportOnceHistory[b] = !0);
- },
- getFrameSettings: function () {
- var a = c.prototype.getFrameSettings.call(this);
- return a.insertBeforeEl = this.settings.insertBeforeEl,
- a.insertAfterEl = this.settings.insertAfterEl,
- a
- }
- }),
- s = function (a) {
- return a = a || {
- },
- a.experiment || (a.experiment = {
- experiment: a.experimentName,
- variant: a.experimentVariant,
- service: a.experimentService
- }),
- new r(a)
- };
- return {
- Ads: s
- }
- }),
- define('core/api', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- function f(a) {
- return l.href = a,
- l.origin || l.protocol + '//' + l.hostname + (l.port ? ':' + l.port : '')
- }
- function g(a) {
- return a.replace(/^(http:)?\/\//, 'https://')
- }
- function h(c) {
- c = b.defaults(c, m),
- c.traditional = !0,
- f(window.location.href) !== f(c.url) && (c.xhrFields = {
- withCredentials: !0
- }),
- c.omitDisqusApiKey || (c.data = c.data || {
- }, window.FormData && c.data instanceof window.FormData ? c.url = e.serialize(c.url, {
- api_key: d.keys.api
- }) : c.data.api_key = d.keys.api);
- var g = c.error;
- return c.error = function (a) {
- n.trigger('error', a),
- b.isFunction(g) && g(a)
- },
- a.ajax(c)
- }
- function i(a) {
- return /(https?:)?\/\//.test(a) ? g(a) : d.urls.api + a
- }
- function j(a, c) {
- return c = c || {
- },
- c.url = i(a),
- c.omitDisqusApiKey || (c.data = b.extend(c.data || {
- }, {
- api_key: d.keys.api
- })),
- n.trigger('call', c),
- h(c).always(b.bind(this.trigger, this, 'complete', c))
- }
- var k = window.document,
- l = k.createElement('a'),
- m = {
- },
- n = {
- },
- ajax: h,
- call: j,
- getURL: i,
- defaults: function (a) {
- Object.keys(a).forEach(function (c) {
- var d = a[c],
- e = m[c];
- b.isObject(d) && b.isObject(e) ? b.extend(e, d) : m[c] = d
- })
- },
- headers: function (a) {
- var c = b.extend({
- }, m.headers, a);
- return m.headers = b.pick(c, Boolean),
- m.headers
- },
- makeHttps: g
- };
- return b.extend(n, c.Events),
- n
- }),
- define('core/mediaConfig', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- function c() {
- var b = window.document.body.offsetWidth,
- c = d,
- e = c.length;
- return a.find(c, function (a, d) {
- return d + 1 === e || Math.abs(c[d + 1] - b) > Math.abs(c[d] - b)
- })
- }
- var d = [
- 320,
- 480,
- 600,
- 800
- ],
- e = new b.Model({
- collapsed: !1,
- defaultIframeHeight: 300,
- mediaPersistedWidths: d,
- loadedThumbnailWidth: c()
- });
- return e.findClosestThumbnailSize = c,
- e
- }),
- define('core/mixins/appliesPublisherClasses', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/switches',
- 'remote/config'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- function e() {
- this._getStyleProperty = function (a) {
- var b = this.forum.get(a);
- return this.config.forceAutoStyles || 'auto' === b ? this.config[a] : b
- },
- this.getTypeface = function () {
- return this._getStyleProperty('typeface')
- },
- this.getColorScheme = function () {
- return this._getStyleProperty('colorScheme')
- },
- this.getAnchorColorScheme = function () {
- return this.config.anchorColorScheme
- },
- this.getFont = function () {
- return this.forum.get('customFont')
- },
- this.convertFontToClass = function (a) {
- return a ? a.toLowerCase().replace(/\+/g, '-') : ''
- },
- this.convertFontToStyle = function (a) {
- return a ? a.replace(/\+/g, ' ') : ''
- },
- this.isFontAllowed = function (a) {
- return !(!a || !d.lounge.font_options) && d.lounge.font_options.some(function (b) {
- return a === b.name
- })
- },
- this.downloadFont = function (a) {
- var b = window.document,
- c = b.createElement('style');
- c.type = 'text/css';
- var d = this.convertFontToClass(a.name),
- e = this.convertFontToStyle(a.name),
- f = a.category,
- g = '@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=' + a.name + ':ital,wght@0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap"); ',
- h = [
- '',
- 'input',
- 'select',
- 'textarea'
- ].map(function (a) {
- return 'body.' + d + ' ' + a
- }).join(', ');
- g += h + ' { font-family: ' + e + ', ' + f + '; }',
- c.styleSheet ? c.styleSheet.cssText = g : c.appendChild(b.createTextNode(g));
- var i = b.head || b.getElementsByTagName('head') [0] || b.body;
- i.appendChild(c)
- },
- this.applyPublisherClasses = function () {
- var e = a('body'),
- f = this.getFont();
- !f && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && 'sans-serif' === this.getTypeface() && (f = 'Roboto');
- var g = f && b.find(d.lounge.font_options, function (a) {
- return a.name === f
- });
- g ? (this.downloadFont(g), e.addClass(this.convertFontToClass(g.name))) : 'serif' === this.getTypeface() ? e.addClass('serif') : e.addClass('sans-serif'),
- 'dark' === this.getColorScheme() && e.addClass('dark'),
- c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && ('dark' === this.getAnchorColorScheme() ? e.addClass('dark-anchor') : e.addClass('light-anchor'))
- }
- }
- return e
- }),
- define('core/templates/handlebars.partials', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- a.registerPartial('cardGuestUser', a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- },
- h = a.lambda,
- i = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<li class="user ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.highlight : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(2, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 2,
- column: 16
- },
- end: {
- line: 2,
- column: 49
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" data-role="guest">\n<span class="avatar ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(4, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 20
- },
- end: {
- line: 3,
- column: 66
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" title="' + i(h(null != b ? b.guestText : b, b)) + '">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(6, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(8, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 4,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 8,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</span>\n<span class="username ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(10, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 10,
- column: 22
- },
- end: {
- line: 10,
- column: 70
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" title="' + i(h(null != b ? b.guestText : b, b)) + '">\n' + i(h(null != b ? b.guestText : b, b)) + '\n</span>\n</li>\n'
- },
- 2: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'highlight'
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'avatar--refresh'
- },
- 6: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<div class="initials initials--small">G</div>\n'
- },
- 8: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<img src="' + f(a.lambda(null != b ? b.guestAvatarUrl : b, b)) + '" alt="' + f(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, 'Avatar', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 7,
- column: 35
- },
- end: {
- line: 7,
- column: 55
- }
- }
- })) + '" />\n'
- },
- 10: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'username--refresh'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.guestCount : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 14,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('cardGuestVoterText', a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return ' ' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, '%(guestCount)s Guest Votes', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- guestCount: null != b ? b.guestCount : b
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 26
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 90
- }
- }
- })) + ' '
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return ' ' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, '1 Guest Vote', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 100
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 126
- }
- }
- })) + ' '
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, c.gt.call(g, null != b ? b.guestCount : b, 1, {
- name: 'gt',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 6
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 23
- }
- }
- }), {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(3, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 134
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('cardOtherUserText', a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return ' ' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, '%(guestCount)s Others', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- guestCount: null != b ? b.guestCount : b
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 26
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 85
- }
- }
- })) + ' '
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return ' ' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, '1 Other', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 95
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 116
- }
- }
- })) + ' '
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, c.gt.call(g, null != b ? b.guestCount : b, 1, {
- name: 'gt',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 6
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 23
- }
- }
- }), {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(3, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 124
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('cardUser', a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'highlight'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'data-action="profile"'
- },
- 5: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<span class="avatar ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(6, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 4,
- column: 20
- },
- end: {
- line: 4,
- column: 66
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(8, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(9, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 5,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 13,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</span>\n<span class="username ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(13, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 15,
- column: 22
- },
- end: {
- line: 15,
- column: 70
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '">\n' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.name : b, b)) + '\n</span>\n'
- },
- 6: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'avatar--refresh'
- },
- 8: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != (f = null != b ? b.avatar : b) ? f.isCustom : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(9, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(11, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 10,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- 9: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<img src="' + g(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.avatar : b) ? f.cache : f, b)) + '" alt="' + g(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, 'Avatar', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 7,
- column: 33
- },
- end: {
- line: 7,
- column: 53
- }
- }
- })) + '" />\n'
- },
- 11: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<div class="initials initials--small">' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.initials : b, b)) + '</div>\n'
- },
- 13: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'username--refresh'
- },
- 15: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- },
- h = a.lambda,
- i = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<a class="avatar ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(6, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 19,
- column: 17
- },
- end: {
- line: 19,
- column: 63
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" href="' + i(h(null != b ? b.profileUrl : b, b)) + '" title="' + i(h(null != b ? b.name : b, b)) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(8, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(9, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 20,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 28,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</a>\n<a class="username ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(13, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 30,
- column: 19
- },
- end: {
- line: 30,
- column: 67
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" href="' + i(h(null != b ? b.profileUrl : b, b)) + '" title="' + i(h(null != b ? b.name : b, b)) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n' + i(h(null != b ? b.name : b, b)) + '\n</a>\n'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<li class="user ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.highlight : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 16
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 49
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" ' + (null != (f = c.unless.call(g, c['switch'].call(g, 'sso_less_branding', {
- name: 'switch',
- hash: {
- forum: null != b ? b.forumId : b
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 61
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 103
- }
- }
- }), {
- name: 'unless',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(3, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 51
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 137
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + ' data-username="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.username : b, b)) + '">\n' + (null != (f = c.if_all.call(g, c['switch'].call(g, 'sso_less_branding', {
- name: 'switch',
- hash: {
- forum: null != b ? b.forumId : b
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 10
- },
- end: {
- line: 3,
- column: 52
- }
- }
- }), c.ne.call(g, null != b ? b.isSSOProfileUrl : b, !0, {
- name: 'ne',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 53
- },
- end: {
- line: 3,
- column: 78
- }
- }
- }), {
- name: 'if_all',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(5, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(15, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 33,
- column: 11
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</li>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('carouselArrowLeft', a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<button class="carousel-control carousel-control__previous"><span class="icon icon-right-bracket icon-flipped"></span></button>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('carouselArrowRight', a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<button class="carousel-control carousel-control__next"><span class="icon icon-right-bracket"></span></button>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('channelsHeader', a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- },
- g = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<div class="channel-homepage-cover">\n<div class="channel-homepage-cover--header">\n<div class="align-inline spacing-top">\n<div class="module-header__icon icon-colorful spacing-right">\n<svg class="icon-discover" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 18 18" enable-background="new 0 0 18 18" xml:space="preserve" width="26" height="26"><rect x="14" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect x="14" y="7" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect x="14" y="14" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect x="7" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect x="7" y="7" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect x="7" y="14" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect y="7" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/><rect y="14" width="4" height="4" class="dot"/></g></svg>\n</div>\n<div class="module-header__title">\n<h1 class="text-larger text-darker">' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'Channels', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 8,
- column: 36
- },
- end: {
- line: 8,
- column: 58
- }
- }
- })) + '</h1>\n</div>\n</div>\n<p class="text-medium text-gray spacing-bottom-narrow">' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'Places to start your own discussions.', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 11,
- column: 55
- },
- end: {
- line: 11,
- column: 106
- }
- }
- })) + '</p>\n</div>\n<div class="metadata-hidden visible-lg spacing-left-small">\n<button\nclass="button button-fill--brand"\ntitle=' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'Info', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 16,
- column: 6
- },
- end: {
- line: 16,
- column: 24
- }
- }
- })) + '\ndata-action="show-metadata">\n' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'About', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 18,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 18,
- column: 19
- }
- }
- })) + '\n</button>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class="metadata-visible channels-metadata-visible">\n<button\nclass="spacing-top-small link-gray-darker pull-left channels-hide-metadata"\ntitle=' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'Feed', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 25,
- column: 6
- },
- end: {
- line: 25,
- column: 24
- }
- }
- })) + '\ndata-action="hide-metadata">\n<span class="icon icon-left-bracket text-large icon__position"></span>\n</button>\n<h1 class="text-largest text-center">' + g(c.gettext.call(f, 'About Channels', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 29,
- column: 37
- },
- end: {
- line: 29,
- column: 65
- }
- }
- })) + '</h1>\n</div>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })),
- a.registerPartial('genericFollowButton', a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return ' active'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c.unless.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.isFollowing : b, {
- name: 'unless',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(4, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 85
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 127
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'disabled'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- },
- h = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<button class="button btn-follow' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isFollowing : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 32
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 65
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '" ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.isBlocking : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(3, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 67
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 134
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + ' data-action="toggle-follow">\n<span class="symbol-default"><span class="icon-plus"></span></span><span class="text-default">' + h(c.gettext.call(g, 'Follow', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 94
- },
- end: {
- line: 3,
- column: 114
- }
- }
- })) + '</span><span class="symbol-following"><span class="icon-checkmark"></span></span><span class="text-following">' + h(c.gettext.call(g, 'Following', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 224
- },
- end: {
- line: 3,
- column: 247
- }
- }
- })) + '</span>\n</button>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- }))
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/eq', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a === b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/ne', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a !== b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/gt', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a > b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/lt', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a < b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/ge', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a >= b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/le', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return a <= b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/typeof', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b) {
- return typeof a === b
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/notNull', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a) {
- return null !== a
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/any', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- for (var a = arguments.length, b = 0; b < a - 1; b++) if (arguments[b]) return arguments[b]
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/if_any', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- for (var a = arguments.length, b = arguments[a - 1], c = 0; c < a - 1; c++) if (arguments[c]) return b.fn(this);
- return b.inverse(this)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/if_all', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- for (var a = arguments.length, b = arguments[a - 1], c = 0; c < a - 1; c++) if (!arguments[c]) return b.inverse(this);
- return b.fn(this)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/switch', [
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/extend'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (c, d) {
- return a.isFeatureActive(c, b({
- }, d.hash))
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/partial', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b, c) {
- a.registerPartial(b, c.fn)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/getPartial', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b, c, d) {
- return 'undefined' == typeof d && (d = c, c = this, a.Utils.extend(c, d.hash)),
- new a.SafeString(a.partials[b](c, d))
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/gettext', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- var c,
- d,
- e,
- f,
- g = arguments.length,
- h = arguments[g - 1],
- i = h.hash,
- j = arguments[0],
- k = a.partials;
- j = a.Utils.escapeExpression(b.get(j));
- for (e in i) i.hasOwnProperty(e) && (d = new RegExp('%\\((' + e + ')\\)s', 'gm'), c = i[e], f = c && c.executePartial, f && (c = k[c.partial].call(this, c.context, h)), void 0 === c || null === c || 'number' == typeof c && isNaN(c) ? c = '' : f || (c = a.Utils.escapeExpression(c)), j = j.replace(d, c.toString()));
- return new a.SafeString(j)
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/object/get', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b, c) {
- for (var d = 0, e = b.length; a && d < e; ) a = a[b[d]],
- d += 1;
- return d < e || void 0 === a ? c : a
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/urlfor', [
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (c) {
- return b(a, c.split('.'))
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/html', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b) {
- return new a.SafeString(b || '')
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/with', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- var a = arguments.length,
- b = arguments[a - 1],
- c = arguments[0];
- return 3 === a ? (c = {
- }, c[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]) : '_window_' === c && (c = window),
- b.fn(c)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/each', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b, c) {
- var d,
- e,
- f,
- g = c.fn,
- h = c.inverse,
- i = 0,
- j = '';
- if (c.data && (d = a.createFrame(c.data)), b && 'object' == typeof b) if ('[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(b)) for (f = b.length; i < f; i++) d && (d.index = i, d.length = b.length),
- j += g(b[i], {
- data: d
- });
- else for (e in b) b.hasOwnProperty(e) && (d && (d.key = e), j += g(b[e], {
- data: d
- }), i += 1);
- return 0 === i && (j = h(this)),
- j
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/log', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a) {
- console.log(a, this)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/debug', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/geturl', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return window.geturl || function (a) {
- return a
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/tag', [
- 'handlebars'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b, c) {
- var d = [
- '<' + b
- ],
- e = c.hash.text;
- delete c.hash.text;
- for (var f in c.hash) c.hash.hasOwnProperty(f) && d.push(' ' + f + '="' + a.escapeExpression(c.hash[f]) + '"');
- return d.push('>' + a.escapeExpression(e) + '</' + b + '>'),
- new a.SafeString(d.join(''))
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/now', [
- 'moment'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function (b) {
- return a().format(b)
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/helpers/ternary', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a, b, c) {
- return a ? b : c
- }
- }),
- define('core/extensions/handlebars.helpers', [
- 'require',
- 'handlebars',
- './helpers/eq',
- './helpers/ne',
- './helpers/gt',
- './helpers/lt',
- './helpers/ge',
- './helpers/le',
- './helpers/typeof',
- './helpers/notNull',
- './helpers/any',
- './helpers/if_any',
- './helpers/if_all',
- './helpers/switch',
- './helpers/partial',
- './helpers/getPartial',
- './helpers/gettext',
- './helpers/urlfor',
- './helpers/html',
- './helpers/with',
- './helpers/each',
- './helpers/log',
- './helpers/debug',
- './helpers/geturl',
- './helpers/tag',
- './helpers/now',
- './helpers/ternary'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a('handlebars');
- return b.registerHelper('eq', a('./helpers/eq')),
- b.registerHelper('ne', a('./helpers/ne')),
- b.registerHelper('gt', a('./helpers/gt')),
- b.registerHelper('lt', a('./helpers/lt')),
- b.registerHelper('ge', a('./helpers/ge')),
- b.registerHelper('le', a('./helpers/le')),
- b.registerHelper('typeof', a('./helpers/typeof')),
- b.registerHelper('notNull', a('./helpers/notNull')),
- b.registerHelper('any', a('./helpers/any')),
- b.registerHelper('if_any', a('./helpers/if_any')),
- b.registerHelper('if_all', a('./helpers/if_all')),
- b.registerHelper('switch', a('./helpers/switch')),
- b.registerHelper('partial', a('./helpers/partial')),
- b.registerHelper('getPartial', a('./helpers/getPartial')),
- b.registerHelper('gettext', a('./helpers/gettext')),
- b.registerHelper('urlfor', a('./helpers/urlfor')),
- b.registerHelper('html', a('./helpers/html')),
- b.registerHelper('with', a('./helpers/with')),
- b.registerHelper('each', a('./helpers/each')),
- b.registerHelper('log', a('./helpers/log')),
- b.registerHelper('debug', a('./helpers/debug')),
- b.registerHelper('geturl', a('./helpers/geturl')),
- b.registerHelper('tag', a('./helpers/tag')),
- b.registerHelper('now', a('./helpers/now')),
- b.registerHelper('ternary', a('./helpers/ternary')),
- b
- }),
- define('core/templates/alert', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<span class="icon icon-' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.iconType : b, b)) + '"></span>\n'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return (null != (f = a.lambda(null != b ? b.message : b, b)) ? f : '') + '\n'
- },
- 5: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.message : b, b)) + '\n'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<a class="close" data-action="dismiss" title="' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(g, 'Dismiss', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 46
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 67
- }
- }
- })) + '">×</a>\n<span>\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.icon : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 5,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + (null != (f = c['if'].call(g, null != b ? b.safe : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(3, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(5, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 10,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</span>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/AlertView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/templates/alert'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.View.extend({
- defaultClassName: 'alert',
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=dismiss]': 'dismiss'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.options = a,
- this.message = a.message,
- this.safe = a.safe,
- this.type = a.type,
- this.className = a.className || this.defaultClassName
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.$el;
- return a.html(b({
- message: this.message,
- safe: this.safe,
- icon: Boolean(this.type),
- iconType: 'error' === this.type || 'warn' === this.type ? 'warning' : this.type
- })),
- a.attr('class', this.className),
- this.type && a.addClass(this.type),
- this
- },
- dismiss: function (a) {
- a && a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(),
- this.remove(),
- this.trigger('dismiss')
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/mixins/withAlert', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/views/AlertView'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = {
- alert: function (c, d) {
- a.isObject(d) || (d = {
- });
- var e = d.target || this._alertSelector;
- this.dismissAlert();
- var f = this._alert = new b(a.extend({
- message: c
- }, d));
- if (this.listenToOnce(this._alert, 'dismiss', function () {
- this._alert = null
- }), f.render(), e) {
- var g = this.$el.find(e);
- g.length ? g.prepend(f.el) : this.listenToOnce(this, 'threadView:render', function () {
- return this.alert(c, d)
- })
- } else this.el.parentNode && this.el.parentNode.insertBefore(f.el, this.el);
- return f
- },
- dismissAlert: function (a) {
- this._alert && (a && !a(this._alert) || (this.stopListening(this._alert), this._alert.dismiss(), this._alert = null))
- },
- getAlert: function () {
- return this._alert || null
- },
- setAlertSelector: function (a) {
- this._alertSelector = a
- }
- },
- d = function () {
- return a.extend(this, c)
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('core/models/ThreadVote', [
- 'backbone'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- score: 0
- }
- });
- return b
- }),
- define('core/models/Vote', [
- 'backbone'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- score: 0
- }
- });
- return b
- }),
- define('core/constants/voteConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- },
- }),
- define('core/time', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- function a(a) {
- return a.indexOf('+') >= 0 ? a : a + '+00:00'
- }
- var b = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
- return {
- ISO_8601: b,
- assureTzOffset: a
- }
- }),
- define('core/models/BaseUser', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/config'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- about: null,
- avatar: {
- cache: b.urls.avatar.generic,
- permalink: b.urls.avatar.generic
- },
- connections: {
- },
- badges: [
- ],
- email: null,
- isAnonymous: !0,
- isFollowedBy: null,
- isFollowing: null,
- joinedAt: null,
- name: null,
- profileUrl: null,
- url: null,
- username: null,
- numPosts: null,
- numFollowing: null,
- numForumsFollowing: null,
- numFollowers: null,
- numLikesReceived: null,
- isFlagged: null
- },
- hasValidAvatar: function (a) {
- var b = a ? a.avatar : this.get('avatar');
- return b && b.cache
- },
- isAnonymous: function () {
- return !this.get('id')
- },
- isRegistered: function () {
- return !this.isAnonymous()
- },
- validate: function (a) {
- if (!this.hasValidAvatar(a)) return 'None of the avatar related properties can be null, undefined or empty on User models.'
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var b = a.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments);
- return b.thread = {
- },
- this.hasValidAvatar() || (b.avatar = this.defaults.avatar),
- b.isRegistered = this.isRegistered(),
- b
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/models/User', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'moment',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/time',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/models/BaseUser'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {
- 'use strict';
- function k(a, b, c) {
- a[b] = a[b] || [
- ],
- a[b].push(c)
- }
- var l = g.get,
- m = j.extend({
- url: i.getURL('users/details'),
- validate: function (c) {
- var d = {
- };
- if (c.display_name && (c.display_name = a.trim(c.display_name)), c.display_name || k(d, 'display_name', l('Please enter your name.')), c.email || k(d, 'email', l('Please enter your email address.')), f.validateEmail(c.email) || k(d, 'email', l('Invalid email address.')), this.isNew() && (c.password ? c.password.length < m.MIN_PASSWORD_LEN && k(d, 'password', l('Password must have at least 6 characters.')) : k(d, 'password', l('Please enter a password.'))), c.name && (c.name.length < m.MIN_NAME_LEN && k(d, 'name', g.interpolate(l('Name must have at least %(minLength)s characters.'), {
- minLength: m.MIN_NAME_LEN
- })), c.name.length > m.MAX_NAME_LEN && k(d, 'name', g.interpolate(l('Name must have less than %(maxLength)s characters.'), {
- maxLength: m.MAX_NAME_LEN
- }))), c.location && c.location.length > m.MAX_LOCATION_LEN && k(d, 'location', g.interpolate(l('Location must have less than %(maxLength)s characters.'), {
- maxLength: m.MAX_LOCATION_LEN
- })), c.url && (c.url.length > m.MAX_URL_LEN && k(d, 'url', g.interpolate(l('Site must have less than %(maxLength)s characters.'), {
- maxLength: m.MAX_URL_LEN
- })), f.isUrl(c.url) || k(d, 'url', l('Please enter a valid site.'))), !b.isEmpty(d)) return d
- },
- prepareFetchOptions: function (a) {
- a = a ? b.clone(a) : {
- };
- var c = {
- };
- return this.get('id') ? c.user = this.get('id') : this.get('username') && (c.user = 'username:' + this.get('username')),
- b.extend(c, a.data),
- a.data = c,
- a
- },
- fetch: function (a) {
- return a = this.prepareFetchOptions(a),
- j.prototype.fetch.call(this, a)
- },
- parse: function (a) {
- var b = a.response || a;
- return b = this.handleBadgesUpdate(b)
- },
- register: function (a) {
- var c = this;
- return a = a || {
- },
- i.call('internal/users/register.json', {
- data: b.extend(this.toRegisterJSON(), {
- gRecaptchaResponse: a.gRecaptchaResponse
- }),
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (d) {
- i.call('users/acceptTerms', {
- method: 'POST'
- }),
- c.set(b.extend({
- }, d.response, {
- hasAcceptedGdprTerms: !0
- })),
- a.success && a.success(d)
- },
- error: a.error
- })
- },
- saveAvatar: function (a) {
- var b = new window.FormData;
- return b.append('avatar_file', a),
- b.append('api_key', d.keys.api),
- i.call('internal/users/updateAvatar.json', {
- method: 'post',
- data: b,
- cache: !1,
- contentType: !1,
- processData: !1
- })
- },
- saveProfile: function () {
- return i.call('users/updateProfile.json', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- name: this.get('name'),
- about: this.get('about'),
- location: this.get('location'),
- url: this.get('url')
- }
- })
- },
- toRegisterJSON: function () {
- return b.pick(this.toJSON(), 'display_name', 'email', 'password')
- },
- isSession: function (a) {
- return a.user.id && a.user.id === this.id
- },
- isEditable: function (a) {
- return this.isSession(a) && !this.get('remote')
- },
- toJSON: function (a) {
- a = a || {
- };
- var b = j.prototype.toJSON.call(this),
- c = this.collection && this.collection.thread;
- return b.thread.canModerate = Boolean(c && c.isModerator(this)),
- b.thread.isOP = Boolean(c && c.isOP(this)),
- a.session && (b.isSession = this.isSession(a.session), b.isEditable = this.isEditable(a.session)),
- b
- },
- _changeFollowState: function (a) {
- this.set({
- isFollowing: a,
- numFollowers: Math.max(0, this.get('numFollowers') + (a ? 1 : - 1))
- });
- var b = 'users/' + (a ? 'follow' : 'unfollow'),
- c = this;
- return i.call(b + '.json', {
- data: {
- target: this.get('id')
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (a) {
- c.trigger('sync', c, a, {
- })
- }
- })
- },
- follow: function () {
- return this._changeFollowState(!0)
- },
- unfollow: function () {
- return this._changeFollowState(!1)
- },
- _changeBlockState: function (a) {
- var b = 'users/block/' + (a ? 'create' : 'delete'),
- c = this;
- return i.call(b + '.json', {
- data: {
- user: this.get('id')
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (a) {
- c.set(a.response)
- }
- })
- },
- block: function () {
- return this._changeBlockState(!0)
- },
- unblock: function () {
- return this._changeBlockState(!1)
- },
- report: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- return i.call('users/report.json', {
- data: {
- reason: a,
- user: this.get('id')
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function () {
- b.set('isFlagged', !0)
- }
- })
- },
- toggleFollowState: function () {
- return this._changeFollowState(!this.get('isFollowing'))
- },
- registeredLessThan: function (a, b) {
- var d = e.assureTzOffset(this.get('joinedAt')),
- f = c().subtract(a, b);
- return c(d).isAfter(f)
- },
- registeredToday: function () {
- return this.registeredLessThan(1, 'day')
- },
- registeredThisWeek: function () {
- return this.registeredLessThan(1, 'week')
- },
- shouldHomeOnboard: function () {
- return !this.get('homeOnboardingComplete') && !h.isFeatureActive('onboarding_without_channels')
- },
- setHomeOnboardComplete: function (a) {
- this.updateFlags({
- homeOnboardingComplete: a
- }),
- a && this.listenTo(this, 'change:homeOnboardingComplete', b.bind(this.set, this, 'homeOnboardingComplete', a, {
- silent: !0
- }))
- },
- handleBadgesUpdate: function (a) {
- if (this.collection && this.collection.thread && this.collection.thread.forum && this.collection.thread.forum.get('badges')) {
- var b = this.collection.thread.forum.get('badges');
- a.badges = a.badges ? a.badges.filter(function (a) {
- return b[a.id]
- }) : [
- ]
- }
- return a
- },
- updateFlags: function (a) {
- return this.set(a),
- i.call('internal/users/updateFlags.json', {
- data: b.mapObject(a, function (a) {
- return a ? 1 : 0
- }),
- method: 'POST'
- })
- }
- }, {
- MAX_URL_LEN: 200
- });
- return m
- }),
- define('core/utils/html', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = '...',
- b = a.length,
- c = function (a) {
- var b;
- try {
- b = (new window.DOMParser).parseFromString('<!doctype html><meta charset=utf-8><title> </title>', 'text/html')
- } catch (c) {
- }
- return b || (b = window.document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('')),
- b.body && (b.body.innerHTML = a),
- b
- };
- return {
- stripTags: function (a) {
- var b = c(a).body;
- return (b.textContent || b.innerText).replace(/\r?\n/g, ' ')
- },
- replaceAnchors: function (a, d) {
- var e = c(a);
- return [].forEach.call(e.querySelectorAll('a'), function (a) {
- var c = a.getAttribute('href') || '',
- e = a.innerHTML,
- f = d(a);
- 0 === c.indexOf(e.slice(0, - b)) ? e = f : c.length && e.indexOf(c) !== - 1 ? e = e.replace(c, f) : e += ' ' + f,
- a.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', e),
- a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
- }),
- e.body.innerHTML.trim()
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/advice', [
- 'underscore'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- function b() {
- a.each(['before',
- 'after',
- 'around'], function (a) {
- this[a] = function (b, d) {
- return 'function' == typeof this[b] ? this[b] = c[a](this[b], d) : this[b] = d,
- this[b]
- }
- }, this)
- }
- var c = {
- around: function (b, c) {
- return function () {
- var d = a.toArray(arguments);
- return c.apply(this, [
- a.bind(b, this)
- ].concat(d))
- }
- },
- before: function (b, d) {
- return c.around(b, function () {
- var b = a.toArray(arguments),
- c = b.shift();
- return d.apply(this, b),
- c.apply(this, b)
- })
- },
- after: function (b, d) {
- return c.around(b, function () {
- var b = a.toArray(arguments),
- c = b.shift(),
- e = c.apply(this, b);
- return d.apply(this, b),
- e
- })
- }
- };
- return {
- withAdvice: b
- }
- }),
- define('core/models/mixins', [
- 'underscore',
- 'moment',
- 'core/time'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- function d() {
- b.locale('en', {
- relativeTime: {
- future: '%s from now',
- past: '%s ago',
- s: 'a few seconds',
- ss: '%d seconds',
- m: 'a minute',
- mm: '%d minutes',
- h: 'an hour',
- hh: '%d hours',
- d: 'a day',
- dd: '%d days',
- M: 'a month',
- MM: '%d months',
- y: 'a year',
- yy: '%d years'
- }
- }),
- this._getCreatedMoment = a.memoize(function (a) {
- var d = this.get(a || 'createdAt');
- if (d) return b(c.assureTzOffset(d), c.ISO_8601)
- }, function (a) {
- return this.get(a || 'createdAt')
- }),
- this.getRelativeCreatedAt = function (a) {
- var b = this._getCreatedMoment(a);
- return b && b.from(Number(new Date))
- },
- this.getFormattedCreatedAt = a.memoize(function (a) {
- var b = this._getCreatedMoment(a);
- return b && b.format('LLLL')
- }, function (a) {
- return this.get(a || 'createdAt')
- })
- }
- return {
- withCreatedAt: d
- }
- }),
- define('core/collections/UserCollection', [
- 'jquery',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/models/User'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.Collection.extend({
- model: c,
- initialize: function (a, c) {
- b.Collection.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- this.thread = c && c.thread
- },
- fetch: function () {
- return a.when(!0)
- }
- });
- return d
- }),
- define('core/collections/VotersUserCollection', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/collections/UserCollection'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = d.extend({
- LIMIT: 50,
- url: function () {
- return c.getURL('posts/listUsersVotedPost')
- },
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.postId = b.postId,
- this.threadId = b.threadId
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- post: this.postId,
- thread: this.threadId,
- vote: c.vote,
- limit: this.LIMIT
- }
- }, c))
- }
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('core/collections/VoteCollection', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/models/Vote'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.Collection.extend({
- model: b
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/models/Post', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'moment',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/time',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/html',
- 'core/advice',
- 'remote/config',
- 'core/models/mixins',
- 'core/collections/VotersUserCollection',
- 'core/collections/VoteCollection'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) {
- 'use strict';
- var p = 1000,
- q = 0,
- r = 25000,
- s = function () {
- var b = a.now();
- return !(b - q < p) && (q = b, !0)
- },
- t = g.get,
- u = c.Model.extend({
- votersCollectionClass: n,
- defaults: function () {
- return {
- createdAt: d().format(h.ISO_8601),
- editableUntil: d().add(l.max_post_edit_days, 'days').format(h.ISO_8601),
- dislikes: 0,
- isApproved: !0,
- isDeleted: !1,
- isEdited: !1,
- isFlagged: !1,
- isFlaggedByUser: !1,
- isHighlighted: !1,
- isRealtime: !1,
- isImmediateReply: !1,
- isMinimized: null,
- hasMedia: !1,
- message: null,
- raw_message: null,
- likes: 0,
- media: [
- ],
- parent: null,
- points: 0,
- depth: 0,
- userScore: 0,
- rating: null
- }
- },
- initialize: function () {
- this.votes = new o
- },
- messageText: function () {
- var a = this.get('message');
- return a && j.stripTags(a)
- },
- permalink: function (a, b) {
- var c = this.id;
- if (!c || !a) return '';
- var d = b !== !1 && a.currentUrl || a.permalink(),
- e = window.document.createElement('a');
- return e.href = d,
- e.hash = '#comment-' + c,
- e.href
- },
- shortLink: function () {
- return e.shortener + '/p/' + Number(this.id).toString(36)
- },
- twitterText: function (a) {
- var b = 140,
- c = this.author.get('name') || this.author.get('username');
- b -= c.length + 3,
- b -= a.length + 1,
- b -= 2;
- var d = i.niceTruncate(this.messageText(), b);
- return '"' + d + '" — ' + c
- },
- toJSON: function (a) {
- var b = c.Model.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
- if (a) {
- var d = a.session,
- e = a.thread;
- b.canBeEdited = this.canBeEdited(d, e),
- b.canBeRepliedTo = this.canBeRepliedTo(d, e),
- b.canBeShared = this.canBeShared(),
- b.permalink = this.permalink(e)
- }
- return b.shortLink = this.shortLink(),
- b.isMinimized = this.isMinimized(),
- b.plaintext = this.messageText(),
- b.relativeCreatedAt = this.getRelativeCreatedAt(),
- b.formattedCreatedAt = this.getFormattedCreatedAt(),
- b.cid = this.cid,
- b
- },
- isPublic: function () {
- return !(!this.get('isHighlighted') && !this.get('isSponsored')) || !this.get('isDeleted') && this.get('isApproved')
- },
- isMinimized: function () {
- return !this.get('isHighlighted') && (this.get('isMinimized') !== !1 && !this.get('isApproved'))
- },
- isAuthorSessionUser: function () {
- return !1
- },
- canBeEdited: function () {
- return !1
- },
- canBeRepliedTo: function () {
- return !1
- },
- canBeShared: function () {
- return !1
- },
- validateMessage: function (a) {
- if (b.isString(a.raw_message)) {
- if ('' === a.raw_message) return t('Comments can\'t be blank.');
- if (a.raw_message.length < 2) return t('Comments must have at least 2 characters.');
- if (a.raw_message.length > r) return g.interpolate(t('Comments can\'t be longer than %(maxLength)s characters (currently %(currentLength)s characters).'), {
- maxLength: r,
- currentLength: a.raw_message.length
- })
- }
- },
- validate: function (c) {
- if (!this.id && !c.id) {
- var d = this.validateMessage(c);
- return d ? d : (c.author_email && (c.author_email = a.trim(c.author_email)), c.author_name && (c.author_name = a.trim(c.author_name)), '' === c.author_email && '' === c.author_name ? t('Please sign in or enter a name and email address.') : '' === c.author_email || '' === c.author_name ? t('Please enter both a name and email address.') : b.isString(c.author_email) && !this.validateEmail(c.author_email) ? t('Invalid email address format.') : void 0)
- }
- },
- validateEmail: function (a) {
- return i.validateEmail(a)
- },
- report: function (a) {
- this.set('isFlagged', !0);
- var b = {
- post: this.id
- };
- a && (b.reason = a),
- f.call('posts/report.json', {
- data: b,
- method: 'POST'
- })
- },
- _highlight: function (a) {
- this.set('isHighlighted', a),
- f.call('posts/' + (a ? 'highlight' : 'unhighlight') + '.json', {
- data: {
- post: this.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- })
- },
- highlight: function () {
- this._highlight(!0)
- },
- unhighlight: function () {
- this._highlight(!1)
- },
- getThreadId: function () {
- return this.get('thread')
- },
- getUpvotersUserCollection: b.memoize(function () {
- var a = this.votersCollectionClass;
- return new a((void 0), {
- postId: this.id,
- threadId: this.getThreadId()
- })
- }, function () {
- return [this.id,
- '1'].join('')
- }),
- getDownvotersUserCollection: b.memoize(function () {
- var a = this.votersCollectionClass;
- return new a((void 0), {
- postId: this.id,
- threadId: this.getThreadId()
- })
- }, function () {
- return [this.id,
- '-1'].join('')
- }),
- _vote: function (a, b, c) {
- var d = a - b,
- e = {
- likes: this.get('likes'),
- dislikes: this.get('dislikes'),
- points: this.get('points')
- };
- return 0 === d ? d : (a > 0 ? (e.likes += a, e.dislikes += b) : a < 0 ? (e.dislikes -= a, e.likes -= b) : b > 0 ? e.likes -= b : e.dislikes += b, e.points += d, c && (1 === a ? (this.getUpvotersUserCollection().add(c), this.getDownvotersUserCollection().remove(c)) : (this.getDownvotersUserCollection().add(c), this.getUpvotersUserCollection().remove(c))), this.set(e), d)
- },
- vote: function (a) {
- if (!s()) return 0;
- var b = this,
- c = b._vote(a, b.get('userScore'));
- if (0 !== c) {
- var d = b.author ? b.author.get('numLikesReceived') : 0;
- 1 === b.get('userScore') ? d -= 1 : 1 === a && (d += 1),
- b.set('userScore', a),
- f.call('posts/vote.json', {
- data: {
- post: b.id,
- vote: a
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (c) {
- b.votes.add({
- id: c.response.id,
- score: a
- }, {
- merge: !0
- }),
- b.author && b.author.set('numLikesReceived', d)
- }
- })
- }
- },
- _delete: function () {
- return this.set({
- isApproved: !1,
- isDeleted: !0
- }),
- f.call('posts/remove.json', {
- data: {
- post: this.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- })
- },
- spam: function () {
- this.set({
- isApproved: !1,
- isDeleted: !0,
- isSpam: !0
- }),
- this.trigger('spam'),
- f.call('posts/spam.json', {
- data: {
- post: this.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- })
- },
- _create: function (a, b) {
- var c = this,
- d = a.attributes,
- e = {
- thread: d.thread,
- message: d.raw_message,
- rating: d.rating
- };
- return d.parent && (e.parent = d.parent),
- d.author_name && (e.author_name = d.author_name, e.author_email = d.author_email),
- f.call('posts/create.json', {
- data: e,
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (a) {
- c.set(a.response),
- b.success && b.success()
- },
- error: b.error
- })
- },
- _update: function (a, b) {
- var c = this,
- d = a.attributes,
- e = {
- post: d.id,
- message: d.raw_message,
- rating: d.rating
- };
- return f.call('posts/update.json', {
- data: e,
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (a) {
- c.set(a.response),
- b.success && b.success()
- },
- error: b.error
- })
- },
- _read: function (a, b) {
- var c = this;
- return b = b || {
- },
- f.call('posts/details.json', {
- data: {
- post: c.id
- },
- method: 'GET',
- success: function (a) {
- b.isHighlighted && !a.response.isHighlighted && (a.response.isHighlighted = !0),
- c.set(a.response),
- b.success && b.success()
- },
- error: b.error
- })
- },
- sync: function (a, b, c) {
- c = c || {
- };
- var d = c.error;
- switch (d && (c.error = function (a) {
- var b = {
- };
- try {
- b = JSON.parse(a.responseText)
- } catch (c) {
- }
- d(b)
- }), a) {
- case 'create':
- return this._create(b, c);
- case 'update':
- return this._update(b, c);
- case 'delete':
- return this._delete();
- case 'read':
- return this._read(b, c);
- default:
- return null
- }
- },
- storageKey: function () {
- if (this.isNew() && this.getThreadId()) return ['drafts',
- 'thread',
- this.getThreadId(),
- 'parent',
- this.get('parent') || 0].join(':')
- }
- }, {
- formatMessage: function () {
- var a = /(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2,}/,
- c = /\r\n|\r|\n/;
- return function (d) {
- var e = b.chain(d.split(a)).compact().value(),
- f = b.map(e, function (a) {
- return b.chain(a.split(c)).compact().map(b.escape).join('<br>').value()
- }).join('</p><p>');
- return '<p>' + f + '</p>'
- }
- }()
- });
- return m.withCreatedAt.call(u.prototype),
- k.withAdvice.call(u.prototype),
- u.withAuthor = function (a) {
- this.around('set', function (c, d, e, f) {
- var g;
- if (null == d) return this;
- 'object' == typeof d ? (g = d, f = e) : (g = {
- }, g[d] = e);
- var h = g.author;
- if (h) {
- if (b.isString(h) || b.isNumber(h)) {
- var i = h;
- h = {
- },
- h[a.prototype.idAttribute || 'id'] = i
- }
- var j = this.collection || this.author && this.author.collection,
- k = j && j.thread && j.thread.forum;
- if (this.author && this.author.get('badges').length && this.author.get('badges') [0].id) h.badges = this.author.get('badges');
- else if (k && k.get('badges') && h.badges) {
- var l = [
- ],
- m = h.badges || [
- ],
- n = k.get('badges');
- m.forEach(function (a) {
- n[a] && l.push(n[a])
- }),
- h.badges = l
- }
- this.author = new a(h),
- this.trigger('changeRelated:author'),
- delete g.author
- }
- return c.call(this, g, f)
- }),
- this.around('toJSON', function (a) {
- var c = a.apply(this, b.rest(arguments));
- return this.author && (c.author = this.author.toJSON()),
- c
- })
- },
- u.withMediaCollection = function (a) {
- this.after('set', function (c) {
- c && 'string' != typeof c && (b.isUndefined(c.media) || (this.media ? this.media.reset(c.media) : this.media = new a(c.media), delete c.media))
- }),
- this.around('toJSON', function (a) {
- var c = a.apply(this, b.rest(arguments));
- return this.media && (c.media = this.media.toJSON()),
- c
- })
- },
- u
- }),
- define('core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers', [
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = {
- };
- return b.isThreadRatingsEnabled = function (b, c) {
- return !!(b && b.forum && c && c.id === b.forum) && Boolean(a(b, [
- 'ratingsEnabled'
- ]) && a(c, [
- 'settings',
- 'threadRatingsEnabled'
- ]) && a(c, [
- 'features',
- 'threadRatings'
- ]))
- },
- b.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled = function (a) {
- if (!a || !a.forum) return !1;
- var b = a.forum.get('settings'),
- c = a.forum.get('features');
- return Boolean(a.get('ratingsEnabled') && b && b.threadRatingsEnabled && c && c.threadRatings)
- },
- b.isForumRatingsEnabled = function (b) {
- return !!b && Boolean(a(b, [
- 'settings',
- 'threadRatingsEnabled'
- ]) && a(b, [
- 'features',
- 'threadRatings'
- ]))
- },
- b.isForumModelRatingsEnabled = function (a) {
- if (!a) return !1;
- var b = a.get('settings'),
- c = a.get('features');
- return Boolean(b && b.threadRatingsEnabled && c && c.threadRatings)
- },
- b
- }),
- define('core/models/Thread', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'loglevel',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/advice',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'core/models/User'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {
- 'use strict';
- var l = b.Model,
- m = l.prototype,
- n = l.extend({
- defaults: {
- author: null,
- category: null,
- createdAt: null,
- forum: null,
- identifiers: [
- ],
- ipAddress: null,
- isClosed: !1,
- isDeleted: !1,
- hasStreaming: !1,
- link: null,
- message: null,
- slug: null,
- title: null,
- userSubscription: !1,
- posts: 0,
- likes: 0,
- dislikes: 0,
- userScore: 0
- },
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- this.moderators = b.moderators,
- this.forum = b.forum,
- this.on('change:userScore', function () {
- var a = this.get('userScore');
- a > 0 && 0 === this.get('likes') && this.set('likes', a)
- }, this)
- },
- _vote: function (a, b) {
- var c = a - b;
- return 0 === c ? c : (this.set('likes', this.get('likes') + c), c)
- },
- vote: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = b._vote(a, b.get('userScore'));
- 0 !== c && (this.set('userScore', a), f.call('threads/vote.json', {
- data: {
- thread: this.id,
- vote: a
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (a) {
- a.response.id && b.trigger('vote:success', a)
- }
- }))
- },
- fetch: function (a) {
- var b,
- d = this,
- e = d.attributes;
- a = a || {
- },
- b = e.identifier ? 'ident:' + e.identifier : 'link:' + e.url,
- f.call('threads/details.json', {
- data: {
- thread: b,
- forum: e.forum
- },
- success: function (b) {
- d.set(b.response),
- a.success && a.success()
- },
- error: function () {
- g.debug ? d.save({
- }, {
- success: a.success
- }) : c.info('Couldn\'t find thread; not creating in production.')
- }
- })
- },
- _toggleState: function (a, b) {
- b || (b = {
- });
- var c = a ? 'open.json' : 'close.json';
- return this.set('isClosed', !a),
- f.call('threads/' + c, {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- thread: this.id
- },
- success: b.success,
- error: b.error
- })
- },
- open: function (a) {
- return this._toggleState(!0, a)
- },
- close: function (a) {
- return this._toggleState(!1, a)
- },
- premoderate: function (b, c) {
- return this.set('validateAllPosts', b),
- f.call('threads/update', a.extend({
- }, c, {
- method: 'POST',
- data: a.extend({
- thread: this.id,
- validateAllPosts: b ? 1 : 0
- }, c && c.data)
- }))
- },
- sync: function () {
- var a = this,
- b = a.attributes;
- f.call('threads/create.json', {
- data: {
- title: b.title,
- forum: b.forum,
- identifier: b.identifier,
- url: b.url
- },
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (b) {
- a.set(b.response)
- }
- })
- },
- fetchRatings: function () {
- var a = this,
- b = {
- thread: a.id
- };
- return f.call('threads/ratingsSummary.json', {
- data: b,
- method: 'GET',
- success: function (b) {
- a.set('ratings', b.response)
- }
- })
- },
- toggleRatingsEnabled: function () {
- var a = this;
- if (j.isForumModelRatingsEnabled(a.forum)) {
- var b = a.get('ratingsEnabled'),
- c = {
- thread: a.id,
- ratingsEnabled: b ? 0 : 1
- };
- return a.set('ratingsEnabled', !b),
- f.call('threads/update.json', {
- data: c,
- method: 'POST'
- })
- }
- },
- incrementPostCount: function (a) {
- var b = this.get('posts') + a;
- this.set('posts', b > 0 ? b : 0)
- },
- isModerator: function (b) {
- var c;
- if (this.moderators) return c = b instanceof k || a.isObject(b) ? b.id : b,
- c = parseInt(c, 10),
- a(this.moderators).contains(c)
- },
- isOP: function (b) {
- var c = b instanceof k || a.isObject(b) ? b.id : b;
- return this.get('author') === c
- },
- subscribe: function (a) {
- a = a !== !1;
- var b = this.get('userSubscription');
- if (b !== a) {
- this.set('userSubscription', a);
- var c = a ? 'subscribe.json' : 'unsubscribe.json',
- d = {
- thread: this.id
- };
- return f.call('threads/' + c, {
- data: d,
- method: 'POST'
- })
- }
- },
- twitterText: function (a) {
- var b = 140 - (a.length + 1),
- c = this.get('clean_title');
- return c = e.niceTruncate(c, b)
- },
- permalink: function () {
- return this.get('url') || this.get('link') || this.currentUrl
- },
- shortLink: function () {
- return d.shortener + '/t/' + Number(this.id).toString(36)
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var a = m.toJSON.call(this);
- return a.permalink = this.permalink(),
- a.shortLink = this.shortLink(),
- a
- },
- getDiscussionRoute: function (a) {
- var b = [
- '',
- 'home',
- 'discussion',
- this.forum.id,
- this.get('slug'),
- ''
- ];
- return a = a || this.forum.channel,
- a && (a = a.attributes || a, b.splice(2, 0, 'channel', a.slug), b.splice(1, 1)),
- b.join('/')
- }
- });
- return h.withAdvice.call(n.prototype),
- n.withThreadVoteCollection = function (a) {
- this.after('initialize', function () {
- this.votes = new a,
- this.on('vote:success', function (a) {
- this.votes.get(a.response.id) || this.votes.add({
- id: a.response.id,
- score: a.response.vote,
- currentUser: !0
- })
- }, this)
- })
- },
- n.withPostCollection = function (b) {
- this.after('initialize', function (c) {
- c = c || {
- },
- this.posts = new b(c.posts, {
- thread: this,
- cursor: c.postCursor,
- order: c.order,
- perPage: this.postsPerPage
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'add reset', function (b) {
- b = b.models ? b.models : [
- b
- ],
- this.users && a.each(b, function (a) {
- this.users.get(a.author.id) || this.users.add(a.author)
- }),
- this.recalculatePostCount()
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'change:isDeleted change:isFlagged', function (a, b) {
- b && this.incrementPostCount( - 1)
- })
- }),
- this.recalculatePostCount = function () {
- var a = this.get('posts');
- a > 50 || (a = this.posts.reduce(function (a, b) {
- return b.isPublic() ? a + 1 : a
- }, 0), this.set('posts', a))
- }
- },
- i.addType('Thread', n),
- n
- }),
- define('core/models/Forum', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/api'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = a.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- settings: {
- },
- badges: [
- ],
- followUrl: 'forums/follow',
- unfollowUrl: 'forums/unfollow',
- isFollowing: !1
- },
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- b && b.channel && (this.channel = b.channel),
- this.getFeatures(),
- this.on('change:id', this.getFeatures),
- this.on('change:id', this.getBadges)
- },
- _changeFollowingState: function (a) {
- return c.call(a, {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- target: this.get('id')
- }
- })
- },
- follow: function () {
- return this.set('isFollowing', !0),
- this._changeFollowingState(this.get('followUrl'))
- },
- unfollow: function () {
- return this.set('isFollowing', !1),
- this._changeFollowingState(this.get('unfollowUrl'))
- },
- toggleFollowed: function () {
- if (this.channel && this.channel.get('options').isCurationOnlyChannel) return this.channel.toggleFollowed();
- var a = this.get('isFollowing') ? this.unfollow() : this.follow();
- return this.trigger('toggled:isFollowing'),
- a
- },
- getFeatures: function () {
- var a = this;
- a.id && c.call('forums/details', {
- data: {
- forum: this.id,
- attach: 'forumFeatures'
- },
- success: function (b) {
- b && b.response && a.set('features', b.response.features)
- }
- })
- },
- getBadges: function () {
- if (this.id && this.get('badges')) {
- var a = {
- },
- b = {
- };
- b.id = this.get('pk'),
- b.url = this.get('id'),
- this.get('badges').forEach(function (c) {
- c.forum = b,
- a[c.id] = c
- }),
- this.set('badges', a)
- }
- }
- });
- return b.addType('Forum', d),
- d
- }),
- define('core/models/Media', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/UniqueModel'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.Model.extend({
- idAttribute: 'url',
- defaults: {
- mediaType: null,
- html: '',
- htmlWidth: null,
- htmlHeight: null,
- thumbnailUrl: '',
- thumbnailWidth: null,
- thumbnailHeight: null,
- url: '',
- urlRedirect: '',
- resolvedUrl: '',
- resolvedUrlRedirect: '',
- title: '',
- description: '',
- providerName: ''
- },
- parse: function (a) {
- return a.response
- },
- sync: function (b, d, e) {
- if ('read' !== b) throw new Error('Media models do not support methods other than "read".');
- return c.call('media/details.json', a.extend({
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- url: this.get('url'),
- forum: e.forum
- }
- }, e))
- }
- }, {
- IMAGE: '1',
- WEBPAGE: '4',
- GOOGLE_MAP: '11',
- VIMEO_VIDEO: '12',
- VINE_VIDEO: '14',
- GIF_VIDEO: '15',
- MP4_VIDEO: '16'
- },
- '4',
- '6',
- '7'
- ]
- });
- return d.addType('Media', e),
- e
- }),
- define('core/collections/MediaCollection', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/models/Media'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.Collection.extend({
- model: b
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('common/collections/VotersUserCollection', [
- 'core/collections/VotersUserCollection'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = a.extend({
- initialize: function (b, c) {
- a.prototype.initialize.call(this, b, c);
- var d = require('common/Session');
- this.session = d.get()
- },
- parse: function (a) {
- return this.session.get('canModerate') && a.response && a.response.forEach(function (a) {
- a.isBlocking = !1
- }),
- a.response
- }
- });
- return b
- }),
- define('common/models', [
- 'require',
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'modernizr',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/models/User',
- 'core/models/Post',
- 'core/models/Thread',
- 'core/models/Forum',
- 'core/collections/MediaCollection',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/utils/guid',
- 'common/utils',
- 'core/utils',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/shared/urls',
- 'common/collections/VotersUserCollection',
- 'backbone.uniquemodel'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t) {
- 'use strict';
- var u = k.extend({
- defaults: {
- settings: {
- }
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- return c.extend(d.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments), {
- homeUrl: s.apps.home + 'home/forums/' + this.id + '/'
- })
- }
- }),
- v = j.extend({
- initialize: function (b, d) {
- j.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- d = d || {
- };
- var e = this,
- f = a('common/collections');
- e.users = new f.UserCollection(d.users, {
- thread: e
- }),
- e.forum && (e.moderatorList = new f.ModeratorCollection(null, {
- forum: e.forum.get('id')
- })),
- e.posts = new f.SubpaginatedPostCollection(d.posts, {
- thread: e,
- cursor: d.postCursor,
- order: d.order,
- perPage: q.isMobileUserAgent() ? 20 : 50
- }),
- e.votes = new f.ThreadVoteCollection,
- e.posts.on('add reset', function (a) {
- a = a.models ? a.models : [
- a
- ],
- c.each(a, function (a) {
- e.users.get(a.author.id) || e.users.add(a.author)
- }),
- e.recalculatePostCount()
- }),
- e.listenTo(e.posts, 'change:isDeleted change:isFlagged', function (a, b) {
- b && e.incrementPostCount( - 1)
- }),
- e.queue = new f.QueuedPostCollection(null, {
- thread: e
- })
- },
- recalculatePostCount: function () {
- var a = this.get('posts');
- a > 50 || (a = this.posts.buffer.reduce(function (a, b) {
- var c = b.isPublic() && (!b.get('sb') || b.isAuthorSessionUser());
- return c ? a + 1 : a
- }, 0), this.set('posts', a))
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var a = this.get('forum'),
- b = c.isObject(a) ? a.id : a;
- return c.extend(j.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, arguments), {
- homeUrl: s.apps.home + 'home/discussions/' + b + '/' + this.get('slug') + '/'
- })
- }
- });
- j.withThreadVoteCollection.call(v.prototype, d.Collection);
- var w = i.extend({
- votersCollectionClass: t,
- initialize: function () {
- i.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- var b = a('common/collections');
- this.usersTyping = new b.TypingUserCollection
- },
- isAuthorSessionUser: function (b) {
- var c = a('common/Session'),
- d = m(b, [
- 'user',
- 'id'
- ]) || c.fromCookie().id;
- return !!(d && this.author && this.author.id) && this.author.id.toString() === d.toString()
- },
- canBeEdited: function (a, b) {
- var c = this.get('editableUntil'),
- d = (new Date).toISOString();
- return !b.get('isClosed') && !this.get('isDeleted') && a.isLoggedIn() && this.isAuthorSessionUser(a) && this.get('raw_message') && !this.get('isHighlighted') && !this.get('isSponsored') && d < c
- },
- canBeRepliedTo: function (a, b) {
- return !b.get('isClosed') && a.get('canReply') && !this.get('isDeleted') && (this.get('isApproved') || b.isModerator(a.user))
- },
- canBeShared: function () {
- return !this.get('isDeleted') && !this.get('isSponsored')
- },
- getParent: function () {
- var a = this.get('parent');
- if (a) return new g(w, {
- id: String(a)
- })
- }
- }, {
- fetchContext: function (a, d, e) {
- e = e || {
- };
- var h = b.Deferred();
- return f.call('posts/getContext.json', {
- method: 'GET',
- data: {
- post: a,
- order: d.posts.buffer.order
- },
- success: function (a) {
- var b = c.filter(a.response, function (a) {
- return a.thread === d.get('id')
- });
- return b ? (c.each(b, function (a) {
- d.posts.get(a.id) && delete a.hasMore,
- a = new g(w, a),
- e.requestedByPermalink && (a.requestedByPermalink = !0),
- d.posts.add(a)
- }), void h.resolve(b)) : void h.reject()
- }
- }),
- h.promise()
- }
- });
- i.withAuthor.call(w.prototype, g.wrap(h)),
- i.withMediaCollection.call(w.prototype, l),
- g.addType('Post', w);
- var x = d.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- user: null,
- message: null,
- parentId: null,
- immedReply: !1,
- createdAt: void 0
- },
- getVisibleParent: function (a) {
- for (var b, c = this; c.get('parentId'); ) {
- if (b = a.posts.get(c.get('parentId'))) return b;
- if (c = a.queue.get(c.get('parentId')), !c) return null
- }
- return null
- },
- toPost: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = a.posts.get(b.get('parentId')),
- d = c ? c.get('depth') + 1 : 0,
- e = new g(w, {
- id: b.id,
- forum: a.get('forum'),
- thread: a.id,
- message: b.get('message'),
- parent: b.get('parentId'),
- depth: d,
- createdAt: b.get('createdAt'),
- isRealtime: !0,
- media: b.get('media'),
- isImmediateReply: b.get('immedReply')
- });
- return e.author = b.get('user'),
- e
- }
- }),
- y = d.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- user: null,
- post: null,
- thread: null,
- client_context: null,
- typing: !0
- },
- idAttribute: 'client_context',
- set: function () {
- return this.lastModified = new Date,
- d.Model.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- sync: function () {
- var a = this.toJSON(),
- b = n(r.realertime + '/api/typing', a);
- try {
- p.CORS.request('GET', b).send()
- } catch (c) {
- }
- }
- }, {
- make: function (a) {
- return a.client_context || (a.client_context = o.generate()),
- new g(y, a)
- }
- });
- g.addType('TypingUser', y);
- var z = h.prototype.toJSON;
- c.extend(h.prototype, {
- getFollowing: function () {
- var b = a('common/collections/profile');
- return this.following || (this.following = new b.FollowingCollection(null, {
- user: this
- }))
- },
- hasDisqusProfileUrl: function () {
- var a = z.apply(this, arguments);
- if (!a.profileUrl) return !1;
- var b = a.profileUrl.match(/^https?:\/\/([^/?#]+)(?:[/?#]|$)/i);
- return b && b.length >= 2 && ('disqus.com' === b[1] || 'dev.disqus.org:8000' === b[1])
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var b = z.apply(this, arguments),
- c = a('common/Session'),
- d = c.get(),
- e = d && d.get('sso') && d.get('sso').profile_url;
- e && (e = String(e), 0 === e.indexOf('//') && (e = 'https:' + e), /https?:\/\//.test(e) || (e = null), /\{username\}/.test(e) && b.name || (e = null));
- var f = this.hasDisqusProfileUrl();
- return b.isSSOProfileUrl = !f || Boolean(e),
- f && e && (b.profileUrl = e.replace(/\{username\}/gi, encodeURIComponent(b.name))),
- b
- }
- }),
- g.addType('User', h);
- var A = h.extend({
- defaults: c.extend({
- numPosts: 0
- }, h.prototype.defaults)
- }),
- B = e.sessionstorage ? 'sessionStorage' : null,
- C = d.UniqueModel(h, 'User', B),
- D = d.UniqueModel(A, 'User', B),
- E = d.Model.extend({
- }),
- F = d.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- id: '',
- title: '',
- rating: 'g',
- 'default': {
- url: '',
- height: '',
- width: ''
- },
- fixedWidth200: {
- url: '',
- height: '',
- width: ''
- },
- fixedWidth100: {
- url: '',
- height: '',
- width: ''
- }
- }
- });
- return {
- Forum: u,
- Thread: v,
- Post: w,
- QueuedPost: x,
- TypingUser: y,
- User: h,
- TopUser: A,
- Switch: E,
- SyncedUser: C,
- SyncedTopUser: D,
- GifObject: F
- }
- }),
- define('core/models/Channel', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/models/Forum',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = f.get,
- h = b.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- primaryForum: {
- },
- slug: null,
- name: null,
- options: {
- },
- followUrl: 'channels/follow',
- unfollowUrl: 'channels/unfollow'
- },
- idAttribute: 'slug',
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.buildPrimaryForum(b),
- this.listenTo(this, 'change:primaryForum', this.updatePrimaryForum),
- this.listenTo(this, 'change:primaryCategory', this.updatePrimaryCategory)
- },
- buildPrimaryForum: function () {
- if (!this.primaryForum) {
- var a = this.get('primaryForum');
- a && (this.primaryForum = new c(e, a, {
- channel: this
- }), this.unset('primaryForum'))
- }
- },
- updatePrimaryForum: function () {
- var a = this.get('primaryForum');
- a && (this.primaryForum || this.buildPrimaryForum(), this.primaryForum.set(a), this.unset('primaryForum'))
- },
- updatePrimaryCategory: function () {
- var a = this.get('primaryCategory'),
- b = this.primaryCategory;
- null === a ? this.primaryCategory = void 0 : b ? b.set(a) : this.primaryCategory = new c(h, a),
- this.unset('primaryCategory'),
- this.trigger('changeRelated:primaryCategory')
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return c = c ? a.clone(c) : {
- },
- c.data = this.buildFetchData(c.data),
- b.Model.prototype.fetch.call(this, c)
- },
- buildFetchData: function (b) {
- var c = b ? a.clone(b) : {
- };
- return this.id && (c.channel = this.id),
- c
- },
- url: function (a) {
- return d.getURL(this.constructor.URLS[a] || this.constructor.URLS.read)
- },
- sync: function (c, d, e) {
- var f = d.attributes;
- e = a.extend({
- url: this.url(c),
- emulateHTTP: !0
- }, e);
- var g = {
- bannerColor: f.bannerColor,
- description: f.description,
- primaryCategory: d.primaryCategory && d.primaryCategory.get('slug') || ''
- };
- switch ('default' === e.avatarType ? g.avatar = '' : f.avatar && !a.isString(f.avatar) && (g.avatar = f.avatar), 'file' !== e.bannerType ? g.banner = '' : f.banner && !a.isString(f.banner) && (g.banner = f.banner), c) {
- case 'create':
- e.processData = !1,
- e.contentType = !1,
- g.name = f.name,
- e.data = this.toFormData(a.extend({
- }, g, e.data));
- break;
- case 'update':
- e.processData = !1,
- e.contentType = !1,
- g.channel = f.slug,
- e.data = this.toFormData(a.extend({
- }, g, e.data))
- }
- return b.sync(c, d, e)
- },
- toFormData: function (b) {
- return a.reduce(b, function (b, c, d) {
- return b.append(d, a.isString(c) ? c.trim() : c),
- b
- }, new window.FormData)
- },
- parse: function (a) {
- return a.response || a
- },
- shouldFetch: function () {
- return !this.get('name') || !this.get('dateAdded')
- },
- ensureFetched: function () {
- this.shouldFetch() && this.fetch()
- },
- validate: function (b) {
- var c = [
- ],
- d = b.name.trim();
- d.length < this.constructor.MIN_NAME_LENGTH ? c.push({
- attrName: 'name',
- message: f.interpolate(g('Name must have at least %(minLength)s characters.'), {
- minLength: this.constructor.MIN_NAME_LENGTH
- })
- }) : d.length > this.constructor.MAX_NAME_LENGTH && c.push({
- attrName: 'name',
- message: f.interpolate(g('Name must have less than %(maxLength)s characters.'), {
- maxLength: this.constructor.MAX_NAME_LENGTH
- })
- });
- var e = b.description.trim();
- if (e.length < this.constructor.MIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ? c.push({
- attrName: 'description',
- message: f.interpolate(g('Description must have at least %(minLength)s characters.'), {
- minLength: this.constructor.MIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
- })
- }) : e.length > this.constructor.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH && c.push({
- attrName: 'description',
- message: f.interpolate(g('Description must have less than %(maxLength)s characters.'), {
- maxLength: this.constructor.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
- })
- }), this.constructor.BANNER_COLORS[b.bannerColor] || c.push({
- attrName: 'bannerColor',
- message: f.interpolate(g('Banner color must be one of ' + a.invoke(a.values(this.constructor.BANNER_COLORS), 'toLowerCase').join(', ')) + '.')
- }), !a.isEmpty(c)) return c
- },
- _changeFollowingState: function (b, c) {
- return c = c || {
- },
- c.type = 'POST',
- c.data = a.extend({
- target: this.get('slug')
- }, c.data),
- d.call(b, c)
- },
- follow: function (a) {
- return this.primaryForum.set('isFollowing', !0),
- this._changeFollowingState(this.get('followUrl'), a)
- },
- unfollow: function (a) {
- return this.primaryForum.set('isFollowing', !1),
- this._changeFollowingState(this.get('unfollowUrl'), a)
- },
- toggleFollowed: function () {
- if (this.get('options').isCurationOnlyChannel && this.primaryForum) {
- var a = this.primaryForum.get('isFollowing') ? this.unfollow() : this.follow();
- return this.primaryForum.trigger('toggled:isFollowing'),
- a
- }
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var c = b.Model.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
- return a.defaults({
- primaryCategory: this.primaryCategory ? this.primaryCategory.toJSON() : {
- }
- }, c)
- }
- }, {
- URLS: {
- read: 'channels/details',
- create: 'channels/create',
- update: 'channels/update'
- },
- gray: g('Gray'),
- blue: g('Blue'),
- green: g('Green'),
- yellow: g('Yellow'),
- orange: g('Orange'),
- red: g('Red'),
- purple: g('Purple')
- },
- });
- return c.addType('Channel', h),
- h
- }),
- define('core/utils/objectExpander', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/models/Channel',
- 'core/models/Thread'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- Channel: c,
- Thread: d,
- parseObject: function (b, c) {
- return a.isString(c) ? b[c] : c
- },
- buildThread: function (c, d) {
- if (d instanceof this.Thread) return d;
- if (d = this.parseObject(c, d), a.isString(d.author)) {
- var e = d.author.replace('auth.User?id=', '');
- d.author = c['auth.User?id=' + e] || e
- }
- return new b(this.Thread, d, {
- forum: this.parseObject(c, d.forum),
- author: d.author
- })
- },
- buildChannel: function (a, c) {
- return c instanceof this.Channel ? c : (c = this.parseObject(a, c), new b(this.Channel, c))
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/collections/PaginatedCollection', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.Collection.extend({
- PER_PAGE: 30,
- initialize: function (b, c) {
- this.cid = a.uniqueId('collection'),
- c = c || {
- },
- this.cursor = c.cursor || {
- }
- },
- ensureFetched: a.memoize(function () {
- return this.fetch()
- }, function () {
- return this.cid
- }),
- fetch: function (c) {
- return c = c || {
- },
- c.data = a.defaults(c.data || {
- }, {
- cursor: c.cursor || '',
- limit: c.limit || this.PER_PAGE
- }),
- b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, c)
- },
- hasPrev: function () {
- return this.cursor.hasPrev
- },
- hasNext: function () {
- return this.cursor.hasNext
- },
- next: function (b) {
- return this.cursor.hasNext ? this.fetch(a.extend({
- }, b, {
- add: !0,
- remove: !0,
- cursor: this.cursor.next
- })) : void this.trigger('nodata')
- },
- prev: function (b) {
- return this.cursor.hasPrev ? this.fetch(a.extend({
- }, b, {
- add: !0,
- remove: !0,
- cursor: this.cursor.prev
- })) : void this.trigger('nodata')
- },
- more: function (b) {
- function c(a) {
- f.push(a)
- }
- var d = this;
- if (b = b || {
- }, b.post ? !b.post.attributes.hasMore : !this.cursor.hasNext) return void d.trigger('nodata');
- var e,
- f = [
- ];
- if (b.post) {
- var g = this.postCursors[b.post.id];
- e = g && g.cursor ? g.cursor.next : ''
- } else e = this.cursor.next;
- return this.on('add', c),
- this.fetch(a.extend({
- }, b, {
- add: !0,
- remove: !1,
- cursor: e,
- limit: this.PER_PAGE || this.perPage,
- success: function () {
- d.trigger('add:many', f, d, b),
- d.off('add', c),
- b.success && b.success.apply(this, arguments)
- }
- }))
- },
- parse: function (c) {
- return Array.isArray(c) && a.every(c, function (a) {
- return a instanceof b.Model
- }) ? c : (this.cursor = c.cursor || {
- hasNext: !1
- }, c.response)
- },
- getLength: function () {
- return this.length
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/collections/ChannelCollection', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/collections/PaginatedCollection',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/models/Channel',
- 'core/utils/objectExpander'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.extend({
- url: d.getURL('channels/list'),
- model: c.boundModel(e),
- initialize: function (a, c) {
- b.prototype.initialize.call(this, a, c),
- c = c || {
- },
- this.listName = c.listName
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return c = c || {
- },
- this.listName && (c.data = a.extend({
- listName: this.listName
- }, c.data)),
- b.prototype.fetch.call(this, c)
- },
- parse: function (c) {
- return c = b.prototype.parse.call(this, c),
- c.items ? a.map(c.items, function (a) {
- return f.buildChannel(c.objects, a.reference)
- }) : c
- }
- });
- return g
- }),
- define('core/common/cached-storage', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/utils/storage'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = function (a, b) {
- this.namespace = a,
- this.ttl = b || 300,
- this.cache = this.getFromStorage()
- };
- return a.extend(c.prototype, {
- getItem: function (a) {
- var b = this.cache[a];
- if (b) {
- if (!this.isExpired(b)) return b.value;
- delete this.cache[a]
- }
- },
- getCurrentTime: function () {
- return Math.floor((new Date).getTime() / 1000)
- },
- persist: function () {
- b.set(this.namespace, this.cache)
- },
- getFromStorage: function () {
- var c = b.get(this.namespace);
- return a.isObject(c) ? c : {
- }
- },
- isExpired: function (a) {
- return this.getCurrentTime() > a.expiry
- },
- setItem: function (a, b) {
- this.cache[a] = {
- value: b,
- expiry: this.getCurrentTime() + this.ttl
- },
- this.persist()
- },
- removeItem: function (a) {
- delete this.cache[a],
- this.persist()
- },
- getAll: function () {
- var b = a.chain(this.cache).map(function (a, b) {
- return this.getItem(b)
- }, this).compact().value();
- return this.persist(),
- b
- }
- }),
- c
- }),
- define('common/collections', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'moment',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/utils/objectExpander',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/collections/UserCollection',
- 'core/collections/PaginatedCollection',
- 'core/collections/ChannelCollection',
- 'core/models/ThreadVote',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'common/models',
- 'core/common/cached-storage',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'lounge/common'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) {
- 'use strict';
- var p = b.Collection.extend({
- model: j
- }),
- q = h.extend({
- PER_PAGE: 50,
- model: k.wrap(l.Post),
- url: d.getURL('threads/listPostsThreaded'),
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- h.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- b = b || {
- },
- this.thread = b.thread,
- this.setOrder(b.order)
- },
- fetch: function (b) {
- return b = b || {
- },
- a.extend(b, {
- data: {
- limit: this.PER_PAGE,
- thread: this.thread.id,
- forum: this.thread.get('forum'),
- order: this.getOrder()
- }
- }),
- h.prototype.fetch.call(this, b)
- },
- getOrder: function () {
- return this.order
- },
- setOrder: function (a) {
- 'popular' === a && this.thread.forum.get('votingType') === n.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED ? this.order = 'desc' : this.order = a
- }
- }),
- r = b.Collection.extend({
- collection: b.Collection,
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.lounge = o.getLounge(),
- this.thread = b.thread,
- this.perPage = b.perPage || 20,
- this.buffer = new this.collection(a, b),
- this.resetPage(),
- this.listenTo(this.buffer, 'reset', this.resetPage)
- },
- resetPage: function (c, d) {
- d = d || {
- };
- var e = a.isUndefined(d.customThreadLength) ? this.perPage : Math.min(d.customThreadLength, this.perPage),
- f = this.buffer.slice(0, e);
- return this.postCursors = {
- },
- this.fetchedReplies = 0,
- this.trigger('set:done', f),
- b.Collection.prototype.reset.call(this, f, d)
- },
- currentPage: function () {
- var a = Math.floor((this.length - this.fetchedReplies) / this.perPage);
- return (this.length - this.fetchedReplies) % this.perPage && (a += 1),
- a
- },
- setPageFor: function (a, b) {
- var c = this.buffer.get(a),
- d = this.perPage;
- c && (d = this.perPage * Math.floor(this.buffer.indexOf(c) / this.perPage + 1)),
- this.add(this.buffer.slice(0, d), b)
- },
- hasNext: function () {
- return this.buffer.length > this.length || this.buffer.hasNext()
- },
- more: function (a) {
- a = a || {
- };
- var b = this,
- c = b.length + b.perPage,
- d = a.success;
- a.success = function () {
- a.post || b.add(b.buffer.slice(0, c)),
- b.trigger('set:done', b.models),
- d && d()
- };
- var e = a.post ? b.get(a.post.id) : null;
- e && e.attributes.hasMore ? b.collection.prototype.more.call(b, a) : !e && b.buffer.length < b.length + b.perPage && b.buffer.hasNext() ? (b.add(b.buffer.slice(0, c)), b.buffer.more(a)) : a.success()
- }
- });
- a.each(['setOrder',
- 'getOrder',
- 'reset'], function (a) {
- r.prototype[a] = function () {
- return this.buffer[a].apply(this.buffer, arguments)
- }
- }),
- a.each(['add',
- 'remove'], function (a) {
- r.prototype[a] = function () {
- return this.buffer[a].apply(this.buffer, arguments),
- b.Collection.prototype[a].apply(this, arguments)
- }
- });
- var s = r.extend({
- model: q.prototype.model,
- collection: q,
- initialize: function () {
- r.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- this.postCursors = {
- },
- this.fetchedReplies = 0,
- this.submittedPostsCache = new m('submitted_posts_cache'),
- this.on('set:done', this.mapStartPosts)
- },
- restoreFromCache: function () {
- var b = this.submittedPostsCache.getAll(),
- c = this;
- this.add(a.chain(b).reject(function (a) {
- return c.thread.get('id') !== a.thread || a.parent && !c.get(a.parent)
- }).map(function (a) {
- return a.isCached = !0,
- a
- }).value())
- },
- removeFromCache: function (a) {
- this.submittedPostsCache.removeItem(a.id)
- },
- saveToCache: function (a) {
- this.submittedPostsCache.setItem(a.id, a.toJSON())
- },
- mapStartPosts: function (c) {
- if (null !== c) {
- var d = this;
- c = Array.isArray(c) ? c : [
- c
- ],
- a.forEach(c.slice().reverse(), function (a) {
- var c = a instanceof b.Model ? a.get('parent') : a.parent;
- c && !d.postCursors[c] && (d.postCursors[c] = Object.defineProperty({
- }, 'startPost', {
- value: a.id,
- writeable: !1
- }))
- })
- }
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- if (c = c || {
- }, !c.post) return this.buffer.fetch(c);
- var e = this;
- return c = a.extend({
- url: d.getURL('posts/getDescendants'),
- data: {
- limit: c.limit || this.perPage,
- order: this.getOrder(),
- post: c.post.id,
- start_post: this.postCursors[c.post.id] ? e.postCursors[c.post.id].startPost : '',
- cursor: c.cursor || ''
- }
- }, c),
- b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(e, c)
- },
- parse: function (a, b) {
- if (!(b.url && b.url.indexOf('posts/getDescendants') > - 1)) return this.buffer.parse(a, b);
- this.postCursors[b.data.post] || (this.postCursors[b.data.post] = {
- }),
- this.postCursors[b.data.post].cursor = a.cursor,
- b.post.set('hasMore', a.cursor.hasNext),
- this.fetchedReplies += a.response.length;
- var c = this.buffer.indexOf(b.post),
- d = this.getDescendantsFromBuffer(b.post);
- return d && this.add(d, {
- at: c
- }),
- this.buffer.add(a.response, {
- at: c + d.length
- }),
- a.response
- },
- getDescendantsFromBuffer: function (b) {
- var c = {
- };
- c[b.id] = b;
- var d = this.buffer.slice(this.buffer.indexOf(b) + 1);
- return a.some(d, function (a) {
- var b = a.get('parent');
- return !b || !c[b] || (c[a.id] = a, !1)
- }),
- a.values(c)
- }
- }),
- t = b.Collection.extend({
- model: l.QueuedPost,
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- var c = this;
- c.thread = b.thread,
- c.counters = {
- comments: 0,
- replies: {
- }
- },
- c.on('add', function (a) {
- var b = a.getVisibleParent(c.thread),
- d = c.counters.replies;
- b ? (d[b.id] = (d[b.id] || 0) + 1, b.id === a.get('parentId') && a.set('immedReply', !0)) : c.counters.comments += 1
- })
- },
- comparator: function (a) {
- return parseInt(a.id, 10)
- },
- isDescendant: function (b, c) {
- var d = b.get('parentId'),
- e = d ? this.get(d) : null,
- f = {
- };
- for (a.each(c, function (a) {
- f[a] = !0
- }); e; ) {
- if (f[e.get('id')] === !0) return !0;
- d = e.get('parentId'),
- e = d ? this.get(d) : null
- }
- return !1
- },
- drain: function D(b) {
- function c(a) {
- var b = [
- ];
- e.each(function (a) {
- null === a.get('parentId') && b.push(a.get('id'))
- }),
- e.reset(e.filter(function (c) {
- return null === c.get('parentId') || e.isDescendant(c, b) ? void a(c) : c
- })),
- e.counters.comments = 0
- }
- function d(c) {
- var d,
- f = [
- ];
- d = e.filter(function (a) {
- var c = a.getVisibleParent(e.thread);
- return c && c.get('id') === b ? void f.push(a) : a
- }),
- f = a.sortBy(f, function (a) {
- return parseInt(a.get('id'), 10)
- }),
- a.each(f, function (a) {
- c(a)
- }),
- e.reset(d),
- e.counters.replies[b] = 0
- }
- var e = this,
- D = b ? d : c;
- return D(function (a) {
- e.thread.posts.add(a.toPost(e.thread))
- })
- }
- }),
- u = b.Collection.extend({
- models: l.TypingUser,
- initialize: function () {
- var b = this;
- b.gc = null,
- b.on('add remove reset', function () {
- var c = b.count();
- return c > 0 && null === b.gc ? void (b.gc = setInterval(a.bind(b.cleanup, b), 60000)) : void (c <= 0 && null !== b.gc && (clearInterval(b.gc), b.gc = null))
- }, b)
- },
- count: function (a) {
- var b = this.filter(function (b) {
- return !(a && b.id === a) && b.get('typing')
- });
- return b.length
- },
- cleanup: function () {
- var a = c();
- this.reset(this.filter(function (b) {
- return a.diff(b.lastModified, 'minutes') < 5
- }))
- }
- }),
- v = h.extend({
- model: k.wrap(l.Post),
- url: d.getURL('users/listPostActivity')
- }),
- w = h.extend({
- model: l.Thread,
- url: d.getURL('timelines/ranked'),
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- this.type = b.type,
- this.target = b.target
- },
- fetch: function (b) {
- return b = b || {
- },
- b.data = a.extend({
- type: this.type,
- target: this.target
- }, b.data),
- h.prototype.fetch.call(this, b)
- },
- parse: function (b) {
- return b = h.prototype.parse.call(this, b),
- a.map(b.activities, function (a) {
- return e.buildThread(b.objects, a.items[0].object)
- })
- }
- }),
- x = b.Collection.extend({
- model: l.SyncedTopUser,
- url: d.getURL('forums/listMostActiveUsers'),
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.forum = b.forum,
- this.limit = b.limit
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- forum: this.forum,
- limit: this.limit
- }
- }, c))
- },
- parse: function (b) {
- return a.filter(b.response, function (a) {
- if (parseFloat(a.rep) > 0.7) return a
- })
- }
- });
- g.prototype.model = k.wrap(l.User);
- var y = b.Collection.extend({
- model: l.SyncedUser,
- url: d.getURL('forums/listModerators'),
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.forum = b.forum
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- forum: this.forum
- }
- }, c))
- },
- parse: function (b) {
- return a.map(b.response, function (a) {
- return a.user
- })
- }
- }),
- z = 'reaction-vote',
- A = b.Collection.extend({
- url: d.getURL('threadReactions/loadReactions'),
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.thread = b.thread,
- this.enabled = Boolean(a.length),
- this.eligible = Boolean(b.eligible),
- this.userIsAnonymous = b.userIsAnonymous
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- return b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- thread: this.thread.id
- }
- }, c))
- },
- parse: function (a) {
- var b = a.response,
- c = b.reactions,
- d = b.selected && b.selected.id;
- if (!d && this.userIsAnonymous) {
- var e = f.get(z);
- d = e && e[this.thread.get('id')]
- }
- if (d) {
- var g = c.filter(function (a) {
- return a.id === d
- });
- g.length && (g[0].isSelected = !0, g[0].votes || (g[0].votes = 1))
- }
- return this.enabled = Boolean(c.length),
- this.eligible = b.eligible,
- this.prompt = b.prompt,
- c
- },
- toggleEnabled: function () {
- var a = this;
- d.call('threadReactions/disableForThread', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- thread: this.thread.get('id'),
- enable: this.enabled ? 0 : 1
- },
- success: function () {
- a.enabled = !a.enabled,
- a.trigger('change:enabled'),
- a.enabled && !a.length && a.fetch()
- }
- })
- },
- vote: function (b, c) {
- var e = this.at(b);
- if (e && !e.get('isSelected')) {
- c = c || {
- },
- this.trigger('vote:start');
- var g = this;
- d.call('threadReactions/vote', a.extend({
- }, c, {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- thread: this.thread.get('id'),
- reaction: e.get('id')
- },
- success: function () {
- if (g.forEach(function (a, c) {
- var d = c === b,
- e = a.get('votes');
- d && (e += 1),
- a.get('isSelected') && (e = Math.max(0, e - 1)),
- a.set({
- isSelected: d,
- votes: e
- })
- }, g), g.trigger('vote:end'), g.userIsAnonymous) {
- var a = f.get(z) || {
- };
- a[g.thread.get('id')] = e.get('id'),
- f.set(z, a)
- }
- c.success && c.success()
- },
- error: function () {
- g.trigger('vote:end'),
- c.error && c.error()
- }
- }))
- }
- }
- }),
- B = b.Collection.extend({
- url: d.getURL('gifs/search'),
- model: l.GifObject,
- query: null,
- page: null,
- fetch: function (c) {
- return c.query === this.query ? this.page += 1 : this.page = 1,
- b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- forum: c.forum,
- query: c.query,
- page: this.page
- }
- }, c))
- },
- parse: function (a, b) {
- var c = a.response,
- d = this.toJSON();
- return b.query === this.query ? d.concat(c) : (this.query = b.query, c)
- },
- reset: function () {
- return this.query = null,
- this.page = null,
- b.Collection.prototype.reset.call(this)
- }
- }),
- C = b.Collection.extend({
- url: d.getURL('mentions/listUsers'),
- model: l.SyncedUser,
- LIMIT: 5,
- query: null,
- cursor: null,
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.threadId = b && b.threadId
- },
- fetch: function (c) {
- var d = this.cursor && this.cursor.hasNext;
- if (this.query !== c.query || d) return b.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a.extend({
- data: {
- thread: this.threadId,
- cursor: c.next && d && this.cursor.next ? this.cursor.next.slice(2) : null,
- query: c.query,
- limit: c.limit || this.LIMIT
- }
- }, c))
- },
- parse: function (a, c) {
- var d = a.response,
- e = a.cursor,
- f = this.toJSON();
- return f = c.query === this.query ? f.concat(d) : d,
- this.query = c.query,
- this.cursor = e,
- this.set(f),
- b.Collection.prototype.parse.call(this, f),
- f
- },
- reset: function () {
- return this.query = null,
- this.cursor = null,
- b.Collection.prototype.reset.call(this)
- }
- });
- return {
- PaginatedCollection: h,
- UserCollection: g,
- ChannelCollection: i,
- PostCollection: q,
- SubpaginatedPostCollection: s,
- TypingUserCollection: u,
- TopUserCollection: x,
- RankedThreadCollection: w,
- ThreadVoteCollection: p,
- PostActivityCollection: v,
- QueuedPostCollection: t,
- ModeratorCollection: y,
- ReactionsCollection: A,
- GifObjectsCollection: B,
- UserSuggestionsCollection: C
- }
- }),
- define('core/constants/storageConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- a.STORAGE_KEY_SESSION_ID = 'sessionId'
- }),
- define('core/models/Session', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'moment',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/constants/storageConstants',
- 'core/time',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/cookies',
- 'core/utils/guid',
- 'core/utils/auth',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/models/BaseUser',
- 'core/models/User'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p) {
- 'use strict';
- var q = function () {
- return m.getFromCookie()
- },
- r = function () {
- return n.get(h.STORAGE_KEY_SESSION_ID)
- },
- s = c.Model.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- this.constructor.fromCookie = b.once(q),
- this.user = this.getAnonUserInstance()
- },
- setUser: function (a) {
- this.user && this.stopListening(this.user),
- this.user = a,
- this.setIfNewUser(),
- this.listenTo(a, 'all', this.trigger),
- this.trigger('change:id', a)
- },
- isLoggedOut: function () {
- return !this.isLoggedIn()
- },
- isLoggedIn: function () {
- return Boolean(this.user.get('id'))
- },
- fetch: function (a) {
- var c = a || {
- };
- return e.call('users/details.json', {
- data: c.data,
- success: b.bind(function (a) {
- a = a.response,
- a.id && this.setUser(this.getUserInstance(a)),
- c.success && c.success(a),
- c.complete && c.complete(a)
- }, this),
- error: function (a) {
- c.error && c.error(a),
- c.complete && c.complete(a)
- }
- })
- },
- getAnonUserInstance: function (a) {
- return new o(a)
- },
- getUserInstance: function (a) {
- return new p(a)
- },
- getCsrfToken: function () {
- var a = k.read('csrftoken');
- return a || (a = l.generate().replace(/\W/g, ''), k.create('csrftoken', a, {
- domain: window.location.hostname,
- expiresIn: 31536000000
- })),
- a
- },
- authenticate: function (c) {
- var d = this.authServices[c];
- if (d) {
- if (b.isFunction(d)) return d.call(this);
- f.trigger('uiAction:openLogin', c);
- var e = this.getAuthWindowArgs(d),
- g = d.url;
- g += (g.indexOf('?') > - 1 ? '&' : '?') + a.param(e),
- this.openAuthWindow(g, d.width, d.height)
- }
- },
- authServices: {
- disqus: {
- url: g.urls.login,
- width: 460,
- height: 355,
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- twitter: {
- url: g.urls.oauth.twitter,
- width: 650,
- height: 680,
- csrf: !0,
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- facebook: {
- url: g.urls.oauth.facebook,
- width: 550,
- height: 320,
- csrf: !0,
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- google: {
- url: g.urls.oauth.google,
- width: 445,
- height: 635,
- csrf: !0,
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- microsoft: {
- url: g.urls.oauth.microsoft,
- width: 650,
- height: 635,
- csrf: !0,
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- apple: {
- url: g.urls.oauth.apple,
- width: 445,
- height: 750,
- csrf: !0,
- attachExperiment: !0
- }
- },
- getAuthWindowArgs: function (a) {
- var c = {
- };
- return a.csrf && (c.ctkn = this.getCsrfToken()),
- b.extend(c, a.params),
- c
- },
- openAuthWindow: function (a, b, c) {
- return j.openWindow(a, '_blank', {
- width: b,
- height: c
- })
- },
- setIfNewUser: function () {
- var a = this.user.get('joinedAt');
- if (this.user.get('isAnonymous') || !a) return void this.user.set('joinedRecently', !1);
- var b = i.assureTzOffset(a);
- this.user.set('joinedRecently', d().subtract(10, 'seconds').isBefore(b))
- }
- });
- return s.fromCookie = q,
- s.fromLocalStorage = r,
- s.isKnownToBeLoggedOut = function () {
- return !s.fromCookie().id && !s.fromLocalStorage()
- },
- s
- }),
- define('core/WindowBus', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'modernizr'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = c.Model.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- d.localstorage && a(window).on('storage', b.bind(this.onStorageEvent, this))
- },
- broadcast: function (a, b) {
- if (d.localstorage) {
- var c = JSON.stringify({
- name: a,
- data: b,
- time: (new Date).getTime()
- });
- try {
- window.localStorage.setItem(this.constructor.STORAGE_KEY, c)
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- },
- onStorageEvent: function (a) {
- var b = a.originalEvent.key,
- c = a.originalEvent.newValue;
- if (c && b === this.constructor.STORAGE_KEY) try {
- c = JSON.parse(c),
- this.trigger(c.name, c.data)
- } catch (d) {
- }
- }
- }, {
- STORAGE_KEY: 'disqus.bus'
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/threadVotes', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.gettext,
- g = function (c) {
- var g = c.thread && c.thread.forum,
- h = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: g
- }),
- i = h && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: g
- }),
- j = h ? 'favorite-button-toggle' : 'dropdown-toggle',
- k = h ? 'label-count-refresh' : 'label-count',
- l = i ? 'favorite-icon favorite-icon--refresh-v2' : 'favorite-icon',
- m = function () {
- return i ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'label label-default'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: l + ' icon-heart-empty'
- })) : h ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'label label-default'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'favorite-icon icon-heart-empty'
- }))
- },
- n = function () {
- return i ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'label label-favorited'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: l + ' icon-heart'
- })) : h ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'label label-favorited'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'favorite-icon icon-heart'
- }))
- },
- o = function () {
- return h && !i ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'favorite-icon-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'favorite-icon-refresh'
- })) : null
- };
- return a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'favorite',
- title: f('Favorite this discussion'),
- className: j + ' ' + (i ? j + '--v2' : '') + ' ' + (e(c.thread, [
- 'userScore'
- ]) ? 'upvoted' : ''),
- 'aria-label': f('Favorite this discussion')
- }, m(), n(), o(), ' ', e(c.thread, [
- 'likes'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'label ' + k + ' ' + (i ? k + '--v2' : '')
- }, e(c.thread, [
- 'likes'
- ], null)) : null), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu--coachmark pull-right'
- }, a.createElement('li', null, c.loggedIn ? a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('h2', {
- className: 'coachmark__heading'
- }, f('Your 1st favorited discussion!')), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'coachmark__description'
- }, f('Favoriting means this is a discussion worth sharing. It gets shared to your followers\' %(Disqus)s feeds if you log in, and gives the creator kudos!', {
- Disqus: 'Disqus'
- }))) : a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('h2', {
- className: 'coachmark__heading'
- }, f('Discussion Favorited!')), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'coachmark__description'
- }, f('Favoriting means this is a discussion worth sharing. It gets shared to your followers\' %(Disqus)s feeds, and gives the creator kudos!', {
- Disqus: 'Disqus'
- }))), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: (b.root || '') + '/home/?utm_source=disqus_embed&utm_content=recommend_btn',
- className: 'btn btn-primary coachmark__button',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, f(c.loggedIn ? 'See Your Feed' : 'Find More Discussions')))))
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('lounge/views/favorite-button', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'templates/lounge/threadVotes'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = a.View.extend({
- className: 'thread-likes',
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=favorite]': 'favoriteHandler'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.session = a.session,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.loggedOutFavoriteFlag = this.session.getLoggedOutUserFlags().get(d.ONBOARDING_KEY),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:userScore', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:likes', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', this.startFavoriteOnboarding),
- this.setTooltipEnabled()
- },
- setTooltipEnabled: function () {
- this.tooltipEnabled = this.session.isLoggedIn() ? b.get(d.ONBOARDING_KEY) : !this.loggedOutFavoriteFlag.isRead()
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(c({
- thread: this.thread.toJSON(),
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- loggedIn: this.session.isLoggedIn()
- })),
- this
- },
- startFavoriteOnboarding: function () {
- this.session.user.get('joinedRecently') && b.set(d.ONBOARDING_KEY, 'true'),
- this.setTooltipEnabled()
- },
- favoriteHandler: function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation(),
- a.preventDefault();
- var b = 0 === this.thread.get('userScore');
- this.trigger(b ? 'vote:like' : 'vote:unlike'),
- this.thread.vote(b ? 1 : 0),
- this.toggleTooltip(b),
- this.tooltipEnabled && b && this.markAsSeen()
- },
- markAsSeen: function () {
- this.session.isLoggedIn() ? b.remove(d.ONBOARDING_KEY) : this.loggedOutFavoriteFlag.markRead()
- },
- toggleTooltip: function (a) {
- this.tooltipEnabled && (a ? this.$el.parent().addClass('open') : this.$el.parent().removeClass('open'))
- }
- }, {
- ONBOARDING_KEY: 'showRecommendOnboarding'
- });
- return d
- }),
- define('common/collections/LoggedOutCache', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/common/cached-storage',
- 'lounge/views/favorite-button'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = [
- {
- id: 'welcome',
- title: '',
- body: ''
- }
- ],
- e = [
- {
- }
- ],
- f = new b('notes', 7776000),
- g = a.Model.extend({
- markRead: function () {
- f.setItem(this.id, !0)
- },
- isRead: function () {
- return Boolean(f.getItem(this.id))
- }
- }),
- h = a.Collection.extend({
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.session = b.session
- },
- model: g,
- markAllRead: function () {
- return this.each(function (a) {
- a.markRead()
- }),
- this.session.set('notificationCount', 0),
- this
- },
- getUnread: function () {
- return this.filter(function (a) {
- return !a.isRead()
- })
- }
- });
- return {
- storage: f,
- Collection: h,
- Model: g,
- }
- }),
- define('common/Session', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/analytics/jester',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/constants/storageConstants',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/models/Session',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/utils/cookies',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/WindowBus',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'common/collections/LoggedOutCache',
- 'common/keys',
- 'common/utils',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/tracking'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u) {
- 'use strict';
- var v,
- w = 3500,
- x = {
- },
- y = new o,
- z = j.extend({
- _defaults: {
- canReply: !0,
- canModerate: !1,
- audienceSyncVerified: !1,
- sso: null
- },
- socialLoginProviders: {
- facebook: function () {
- var b = a.Deferred();
- return require(['fb'], b.resolve.bind(b), b.reject.bind(b)),
- b.promise().then(function () {
- window.FB.init({
- appId: r.facebook,
- xfbml: !1,
- status: !0,
- version: 'v2.8'
- });
- var b = a.Deferred();
- return window.FB.getLoginStatus(function (a) {
- 'connected' === a.status ? b.resolve(a) : b.reject()
- }),
- b.promise()
- }).then(function (a) {
- c.logStat('lounge.auto_login.fb');
- var b = a.authResponse;
- return {
- grant_type: 'urn:disqus:params:oauth:grant-type:facebook-login',
- client_id: r.embedAPI,
- expires: b.expiresIn,
- fb_access_token: b.accessToken
- }
- })
- },
- google: function () {
- var b = a.Deferred();
- return require(['gapi'], function (a) {
- setTimeout(b.reject.bind(b), w),
- a.load('auth2', b.resolve.bind(b, a))
- }, b.reject.bind(b)),
- b.promise().then(function (b) {
- var c = b.auth2.init({
- client_id: r.google,
- fetch_basic_profile: !1,
- scope: 'profile email'
- }),
- d = a.Deferred();
- return c.then(function () {
- c.isSignedIn.get() ? d.resolve(c.currentUser.get()) : d.reject()
- }),
- d.promise()
- }).then(function (a) {
- c.logStat('lounge.auto_login.google');
- var b = a.getAuthResponse();
- return {
- grant_type: 'urn:disqus:params:oauth:grant-type:google-login',
- client_id: r.embedAPI,
- expires: b.expires_in,
- google_access_token: JSON.stringify(b)
- }
- })
- }
- },
- initialize: function () {
- z.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- !x.fromCookie().isAuthenticated && this.getSessionId() && d.headers({
- 'X-Sessionid': this.getSessionId()
- })
- },
- setSessionId: function (a) {
- },
- removeSessionId: function () {
- },
- getSessionId: function () {
- return p.get(g.STORAGE_KEY_SESSION_ID)
- },
- defaults: function () {
- var a = new q.Collection(q.LOGGED_OUT_NOTES, {
- session: this
- });
- return b.extend(this._defaults, {
- notificationCount: a.getUnread().length
- })
- },
- start: function (b) {
- var c = b || {
- };
- if (this.set(c), this.listenTo(y, 'auth:success', this.fetch), this.listenTo(e.frame, {
- '!auth:success': function (a) {
- a && (a.sessionId && (d.headers({
- 'X-Sessionid': a.sessionId
- }), x.fromCookie().isAuthenticated || this.setSessionId(a.sessionId)), a.message && this.trigger('alert', a.message, {
- type: 'info'
- }), a.logEvent && e.trigger('uiAction:' + a.logEvent)),
- y.broadcast('auth:success'),
- this.fetch()
- }
- }), this.bindAudienceSyncHandlers(), this.shouldFetchSession()) this.fetch();
- else if (m.read('no_auto_login') || u.isPrivate()) this.loginAsAnon();
- else {
- var f = this.socialLoginProviders,
- g = !1,
- h = 0,
- i = a.Deferred(),
- j = Object.keys(f).map(function (a) {
- return f[a].call(this)
- }, this),
- k = function (a) {
- g || (g = !0, i.resolve(a))
- },
- l = function (a) {
- h += 1,
- h === j.length && i.reject(a)
- };
- j.forEach(function (a) {
- a.then(k).fail(l)
- }),
- i.promise().then(function (b) {
- return a.post('https://disqus.com/api/oauth/2.0/access_token/', b)
- }).then(function (a) {
- this.fetch({
- data: {
- access_token: a.access_token
- }
- })
- }.bind(this)).fail(this.loginAsAnon.bind(this))
- }
- },
- stop: function () {
- this.stopListening(),
- this.off()
- },
- loginAsAnon: function () {
- this.setUser(this.getAnonUserInstance())
- },
- shouldFetchSession: function () {
- return Boolean(this.get('remoteAuthS3') || x.fromCookie().id || this.getSessionId())
- },
- getUserInstance: function (a) {
- return new l(h.User, a)
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var a = this.user.toJSON.apply(this.user, arguments);
- return a.thread.canReply = this.get('canReply'),
- a.thread.canModerate || (a.thread.canModerate = this.get('canModerate')),
- a
- },
- fetch: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = a || {
- };
- b.has('thread') && (c.thread = b.get('thread'));
- var d = c.thread ? b.fetchThreadDetails(c) : j.prototype.fetch.call(b, c);
- return d.done(function () {
- b.set('notificationCount', 0)
- }),
- d
- },
- fetchNotificationCount: function () {
- var b = this;
- return b.isLoggedIn() ? d.call('timelines/getUnreadCount.json', {
- data: {
- type: 'notifications',
- routingVersion: f.feedApiVersion
- }
- }).done(function (a) {
- b.set('notificationCount', a.response)
- }) : a.Deferred().resolve()
- },
- fetchThreadDetails: function (a) {
- var c = this,
- e = a.thread;
- c._request && (c._request.abort(), c._request = null);
- var f = {
- thread: e.id,
- post: e.posts.pluck('id')
- };
- return c._request = d.call('embed/threadDetails.json', {
- data: f,
- success: function (a) {
- var d = a.response,
- f = {
- };
- if (d.user && (b.extend(f, d.user, {
- votes: d.votes
- }), f = b.omit(f, 'badges')), d.blockedUsers || d.blockingUsers) {
- var g = d.session.canModerate ? new Set(d.blockedUsers) : new Set([].concat(_toConsumableArray(d.blockedUsers), _toConsumableArray(d.blockingUsers)));
- b.extend(f, d.user, {
- blockedUserIdSet: g
- }),
- f.blockedUserIdSet.forEach(function (a) {
- new l(h.User, {
- id: a
- }).set({
- isBlocked: !0
- })
- })
- }
- var i = c.get('thread') && c.get('thread').forum && c.get('thread').forum.id;
- k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: i
- }) && d.followingUsers && (b.extend(f, d.user, {
- followingUserIdSet: new Set(d.followingUsers)
- }), f.followingUserIdSet.forEach(function (a) {
- return new l(h.User, {
- id: a,
- isFollowing: !0
- })
- })),
- c.set(d.session),
- f.id ? (c.setUser(new l(h.User, f)), e.users.add(c.user), d.thread && (e.set('userScore', d.thread.userScore), e.set('userSubscription', d.thread.userSubscription), e.set('userRating', d.thread.userRating))) : c.loginAsAnon(),
- c.trigger('fetchThreadDetails:success')
- },
- complete: function () {
- c._request = null
- }
- }),
- c._request
- },
- logout: function () {
- this.removeSessionId();
- var a = this.get('sso');
- this.isSSO() && a && a.logout ? e.frame.sendHostMessage('navigate', a.logout) : this.locationReplace(n(i.logout, {
- redirect: window.location.href
- }))
- },
- locationReplace: function (a) {
- window.location.replace(a)
- },
- isSSO: function () {
- return this.user && 'sso' === this.user.get('user_type')
- },
- getAuthWindowArgs: function (a) {
- var c = j.prototype.getAuthWindowArgs.call(this, a),
- d = t.getLounge().config;
- if (a.attachExperiment && d && d.experiment) {
- var e = d.experiment;
- c.evs = window.btoa([e.experiment,
- e.variant,
- e.service].join(':'))
- }
- return b.defaults({
- forum: this.get('thread') && this.get('thread').forum.id
- }, c)
- },
- openAuthWindow: function (a, b, c) {
- try {
- var d = this.get('thread'),
- e = d && d.currentUrl;
- window.sessionStorage && e && window.sessionStorage.setItem('discussionUrl', e)
- } catch (f) {
- }
- return j.prototype.openAuthWindow.call(this, a, b, c)
- },
- authServices: b.defaults({
- disqusDotcom: {
- url: i.dotcomLogin,
- width: 478,
- height: 590,
- params: {
- next: i.login
- },
- attachExperiment: !0
- },
- sso: function A() {
- var A = this.get('sso'),
- a = parseInt(A.width || '800', 10),
- c = parseInt(A.height || '500', 10),
- d = this.openAuthWindow(A.url, a, c);
- !function f() {
- s.isWindowClosed(d) ? e.frame.sendHostMessage('reload') : b.delay(f, 500)
- }()
- }
- }, j.prototype.authServices),
- bindAudienceSyncHandlers: function () {
- this.listenTo(this, 'change:id change:audienceSyncVerified', function () {
- this.get('audienceSyncVerified') && e.frame.sendHostMessage('session.identify', this.user.id)
- }),
- this.listenTo(e.frame, {
- '!audiencesync:grant': function () {
- this.set('audienceSyncVerified', !0)
- }
- })
- },
- getAudienceSyncUrl: function () {
- var a = {
- client_id: this.get('apiKey'),
- response_type: 'audiencesync',
- forum_id: this.get('thread').forum.id
- };
- return 'https:' === window.location.protocol && (a.ssl = 1),
- n(i.authorize, a)
- },
- getRecaptchaKey: function () {
- return this.get('recaptchaPublicKey')
- },
- audienceSync: function () {
- this.openAuthWindow(this.getAudienceSyncUrl(), 460, 355)
- },
- needsAudienceSyncAuth: function (a) {
- return a.get('settings').audienceSyncEnabled && this.isLoggedIn() && !this.get('audienceSyncVerified')
- },
- getLoggedOutUserFlags: function () {
- return this._loggedOutUserFlags ? this._loggedOutUserFlags : (this._loggedOutUserFlags = new q.Collection(q.LOGGED_OUT_FLAGS, {
- session: this
- }), this._loggedOutUserFlags)
- }
- });
- return b.extend(x, b.chain(z).keys().map(function (a) {
- return [a,
- z[a]]
- }).object().value(), {
- get: function () {
- return v = v || new z
- },
- setDefaults: function (a) {
- if (v) throw new Error('Session defaults cannot be changed after a session instance is created!');
- return z._defaults = b.extend(z.prototype._defaults, a),
- z._defaults
- },
- forget: function () {
- v && (v.stop(), v = null)
- }
- }),
- x
- }),
- define('common/views/mixins', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/Session'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = {
- proxyViewEvents: function (a) {
- this.listenTo(a, 'all', function (a) {
- 0 === a.indexOf('uiAction:') && this.trigger.apply(this, arguments)
- }, this)
- }
- },
- h = {
- updateUserAvatarHelper: function (b, c) {
- a('img[data-user=' + b + '][data-role="user-avatar"]').attr('src', c)
- },
- updateUserNameHelper: function (c, d) {
- var e = '[data-username="' + c + '"][data-role=username]';
- a('a' + e + ', span' + e).html(b.escape(d))
- },
- bindProfileUIListeners: function (a) {
- this.listenTo(a, {
- 'change:avatar': function () {
- this.updateUserAvatarHelper(a.user.id, a.user.get('avatar').cache)
- },
- 'change:name': function () {
- this.updateUserNameHelper(a.user.get('username'), a.user.get('name'))
- }
- })
- }
- },
- i = {
- toggleFollow: function (b) {
- b.preventDefault(),
- b.stopPropagation();
- var c,
- g = b && a(b.target).closest('a[data-user]').attr('data-user');
- c = this.collection && g ? this.collection.get(g) : this.user ? this.user : d.get(e.User, g);
- var h = f.get();
- return h.isLoggedOut() ? (this.trigger('authenticating'), this.listenToOnce(h, 'change:id', function () {
- h.isLoggedIn() && this.follow(c)
- }), h.get('sso') && h.get('sso').url ? void h.authenticate('sso') : void h.authenticate('disqusDotcom')) : void (c.get('isFollowing') ? this.unfollow(c) : this.follow(c))
- },
- unfollow: function (a) {
- a.unfollow(),
- c.trigger('uiAction:unfollowUser', a)
- },
- follow: function (a) {
- a.follow(),
- c.trigger('uiAction:followUser', a)
- }
- };
- return {
- FollowButtonMixin: i,
- UiActionEventProxy: g,
- ProfileHtmlHelpers: h
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/isIframed', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return function (a) {
- try {
- return a.self !== a.top
- } catch (b) {
- return !0
- }
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/addElement', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = window.document;
- return function (b, c, d) {
- var e = a.createElement(c);
- return d && Object.keys(d).forEach(function (a) {
- e.setAttribute(a, d[a])
- }),
- b.appendChild(e),
- e
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/isMediaTradecraftAdEnabled', [
- 'core/utils/url/parseQueryString',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/addElement'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- function d() {
- var b = a();
- if (!window.isMtcAdded) {
- window.isMtcAdded = !0;
- var d = window.document.head;
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'preconnect',
- href: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/',
- crossorigin: ''
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'dns-prefetch',
- href: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/'
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'preconnect',
- href: 'https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/',
- crossorigin: ''
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'dns-prefetch',
- href: 'https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/'
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'preconnect',
- href: 'https://c.amazon-adsystem.com/',
- crossorigin: ''
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'dns-prefetch',
- href: 'https://c.amazon-adsystem.com/'
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'preconnect',
- href: 'https://micro.rubiconproject.com/',
- crossorigin: ''
- }),
- c(d, 'link', {
- rel: 'dns-prefetch',
- href: 'https://micro.rubiconproject.com/'
- }),
- c(d, 'script', {
- src: 'https://c.amazon-adsystem.com/aax2/apstag.js',
- async: 'true'
- }),
- c(d, 'script', {
- src: 'https://securepubads.g.doubleclick.net/tag/js/gpt.js',
- async: 'true'
- }),
- 'true' === b.mtctest && 'true' !== b.mtcprod ? (c(d, 'script', {
- src: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/disqus/stg/main.js',
- async: 'true'
- }), c(d, 'link', {
- href: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/disqus/stg/main.css',
- media: 'print',
- onload: 'this.media=\'all\'',
- rel: 'stylesheet'
- })) : (c(d, 'script', {
- src: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/disqus/main.js',
- async: 'true'
- }), c(d, 'link', {
- href: 'https://01.cdn.mediatradecraft.com/disqus/main.css',
- media: 'print',
- onload: 'this.media=\'all\'',
- rel: 'stylesheet'
- }))
- }
- }
- return function (c, e) {
- var f = a();
- if ('false' === f.mtctest) return !1;
- var g = (!e || !e.channelId || 'true' === f.mtctest || b.isFeatureActive('mtc_ads_channels')) && (c && 'mtcdisabled' === c.experiment.experiment && 'active' === c.experiment.variant || 'true' === f.mtctest || b.isFeatureActive('mtc_ads'));
- return g ? d() : window.isMtcAdded && location.reload(),
- g
- }
- }),
- define('core/viglink', [
- 'remote/config'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = {
- },
- c = null;
- return b.resetVersion = function () {
- c = null
- },
- b.forceVersion = function (a) {
- c = a
- },
- b.getVersion = function () {
- return c ? c : a.lounge && a.lounge.viglink && a.lounge.viglink.version || 'none'
- },
- b.getExperimentVersion = function () {
- return a.lounge && a.lounge.viglink && a.lounge.viglink.experiment_version || 'none'
- },
- b
- }),
- define('common/outboundlinkhandler', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/utils',
- 'common/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- function e() {
- this.handlers = [
- ],
- this.locked = {
- },
- this.timeout = 1000
- }
- return b.extend(e.prototype, {
- handleClick: function (d) {
- var e = a(d.currentTarget),
- f = this.getLinkTrackingId(e);
- if (this.shouldHandleClick(d, e, f)) {
- var g = b.chain(this.handlers).map(function (a) {
- return a[0].call(a[1], d, e)
- }).compact().value();
- c.willOpenNewWindow(d, e) || (d.preventDefault(), this.setLatestClick(f), this.delayNavigation(d, e, g))
- }
- },
- delayNavigation: function (c, e, f) {
- this.lockLink(this.getLinkTrackingId(e));
- var g = b.bind(function () {
- this.isLatestClick(this.getLinkTrackingId(e)) && d.triggerClick(e, c.originalEvent)
- }, this);
- b.delay(g, this.timeout),
- a.when.apply(a, f).always(g)
- },
- registerBeforeNavigationHandler: function (a, b) {
- this.handlers.push([a,
- b])
- },
- getLinkTrackingId: function (a) {
- var c = a.attr('data-tid');
- return c || (c = b.uniqueId(), a.attr('data-tid', c)),
- c
- },
- shouldHandleClick: function (a, b) {
- if (!this.isLinkLocked(this.getLinkTrackingId(b))) {
- if (a.isDefaultPrevented()) return !1;
- if (!b.is('a')) return !1;
- var c = /#.*/,
- d = (b.attr('href') || '').replace(c, '');
- return !!d
- }
- },
- setLatestClick: function (a) {
- this.latestLinkId = a
- },
- isLatestClick: function (a) {
- return this.latestLinkId === a
- },
- lockLink: function (a) {
- this.locked[a] = !0
- },
- isLinkLocked: function (a) {
- return this.locked[a]
- }
- }),
- e
- }),
- define('core/mixins/withEmailVerifyLink', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = d.preventDefaultHandler,
- f = {
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=verify-email]': 'showVerifyEmailPopup'
- },
- showVerifyEmailPopup: e(function (b) {
- var e = a(b.target).attr('data-forum'),
- f = c.urls.verifyEmail;
- return e && (f = f + '?f=' + e),
- d.openWindow(f, '_blank', {
- width: 460,
- height: 355
- })
- })
- };
- return function () {
- this.events = b.defaults({
- }, this.events, f.events),
- b.extend(this, b.pick(f, 'showVerifyEmailPopup'))
- }
- }),
- define('core/constants/behindClickConstants', [
- 'exports',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.get;
- a.DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT = b.interpolate(c('Show Comments (%(count)s)'), {
- count: '{postCount}'
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/BehindClickTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/behindClickConstants'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- function c(a) {
- if (!a || a.indexOf(':') === - 1) return {
- };
- var b = {
- },
- c = a.split(';');
- return c.forEach(function (a) {
- var c = a.split(':').map(function (a) {
- return a.trim()
- });
- if (c[0].indexOf('-') > 0) {
- var d = c[0].split('-');
- c[0] = d[0] + d[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + d[1].slice(1)
- }
- b[c.splice(0, 1) [0]] = c.join(':')
- }),
- b
- }
- function d(a, b) {
- return a ? a.replace('{postCount}', b.toLocaleString()) : a
- }
- var e = function (e) {
- var f = e.postCount,
- g = e.buttonText,
- h = e.buttonCSS,
- i = e.titleEnabled,
- j = e.titleText,
- k = e.titleCSS;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'behind-click__container'
- }, i ? a.createElement('h3', {
- id: 'behind-click__title',
- style: c(k)
- }, d(j, f)) : null, a.createElement('button', {
- id: 'thread-visibility__button',
- className: 'btn alert',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-thread-visibility',
- style: c(h)
- }, g ? d(g, f) : d(b.DEFAULT_BUTTON_TEXT, f)))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/badgesMessage', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/bus'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var c = b.url;
- return a.createElement('a', {
- href: c,
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- className: 'policy-link publisher-anchor-color',
- onClick: function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation(),
- d.trigger('uiAction:clickBadgesMessage', c)
- }
- }, e('See the available badges'))
- },
- g = function (b) {
- var d = b.forum,
- g = b.forumBadgesLink,
- h = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: d.id
- }),
- i = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh' : 'comment-policy',
- j = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__text' : 'comment-policy-text',
- k = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__heading' : 'comment-policy-text text-bold',
- l = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__link' : 'comment-policy-link';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'badges-message',
- className: 'badges-message ' + i + ' publisher-anchor-color'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- 'data-action': 'close-badges-message',
- className: 'badges-message-close',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'content'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: k
- }, e('Earn badges on %(forumName)s!', {
- forumName: d.name
- })), a.createElement('p', {
- className: j
- }, e('Badges are awarded for commenting, receiving upvotes, and other conditions established by the publisher. Awarded badges will be displayed next to your name in comments on this site as well as on your profile.'), a.createElement('p', {
- className: l
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- url: g,
- isRefreshEnabled: h
- })))), a.createElement('span', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'badges-message-icon'
- }))
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/commentPolicy', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var d = b.url,
- e = b.className,
- f = void 0 === e ? '' : e,
- g = b.children,
- h = b.isRefreshEnabled,
- i = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__link' : 'comment-policy-link';
- return a.createElement('a', {
- href: d,
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- className: f + ' ' + i,
- onClick: function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation(),
- c.trigger('uiAction:clickCommentPolicy', d)
- }
- }, g)
- },
- g = function (b) {
- var c = b.forum,
- d = b.isRefreshEnabled;
- if (!c.commentPolicyLink) return null;
- var g = e('Please read our %(commentPolicyLink)s before commenting.', {
- commentPolicyLink: a.createElement(f, {
- url: c.commentPolicyLink,
- isRefreshEnabled: d
- }, e('Comment Policy'))
- });
- return g
- },
- h = function (b) {
- var c = b.forum,
- f = b.isPolicyAccepted,
- h = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.id
- }),
- i = h && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.id
- }),
- j = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh ' + (i ? 'comment-policy-refresh--v2' : '') : 'comment-policy',
- k = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__text' : 'comment-policy-text',
- l = h ? 'comment-policy-refresh__heading' : 'comment-policy-text text-bold';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'comment-policy',
- className: j + ' publisher-anchor-color ' + (f ? 'hidden' : '')
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'content'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: l
- }, e('%(forumName)s Comment Policy', {
- forumName: c.name
- })), a.createElement('p', {
- className: k
- }, c.commentPolicyText || null, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'comment-policy-refresh__prompt'
- }, a.createElement(g, {
- forum: c,
- isRefreshEnabled: h
- })))), h ? a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'btn comment-policy-refresh__button publisher-background-color',
- 'data-action': 'accept-comment-policy'
- }, e('Got it')) : a.createElement('span', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-chat-bubble'
- }))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/ThreadTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/badgesMessage',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/commentPolicy'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = c.gettext,
- i = function (b) {
- var c = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }),
- e = c && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }),
- f = !1,
- i = c ? 'disqus-footer__wrapper disqus-footer__wrapper--refresh' : 'disqus-footer__wrapper',
- j = c ? 'load-more-refresh ' + (e ? 'load-more-refresh--v2' : '') : 'load-more',
- k = c ? 'btn load-more-refresh__button ' + (e ? '' : 'publisher-background-color-refresh') : 'btn load-more__button',
- l = c ? 'alert alert--realtime alert--realtime--refresh ' + (e ? 'alert--realtime--refresh-v2' : '') : 'alert alert--realtime',
- m = (b.forum.commentPolicyText || b.forum.commentPolicyLink) && !b.isPolicyAccepted,
- n = a.createElement('button', {
- className: l,
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- },
- 'data-role': 'realtime-notification'
- }),
- o = f ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'highlighted-post',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'highlighted',
- className: 'highlighted-post'
- });
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'thread__wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'placement-top',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'discovery-north'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'onboard',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'onboard'
- }), m && c ? a.createElement(g, {
- forum: b.forum,
- isPolicyAccepted: b.isPolicyAccepted
- }) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'reactions__container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'ratings__container'
- }), m && !c ? a.createElement(g, {
- forum: b.forum,
- isPolicyAccepted: b.isPolicyAccepted
- }) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'badges-message__container'
- }), c ? null : o, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'global-alert'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'tos__container'
- }), b.inHome ? null : a.createElement('header', {
- id: 'main-nav',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'main-nav'
- }), a.createElement('section', {
- id: 'conversation',
- 'data-role': 'main',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'main'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'posts'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'form',
- className: 'textarea-outer-wrapper--top-level'
- }), c ? null : n, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'email-signup'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'secondary-navigation'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'no-posts',
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- }
- }), c ? o : null, c ? n : null, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'embed_v2-thread'
- }) : a.createElement('ul', {
- id: 'post-list',
- className: 'post-list loading'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: j,
- 'data-role': 'more',
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- }
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'more-posts',
- className: k
- }, h('Load more comments'))))), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'placement-bottom',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'discovery-south'
- }), b.hideFooter ? null : a.createElement('footer', {
- id: 'footer',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'footer',
- className: i
- }))
- };
- return i
- }),
- define('lounge/menu-handler', [
- 'jquery',
- 'core/bus'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- init: function (c) {
- function d() {
- a('.dropdown').removeClass('open')
- }
- a('html').on('click', d),
- a('body').delegate('[data-toggle]', 'click', function (b) {
- b.stopPropagation(),
- b.preventDefault();
- var e = a(b.currentTarget),
- f = e.closest('.' + e.attr('data-toggle')),
- g = 'disabled' !== f.attr('data-dropdown') && !f.hasClass('open');
- if (f.attr('data-dropdown', 'enabled'), d(), g) {
- f.addClass('open');
- var h = f.data('view-id');
- h && c.trigger('opened:' + h, f)
- }
- }),
- b.frame.on('window.click', d)
- }
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins', [
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = {
- _sharePopup: function (a, b) {
- return window.open(a, '_blank', b || 'width=550,height=520')
- },
- share: function (a) {
- this.sharers[a].call(this)
- },
- sharers: {
- twitter: function () {
- var b = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet',
- c = this.model.shortLink();
- this._sharePopup(a(b, {
- url: c,
- text: this.model.twitterText(c)
- }))
- },
- facebook: function () {
- this._sharePopup(a('https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php', {
- u: this.model.shortLink()
- }), 'width=655,height=352')
- },
- email: function () {
- window.location.href = a('mailto:', {
- subject: c('Somebody has shared this with you on Disqus'),
- body: c('Check out this discussion') + ': ' + this.model.shortLink()
- })
- }
- }
- },
- e = function () {
- function a() {
- return this.collapseTarget && this.collapseTarget.length || (this.collapseTarget = this.collapseTargetSelector ? this[this.collapseScope].find(this.collapseTargetSelector) : this[this.collapseScope]),
- this.collapseTarget
- }
- function b() {
- var b = this;
- if (b.isCollapseAllowed) {
- var c = a.call(b);
- c && c.length && (c.height(b.collapsedHeight), e.call(b))
- }
- }
- function c(a) {
- var b = this;
- if (b.collapseTarget && b.collapseTarget.length) {
- var c = b.collapseTarget;
- c.css('height', 'auto'),
- c.css('maxHeight', 'none'),
- f.call(b),
- a || (b.isCollapseAllowed = !1)
- }
- }
- function d() {
- return this.seeMoreButton && this.seeMoreButton.length || (this.seeMoreButton = a.call(this).siblings('[data-action=see-more]')),
- this.seeMoreButton
- }
- function e() {
- var a = this;
- d.call(this).removeClass('hidden').on('click', function () {
- a.expand()
- })
- }
- function f() {
- d.call(this).addClass('hidden').off('click')
- }
- return function (a) {
- var d = this;
- d.isCollapseAllowed = !0,
- d.collapsedHeight = a.collapsedHeight,
- d.collapseTargetSelector = a.collapseTargetSelector,
- d.collapseScope = a.collapseScope || '$el',
- d.collapse = b,
- d.expand = c
- }
- }();
- return {
- ShareMixin: d,
- asCollapsible: e
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/realtime', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'loglevel',
- 'remote/config',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'common/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- function h() {
- s.apply(this, arguments),
- this.marker = 0,
- this.interval = m,
- this._boundOnError = a.bind(this.onError, this),
- this._boundOnLoad = a.bind(this.onLoad, this),
- this._boundOnProgress = a.bind(this.onProgress, this)
- }
- function i() {
- s.apply(this, arguments),
- this.handshakeSuccess = null,
- this.interval = m,
- this.handshakeFails = 0,
- this._boundOnOpen = a.bind(this.onOpen, this),
- this._boundError = a.bind(this.onError, this),
- this._boundClose = a.bind(this.onClose, this),
- this._boundMessage = a.compose(a.bind(this.onMessage, this), function (a) {
- return JSON.parse(a.data)
- })
- }
- var j = d.lounge.REALTIME || {
- },
- k = j.EXP_BASE || 2,
- l = j.BACKOFF_LIMIT || 300,
- m = j.BACKOFF_INTERVAL || 1,
- o = j.WEBSOCKETS_ENABLED !== !1 && window.WebSocket && 2 === window.WebSocket.CLOSING,
- p = j.XHR_ENABLED !== !1,
- q = function () {
- },
- r = function () {
- throw new Error('Pipe class cannot be used directly.')
- },
- s = function (b) {
- this.channel = b,
- this.connection = null,
- this.paused = !1,
- this._msgBuffer = [
- ],
- this._boundOpen = a.bind(this.open, this)
- };
- a.extend(s.prototype, b.Events, {
- getUrl: function (b) {
- var c = {
- };
- return a.extend(c, b),
- f(this.baseUrl + this.channel, c)
- },
- onMessage: function (a) {
- var b = a.message_type,
- d = a.firehose_id;
- this.lastEventId = d,
- c.debug('RT: new message:', b, d);
- var e = {
- type: b,
- data: a.message_body,
- lastEventId: d
- };
- this.trigger(b, e)
- },
- _msgToBuffer: function () {
- this._msgBuffer.push(a.toArray(arguments))
- },
- pause: function (a) {
- this.paused || (this.paused = !0, this._trigger = this.trigger, this.trigger = a === !1 ? q : this._msgToBuffer, c.debug('RT: paused, buffered: %s', a !== !1))
- },
- resume: function () {
- if (this.paused) {
- this.paused = !1,
- this.trigger = this._trigger,
- c.debug('RT: resumed, buffered messages: %s', this._msgBuffer.length);
- for (var a; a = this._msgBuffer.shift(); ) this.trigger.apply(this, a)
- }
- },
- open: r,
- close: function () {
- var a = this.connection;
- return !!a && (this.connection = null, a)
- }
- }),
- a.extend(h.prototype, s.prototype, {
- baseUrl: e.realertime + '/api/2/',
- onError: function () {
- this.connection && (this.connection = null, this.trigger('error', this), this.interval <= l && (this.interval *= k), c.info('RT: Connection error, backing off %s secs', this.interval), a.delay(this._boundOpen, 1000 * this.interval))
- },
- onLoad: function () {
- this.connection && (this.connection = null, this.trigger('success', this), a.defer(this._boundOpen))
- },
- onProgress: function () {
- if (this.connection) {
- var a,
- b,
- d,
- e,
- f = this.connection.responseText,
- g = 0;
- if (f && !(this.marker >= f.length)) {
- a = f.slice(this.marker).split('\n');
- for (var h = a.length, i = 0; i < h; i++) if (b = a[i], g += b.length + 1, d = b.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')) {
- try {
- e = JSON.parse(d)
- } catch (j) {
- if (i === h - 1) {
- g -= b.length + 1;
- break
- }
- c.debug('RT: unable to parse: ', d, b);
- continue
- }
- this.onMessage(e)
- } else c.debug('RT: ignoring empty row...');
- g > 0 && (this.marker += g - 1)
- }
- }
- },
- open: function () {
- this.close();
- var a = this.connection = g.CORS.request('GET', this.getUrl(), this._boundOnLoad, this._boundOnError);
- if (!a) return void c.debug('RT: Cannot use any cross-domain request tool with StreamPipe. Bailing out.');
- a.onprogress = this._boundOnProgress,
- this.connection = a,
- this.marker = 0;
- try {
- a.send()
- } catch (b) {
- this.connection = null,
- c.debug('RT: Attempt to send a CORS request failed.')
- }
- },
- close: function () {
- var a = s.prototype.close.apply(this);
- return a && a.abort()
- }
- }),
- a.extend(i.prototype, s.prototype, {
- baseUrl: 'wss:' + e.realertime + '/ws/2/',
- onOpen: function () {
- c.debug('RT: [Socket] Connection established.'),
- this.handshakeSuccess = !0
- },
- onError: function () {
- if (!this.handshakeSuccess) {
- if (this.handshakeFails >= n) return c.debug('RT: [Socket] Error before open, bailing out.'),
- void this.trigger('fail');
- this.handshakeFails += 1
- }
- this.connection && (this.connection = null, this.trigger('error'), this.interval <= l && (this.interval *= k), c.error('RT: Connection error, backing off %s secs', this.interval), a.delay(this._boundOpen, 1000 * this.interval))
- },
- onClose: function (a) {
- if (this.connection) {
- if (!a.wasClean) return this.onError();
- this.connection = null,
- c.debug('RT: [Socket] Connection closed. Restarting...'),
- this.trigger('close'),
- this.open()
- }
- },
- open: function () {
- this.close();
- try {
- this.connection = new window.WebSocket(this.getUrl())
- } catch (a) {
- return this.onError()
- }
- var b = this.connection;
- b.onopen = this._boundOnOpen,
- b.onerror = this._boundError,
- b.onmessage = this._boundMessage,
- b.onclose = this._boundClose
- },
- close: function () {
- var a = s.prototype.close.apply(this);
- return a && a.close()
- }
- });
- var t = {
- _wsSupported: o,
- initialize: function (b, c, d) {
- this.close(),
- this._initArgs = [
- b,
- c,
- d
- ];
- var e = this._wsSupported,
- f = e && i || p && h;
- if (f) {
- var g = this.pipe = new f(b);
- a.chain(c).pairs().each(function (a) {
- g.on(a[0], a[1], d)
- }),
- e && g.on('fail', function () {
- this._wsSupported = !1,
- g.off(),
- this.initialize.apply(this, this._initArgs)
- }, this),
- g.open()
- }
- },
- pause: function (a) {
- this.pipe && this.pipe.pause(a)
- },
- resume: function () {
- this.pipe && this.pipe.resume()
- },
- close: function () {
- this.pipe && (this.pipe.close(), this.pipe = null)
- }
- };
- return window.addEventListener('unload', a.bind(t.close, t)),
- {
- Pipe: s,
- StreamPipe: h,
- SocketPipe: i,
- Manager: t,
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/views/badges-message', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/common/cached-storage',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/badgesMessage'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = new g('badges-message', 7776000);
- i.getAll();
- var j = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=close-badges-message]': 'handleDismiss',
- 'keyup [data-action=close-badges-message]': 'handleDismiss'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- b.extend(this, b.pick(a, [
- 'forum',
- 'session'
- ])),
- this.model = new c.Model({
- dismissed: Boolean(i.getItem(this.forum.id))
- }),
- this.handleDismiss = this.handleDismiss.bind(this),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render)
- },
- handleDismiss: function (a) {
- var b = 13;
- if (!a.keyCode || a.keyCode === b) return this.model.set('dismissed', !0),
- i.setItem(this.forum.id, !0),
- Promise.resolve()
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.forum.get('badges');
- if (!a || !Object.keys(a).length || this.model.get('dismissed')) return this.$el.empty(),
- this;
- var b = '//disqus.com/home/forum/' + this.forum.get('id') + '/badges';
- return e.render(d.createElement(h, {
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- forumBadgesLink: b
- }), this.el),
- this
- }
- });
- return j
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/aet/EmailSignupComplete', [
- 'react',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = function (c) {
- var d = c.forum,
- e = c.isVerified,
- f = c.onDismiss;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'newsletter-box spacing-bottom-large text-center'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: b.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: d.name
- }) ? 'text-large spacing-bottom-small' : 'text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('strong', null, 'Thanks for subscribing!')), e ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-bottom-small'
- }, (d.aetBannerConfirmation || '').split('\n').map(function (b, c) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: c
- }, b)
- })) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-bottom-small'
- }, 'To begin receiving email updates from ', d.name, ', please click the link in the confirmation email we\'ve sent to your inbox.'), a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'newsletter-box__hide',
- href: '#',
- onClick: function (a) {
- a.preventDefault(),
- f()
- }
- }, 'Dismiss this message'))
- };
- return c
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/aet/EmailSignupForm', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- var e = b.forum,
- f = b.isLoading,
- g = b.isLoggedIn,
- h = b.onDismiss,
- i = b.onSubscribe,
- j = b.allowEmpty;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'newsletter-box spacing-bottom-large'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: e.name
- }) ? 'text-large spacing-bottom-small' : 'text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('strong', null, e.aetBannerTitle)), g ? a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--brand button-padding-wider pull-right',
- disabled: f,
- onClick: function () {
- i && i()
- }
- }, 'Subscribe') : null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-bottom'
- }, (e.aetBannerDescription || '').split('\n').map(function (b, c) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: c
- }, b)
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--wrap'
- }, g ? null : a.createElement('form', {
- className: 'align__item--grow',
- onSubmit: function (a) {
- a.preventDefault();
- var b = a.target.elements.email.value.trim();
- (b || j) && i && i(b)
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'newsletter-box__input-group'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon icon-mail text-large newsletter-box__input-group__icon'
- }), a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'email',
- name: 'email',
- placeholder: d('Enter email address'),
- 'aria-label': 'Enter your email address here to opt into receiving a weekly digest of the latest articles from this publisher'
- })), a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'button button-fill--brand button-padding-wider newsletter-box__submit',
- disabled: f,
- value: d('Subscribe'),
- 'aria-label': 'Submit your email address'
- })), a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'newsletter-box__hide publisher-anchor-color',
- onClick: function (a) {
- a.preventDefault(),
- h && h()
- }
- }, d('Hide this message'))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('lounge/views/email-signup', [
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'stance',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/templates/react/aet/EmailSignupComplete',
- 'core/templates/react/aet/EmailSignupForm',
- 'core/common/cached-storage'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- 'use strict';
- var j = 0,
- k = 2,
- l = new i('aet-dismiss');
- l.getAll();
- var m = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (b) {
- var c = b.forum,
- d = b.session;
- this.forum = c,
- this.session = d,
- this.model = new a.Model({
- dismissed: Boolean(l.getItem(this.forum.id)),
- loading: !1,
- signupComplete: !1
- }),
- this._isFirstRender = !0,
- this.handleCompleteDismiss = this.handleCompleteDismiss.bind(this),
- this.handleDismiss = this.handleDismiss.bind(this),
- this.handleSubscribe = this.handleSubscribe.bind(this),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change', this.render)
- },
- getTrackingCopy: function () {
- return {
- title: this.forum.get('aetBannerTitle'),
- description_copy: this.forum.get('aetBannerDescription'),
- confirmation_copy: this.forum.get('aetBannerConfirmation')
- }
- },
- isLoggedIn: function () {
- return Boolean(this.session.user && this.session.user.id)
- },
- handleDismiss: function () {
- return this.model.set('dismissed', !0),
- f.trigger('uiAction:clickEmailSubscriptionPromptDismiss', this.getTrackingCopy()),
- this.isLoggedIn() ? Promise.resolve(e.call('aet/dismiss', {
- data: {
- forum: this.forum.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- })) : (l.setItem(this.forum.id, !0), Promise.resolve())
- },
- handleCompleteDismiss: function () {
- this.model.set('dismissed', !0)
- },
- handleSubscribe: function () {
- var a = this,
- b = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null;
- if (!this.model.get('loading')) return f.trigger('uiAction:clickEmailSubscriptionPromptSubscribe', this.getTrackingCopy()),
- this.model.set('loading', !0),
- Promise.resolve(b ? e.call('aet/anonymousSubscribe', {
- data: {
- email: b,
- forum: this.forum.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- }) : e.call('aet/subscribe', {
- data: {
- forum: this.forum.id
- },
- method: 'POST'
- })).then(function (b) {
- return a.model.set({
- loading: !1,
- signupComplete: !0
- }),
- b
- }) ['catch'](function () {
- a.model.set('loading', !1)
- })
- },
- reportView: function () {
- f.trigger('uiAction:viewEmailSubscriptionPrompt', this.getTrackingCopy())
- },
- render: function () {
- if (!this.forum.get('aetEnabled') || this.model.get('dismissed')) return this.$el.empty(),
- this;
- var a = this.session.shouldFetchSession() ? this.session.get('aetBannerStatus') : j;
- switch (a) {
- case j:
- case k:
- if (this.model.get('signupComplete') || a === k ? c.render(b.createElement(g, {
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- isVerified: Boolean(this.session.user && this.session.user.get('isVerified')),
- onDismiss: this.handleCompleteDismiss
- }), this.el) : c.render(b.createElement(h, {
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- isLoading: this.model.get('loading'),
- isLoggedIn: this.isLoggedIn(),
- onDismiss: this.handleDismiss,
- onSubscribe: this.handleSubscribe
- }), this.el), this._isFirstRender) {
- this._isFirstRender = !1,
- f.trigger('uiAction:loadEmailSubscriptionPrompt', this.getTrackingCopy());
- var e = d(this);
- e.isVisible() ? this.reportView() : this.listenToOnce(e, 'enter', this.reportView)
- }
- break;
- default:
- this.$el.empty()
- }
- return this
- }
- });
- return m
- }),
- define('react-dom/server', [
- 'underscore'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function c(b) {
- if (null === b) return '';
- if (a.isArray(b)) return b.map(c).join('');
- if (a.isElement(b)) return b.outerHTML;
- if (b && b.nodeType === window.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
- var d = window.document.createElement('div');
- return d.appendChild(b),
- d.innerHTML
- }
- return a.escape(String(b))
- };
- return {
- renderToString: b,
- renderToStaticMarkup: b
- }
- }),
- define('core/utils/media/upload', [
- 'underscore',
- 'exports',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/models/Media',
- 'core/UniqueModel'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- b.uploadSupported = Boolean(window.FormData),
- b._extractFirstImageFile = function (b) {
- return a.find(b, function (a) {
- return a.type.match(/^image\//)
- })
- },
- b._uploadViaApi = function (a, b, d) {
- return Promise.resolve(c.call(a, {
- data: b,
- contentType: !1,
- processData: !1,
- method: 'POST',
- xhr: function () {
- var a = new window.XMLHttpRequest,
- b = d && d.onProgress;
- return b && a.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (a) {
- a.total && b(100 * a.loaded / a.total)
- }),
- a
- }
- }))
- },
- b.UPLOAD_URL = 'https://uploads.services.disqus.com/api/3.0/media/create.json',
- b.uploadMediaUrl = function (c, f) {
- var g,
- h = new window.FormData,
- i = b._extractFirstImageFile(c);
- return i ? (h.append('upload', i), h.append('permanent', 1), b._uploadViaApi(b.UPLOAD_URL, h, f).then(function (b) {
- var c = b.response,
- f = a.first(a.values(c));
- if (!f || !f.ok) throw g = new Error('Upload failed'),
- g.code = f && f['error-code'],
- g;
- return new e(d, {
- url: f.url,
- thumbnailUrl: f.url
- })
- }, function (a) {
- if (a.responseJSON && 4 === a.responseJSON.code) throw g = new Error('Upload failed'),
- g.code = 'not-authenticated',
- g;
- throw a
- })) : (g = new Error('No image file to upload'), g.code = 'invalid-content-type', Promise.reject(g))
- }
- }),
- define('core/views/media/DragDropUploadView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = c.stopEventHandler,
- e = b.View.extend({
- events: {
- dragover: '_dragOn',
- dragenter: '_dragOn',
- dragleave: '_dragOff',
- dragexit: '_dragOff',
- drop: '_drop'
- },
- _dragOn: d(function () {
- this.trigger('uploader:dragEnter'),
- this._toggleDragPlaceholder(!0)
- }),
- _dragOff: d(function () {
- this._toggleDragPlaceholder(!1)
- }),
- _drop: d(function (a) {
- this._toggleDragPlaceholder(!1);
- var b = a.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
- return b.length ? void this.trigger('uploader:attachMedia', b) : void this.trigger('uploader:dropError', 'No files')
- }),
- _toggleDragPlaceholder: a.throttle(function (a) {
- a ? this.trigger('uploader:showPlaceholder') : this.trigger('uploader:hidePlaceholder')
- }, 50)
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaUploadButton', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<a href="#" data-action="attach" class="attach" title="' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, 'Upload Images', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 55
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 82
- }
- }
- })) + '" tabIndex="0" aria-label="Open file attachment menu">\n<div class="wysiwyg__attach wysiwyg__attach-dims"\nrole="img"\n/>\n</a>\n<input type="file" data-role="media-upload" tabIndex="-1" accept="image/*">\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/media/UploadButtonView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/templates/postMediaUploadButton',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = e.stopEventHandler,
- g = 'input[type=file][data-role=media-upload]',
- h = c.View.extend({
- events: function () {
- var a = {
- 'click [data-action=attach]': '_attachMedia',
- 'keydown [data-action=attach]': 'keydownHandler'
- };
- return a['change ' + g] = '_selectorChange',
- a
- }(),
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.template = a && a.template || this.generateImageUploadButton
- },
- keydownHandler: function (a) {
- var b = 13,
- c = 32;
- a.keyCode !== b && a.keyCode !== c || (a.preventDefault(), this._attachMedia())
- },
- generateImageUploadButton: function () {
- return d({
- imageUrl: 'https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/assets/img/attach.03c320b14aa9c071da30c904d0a0827f.svg'
- })
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(this.template()),
- this
- },
- _attachMedia: f(b.throttle(function () {
- this.$(g).click()
- }, 1000, {
- trailing: !1
- })),
- _selectorChange: function (b) {
- var c = b.target,
- d = c.files;
- d.length && (this.trigger('uploader:attachMedia', d), a(c).replaceWith(c.cloneNode()))
- }
- });
- return h
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaUploadProgress', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<li>\n<div class="media-progress-box">\n<div class="media-progress">\n<div class="bar" style="right: ' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.remainingPerc : b, b)) + '%"></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</li>\n'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c.each.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.collection : b, {
- name: 'each',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 9,
- column: 9
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/media/UploadsProgressSubView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/templates/postMediaUploadProgress'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- this.collection = new a.Collection,
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add remove change', this.render)
- },
- hasVisible: function () {
- return Boolean(this.collection.length)
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(b({
- collection: this.collection.toJSON()
- })),
- this
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaUploadRich', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<video src="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.thumbnailUrl : b, b)) + '" autoplay muted loop></video>\n'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<img src="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.thumbnailUrl : b, b)) + '" alt="' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.title : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(4, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(6, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 9,
- column: 33
- },
- end: {
- line: 9,
- column: 112
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '">\n'
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.title : f, b))
- },
- 6: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, 'Media attachment', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 9,
- column: 75
- },
- end: {
- line: 9,
- column: 105
- }
- }
- }))
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<li class="publisher-border-color">\n<div class="media-box">\n<div class="media-ct">\n<div class="media-surface">\n<a href="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.url : f, b)) + '" target="_blank">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.isVideo : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(3, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 10,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</a>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</li>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/media/UploadsRichSubView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/models/Media',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/templates/postMediaUploadRich'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.View.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- this._hasVisible = !1,
- this.collection = new b.Collection([], {
- model: c,
- comparator: 'index'
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add remove reset sort change:thumbnailUrl change:mediaType change:editsFinished', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change:index', a.bind(this.collection.sort, this.collection))
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.empty(),
- this._hasVisible = !1,
- this.collection.each(function (b) {
- b.get('thumbnailUrl') && (a.contains(c.WEBPAGE_TYPES, b.get('mediaType')) || b.get('editsFinished') && (this.$el.append(f({
- media: b.toJSON(),
- isVideo: this.isVideo(b),
- thumbnailUrl: b.get('thumbnailUrl')
- })), this._hasVisible = !0))
- }, this),
- this
- },
- isVideo: function (a) {
- return a.get('mediaType') === c.MEDIA_TYPES.MP4_VIDEO
- },
- hasVisible: function () {
- return this._hasVisible
- },
- addMedia: function (a, b) {
- var e = d.get(c, a.url);
- if (e) e.set(a);
- else {
- if (!a.editsFinished) return;
- e = new d(c, a),
- e.fetch(b)
- }
- return this.collection.add(e),
- e
- },
- updateFromText: function (b, c, d) {
- if (!b) return void this.collection.reset();
- var f = e.bleachFindUrls(b);
- f = a.uniq(f, !1, function (a) {
- return a.url
- });
- var g = {
- };
- a.each(f, function (e) {
- g[e.url] = !0;
- var f = a.pick(e, 'index', 'url'),
- h = e.index < c && c <= e.endIndex || '.' === b[e.endIndex];
- h && !d.isPasteEvent || (f.editsFinished = !0),
- this.addMedia(f, d)
- }, this);
- var h = this.collection.pluck('url');
- g = a.keys(g);
- var i = a.difference(h, g);
- this.collection.remove(this.collection.filter(function (b) {
- return a.contains(i, b.get('url'))
- }))
- }
- });
- return g
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaUploads', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<ul data-role="media-progress-list"></ul>\n<ul data-role="media-rich-list"></ul>\n<div class="media-expanded empty" data-role="media-preview-expanded">\n<img src=""\ndata-role="media-preview-expanded-image" alt="' + a.escapeExpression(c.gettext.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, 'Media preview placeholder', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 46
- },
- end: {
- line: 6,
- column: 85
- }
- }
- })) + '">\n</div>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/media/UploadsView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/views/media/UploadsProgressSubView',
- 'core/views/media/UploadsRichSubView',
- 'core/templates/postMediaUploads'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- this.richView = new c,
- this.rich = this.richView.collection,
- this.uploadProgressView = new b,
- this.uploadProgress = this.uploadProgressView.collection,
- this.listenTo(this.rich, 'all', this._updateEmpty),
- this.listenTo(this.uploadProgress, 'all', this._updateEmpty)
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.richView.$el.detach(),
- this.uploadProgressView.$el.detach(),
- this.$el.html(d()),
- this._updateEmpty(),
- this.richView.setElement(this.$('[data-role=media-rich-list]') [0]),
- this.uploadProgressView.setElement(this.$('[data-role=media-progress-list]') [0]),
- this
- },
- clear: function () {
- this.rich.reset(),
- this.uploadProgress.reset()
- },
- _updateEmpty: function () {
- this.richView.hasVisible() || this.uploadProgressView.hasVisible() ? this.$el.removeClass('empty') : this.$el.addClass('empty')
- }
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('core/mixins/withUploadForm', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/media/upload',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/views/media/DragDropUploadView',
- 'core/views/media/UploadButtonView',
- 'core/views/media/UploadsView'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- 'use strict';
- var j = c.get,
- k = function () {
- a.defaults(this, k.bothProto, k.uploadsProto, k.previewsProto)
- },
- l = {
- 'invalid-image-file': j('Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that the file is valid and in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF).'),
- 'invalid-content-type': j('Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that the file is in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF).'),
- 'file-too-large': j('Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that your image is under 5MB.'),
- 'not-authenticated': j('You must be logged in to upload an image.')
- },
- m = j('Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that your image is in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF) and under 5MB. If you continue seeing this error, please try again later.');
- return k.previewsProto = {
- initMediaPreviews: function (b, c) {
- this.mediaUploadsView = new i({
- el: b[0]
- }),
- this.mediaUploadsView.render(),
- this.updateLiveMediaDebounced = a.partial(a.debounce(this.updateLiveMedia, 500), c, !1),
- this.stopListening(c, 'keychange'),
- this.stopListening(c, 'paste'),
- this.listenTo(c, {
- keychange: this.updateLiveMediaDebounced,
- paste: function (b, d) {
- d && d.fake || a.defer(a.bind(this.updateLiveMedia, this, c, !0))
- }
- }),
- this.updateLiveMedia(c, !0)
- },
- clearMediaPreviews: function () {
- this.mediaUploadsView && this.mediaUploadsView.clear()
- },
- updateLiveMedia: function (a, b) {
- if (this.mediaUploadsView) {
- var c = a.get(),
- d = a.offset();
- this.mediaUploadsView.richView.updateFromText(c, d, {
- isPasteEvent: b,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })
- }
- }
- },
- k.uploadsProto = {
- initMediaUploads: function (a, b, c) {
- this.mediaDragDropView && this.stopListening(this.mediaDragDropView),
- this.mediaDragDropView = new g({
- el: b[0]
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.mediaDragDropView, {
- 'uploader:attachMedia': function () {
- f.set('usedDragDrop', 1),
- this.handleAttachMedia.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- 'uploader:dragEnter': function () {
- this.$el.addClass('expanded')
- },
- 'uploader:showPlaceholder': function () {
- a.show()
- },
- 'uploader:hidePlaceholder': function () {
- a.hide()
- },
- 'uploader:dropError': function () {
- var a = j('Sorry we didn\'t catch that. Try again?');
- this.alert(a, {
- type: 'error',
- isUploadError: !0
- })
- }
- }),
- this.mediaUploadButtonView && this.stopListening(this.mediaUploadButtonView),
- this.mediaUploadButtonView = new h({
- el: c[0]
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.mediaUploadButtonView, {
- 'uploader:attachMedia': this.handleUploadViaButton
- }),
- this.mediaUploadButtonView.render()
- },
- handleUploadViaButton: function (a) {
- if (a && f.isPersistent && !f.get('usedDragDrop') && !d.isMobileUserAgent()) {
- var b = this.alert(j('Did you know you can drag and drop images too? Try it now!'));
- this.listenToOnce(b, 'dismiss', function () {
- f.set('usedDragDrop', 1)
- })
- }
- this.handleAttachMedia.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- handleAttachMedia: function (c, d) {
- var f = this,
- g = new b.Model({
- remainingPerc: 100
- });
- f.mediaUploadsView.uploadProgress.add(g),
- d = a.extend(d || {
- }, {
- onProgress: function (a) {
- g.set('remainingPerc', 100 - a)
- }
- });
- var h = function () {
- f.mediaUploadsView.uploadProgress.remove(g)
- };
- e.uploadMediaUrl(c, d).then(function (a) {
- a.fetch({
- forum: f.thread.forum.id
- }),
- f.textarea.insertAtCursor(a.get('url')),
- f.updateLiveMedia(f.textarea, !0),
- f.dismissUploadError()
- }) ['catch'](function (a) {
- var b;
- a && a.code && (b = l[a.code]),
- b || (b = m),
- f.alert(b, {
- type: 'error',
- isUploadError: !0
- })
- }).then(h, h)
- },
- dismissUploadError: function () {
- this.dismissAlert(function (a) {
- return a.options && a.options.isUploadError
- })
- },
- uploadSupported: e.uploadSupported,
- isUploadInProgress: function () {
- return this.mediaUploadsView && this.mediaUploadsView.uploadProgress.length
- }
- },
- k.bothProto = {
- initMediaViews: function (a) {
- (a.mediaembedEnabled || a.gifPickerEnabled) && this.initMediaPreviews(this.$('[data-role=media-preview]'), a.textarea),
- a.allowUploads && this.initMediaUploads(this.$('[data-role=drag-drop-placeholder]'), this.$('[data-role=textarea]'), this.$('[data-role=media-uploader]'))
- }
- },
- k
- }),
- define('core/editable', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- function a(a) {
- return a.replace(e, ' ')
- }
- function b(c, d, e) {
- var f,
- h,
- i,
- j,
- k = '',
- l = [
- ];
- for ('string' != typeof e && (e = '\n\n'), j = 0; j < c.length; ++j) h = c[j],
- f = h.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- 1 === h.nodeType ? (i = d && d(h), i ? k += i : g.hasOwnProperty(f) ? (k && l.push(k), k = b(h.childNodes, d, e)) : k += 'br' === f ? '\n' : b(h.childNodes, d, e)) : 3 === h.nodeType && (k += a(h.nodeValue));
- return l.push(k),
- l.join(e)
- }
- var c = window.document,
- d = 'character',
- e = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(160), 'gi'),
- f = 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre blockquote address ul ol dir menu li dl div form'.split(' '),
- g = {
- },
- h = 0;
- for (h = 0; h < f.length; h++) g[f[h]] = !0;
- var i = function (a, b, c) {
- var d = this;
- if (!a || !a.contentEditable) throw new Error('First argument must be contentEditable');
- this.elem = a,
- this.emulateTextarea = a.getAttribute('plaintext-only') || b,
- this.emulateTextarea && (this.pasteHandler = function (a) {
- var b = a && a.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
- b && !b.getData('text') && (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation());
- var c = d.plainTextReformat,
- e = function () {
- c.timeout = null,
- c.call(d)
- };
- c.timeout && clearTimeout(c.timeout),
- c.timeout = setTimeout(e, 0)
- }, a.addEventListener('paste', this.pasteHandler));
- for (var e in c) c.hasOwnProperty(e) && (this[e] = c[e])
- };
- return i.prototype = {
- insertHTML: function (a) {
- if (c.all) {
- var b = c.selection.createRange();
- return b.pasteHTML(a),
- b.collapse(!1),
- b.select()
- }
- return c.execCommand('insertHTML', !1, a)
- },
- insertNode: function (a) {
- var b,
- d,
- e;
- window.getSelection ? (b = window.getSelection(), b.getRangeAt && b.rangeCount && (d = b.getRangeAt(0), d.deleteContents(), d.insertNode(a), d.collapse(!1), b.removeAllRanges(), b.addRange(d))) : c.selection && c.selection.createRange && (d = c.selection.createRange(), e = 3 === a.nodeType ? a.data : a.outerHTML, d.pasteHTML(e), d.collapse(!1))
- },
- getTextNodes: function (a) {
- var b = this.elem;
- a && a.nodeType ? a = [
- a
- ] : a || (a = b.childNodes);
- for (var c, d = [
- ], e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) if (c = a[e]) switch (c.nodeType) {
- case 1:
- d = d.concat(this.getTextNodes(c.childNodes));
- break;
- case 3:
- /^\n\s+/.test(c.nodeValue) || d.push(c)
- }
- return d
- },
- text: function (a) {
- var c,
- d,
- e,
- f = this.elem;
- try {
- d = Array.prototype.slice.call(f.childNodes)
- } catch (g) {
- for (d = [
- ], e = 0; e < f.childNodes.length; ++e) d.push(f.childNodes[e])
- }
- return c = b(d, a, this.emulateTextarea && '\n'),
- c.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
- },
- setText: function (a) {
- a = a || '';
- var b,
- d,
- e,
- f = c.createDocumentFragment(),
- g = [
- a
- ],
- h = g && g.length;
- for (b = 0; b < h; b++) d = g[b],
- e = this.createParagraph(d),
- f.appendChild(e);
- if (f.lastChild.appendChild(c.createElement('br')), this.elem.innerHTML = '', this.elem.appendChild(f), 'WebkitAppearance' in c.documentElement.style && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') === - 1 && window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') === - 1) {
- var i = window.getSelection && window.getSelection();
- i && i.anchorNode === this.elem && i.modify && i.modify('move', 'forward', 'line')
- }
- },
- createParagraph: function (a) {
- var b,
- d,
- e,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i,
- j = c.createElement('p');
- for (e = a.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/), d = 0, g = e.length; d < g; d++) {
- for (f = e[d], i = this.getHtmlElements(f), b = 0, h = i.length; b < h; b++) j.appendChild(i[b]);
- j.appendChild(c.createElement('br'))
- }
- return j.lastChild && j.removeChild(j.lastChild),
- j
- },
- getHtmlElements: function (a) {
- return [c.createTextNode(a)]
- },
- plainTextReformat: function () {
- if (!(this.elem.getElementsByTagName('p').length <= 1)) {
- this.emulateTextarea = !1;
- var a = this.text();
- this.emulateTextarea = !0,
- this.setText(a)
- }
- },
- removeNode: function (a) {
- var b,
- d,
- e;
- window.getSelection ? (b = a.previousSibling, a.parentNode.removeChild(a), d = window.getSelection(), e = c.createRange(), b && (e.setStart(b, b.length), e.setEnd(b, b.length)), d.addRange(e)) : a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
- },
- selectedTextNode: function () {
- var b,
- e,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i,
- j,
- k,
- l,
- m = this.elem;
- if (window.getSelection) return b = window.getSelection(),
- b.anchorNode;
- if (c.selection.createRange) {
- for (e = c.selection.createRange().duplicate(); e.moveStart(d, - 1000) === - 1000; );
- var n = e.text;
- for (k = 0; k < m.childNodes.length; ++k) for (f = m.childNodes[k], h = this.getTextNodes(f), l = 0; l < h.length; ++l) if (g = h[l], j = a(g.nodeValue), n.indexOf(j) > - 1) i = g,
- n = n.replace(j, '');
- else if (j.indexOf(n) > - 1) return g;
- return i
- }
- },
- selectedTextNodeOffset: function (b) {
- var e,
- f,
- g;
- if (window.getSelection) {
- var h = window.getSelection();
- h && h.anchorOffset && (g = h.anchorOffset)
- } else if (b && c.selection.createRange) {
- var i = a(b.nodeValue);
- e = c.selection.createRange();
- var j = e.duplicate(),
- k = j.parentElement();
- for (f = 0; 0 !== e.moveStart(d, - 1) && (0 !== i.indexOf(a(e.text)) && k === e.parentElement()); f++) j = e.duplicate(),
- k = j.parentElement();
- g = f
- }
- return isNaN(g) ? 0 : g
- },
- offset: function () {
- function b(d, e) {
- function f(a) {
- i += a[0];
- for (var b = 1; b < a.length; ++b) h.push(i),
- i = a[b]
- }
- 'string' != typeof e && (e = '\n\n');
- for (var h = [
- ], i = '', j = 0; j < d.length; ++j) {
- var k = d[j],
- l = k.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- 1 === k.nodeType ? g.hasOwnProperty(l) ? (i && (i += e), f(b(k.childNodes, e))) : 'br' === l ? i += '\n' : f(b(k.childNodes, e)) : 3 === k.nodeType && (k === c.anchorNode ? (i += a(k.nodeValue.slice(0, c.anchorOffset)), h.push(i), i = a(k.nodeValue.slice(c.anchorOffset))) : i += a(k.nodeValue))
- }
- return h.push(i),
- h
- }
- var c = window.getSelection();
- if (!c || !c.anchorNode || 3 !== c.anchorNode.nodeType) return 0;
- var d,
- e = this.elem;
- try {
- d = Array.prototype.slice.call(e.childNodes)
- } catch (f) {
- d = [
- ];
- for (var h = 0; h < e.childNodes.length; ++h) d.push(e.childNodes[h])
- }
- var i = b(d, this.emulateTextarea && '\n');
- if (1 === i.length) return 0;
- var j = i[0].length,
- k = i.join(''),
- l = k.match(/\s+$/);
- if (l) {
- var m = l[0].length;
- j = Math.min(j, k.length - m)
- }
- var n = k.match(/^\s+/);
- if (n) {
- var o = n[0].length;
- j -= o
- }
- return j
- },
- selectNodeText: function (b, e, f) {
- var g,
- h,
- i = this.elem;
- if (window.getSelection) return g = window.getSelection(),
- g.removeAllRanges(),
- h = c.createRange(),
- h.setStart(b, e),
- h.setEnd(b, f),
- g.addRange(h),
- g;
- if (c.selection.createRange) {
- h = c.selection.createRange();
- var j = a(b.nodeValue);
- if ('body' === h.parentElement().nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
- for (i.focus(), h = c.selection.createRange(); h.moveStart(d, - 1000) === - 1000; );
- for (; 1000 === h.moveEnd(d, 1000); );
- var k = a(h.text),
- l = k.indexOf(j);
- l > 0 && h.moveStart(d, l + 2),
- h.collapse()
- }
- for (; h.moveStart(d, - 1) === - 1 && 0 !== j.indexOf(a(h.text)); );
- for (; 1 === h.moveEnd(d, 1) && j !== a(h.text); );
- return h.moveStart(d, e),
- h.moveEnd(d, - 1 * (f - e - h.text.length)),
- h.select(),
- h
- }
- }
- },
- i.normalizeSpace = a,
- i
- }),
- define('core/utils/html/nodeTypes', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = function (a) {
- return 'p' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- b = function (a) {
- return 'div' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- c = function (a) {
- return '#text' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- d = function (a) {
- return 'br' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- e = function (a) {
- return 'button' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- f = function (a) {
- return 'br' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() || '#text' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && '\n' === a.nodeValue
- },
- g = function (a) {
- return 'p' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() || 'div' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- },
- h = function (a) {
- return 'span' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- };
- return {
- isP: a,
- isDiv: b,
- isText: c,
- isBr: d,
- isButton: e,
- isNewline: f,
- isPorDiv: g,
- isSpan: h
- }
- }),
- define('core/CappedStorage', [
- 'core/utils/storage'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function (a, b) {
- this.max = a || 10,
- this.queueKey = b || '__queue',
- this.getQueue() || this.setQueue([])
- };
- return b.prototype.set = function (b, c) {
- var d = this.getQueue() || this.setQueue([]);
- d.length === this.max && a.remove(d.shift()),
- a.set(b, c),
- d.push(b),
- this.setQueue(d)
- },
- b.prototype.get = function (b) {
- return a.get(b)
- },
- b.prototype.remove = function (b) {
- a.remove(b);
- for (var c = this.getQueue() || [
- ], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) if (c[d] === b) {
- c.splice(d, 1);
- break
- }
- this.setQueue(c)
- },
- b.prototype.clear = function () {
- a.clear(),
- this.setQueue([])
- },
- b.prototype.getQueue = function () {
- return a.get(this.queueKey)
- },
- b.prototype.setQueue = function (b) {
- return a.set(this.queueKey, b),
- b
- },
- b
- }),
- define('core/extensions/jquery.autoresize', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.fn.autoresize = function (c) {
- var d = b.extend({
- extraSpace: 0,
- maxHeight: 1000
- }, c);
- return this.each(function () {
- var c = a(this).css({
- resize: 'none',
- overflow: 'hidden'
- }),
- e = 'true' === String(c[0].contentEditable) ? 'html' : 'val',
- f = 'html' === e ? '<br>' : '\n',
- g = c.height(),
- h = function () {
- var d = {
- };
- b.each(d, function (a, b) {
- d[b] = c.css(b)
- });
- var e = a(c[0].cloneNode(!0));
- return e.removeAttr('id').removeAttr('name').css({
- visibility: 'hidden',
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '-9999px',
- left: '-9999px',
- contentEditable: !1
- }).css(d).attr('tabIndex', '-1'),
- e.insertAfter(c[0]),
- e
- }(),
- i = null,
- j = function () {
- h[0].style.height = 0,
- h[e](c[e]() + f),
- h.scrollTop(h[0].scrollHeight);
- var a = Math.max(h[0].scrollHeight, g) + parseInt(d.extraSpace, 10);
- d.maxHeight && (a >= d.maxHeight ? (c.css('overflow', ''), a = d.maxHeight) : c.css('overflow', 'hidden')),
- i !== a && (i = a, c.height(a), c.trigger && c.trigger('resize'))
- },
- k = b.throttle(j, 500),
- l = function (a) {
- 13 === a.keyCode ? j() : k()
- };
- c.bind('keyup', l).bind('paste', j).css('overflow', 'hidden'),
- j()
- })
- },
- a
- }),
- define('core/views/TextareaView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'jquery',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/html/nodeTypes',
- 'core/CappedStorage',
- 'core/extensions/jquery.autoresize'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'keydown [data-role=editable]': 'handleKeyDown',
- 'keyup [data-role=editable]': 'handleKeyUp',
- 'paste [data-role=editable]': 'handlePaste',
- 'focusin [data-role=editable]': 'handleFocusIn',
- 'blur [data-role=editable]': 'handleBlur'
- },
- initialize: function (b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- this.storageKey = b.storageKey,
- this.value = b.value || this.getDraft() [0],
- this.history = [
- this.value
- ],
- this.historyPosition = 0,
- this.placeholder = b.placeholder,
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: 0,
- end: 0,
- endElemInd: 0,
- endElemSelectionInd: 0,
- startElemInd: 0,
- startElemSelectionInd: 0
- },
- this.inputFixed = !1,
- this.listenTo(this, 'keychange', a.debounce(this.saveDraft, this.constructor.SAVE_DRAFT_INTERVAL))
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$input = this.createInput(),
- this.set(this.value),
- this.$el.append(this.$input),
- this.$input.autoresize({
- maxHeight: this.constructor.MAX_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT
- }),
- this
- },
- createInput: function () {
- return b('<textarea>').attr({
- 'class': 'textarea',
- placeholder: this.placeholder,
- 'data-role': 'editable'
- })
- },
- resize: function () {
- this.$input.trigger('paste', {
- fake: !0
- })
- },
- get: function () {
- return this.$input.val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
- },
- getSelected: function () {
- var a = this.$input[0];
- return 'number' == typeof a.selectionStart ? this.$input.val().substring(a.selectionStart, a.selectionEnd) : ''
- },
- offset: function () {
- var a = this.$input[0],
- b = this.$input.val(),
- c = 'number' == typeof a.selectionStart ? a.selectionStart : 0,
- d = b.match(/\s+$/);
- if (d) {
- var e = d[0].length;
- c = Math.min(c, b.length - e)
- }
- var f = b.match(/^\s+/);
- if (f) {
- var g = f[0].length;
- c = Math.max(c - g, 0)
- }
- return c
- },
- insertAtCursor: function (a) {
- this.focus();
- var b = this.get(),
- c = this.offset(),
- e = d.insertWithWhitespace(b, c, a),
- f = this.$input[0];
- if (this.set(e), f.setSelectionRange) {
- var g = e.indexOf(a, c) + a.length + 1;
- f.setSelectionRange(g, g)
- }
- },
- insertAroundSelection: function (a, b) {
- this.focus();
- var c,
- d,
- e = this.$input[0];
- 'number' == typeof e.selectionStart ? (c = e.selectionStart, d = e.selectionEnd) : c = d = 0;
- var f = this.get(),
- g = f.substring(0, c) + a + f.substring(c, d) + b + f.substring(d);
- this.set(g),
- e.setSelectionRange && e.setSelectionRange(c + a.length, d + a.length)
- },
- set: function (a) {
- this.$input.val(a)
- },
- clear: function () {
- this.set('')
- },
- focus: function () {
- this.$input.focus()
- },
- handleKeyDown: function (a) {
- this.trigger('keydown', a)
- },
- handleKeyUp: function (a) {
- this.trigger('keychange', a)
- },
- handlePaste: function (a, b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- this.trigger(b.fake ? 'paste' : 'paste keychange'),
- this.$input.trigger('resize')
- },
- handleFocusIn: function () {
- this.fixInputStructure(),
- this.trigger('focus')
- },
- handleBlur: function () {
- this.trigger('blur')
- },
- saveDraft: function () {
- if (this.storageKey) return b.trim(this.get()) ? void this.constructor.storage.set(this.storageKey, this.toJSON()) : void this.removeDraft()
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- return [this.get(),
- b.now()]
- },
- getDraft: function () {
- var a = [
- ''
- ];
- if (!this.storageKey) return a;
- var c = this.constructor.storage.get(this.storageKey);
- if (!c) return a;
- if (a = c, !a.length) return [''];
- var d = b.now() - a[1] >= this.constructor.DRAFT_MAX_AGE;
- return d ? (this.removeDraft(), [
- ''
- ]) : a
- },
- removeDraft: function () {
- this.storageKey && this.constructor.storage.remove(this.storageKey)
- },
- fixInputStructure: function () {
- var a,
- b,
- c,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i,
- j = !1,
- k = !1,
- l = window.document,
- m = this.$input[0];
- if (m.type && 'textarea' === m.type);
- else if (d.browser.isChrome()) 0 === m.childNodes.length ? (b = m.appendChild(l.createElement('p')), b.appendChild(l.createTextNode('\n')), j = !0) : (a = m.childNodes[0], a.childNodes.forEach(function (b) {
- e.isBr(b) && a.replaceChild(l.createTextNode('\n'), b)
- }));
- else if (d.browser.isIE()) {
- if (0 === m.childNodes.length) c = l.createElement('p'),
- c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('')),
- m.appendChild(c),
- j = !0;
- else for (g = m.childNodes.length, i = 0; i < g; i++) if (e.isP(m.childNodes[i])) if (f = m.childNodes[i].childNodes.length, 0 === f) m.childNodes[i].appendChild(l.createTextNode('')),
- 1 === g && (j = !0);
- else if (1 === f) e.isBr(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[0]) && (m.childNodes[i].replaceChild(l.createTextNode(''), m.childNodes[i].childNodes[0]), 1 === g && (j = !0));
- else for (; f > 0; ) h = m.childNodes[i].childNodes[0],
- 1 === f && e.isBr(h) ? (m.childNodes[i].replaceChild(l.createTextNode(''), h), f -= 1) : 2 === f && e.isBr(h) && e.isText(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[1]) && this.inputFixed ? (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('')), m.insertBefore(c, m.childNodes[i]), i += 1, g += 1, m.childNodes[i].removeChild(h), f -= 2, this.selectionIndices = {
- startElemInd: i,
- endElemInd: i,
- startElemSelectionInd: 0,
- endElemSelectionInd: 0
- }, k = !0) : 2 === f && e.isText(h) && e.isBr(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[1]) ? (this.inputFixed && (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('')), i === g - 1 ? m.appendChild(c) : m.insertBefore(c, m.childNodes[i + 1]), g += 1, this.selectionIndices = {
- startElemInd: i + 1,
- endElemInd: i + 1,
- startElemSelectionInd: 0,
- endElemSelectionInd: 0
- }, k = !0), m.childNodes[i].removeChild(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[1]), f -= 2) : f > 2 && e.isText(h) && e.isBr(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[1]) ? (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createTextNode(h.nodeValue)), m.insertBefore(c, m.childNodes[i]), i += 1, g += 1, m.childNodes[i].removeChild(m.childNodes[i].childNodes[1]), m.childNodes[i].removeChild(h), f -= 2) : f -= 1
- } else if (d.browser.isFirefox()) {
- if (1 === m.childNodes.length && e.isP(m.childNodes[0]) && m.childNodes[0].childNodes.length > 2) {
- for (f = m.childNodes[0].childNodes.length, i = 0; i < f; i++) h = m.childNodes[0].childNodes[i],
- e.isText(h) ? (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createTextNode(h.nodeValue)), i < f - 1 && e.isBr(m.childNodes[0].childNodes[i + 1]) && (i += 1)) : e.isBr(h) && (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createElement('br'))),
- m.appendChild(c);
- m.removeChild(m.childNodes[0])
- } else 1 === m.childNodes.length && e.isBr(m.childNodes[0]) ? (m.removeChild(m.childNodes[0]), c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createElement('br')), m.appendChild(c)) : 0 === m.childNodes.length && (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createElement('br')), m.appendChild(c), j = !0);
- for (i = 0; i < m.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var n = m.childNodes[i];
- e.isP(n) && 1 === n.childNodes.length && e.isBr(n.childNodes[0]) ? n.insertBefore(l.createTextNode(''), n.childNodes[0]) : e.isDiv(n) && (c = l.createElement('p'), 1 === n.childNodes.length && e.isBr(n.childNodes[0]) ? (c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('')), c.appendChild(l.createElement('br'))) : 2 === n.childNodes.length && e.isText(n.childNodes[0]) && n.childNodes[0].nodeValue.length > 0 && e.isBr(n.childNodes[1]) && c.appendChild(l.createTextNode(n.childNodes[0].nodeValue)), m.replaceChild(c, n))
- }
- } else if (d.browser.isSafari() || d.browser.isEdge()) if (0 !== m.childNodes.length && e.isP(m.childNodes[0])) {
- for (a = m.childNodes[0], f = a.childNodes.length, i = 0; i < f; i += 1) e.isBr(a.childNodes[i]) && (0 === i || e.isBr(a.childNodes[i - 1])) && (a.insertBefore(l.createTextNode(''), a.childNodes[i]), i === f - 1 && (j = !0));
- for (i = 0; i < f - 1; i += 1) e.isText(a.childNodes[i]) && '' === a.childNodes[i].nodeValue && e.isText(a.childNodes[i + 1]) && (a.removeChild(a.childNodes[i]), i -= 1, f -= 1)
- } else {
- for (c = l.createElement('p'), c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('')), c.appendChild(l.createElement('br')); m.firstChild; ) m.removeChild(m.firstChild);
- m.appendChild(c),
- j = !0
- } else if (d.browser.isOpera()) if (0 === m.childNodes.length) c = l.createElement('p'),
- c.appendChild(l.createTextNode('\n')),
- m.appendChild(c),
- j = !0;
- else for (a = m.childNodes[0], i = 0; i < a.childNodes.length; i++) e.isBr(a.childNodes[i]) && a.replaceChild(l.createTextNode('\n'), a.childNodes[i]);
- this.inputFixed = !0,
- k ? this.selectText() : j && this.focusEndOfText()
- },
- focusEndOfText: function () {
- var a,
- b = this.$input[0],
- c = 0,
- f = 0,
- g = 0,
- h = 0;
- d.browser.isChrome() || d.browser.isOpera() ? (a = b.childNodes[0], c = f = a.childNodes.length - 1, g = h = a.childNodes[c].nodeValue.length) : d.browser.isSafari() || d.browser.isEdge() ? (a = b.childNodes[0], c = f = e.isText(a.childNodes[a.childNodes.length - 1]) ? a.childNodes.length - 1 : a.childNodes.length - 2, g = h = a.childNodes[c].nodeValue.length) : (d.browser.isFirefox() || d.browser.isIE()) && (c = f = b.childNodes.length - 1, g = b.childNodes[c].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length, h = g),
- this.selectionIndices = {
- startElemInd: c,
- startElemSelectionInd: g,
- endElemInd: f,
- endElemSelectionInd: h
- },
- this.selectText()
- },
- getWhichChildIndex: function (a, b) {
- for (var c = 0; c < a.childNodes.length; c++) if (a.childNodes[c] === b) return c;
- return - 1
- },
- getNodeLength: function (a) {
- return e.isBr(a) ? 1 : a.nodeValue.length
- },
- placeholderSetSelection: function () {
- var a,
- b,
- c = window.getSelection();
- this.$input[0].type && 'textarea' === this.$input[0].type ? (a = this.$input[0].selectionStart, b = this.$input[0].selectionEnd) : 'DIV' === c.anchorNode.tagName ? (a = 0, b = this.get().length) : 'P' === c.anchorNode.tagName ? a = b = this.get().length : (a = Math.min(c.focusOffset, c.anchorOffset), b = Math.max(c.focusOffset, c.anchorOffset)),
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: a,
- end: b,
- endElemInd: 0,
- endElemSelectionInd: 0,
- startElemInd: 0,
- startElemSelectionInd: 0
- }
- },
- setSelection: function () {
- var a,
- b,
- c,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i;
- this.fixInputStructure();
- var j = this.$input[0],
- k = !1,
- l = window.getSelection();
- if (j.type && 'textarea' === j.type) b = j.selectionStart,
- c = j.selectionEnd;
- else if (l.rangeCount) {
- var m = l.getRangeAt(0);
- if (d.browser.isChrome()) {
- for (a = j.childNodes[0], b = f = 0; a.childNodes[f] && a.childNodes[f] !== m.startContainer; ) e.isSpan(a.childNodes[f]) || (b += this.getNodeLength(a.childNodes[f])),
- f += 1;
- if (h = m.startOffset, b += m.startOffset, m.collapsed) g = f,
- c = b,
- i = h;
- else if (m.startContainer === m.endContainer) g = f,
- i = m.endOffset,
- c = b + (m.endOffset - m.startOffset);
- else {
- for (g = f, c = b - m.startOffset; a.childNodes[g] && a.childNodes[g] !== m.endContainer; ) e.isSpan(a.childNodes[g]) || (c += this.getNodeLength(a.childNodes[g])),
- g += 1;
- e.isNewline(a.childNodes[g]) ? (i = this.getNodeLength(a.childNodes[g - 1]), g -= 1) : (c += m.endOffset, i = m.endOffset)
- }
- } else if (d.browser.isIE()) e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isDiv(m.endContainer) && m.collapsed ? (f = j.childNodes.length - 1, g = j.childNodes.length - 1, h = j.childNodes[f].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length, k = !0) : e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isDiv(m.endContainer) && !m.collapsed ? (f = m.startOffset, g = m.endOffset - 1, h = 0, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length) : e.isText(m.startContainer) && e.isText(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer.parentNode), g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer.parentNode), h = m.startOffset, i = m.endOffset) : e.isText(m.startContainer) && e.isDiv(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer.parentNode), g = m.endOffset - 1, h = m.startOffset, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length) : (f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0);
- else if (d.browser.isFirefox()) e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isDiv(m.endContainer) && m.startContainer === j && m.endContainer === j && m.collapsed ? (f = j.childNodes.length - 1, g = j.childNodes.length - 1, h = j.childNodes[f].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length, k = !0) : e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isDiv(m.endContainer) && m.startContainer === j && m.endContainer === j && !m.collapsed ? (f = m.startOffset, g = m.endOffset - 1, h = 0, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length) : e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isText(m.endContainer) && m.startContainer === j ? (f = 0, g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer.parentNode), h = 0, i = m.endOffset) : e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && e.isP(m.endContainer) && m.startContainer === j ? (f = 0, g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer), h = 0, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length) : e.isText(m.startContainer) && e.isText(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer.parentNode), g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer.parentNode), h = m.startOffset, i = m.endOffset) : e.isText(m.startContainer) && e.isP(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer.parentNode), g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer), h = m.startOffset, i = f === g ? j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length : 0) : e.isP(m.startContainer) && e.isText(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer), g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer.parentNode), h = 0, i = m.endOffset) : e.isP(m.startContainer) && e.isP(m.endContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.startContainer), g = this.getWhichChildIndex(j, m.endContainer), h = 0, i = j.childNodes[g].childNodes[0].nodeValue.length) : (f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0);
- else if (d.browser.isSafari() || d.browser.isEdge()) a = j.childNodes[0],
- e.isText(m.startContainer) ? (f = this.getWhichChildIndex(a, m.startContainer), h = m.startOffset) : e.isP(m.startContainer) ? (f = m.startOffset < a.childNodes.length && e.isText(a.childNodes[m.startOffset]) ? m.collapsed ? m.startOffset : m.startOffset - 2 : m.startOffset - 1, h = a.childNodes[f].nodeValue.length) : e.isDiv(m.startContainer) && (m.collapsed ? (f = e.isText(a.childNodes[a.childNodes.length - 1]) ? a.childNodes.length - 1 : a.childNodes.length - 2, h = a.childNodes[f].nodeValue.length) : (f = 0, h = 0)),
- e.isText(m.endContainer) ? (g = this.getWhichChildIndex(a, m.endContainer), i = m.endOffset) : e.isP(m.endContainer) ? (g = m.endOffset < a.childNodes.length && e.isText(a.childNodes[m.endOffset]) ? m.collapsed ? m.endOffset : m.endOffset - 2 : m.endOffset - 1 < a.childNodes.length && e.isText(a.childNodes[m.endOffset - 1]) ? m.endOffset - 1 : m.endOffset - 1 < a.childNodes.length && e.isBr(a.childNodes[m.endOffset - 1]) ? m.endOffset - 2 : a.childNodes.length - 2, i = a.childNodes[g].nodeValue.length) : e.isDiv(m.endContainer) && (g = e.isText(a.childNodes[a.childNodes.length - 1]) ? a.childNodes.length - 1 : a.childNodes.length - 2, i = a.childNodes[f].nodeValue.length);
- else {
- if (!d.browser.isOpera()) return this.placeholderSetSelection();
- a = j.childNodes[0],
- f = this.getWhichChildIndex(a, m.startContainer),
- g = this.getWhichChildIndex(a, m.endContainer),
- h = m.startOffset,
- i = m.endOffset
- }
- } else this.focusEndOfText();
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: b,
- end: c,
- startElemInd: f,
- startElemSelectionInd: h,
- endElemInd: g,
- endElemSelectionInd: i
- },
- k && this.selectText()
- },
- addTagTextarea: function (a) {
- var b,
- c,
- d,
- e = this.selectionIndices.start,
- f = this.selectionIndices.end,
- g = this.selectionIndices.startElemInd,
- h = this.selectionIndices.endElemInd,
- i = this.selectionIndices.startElemSelectionInd,
- j = this.selectionIndices.endElemSelectionInd;
- switch (a) {
- case 'a':
- b = '<a href="#">',
- c = '</a>';
- break;
- default:
- b = '<' + a + '>',
- c = '</' + a + '>'
- }
- var k = this.get(),
- l = k.slice(0, e),
- m = k.slice(e, f),
- n = k.slice(f),
- o = new RegExp('<' + a + '[^<>]*>'),
- p = new RegExp(c + '$'),
- q = m.match(o),
- r = m.match(p);
- q && r && 0 === q.index && r.index === f - e - c.length ? (d = m.replace(o, '').replace(p, ''), f -= q[0].length + r[0].length, j -= q[0].length + r[0].length) : (d = b + m + c, f += b.length + c.length, j += b.length + c.length),
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: e,
- end: f,
- startElemInd: g,
- endElemInd: h,
- startElemSelectionInd: i,
- endElemSelectionInd: j
- },
- this.set(l + d + n),
- this.debouncedSaveHistory(),
- this.selectText()
- },
- addTag: function (a) {
- var b,
- c,
- e,
- f,
- g,
- h,
- i,
- j,
- k,
- l,
- m,
- n,
- o,
- p = window.document,
- q = this.$input[0],
- r = this.selectionIndices.start,
- s = this.selectionIndices.end,
- t = this.selectionIndices.startElemInd,
- u = this.selectionIndices.endElemInd,
- v = this.selectionIndices.startElemSelectionInd,
- w = this.selectionIndices.endElemSelectionInd;
- switch (a) {
- case 'a':
- b = '<a href="#">',
- c = '</a>';
- break;
- default:
- b = '<' + a + '>',
- c = '</' + a + '>'
- }
- var x = new RegExp('<' + a + '[^<>]*>'),
- y = new RegExp(c + '$');
- if (q.type && 'textarea' === q.type) return this.addTagTextarea(a);
- if (d.browser.isChrome() || d.browser.isSafari() || d.browser.isOpera() || d.browser.isEdge()) k = q.childNodes[0],
- l = k.childNodes[t],
- m = k.childNodes[u],
- n = l.nodeValue,
- o = m.nodeValue,
- f = n.slice(v).match(x),
- g = o.slice(0, w).match(y),
- f && g && 0 === f.index && g.index === w - c.length ? (t === u ? (h = n.slice(0, v) + n.slice(v, w).replace(x, '').replace(y, '') + n.slice(w), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(h), l), w -= f[0].length + g[0].length) : (i = n.slice(0, v) + n.slice(v).replace(x, ''), j = o.slice(0, w).replace(y, '') + o.slice(w), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(i), l), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(j), m), w -= g[0].length), s -= f[0].length + g[0].length) : (t === u ? (h = n.slice(0, v) + b + n.slice(v, w) + c + n.slice(w), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(h), l), w += b.length + c.length) : (i = n.slice(0, v) + b + n.slice(v), j = o.slice(0, w) + c + o.slice(w), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(i), l), k.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(j), m), w += c.length), s += b.length + c.length);
- else if (d.browser.isFirefox() || d.browser.isIE()) {
- var z = q.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.startElemInd],
- A = q.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.endElemInd];
- l = z.childNodes[0],
- m = A.childNodes[0],
- n = l.nodeValue,
- o = m.nodeValue,
- f = n.slice(v).match(x),
- g = o.slice(0, w).match(y),
- f && g && 0 === f.index && g.index === w - c.length ? (t === u ? (h = n.slice(0, v) + n.slice(v, w).replace(x, '').replace(y, '') + n.slice(w), z.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(h), l), w -= f[0].length + g[0].length) : (i = n.slice(0, v) + n.slice(v).replace(x, ''), j = o.slice(0, w).replace(y, '') + o.slice(w), z.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(i), l), A.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(j), m), w -= g[0].length), s -= f[0].length + g[0].length) : (t === u ? (h = n.slice(0, v) + b + n.slice(v, w) + c + n.slice(w), z.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(h), l), w += b.length + c.length) : (i = n.slice(0, v) + b + n.slice(v), j = o.slice(0, w) + c + o.slice(w), z.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(i), l), A.replaceChild(p.createTextNode(j), m), w += c.length), s += b.length + c.length)
- } else {
- var B = this.get(),
- C = B.slice(0, r),
- D = B.slice(r, s),
- E = B.slice(s);
- f = D.match(x),
- g = D.match(y),
- f && g && 0 === f.index && g.index === s - r - c.length ? (e = D.replace(x, '').replace(y, ''), s = s - f[0].length - g[0].length) : (e = b + D + c, s = s + b.length + c.length),
- this.set(C + e + E)
- }
- this.debouncedSaveHistory(),
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: r,
- end: s,
- startElemInd: t,
- startElemSelectionInd: v,
- endElemInd: u,
- endElemSelectionInd: w
- },
- this.selectText()
- },
- selectText: function () {
- var a,
- b,
- c,
- e,
- f = this.$input[0],
- g = window.document.createRange(),
- h = this.selectionIndices.start,
- i = this.selectionIndices.end,
- j = f.childNodes[0],
- k = window.getSelection();
- if (f.type && 'textarea' === f.type) f.setSelectionRange(h, i);
- else if (d.browser.isChrome() || d.browser.isSafari() || d.browser.isOpera() || d.browser.isEdge()) a = j.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.startElemInd],
- b = this.selectionIndices.startElemSelectionInd,
- c = j.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.endElemInd],
- e = this.selectionIndices.endElemSelectionInd,
- g.setStart(a, b),
- g.setEnd(c, e),
- k.removeAllRanges(),
- k.addRange(g);
- else if (d.browser.isFirefox() || d.browser.isIE()) a = f.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.startElemInd].childNodes[0],
- b = this.selectionIndices.startElemSelectionInd,
- c = f.childNodes[this.selectionIndices.endElemInd].childNodes[0],
- e = this.selectionIndices.endElemSelectionInd,
- g.setStart(a, b),
- g.setEnd(c, e),
- (!d.browser.isIE() || k.rangeCount > 0 && k.getRangeAt(0).getClientRects().length > 0) && k.removeAllRanges(),
- k.addRange(g);
- else {
- var l = j.childNodes[0];
- g.setStart(l, h),
- g.setEnd(l, i),
- k.removeAllRanges(),
- k.addRange(g)
- }(d.browser.isEdge() || f.type && 'textarea' === f.type) && this.focus()
- },
- debouncedSaveHistory: a.debounce(function () {
- var a = this.toJSON() [0];
- a !== this.history[this.historyPosition] && (this.historyPosition !== this.history.length - 1 && (this.history = this.history.slice(0, this.historyPosition + 1)), this.history.push(a), this.historyPosition += 1)
- }, 200),
- undoTextarea: function () {
- this.historyPosition > 0 && (this.historyPosition -= 1, this.set(this.history[this.historyPosition]), this.fixInputStructure(), this.focusEndOfText())
- },
- redoTextarea: function () {
- this.historyPosition < this.history.length - 1 && (this.historyPosition += 1, this.set(this.history[this.historyPosition]), this.fixInputStructure(), this.focusEndOfText())
- }
- }, {
- DRAFT_MAX_AGE: 86400000,
- storage: new f(5, 'drafts.queue')
- });
- return g
- }),
- define('core/views/ContentEditableView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/editable',
- 'core/views/TextareaView'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = window.document,
- f = d,
- g = f.prototype,
- h = f.extend({
- events: b.defaults({
- 'focusout [data-role=editable]': 'handleFocusOut',
- 'click .placeholder': 'handlePlaceholderClick'
- }, g.events),
- initialize: function () {
- g.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- this.hasFocus = !1,
- this._selectionRange = null
- },
- saveSelection: function () {
- var a = window.getSelection();
- this._selectionRange = a && a.rangeCount && a.getRangeAt(0)
- },
- restoreSelection: function () {
- if (this._selectionRange) {
- var a = window.getSelection();
- a.removeAllRanges(),
- a.addRange(this._selectionRange),
- this._selectionRange = null
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$input = this.createInput(),
- this.$el.append(this.$input),
- this.set(this.value),
- this.renderPlaceholder(),
- this
- },
- createInput: function () {
- var b = a('<div>').attr({
- 'class': 'textarea',
- tabIndex: 0,
- role: 'textbox',
- 'aria-multiline': 'true',
- contenteditable: 'PLAINTEXT-ONLY',
- 'data-role': 'editable'
- }).css({
- overflow: 'auto',
- 'word-wrap': 'break-word',
- 'max-height': this.constructor.MAX_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT + 'px'
- }),
- d = b[0];
- return 'plaintext-only' !== d.contentEditable && (d.contentEditable = 'true'),
- this.content = new c(d, (!0)),
- b
- },
- renderPlaceholder: function () {
- var b = this.placeholder;
- b && (this.$input.attr('aria-label', b), this.$placeholder = a('<span class="placeholder">' + b + '</span>'), this.updatePlaceholderDisplay())
- },
- updatePlaceholderDisplay: function () {
- this.$placeholder && (this.hasFocus || this.content.text() ? this.$placeholder.remove() : this.$el.prepend(this.$placeholder))
- },
- handlePlaceholderClick: function () {
- this.$input.focus()
- },
- handleFocusIn: function () {
- g.handleFocusIn.call(this),
- this.restoreSelection(),
- this.hasFocus = !0,
- this.updatePlaceholderDisplay()
- },
- handleFocusOut: function () {
- this.saveSelection(),
- this.hasFocus = !1,
- this.updatePlaceholderDisplay()
- },
- get: function () {
- return this.content.text()
- },
- getSelected: function () {
- return this.hasFocus && window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().toString() : this._selectionRange ? this._selectionRange.toString() : ''
- },
- offset: function () {
- return this.content.offset()
- },
- set: function (a) {
- this.content.setText(a),
- this.resize(),
- this.updatePlaceholderDisplay()
- },
- insertAtCursor: function (a) {
- this.focus();
- var b = ' ' + a + ' ';
- e.queryCommandSupported && e.queryCommandSupported('insertText') && e.execCommand('insertText', !1, b) || this.content.insertNode(e.createTextNode(b))
- },
- clear: function () {
- g.clear.call(this),
- b.defer(function (a) {
- a.$input.blur()
- }, this)
- },
- insertAroundSelection: function (a, b) {
- this.focus();
- var c = window.getSelection();
- if (c.rangeCount) {
- var d = c.getRangeAt(0),
- f = d.cloneRange();
- f.collapse(!1);
- var g = e.createTextNode(b);
- f.insertNode(g);
- var h = d.cloneRange();
- h.collapse(!0);
- var i = e.createTextNode(a);
- h.insertNode(i),
- d.setStart(i, a.length),
- d.setEnd(g, 0),
- c.removeAllRanges(),
- c.addRange(d)
- }
- }
- });
- return h
- }),
- define('core/views/PostReplyView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'modernizr',
- 'moment',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/mixins/withAlert',
- 'core/mixins/withUploadForm',
- 'core/models/Post',
- 'core/models/User',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/time',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/views/ContentEditableView',
- 'core/views/TextareaView',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = k.get,
- s = m.preventDefaultHandler,
- t = c.View.extend({
- tagName: 'form',
- className: 'reply',
- events: {
- submit: 'submitForm'
- },
- postboxAlertSelector: '[role=postbox-alert]',
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.session = a.session,
- this.parent = a.parent,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.isRefreshEnabled = n.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread && this.thread.forum && this.thread.forum.id
- }),
- this.isRefreshV2Enabled = this.isRefreshEnabled && n.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: this.thread && this.thread.forum && this.thread.forum.id
- }),
- this.$el.addClass(this.isRefreshEnabled ? 'form-refresh' : ''),
- this.$el.addClass(this.isRefreshV2Enabled ? 'form-refresh-v2' : ''),
- this.gifPickerEnabled = Boolean(this.thread) && Boolean(this.thread.forum) && Boolean(this.thread.forum.get('settings').gifPickerEnabled),
- this.post = this.makePostInstance(),
- this.setAlertSelector('[role=alert]'),
- this.shouldShowEmailAlertInForm = a.shouldShowEmailAlertInForm,
- this.parentView = a.parentView,
- this._isHidden = !1,
- this.parent && (t.open[this.parent.cid] = this),
- this.mediaembedEnabled = this.thread.forum.get('settings').mediaembedEnabled,
- this.allowUploads = this.mediaembedEnabled && this.uploadSupported,
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', this.redraw)
- },
- redraw: function () {
- var b = this.$el.hasClass('expanded'),
- c = this.el,
- d = this.$el.find('textarea').val();
- this.render(),
- this.$el.find('textarea').val(d),
- b && this.$el.addClass('expanded'),
- 0 !== a(c).parent().length && c.parentNode.replaceChild(this.el, c)
- },
- getPlaceholderText: function () {
- return this.thread.get('posts') ? this.thread.forum.get('commentsPlaceholderTextPopulated') || r('Join the discussion…') : this.thread.forum.get('commentsPlaceholderTextEmpty') || r('Start the discussion…')
- },
- getTemplateData: function () {
- return {
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- displayMediaPreviews: this.mediaembedEnabled || this.gifPickerEnabled,
- displayMediaUploadButton: this.allowUploads,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(this.template(this.getTemplateData())),
- this.initTextEditor(null, !0),
- this.parent ? this.$el.addClass('expanded') : this.$el.removeClass('expanded'),
- this.initTextarea(),
- this.initMediaViews({
- mediaembedEnabled: this.mediaembedEnabled,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled,
- allowUploads: this.allowUploads,
- textarea: this.textarea
- }),
- this.constructor.mustVerifyEmailToPost(this.session.user, this.thread.forum) && this._alertMustVerify(this.shouldShowEmailAlertInForm),
- this._isHidden && this.$el.addClass('hidden'),
- this.initStarRatings(),
- this
- },
- createTextarea: function () {
- var a = {
- placeholder: this.getPlaceholderText(),
- storageKey: this.post.storageKey()
- };
- return this.constructor.canUseContentEditable ? new this.constructor.ContentEditableView(a) : new this.constructor.TextareaView(a)
- },
- initTextarea: function () {
- var a = this.textarea = this.createTextarea();
- this.$('[data-role=textarea]').prepend(a.render().el),
- this.listenTo(a, {
- keydown: function (a) {
- !a || !a.ctrlKey && !a.metaKey || 13 !== a.keyCode && 10 !== a.keyCode || this.submitForm(),
- this.session.get('banned') && this.alertBannedError()
- },
- focus: function () {
- this.$el.hasClass('expanded') || this.$el.addClass('expanded')
- }
- })
- },
- resize: function () {
- this.textarea.resize()
- },
- focus: function () {
- this.textarea.focus()
- },
- clear: function () {
- var a = this;
- a.textarea.clear(),
- a.clearMediaPreviews(),
- a.$el.removeClass('expanded'),
- b.delay(function () {
- a.resize()
- }, 200),
- a.parent && a.hide()
- },
- restore: function (a) {
- var c = this;
- c.textarea.set(a.get('raw_message')),
- c.textarea.handleFocusIn(),
- b.delay(function () {
- c.resize()
- }, 200),
- c.parent && c.show()
- },
- _alertMustVerify: function (a) {
- var b = this.emailVerifyAlertTemplate({
- user: this.session.user.toJSON(),
- forumName: this.thread.forum.get('name'),
- forumId: this.thread.forum.id
- });
- this.alert(b, {
- safe: !0,
- type: a ? 'error' : 'warn',
- target: a ? this.postboxAlertSelector : null
- })
- },
- submitForm: s(function () {
- return this.dismissAlert(),
- this.initiatePost()
- }),
- makePostInstance: function () {
- return new f(this.constructor.Post, {
- thread: this.thread.id,
- depth: this.parent ? this.parent.get('depth') + 1 : 0,
- parent: this.parent ? this.parent.id : null
- })
- },
- getPostParams: function () {
- var a = {
- raw_message: this.textarea.get(),
- rating: this.rating
- };
- b.extend(a, this.getAuthorParams());
- var c = this.mediaUploadsView;
- return c && (a.media = c.rich.invoke('toJSON')),
- a
- },
- getAuthorParams: function () {
- return {
- author_id: this.session.user.id
- }
- },
- initiatePost: function () {
- this.createPost(this.getPostParams())
- },
- createPost: function (c) {
- var d = this,
- e = this.post;
- this.dismissAlert();
- var f = a.now();
- if (!this.shouldAbortCreatePost(e, c)) return this.listenTo(e, {
- error: this._onCreateError,
- sync: b.partial(this._onCreateSync, f)
- }),
- e.save(c, {
- success: function () {
- b.isNumber(d.rating) && q.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(d.thread) && (d.thread.set('userRating', d.rating), b.delay(b.bind(d.thread.fetchRatings, d.thread), 500))
- }
- }),
- this.attachAuthorToPost(e, c),
- e.created = !0,
- this.addPostToThread(e),
- this.clear(),
- e
- },
- shouldAbortCreatePost: function (a, b) {
- return this.isUploadInProgress() ? (this.alert(r('Please wait until your images finish uploading.'), {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }), !0) : !a.set(b, {
- validate: !0
- }) && (this.alert(a.validationError, {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }), !0)
- },
- alertBannedError: function () {
- var a = {
- blocker: this.session.user.get('isOnGlobalBlacklist') ? 'Disqus' : this.thread.forum.get('name')
- };
- if (this.session.get('banExpires')) {
- var b = e(l.assureTzOffset(this.session.get('banExpires')), l.ISO_8601);
- if (b.isBefore(e())) return;
- a.expirationRelative = b.fromNow()
- }
- this.alert(this.blacklistErrorMessageTemplate(a), {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector,
- safe: !0
- })
- },
- _onCreateError: function (a, c) {
- 12 === c.code && /not have permission to post on this thread/.test(c.response) ? this.alertBannedError() : 12 === c.code && /not have permission via SSO to post on this thread/.test(c.response) ? this.thread.forum.get('name') ? this.alert(k.interpolate(r('Please sign into %(forumName)s to comment.'), {
- forumName: this.thread.forum.get('name')
- }), {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }) : this.alert(r('Please sign into this site to comment'), {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }) : 12 === c.code && /verify/.test(c.response) ? this._alertMustVerify(!0) : b.isString(c.response) ? this.alert(c.response, {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }) : this.alert(r('Oops! We\'re having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again.'), {
- type: 'error',
- target: this.postboxAlertSelector
- }),
- this.thread.posts.remove(a),
- this.restore(a)
- },
- _onCreateSync: function (b, c) {
- this.textarea.removeDraft(),
- this.thread.trigger('create', c),
- this.trigger('uiCallback:postCreated', c, {
- duration: a.now() - b
- }),
- this.parentView && this.parentView.toggleReplyLink(!1),
- this.stopListening(c, 'error', this._onCreateError),
- this.stopListening(c, 'sync', this._onCreateSync),
- this.post = this.makePostInstance(),
- this.trigger('domReflow')
- },
- attachAuthorToPost: function (a, b) {
- this.session.isLoggedIn() ? a.author = this.session.user : a.author = new f(this.constructor.User, {
- name: b.author_name,
- email: b.author_email
- })
- },
- addPostToThread: function (a) {
- this.thread.posts.add(a)
- },
- remove: function () {
- this.parent && delete t.open[this.parent.cid],
- c.View.prototype.remove.call(this)
- },
- toggle: function () {
- this.isOpen() ? this.hide() : this.show()
- },
- show: function () {
- var a = this;
- a._isHidden = !1,
- a.$el.removeClass('hidden'),
- a.trigger('show')
- },
- hide: function () {
- var a = this;
- a._isHidden = !0,
- a.dismissAlert(),
- a.$el.addClass('hidden'),
- a.trigger('hide')
- },
- isOpen: function () {
- return !this._isHidden
- }
- }, {
- mustVerifyEmailToPost: function (a, b) {
- if (a.isAnonymous()) return !1;
- var c = b.get('settings').mustVerifyEmail,
- d = a.get('isVerified');
- return c && !d
- },
- canUseContentEditable: d.contenteditable && !m.isMobileUserAgent() && !(window.opera && window.opera.version),
- TextareaView: p,
- ContentEditableView: o,
- User: j,
- Post: i,
- open: {
- }
- });
- return g.call(t.prototype),
- h.call(t.prototype),
- t
- }),
- define('constants/gifPickerConstants', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- LEFT: [
- {
- title: 'Trending',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/WsV5AoDeKePw4/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 113
- },
- {
- title: 'OMG',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/5VKbvrjxpVJCM/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 160
- },
- {
- title: 'No',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/z5WtAAaFpnIgU/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 150
- },
- {
- title: 'Slow clap',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/58FMN3DmsmYta2m0aB/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 150
- },
- {
- title: 'Love',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/Xf7g5BjIIMun8fR14k/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 199
- },
- {
- title: 'Eye roll',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/sbwjM9VRh0mLm/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 142
- }
- ],
- RIGHT: [
- {
- title: 'Applause',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 201
- },
- {
- title: 'Agree',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/3og0ILzGlzG26yNINq/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 166
- },
- {
- title: 'Ok',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/mgqefqwSbToPe/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 150
- },
- {
- title: 'Thumbs up',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/j5QcmXoFWl4Q0/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 125
- },
- {
- title: 'Thumbs down',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/KUrgyFtn9bQNW/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 128
- },
- {
- title: 'Thank you',
- gifUrl: 'https://media.giphy.com/media/QAsBwSjx9zVKoGp9nr/200w_d.gif',
- width: 200,
- height: 144
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/gifsView', [
- 'react'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view-left'
- }, b.gifsLeft ? b.gifsLeft.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: b.id,
- className: 'gif-picker__image',
- 'data-action': 'gif-picker-image',
- 'data-tag': b['default'].url,
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': b.title
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: b.fixedWidth200.url,
- title: b.title,
- style: {
- height: parseInt(b.fixedWidth200.height, 10) + 'px',
- width: parseInt(b.fixedWidth200.width, 10) + 'px'
- }
- }))
- }) : null), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view-right'
- }, b.gifsRight ? b.gifsRight.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: b.fixedWidth200.url,
- className: 'gif-picker__image',
- 'data-action': 'gif-picker-image',
- 'data-tag': b['default'].url
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: b.fixedWidth200.url,
- title: b.title,
- style: {
- height: parseInt(b.fixedWidth200.height, 10) + 'px',
- width: parseInt(b.fixedWidth200.width, 10) + 'px'
- }
- }))
- }) : null))
- };
- return b
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/gifsCategory', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.get,
- d = function (d) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view gif-picker__categories'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view-left'
- }, d.categoriesLeft ? d.categoriesLeft.map(function (d) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: d.title,
- className: 'gif-picker__image',
- 'data-action': 'gif-picker-category',
- 'data-tag': d.title,
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Collection of animated images in the category of ' + d.title
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: d.gifUrl,
- className: 'gif-picker__category-gif',
- style: {
- height: d.height + 'px',
- width: d.width + 'px'
- }
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__category-overlay'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__category-title align align--middle align--center'
- }, a.createElement('b', null, b.interpolate(c('%(title)s'), {
- title: d.title
- }))))
- }) : null), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view-right'
- }, d.categoriesRight ? d.categoriesRight.map(function (d) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: d.title,
- className: 'gif-picker__image',
- 'data-action': 'gif-picker-category',
- 'data-tag': d.title,
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Collection of animated images in the category of ' + d.title
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: d.gifUrl,
- className: 'gif-picker__category-gif',
- style: {
- height: d.height + 'px',
- width: d.width + 'px'
- }
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__category-overlay'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__category-title align align--middle align--center'
- }, a.createElement('b', null, b.interpolate(c('%(title)s'), {
- title: d.title
- }))))
- }) : null))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/gifsPopout', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.get,
- d = function () {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__popout'
- }, a.createElement('textarea', {
- className: 'gif-picker__search-bar',
- placeholder: c('Search for gifs'),
- 'data-role': 'gif-picker-input',
- wrap: 'soft',
- rows: '1'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker__gifs-view-container',
- 'data-role': 'gifs-view-container'
- }), a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'gif-picker__powered-by',
- src: 'https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/assets/img/powered-by-giphy.b72f56fe31b44adb55a65c343c691d63.png'
- }))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins/asGifPicker', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/strings',
- 'constants/gifPickerConstants',
- 'templates/lounge/gifsView',
- 'templates/lounge/gifsCategory',
- 'templates/lounge/gifsPopout',
- 'common/collections'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- 'use strict';
- var j = d.get,
- k = {
- events: {
- 'mousedown [data-role=gif-picker-toggle]': 'toggleGifPicker',
- 'keydown [data-role=gif-picker-toggle]': 'toggleGifPicker',
- 'mousedown [data-action=gif-picker-image]': 'pickGif',
- 'keydown [data-action=gif-picker-image]': 'pickGif',
- 'mousedown [data-action=gif-picker-category]': 'pickGifCategory',
- 'keydown [data-action=gif-picker-category]': 'pickGifCategory',
- 'keydown [data-role=gif-picker-input]': 'onKeydown',
- 'keyup [data-role=gif-picker-input]': 'onKeyup'
- },
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- a.call(this, b)
- },
- initGifPicker: function () {
- this.gifPicker = this.$('.gif-picker'),
- this.toggle = this.$('[data-role=gif-picker-toggle]'),
- this.gifsCollection = new i.GifObjectsCollection,
- this.popoutContainer = this.$('[data-role=gif-picker-popout-container]'),
- this.categories = e.GIF_PICKER_CATEGORIES,
- this.gifPickerQuery = null,
- this.rescrollToTop = 0,
- this.popoutTemplate = h({
- }),
- this.popoutContainer.html(this.popoutTemplate),
- this.renderCategoriesView(),
- this.revealGifPicker(),
- this.listenTo(this.gifsCollection, 'sync', this.syncGifsCollection)
- },
- fetchGifObjectsCollection: function (a) {
- this.gifsCollection.fetch({
- forum: this.thread.forum.id,
- query: a
- })
- },
- syncGifsCollection: function () {
- this.renderGifsView(),
- this.positionGifPickerPopout(),
- this.gifsView[0].scrollTo({
- top: this.rescrollToTop
- })
- },
- dismissGifPicker: function (b) {
- this.gifPicker.length && !this.gifPicker[0].contains(b.target) && (this.hideGifPicker(), a(window).off('mousedown', this.dismissGifPicker))
- },
- toggleGifPicker: function (a) {
- if ('keydown' === a.type) {
- var b = 13,
- c = 32;
- if (a.keyCode !== b && a.keyCode !== c) return;
- a.preventDefault()
- }
- this.popoutTemplate ? this.popoutContainer.hasClass('hidden') ? this.revealGifPicker() : this.hideGifPicker() : this.initGifPicker()
- },
- pickGif: function (a) {
- if ('keydown' === a.type) {
- if (32 !== a.keyCode && 13 !== a.keyCode) return;
- a.preventDefault()
- }
- this.textarea.set(this.textarea.get() + ' ' + a.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-tag')),
- b.delay(b.bind(function () {
- this.hideGifPicker()
- }, this), 500)
- },
- pickGifCategory: function (a) {
- if ('keydown' === a.type) {
- if (32 !== a.keyCode && 13 !== a.keyCode) return;
- a.preventDefault()
- }
- var b = a.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-tag');
- b = 'Trending' === b ? '' : d.interpolate(j('%(category)s'), {
- category: b
- }),
- this.gifPickerQuery = b,
- this.rescrollToTop = 0,
- this.fetchGifObjectsCollection(b),
- this.gifsInput.val(b)
- },
- revealGifPicker: function () {
- this.popoutContainer.removeClass('hidden'),
- a(window).on('mousedown', b.bind(this.dismissGifPicker, this)),
- this.positionGifPickerPopout(),
- this.triggerClick()
- },
- hideGifPicker: function () {
- this.popoutContainer.addClass('hidden')
- },
- onKeydown: function (a) {
- 13 === a.keyCode && a.preventDefault()
- },
- onKeyup: function (a) {
- a.target.value !== this.gifPickerQuery && (this.gifPickerQuery = '' === a.target.value ? null : a.target.value, this.rescrollToTop = 0, this.debouncedSearch())
- },
- debouncedSearch: b.debounce(function () {
- this.gifPickerQuery || '' === this.gifPickerQuery ? this.fetchGifObjectsCollection(this.gifPickerQuery) : this.renderCategoriesView()
- }, 250),
- renderCategoriesView: function () {
- this.gifsCollection.reset(),
- this.gifsContainer = this.$('[data-role=gifs-view-container]'),
- this.gifsInput = this.$('[data-role=gif-picker-input]'),
- this.gifCategories ? (this.gifsContainer.html(this.gifCategories), this.gifsView = this.gifCategories) : (this.gifsContainer.html(g({
- categoriesLeft: this.categories.LEFT,
- categoriesRight: this.categories.RIGHT
- })), this.gifCategories = this.gifsView = this.gifsContainer.children())
- },
- renderGifsView: function () {
- var a = this.gifsCollection && this.gifsCollection.toJSON(),
- c = [
- ],
- d = [
- ],
- e = 0,
- g = 0;
- b.forEach(a, function (a) {
- var b = parseInt(a.fixedWidth200.height, 10) + 10;
- g >= e ? (c.push(a), e += b) : (d.push(a), g += b)
- }),
- this.gifsContainer.html(f({
- gifsLeft: c,
- gifsRight: d
- })),
- this.gifsView = this.gifsContainer.children()
- },
- positionGifPickerPopout: function () {
- var b = this,
- c = 450,
- d = 800,
- e = 0,
- f = 0,
- g = d,
- h = !1,
- i = 873,
- j = 236,
- k = 73,
- l = 20,
- m = this.toggle.outerWidth() + 2,
- n = this.popoutContainer.height() + l,
- o = this.toggle.outerHeight(),
- p = this.toggle.offset().left,
- q = this.toggle.offset().top + o - 2,
- r = a(window.document).height(),
- s = a(window.document).width();
- if (n > r || n < i && n < r && r < i ? (g = Math.min(r, i) - k, e = - q + o, f = m, h = !0) : r > i && r - q < i ? (e = r - q - Math.max(n, i) + o, f = m, h = !0) : r - q > i && (h = !0, e = o, f = Math.min(0, s - (this.toggle.offset().left + j))), s < c) {
- this.popoutContainer.find('.gif-picker__popout').css({
- padding: '4px 4px 4px'
- });
- var t = this.popoutContainer.outerWidth() - this.gifsView.outerWidth(),
- u = s - (p + t + f + 10),
- v = u / 2;
- this.popoutContainer.find('.gif-picker__image > img').each(function () {
- a(this).css({
- width: v,
- height: v * a(this).height() / a(this).width()
- })
- }),
- h = !0
- }
- h && (this.gifsView.css('maxHeight', g), this.popoutContainer.css({
- top: e,
- left: f
- })),
- this.lastScrollTop = 0,
- this.gifsView[0].onscroll = function (a) {
- var c = a.target.scrollHeight - a.target.scrollTop - g,
- d = a.target.scrollTop > b.lastScrollTop;
- b.lastScrollTop = a.target.scrollTop,
- b.rescrollToTop = a.target.scrollTop,
- d && null !== b.gifPickerQuery && c < Math.min(1000, 0.5 * g) && b.throttledOnScrollToBottom(a.target.scrollTop)
- }
- },
- throttledOnScrollToBottom: b.throttle(function () {
- this.debouncedSearch()
- }, 500, {
- trailing: !1
- }),
- triggerClick: function () {
- c.trigger('uiAction:gifsClickButton')
- },
- triggerScroll: function () {
- c.trigger('uiAction:gifsScrollToBottom')
- }
- };
- return function () {
- this.events = b.defaults({
- }, this.events, k.events),
- this.initialize = b.wrap(this.initialize, k.initialize),
- b.extend(this, b.pick(k, [
- 'initGifPicker',
- 'fetchGifObjectsCollection',
- 'syncGifsCollection',
- 'toggleGifPicker',
- 'dismissGifPicker',
- 'pickGif',
- 'pickGifCategory',
- 'revealGifPicker',
- 'hideGifPicker',
- 'onKeydown',
- 'onKeyup',
- 'debouncedSearch',
- 'renderCategoriesView',
- 'renderGifsView',
- 'positionGifPickerPopout',
- 'throttledOnScrollToBottom',
- 'triggerClick',
- 'triggerScroll'
- ]))
- }
- }),
- define('core/constants/textEditorConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- 'b',
- 'spoiler',
- 'i',
- 's',
- 'u',
- 'a',
- 'code',
- 'blockquote'
- ],
- a.GIF_PICKER_BUTTON = 'gif-picker',
- a.MEDIA_UPLOADER_BUTTON = 'media-uploader'
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins/asTextEditor', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/constants/textEditorConstants'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = {
- events: {
- 'mousedown [data-action=text-editor-tag]': 'textEditorTag',
- 'keydown [data-action=text-editor-tag]': 'textEditorTag',
- 'mouseup [data-action=text-editor-buttons]': 'textEditorForceSelectText',
- 'mousedown [data-role=editable]': 'textEditorMouseDown',
- 'keyup [data-role=editable]': 'textEditorKeyUp',
- 'keydown [data-role=editable]': 'textEditorKeyDown'
- },
- initialize: function (c, d) {
- d = d || {
- },
- c.call(this, d),
- this.textEditorMouseUp = b.bind(this.textEditorMouseUp, this),
- this.editBox = this.el && this.el.className && this.el.className.indexOf('edit') > - 1,
- a(window).on('resize', b.bind(this.initTextEditor, this)),
- this.mostRecentPostBoxWidth = null
- },
- textEditorTag: function (a) {
- if ('keydown' === a.type) {
- var b = 13,
- c = 32;
- return void (a.keyCode !== b && a.keyCode !== c || (a.preventDefault(), this.textarea.addTag(a.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-tag'))))
- }
- this.textarea.addTag(a.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-tag'))
- },
- textEditorForceSelectText: function () {
- this.textarea.selectText()
- },
- textEditorMouseDown: function () {
- a(window).on('mouseup', this.textEditorMouseUp)
- },
- textEditorMouseUp: function () {
- a(window).off('mouseup', this.textEditorMouseUp),
- setTimeout(b.bind(this.textarea.setSelection, this.textarea), 200)
- },
- textEditorKeyUp: function () {
- this.textarea.setSelection()
- },
- textEditorKeyDown: function (a) {
- !a.ctrlKey && !a.metaKey || 'z' !== a.key && 'y' !== a.key && 'Z' !== a.key && 'Y' !== a.key ? this.textarea.debouncedSaveHistory() : (a.preventDefault(), this.textarea.debouncedSaveHistory(), 'y' === a.key || 'Y' === a.key || a.shiftKey && ('z' === a.key || 'Z' === a.key) ? this.textarea.redoTextarea() : 'z' !== a.key && 'Z' !== a.key || this.textarea.undoTextarea())
- },
- getTextEditorTemplateData: function () {
- var a = [
- ],
- b = !this.editBox && this.gifPickerEnabled,
- d = !this.editBox && this.allowUploads,
- e = this.$('.post-actions').outerWidth() || 0;
- this.mostRecentPostBoxWidth = e;
- var f = this.$('.wysiwyg__item').outerWidth(!0) || 0,
- g = (this.$('.edit-button').outerWidth() || 0) + (this.$('.post-action__cancel').outerWidth(!0) || 0),
- h = this.$('.full-size-button').outerWidth() || 0,
- i = this.$('.small-size-button').outerWidth() || 0,
- j = b || d ? this.$('.vertical-separator').outerWidth() || 30 : 0,
- k = c.EDITOR_BUTTONS_ORDER.length + (!this.editBox && this.gifPickerEnabled ? 1 : 0) + (!this.editBox && this.allowUploads ? 1 : 0),
- l = h + j + (k + 1) * f >= e,
- m = l ? i : h,
- n = this.editBox ? g : m,
- o = Math.floor((e - n - j) / f) || 0;
- return b && o > a.length && (a = a.concat([c.GIF_PICKER_BUTTON])),
- o > a.length && (a = a.concat(c.EDITOR_BUTTONS_ORDER.slice(0, 1))),
- d && o > a.length && (a = a.concat([c.MEDIA_UPLOADER_BUTTON])),
- o > a.length && (a = a.concat(c.EDITOR_BUTTONS_ORDER.slice(1, o - a.length))),
- {
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- displayMediaPreviews: this.mediaembedEnabled || this.gifPickerEnabled,
- displayMediaUploadButton: this.allowUploads,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled,
- useSmallPostButton: l,
- buttonsToShow: a,
- edit: this.editBox,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }
- },
- initTextEditor: function (a, b) {
- var c = this.$('.post-actions').outerWidth();
- if (!(a && 'resize' === a.type && this.mostRecentPostBoxWidth && c && c === this.mostRecentPostBoxWidth)) return this.$('.text-editor-container').html(this.textEditorTemplate(this.getTextEditorTemplateData())),
- b && null === c ? void this.initTextEditor(null, !1) : void (!this.editBox && this.textarea && this.initMediaViews({
- mediaembedEnabled: this.mediaembedEnabled,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled,
- allowUploads: this.allowUploads,
- textarea: this.textarea
- }))
- }
- };
- return function () {
- this.events = b.defaults({
- }, this.events, d.events),
- this.initialize = b.wrap(this.initialize, d.initialize),
- b.extend(this, b.pick(d, [
- 'textEditorTag',
- 'textEditorForceSelectText',
- 'textEditorMouseDown',
- 'textEditorMouseUp',
- 'textEditorKeyUp',
- 'textEditorKeyDown',
- 'getTextEditorTemplateData',
- 'initTextEditor'
- ]))
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins/asTextEditorV2', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.translations,
- e = [
- ];
- Object.defineProperties(window, {
- _loadTextEditor: {
- writable: !0
- },
- loadTextEditor: {
- get: function () {
- return this._loadTextEditor
- },
- set: function (a) {
- for (this._loadTextEditor = a; e.length; ) {
- var b = e.shift();
- b()
- }
- }
- }
- });
- var f = {
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- a.call(this, b),
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled = c.isFeatureActive('embed_v2', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })
- },
- loadEditorV2: function (b) {
- var c = this.$el.find('[data-role=textarea]') [0],
- f = a.extend({
- forum: this.thread.forum.id,
- thread: this.thread.id,
- lang: this.thread.forum.get('language'),
- translations: d,
- setAlert: a.partial(this.alert, a, a, !0).bind(this),
- clearAlert: this.alert.bind(this, '', null, !0),
- key: this.post && this.post.cid
- }, b),
- g = function () {
- var a = this.editorV2Root && this.editorV2Root._internalRoot && this.editorV2Root._internalRoot.containerInfo === c;
- this.editorV2Root && !a ? (this.editorV2Root.unmount(), this.editorV2Root = window.loadTextEditor(c, f)) : this.editorV2Root = window.loadTextEditor(c, f, this.editorV2Root)
- };
- window.loadTextEditor ? g.call(this) : e.push(g.bind(this))
- },
- resize: function (a) {
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled || a.call(this)
- },
- focus: function (a) {
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled || a.call(this)
- },
- initTextEditor: function (a) {
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled || a.call(this)
- },
- remove: function (a) {
- this.editorV2Root && (this.editorV2Root.unmount(), this.editorV2Root = null),
- a.call(this)
- },
- alert: function (a, b, c, d) {
- c = c || {
- };
- var e = '[role=postbox-alert]' === this._alertSelector || '[role=postbox-alert]' === c.target;
- if (!this.isEmbedV2Enabled || !d && !e) return a.call(this, b, c);
- var f = this.getEditorProps ? this.getEditorProps() : {
- };
- f.alert = {
- message: b,
- type: c.type,
- safe: c.safe
- },
- this.loadEditorV2(f)
- }
- };
- return function () {
- this.initialize = a.wrap(this.initialize, f.initialize),
- this.resize = a.wrap(this.resize, f.resize),
- this.focus = a.wrap(this.focus, f.focus),
- this.remove = a.wrap(this.remove, f.remove),
- this.alert = a.wrap(this.alert, f.alert),
- this.initTextEditor = a.wrap(this.initTextEditor, f.initTextEditor),
- a.extend(this, a.pick(f, [
- 'loadEditorV2'
- ]))
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/rate', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-rate'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-text'
- }, c(b.submitted ? 'You rated this' : 'Rate and comment')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars animation-star-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'animation-star'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'))), b.selected ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars selection-stars',
- style: {
- width: 20 * b.selectedValue + '%'
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★')) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars voting-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star',
- 'data-action': 'rateThread',
- 'data-tag': '1',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star',
- 'data-action': 'rateThread',
- 'data-tag': '2',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star',
- 'data-action': 'rateThread',
- 'data-tag': '3',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star',
- 'data-action': 'rateThread',
- 'data-tag': '4',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star',
- 'data-action': 'rateThread',
- 'data-tag': '5',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, '★')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars base-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'))))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins/withStarRatings', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'templates/lounge/rate'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = 13,
- g = {
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=rateThread]': 'rateThread',
- 'keydown [data-action=rateThread]': function (a) {
- a.keyCode && a.keyCode === f && (a.preventDefault(), this.rateThread(a))
- },
- 'mouseover [data-action=rateThread]': 'highlightRating',
- 'mouseout [data-action=rateThread]': 'unhighlightRating',
- 'focusin [data-action=rateThread]': 'highlightRating',
- 'focusout [data-action=rateThread]': 'unhighlightRating'
- },
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- b = b || {
- },
- a.call(this, b),
- this.rateTemplate = d,
- this.rating = null,
- this.ratingsEnabled = !this.post.get('parent') && c.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(this.thread),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change', function () {
- var a = this.thread.changedAttributes();
- return void 0 !== a.ratingsEnabled ? (this.ratingsEnabled = !this.post.get('parent') && c.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(this.thread), this.initStarRatings(this.thread.get('userRating'))) : a.userRating && a.userRating !== this.rating ? this.initStarRatings(a.userRating) : void 0
- }),
- this.listenToOnce(this.thread.forum, 'change:features', function () {
- return this.ratingsEnabled = !this.post.get('parent') && c.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(this.thread),
- this.initStarRatings(this.thread.get('userRating'))
- })
- },
- initStarRatings: function (b) {
- if (!this.ratingsEnabled) {
- var c = this.$('[data-role=ratings-container]');
- return void (c.length && this.$('[data-role=ratings-container]').empty())
- }
- return this.rating = a.isNumber(b) ? b : this.thread.get('userRating'),
- this.$('[data-role=ratings-container]').html(this.rateTemplate({
- selected: a.isNumber(this.rating),
- submitted: Boolean(this.thread.get('userRating')),
- selectedValue: this.rating
- }))
- },
- rateThread: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = parseInt(a.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-tag'), 10);
- Promise.resolve(this.initStarRatings(c)).then(function () {
- var a = b.$('.animation-star-container'),
- d = b.$('.animation-star-container > .animation-star');
- d.children().slice(c).remove(),
- a.addClass('animate-star'),
- d.css({
- position: 'absolute',
- left: '0',
- width: 20 * c + '%'
- }),
- setTimeout(function () {
- a.removeClass('animate-star')
- }, 500)
- }).then(function () {
- return b.textarea.focus()
- }).then(function () {
- return !b.postEditMode && b.alert(e('Please post a comment to submit your rating.'), {
- type: 'info',
- target: b.postboxAlertSelector
- })
- })
- },
- highlightRating: function (a) {
- this.$(a.currentTarget).addClass('selected-star'),
- this.$(a.currentTarget).prevAll().addClass('selected-star')
- },
- unhighlightRating: function (a) {
- this.$(a.currentTarget).removeClass('selected-star'),
- this.$(a.currentTarget).prevAll().removeClass('selected-star')
- }
- };
- return function () {
- this.events = a.defaults({
- }, this.events, g.events),
- this.initialize = a.wrap(this.initialize, g.initialize),
- a.extend(this, a.pick(g, [
- 'initStarRatings',
- 'rateThread',
- 'highlightRating',
- 'unhighlightRating'
- ]))
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/mixins/post-reply', [
- 'underscore',
- 'common/models',
- 'lounge/common'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = {
- initialize: function () {
- this.canBindTypingHandlers() && this.bindTypingHandlers()
- },
- canBindTypingHandlers: function () {
- return this.parent && c.getLounge().isRealtimeEnabled() && this.session && this.thread && this.thread.forum
- },
- bindTypingHandlers: function () {
- return a.map([[this,
- 'show',
- this.typingStart],
- [
- this,
- 'hide',
- this.typingStop
- ]], function (a) {
- return this.listenTo.apply(this, a),
- a
- }, this)
- },
- syncTyping: function (a) {
- this.typingUser && (void 0 !== a && this.typingUser.set('typing', a), this.typingUser.sync());
- },
- typingStart: function () {
- var a = this.parent;
- this.typingUser || (this.typingUser = b.TypingUser.make({
- user: this.session.user.id,
- post: a.id,
- thread: this.thread.id,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }), a.usersTyping.add(this.typingUser)),
- this.syncTyping(!0)
- },
- typingStop: function () {
- this.syncTyping(!1)
- }
- },
- e = function (b) {
- var c = b.initialize,
- e = b.remove;
- a.extend(b, d),
- b.initialize = function () {
- c.apply(this, arguments),
- d.initialize.call(this)
- },
- b.remove = function () {
- return this.parent && this.typingStop(),
- e.call(this)
- }
- };
- return {
- asRealtimeTyping: e
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/suggestions', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function () {
- return a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'user-mention__list',
- id: 'user-mention-list'
- }, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'header user-mention__header'
- }, a.createElement('h5', null, c('in this conversation'))))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/suggestedUser', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'user-mention__item',
- 'data-cid': b.cid || ''
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: c(b.avatar, [
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- className: 'avatar',
- alt: d('Avatar')
- }), a.createElement('span', null, b.name || b.username || null))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/SuggestionView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'templates/lounge/suggestions',
- 'templates/lounge/suggestedUser'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click li': 'handleClick'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.active = !1,
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.scrollListener = null,
- this.userHtmlCache = {
- },
- this.userSuggestions && this.userSuggestions.userCollection && this.listenTo(this.userSuggestions.userCollection, 'sync', this.syncUserCollection)
- },
- syncUserCollection: function () {
- this.active && (this.userSuggestions.userCollection.models.length ? this.renderUsers(this.userSuggestions.userCollection.models) : this.clear())
- },
- suggest: function (a, b) {
- return a ? (this.userSuggestions.find(a, b), this.currTerms = a, this.active = !0, void this.$el.show()) : void this.clear()
- },
- throttledSuggestMore: b.throttle(function () {
- this.suggest(this.currTerms, !0)
- }, 200, {
- trailing: !1
- }),
- render: function () {
- var a = this;
- return this.$el.html(d()),
- this.active || this.$el.hide(),
- this.scrollListener || (this.scrollListener = this.$el.find('#user-mention-list') [0].onscroll = function (b) {
- b.target.scrollHeight - b.target.scrollTop === b.target.clientHeight && a.throttledSuggestMore()
- }),
- this
- },
- renderUsers: function (c) {
- var d = b.reduce(c, function (b, c) {
- var d = this.userHtmlCache[c.cid];
- return void 0 === d && (this.userHtmlCache[c.cid] = d = a(this.renderSingleUser(c))),
- b.appendChild(d[0]),
- b
- }, window.document.createDocumentFragment(), this);
- this.$('.header').siblings().remove().end().after(d).siblings().removeClass('active').first().addClass('active')
- },
- renderSingleUser: function (a) {
- var b = a.toJSON();
- return b.cid = a.cid,
- e(b)
- },
- clear: function () {
- this.active = !1,
- this.$el.hide()
- },
- handleClick: function (b) {
- var c = a(b.currentTarget);
- this.select(c.attr('data-cid'))
- },
- select: function (a) {
- this.active && (a || (a = this.$el.find('.active').attr('data-cid')), this.trigger('select', a), this.clear())
- },
- move: function (a) {
- if (this.active) {
- var b = this.$el.find('.active'),
- c = 'up' === a ? 'prev' : 'next',
- d = b[c]();
- d.length && d.attr('data-cid') && (b.removeClass('active'), d.addClass('active'))
- }
- }
- }, {
- });
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/ContentEditableView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/editable',
- 'core/views/ContentEditableView',
- 'common/collections',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/views/posts/SuggestionView'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = window.document,
- i = d,
- j = i.prototype,
- k = i.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- j.initialize.call(this, a),
- a = a || {
- },
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.mentionsCache = new e.UserCollection,
- this.restoreMentionedUsers(),
- this.suggestions = new g({
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- mentions: this.mentionsCache
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.suggestions, 'select', this.insertMention),
- this.reset(),
- this.$input = null
- },
- restoreMentionedUsers: function () {
- var a = this.getDraft() [2];
- a && !b.isEmpty(a) && this.userSuggestions.addRemote(new e.UserCollection(a))
- },
- reset: function () {
- this.anchorNode = null,
- this.anchorOffset = null,
- this.anchorLength = 0,
- this.suggestions.clear()
- },
- render: function () {
- return d.prototype.render.call(this),
- this.$el.append(this.suggestions.render().el),
- this
- },
- createInput: function () {
- var a = d.prototype.createInput.call(this);
- return this.content.getHtmlElements = b.bind(this.getHtmlElements, this),
- a
- },
- getHtmlElements: function (a) {
- if (!a) return a;
- var c = [
- a
- ],
- d = this.getMentionNodes(a);
- return b.each(d, function (a, d) {
- for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
- var f,
- g = c[e],
- h = e;
- if (b.isString(g)) {
- for (; (f = g.indexOf(d)) > - 1; ) f > 0 && (c.splice(e, 0, g.substring(0, f)), e += 1),
- c.splice(e, 0, a.cloneNode(!0)),
- e += 1,
- g = g.substring(f + d.length);
- g && g !== c[h] && (c.splice(e, 0, g), e += 1),
- h !== e && c.splice(e, 1)
- }
- }
- }),
- c = b.map(c, function (a) {
- return b.isString(a) ? h.createTextNode(a) : a
- })
- },
- getMentionNodes: function (a) {
- c = {
- };
- b.lastIndex = 0;
- for (var d = b.exec(a); d; ) {
- var e = d[1],
- f = this.userSuggestions.all().findWhere({
- username: e
- });
- if (f) {
- var g = k.getMentionDom(f),
- h = d[0];
- c[h] = g,
- this.updateCache(f, f.cid)
- }
- d = b.exec(a)
- }
- return c
- },
- handleKeyDown: function (a) {
- switch (d.prototype.handleKeyDown.call(this, a), a.keyCode) {
- case 9:
- this.suggestions.active && (this.suggestions.select(), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation());
- break;
- case 10:
- case 13:
- case 38:
- case 40:
- this.suggestions.active && (a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation())
- }
- },
- handleKeyUp: function (a) {
- switch (d.prototype.handleKeyUp.call(this, a), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(), this.setSelection(), this.checkExistingMentions(), a.keyCode) {
- case 10:
- case 13:
- this.suggestions.select();
- break;
- case 27:
- this.reset(a);
- break;
- case 38:
- this.suggestions.move('up');
- break;
- case 40:
- this.suggestions.move('down');
- break;
- default:
- this.throttledSuggest(a)
- }
- },
- handleFocusIn: function () {
- var a = f.getLounge();
- a && this.$input && this.$input.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd resize', function () {
- a.resize()
- }),
- j.handleFocusIn.call(this)
- },
- suggest: function () {
- var a = this.parseSearchTerms();
- this.suggestions.suggest(a)
- },
- throttledSuggest: b.throttle(function () {
- this.suggest()
- }, 250),
- insertMention: function (a) {
- var c = this.userSuggestions.get(a);
- if (c) {
- this.selectSearchString(c),
- this.updateCache(c, a);
- var d = k.getMentionDom(c);
- this.content.insertNode(d);
- var e = this.$el.find('span[data-cid]');
- b.each(e, function (a) {
- a.contentEditable !== !1 && (a.contentEditable = !1)
- })
- }
- },
- updateCache: function (a, b) {
- this.mentionsCache.get(b) || this.mentionsCache.add(a)
- },
- selectSearchString: function () {
- this.content.selectNodeText(this.anchorNode, this.anchorOffset - 1, this.anchorOffset + this.anchorLength)
- },
- get: function () {
- function a(a) {
- return c(a, !0) ? b.mentionToText(a) : null
- }
- var b = this,
- c = k.isMention;
- return this.content.text(a)
- },
- parseSearchTerms: function () {
- var a = this.content.selectedTextNode(),
- b = a ? a.nodeValue : '',
- d = c.normalizeSpace;
- if (b) {
- var e = this.content.selectedTextNodeOffset(a),
- f = c.normalizeSpace(b.slice(0, e).split('').reverse().join('')),
- g = f.indexOf('@');
- if (g === - 1) return null;
- this.anchorNode = a,
- this.anchorOffset = e - g,
- this.anchorLength = g;
- var h = d(b.slice(this.anchorOffset - 1, e)).match(k.MENTIONS_RE);
- return h ? h[0].slice(1).split(' ') : 0 === g ? [
- ''
- ] : void 0
- }
- },
- checkExistingMentions: function () {
- var d = c.normalizeSpace,
- e = this.$el.find('span'),
- f = b.filter(e, k.isMention),
- g = this.mentionsCache,
- h = {
- };
- b.each(f, function (c) {
- var e = a(c).attr('data-cid'),
- f = b.reduce(this.content.getTextNodes(c), function (a, b) {
- return a + d(b.nodeValue)
- }, ''),
- i = g.get(e);
- i && i.get('name') !== f ? (this.mentionsCache.remove(i), this.content.removeNode(c), this.content.insertHTML(' '), this.reset()) : h[e] = c
- }, this),
- g.each(function (a) {
- h[a.cid] || g.remove(a)
- })
- },
- mentionToText: function (b) {
- var c = a(b).attr('data-cid'),
- d = this.mentionsCache.get(c),
- e = b.innerText || b.textContent;
- return d && d.get('username') && (e = d.get('username')),
- [
- '@',
- e,
- ':',
- 'disqus'
- ].join('')
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- var a = d.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
- return a.push(this.mentionsCache.models),
- a
- }
- }, {
- MENTIONS_RE: new RegExp('@\\w+\\s?(?:\\w+\\s?){0,5}(?:\\w+)?$'),
- MENTIONS_RE_GROUPED: /@([\d\w]+)\s?(:\s?(\w+))?/gi,
- isMention: function (b, c) {
- var d;
- do {
- if (d = a(b), d.hasClass('mention') && d.attr('data-cid')) return !0;
- b = b.parentElement
- } while (c && b);
- return !1
- },
- getMentionDom: function (a) {
- var b = h.createDocumentFragment(),
- c = h.createElement('span'),
- d = h.createElement('span'),
- e = h.createTextNode(a.get('name') || a.get('username'));
- return c.setAttribute('contenteditable', !0),
- d.setAttribute('contenteditable', !1),
- d.setAttribute('data-cid', a.cid),
- d.className = 'mention',
- d.appendChild(e),
- c.appendChild(d),
- b.appendChild(c),
- b.appendChild(h.createTextNode(' ')),
- b
- }
- });
- return k
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/DummyTextareaView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/CappedStorage',
- 'core/extensions/jquery.autoresize'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- a = a || {
- },
- this.storageKey = a.storageKey,
- this.value = a.value,
- this.history = [
- this.value
- ],
- this.historyPosition = 0,
- this.placeholder = a.placeholder,
- this.selectionIndices = {
- start: 0,
- end: 0,
- endElemInd: 0,
- endElemSelectionInd: 0,
- startElemInd: 0,
- startElemSelectionInd: 0
- },
- this.inputFixed = !1
- },
- render: function () {
- return this
- },
- createInput: function () {
- },
- resize: function () {
- },
- get: function () {
- },
- getSelected: function () {
- },
- offset: function () {
- },
- insertAtCursor: function () {
- },
- insertAroundSelection: function () {
- },
- set: function () {
- },
- clear: function () {
- },
- focus: function () {
- },
- handleKeyDown: function () {
- },
- handleKeyUp: function () {
- },
- handlePaste: function () {
- },
- handleFocusIn: function () {
- },
- handleBlur: function () {
- },
- saveDraft: function () {
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- },
- getDraft: function () {
- },
- removeDraft: function () {
- },
- fixInputStructure: function () {
- },
- focusEndOfText: function () {
- },
- getWhichChildIndex: function () {
- },
- getNodeLength: function () {
- },
- placeholderSetSelection: function () {
- },
- setSelection: function () {
- },
- addTagTextarea: function () {
- },
- addTag: function () {
- },
- selectText: function () {
- },
- debouncedSaveHistory: function () {
- },
- undoTextarea: function () {
- },
- redoTextarea: function () {
- }
- }, {
- DRAFT_MAX_AGE: 86400000,
- storage: new b(5, 'drafts.queue')
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/views/common/LoginFormView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = c.get,
- e = b.View.extend({
- initialize: function () {
- this.model = new this.User
- },
- parseRegistrationErrorResponse: function (a) {
- if (a.responseJSON) {
- var b = a.responseJSON.response;
- return window.grecaptcha && window.grecaptcha.reset(),
- /Unable to create user/i.test(b) ? {
- email: [
- d('That email address is already registered with a Disqus account. Log in or enter another email.')
- ]
- }
- : /The e-mail address you specified is already in use./i.test(b) ? {
- email: [
- d('The e-mail address you specified is already in use.') + '<br><a class="link" href="#" data-action="auth:disqus">' + d('Try logging in.') + '</a>'
- ]
- }
- : (/You must re-submit this request with a response to the captcha challenge/i.test(b) && this.showCaptcha && this.showCaptcha(null, !0), {
- all: [
- b
- ]
- })
- }
- },
- getPassword: function () {
- var a = this.$el.find('input[name=password]');
- return a.length ? a.val() : null
- },
- getDisplayName: function () {
- return this.$el.find('input[name=display_name]').val()
- },
- getEmail: function () {
- return this.$el.find('input[name=email]').val()
- },
- disableForm: function () {
- this.$('[data-role=submit-btn-container]').addClass('is-submitting')
- },
- enableForm: function () {
- this.$('[data-role=submit-btn-container]').removeClass('is-submitting')
- },
- handleRegistrationErrorResponse: function (a) {
- this.handleRegistrationError(this.parseRegistrationErrorResponse(a))
- },
- registerUser: function () {
- return this.model.set({
- display_name: this.$el.find('input[name=display_name]').val(),
- email: this.$el.find('input[name=email]').val(),
- password: this.getPassword()
- }),
- this.model.isValid() ? (this.disableForm(), void this.model.register({
- gRecaptchaResponse: this.captchaShown && window.grecaptcha && window.grecaptcha.getResponse(),
- error: a.bind(this.handleRegistrationErrorResponse, this),
- success: a.bind(this.handleRegistrationSuccess, this)
- }).always(a.bind(this.enableForm, this))) : void this.handleRegistrationError(this.model.validationError)
- }
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/audienceSync', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = c.gettext,
- e = function (c) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'audiencesync'
- }, a.createElement('h6', null, d('Connect with %(forumName)s', {
- forumName: c.forumName
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'services'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'audiencesync__icons'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'icon',
- alt: 'Disqus',
- src: 'https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/assets/img/audiencesync/sync-icon.74333606cf6b545eb92a69a61b112481.png'
- }), a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon icon-proceed'
- }), a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'icon',
- alt: c.forumName,
- src: (b.root || '') + '/api/applications/icons/' + (c.apiKey || '') + '.png'
- })), a.createElement('p', null, d('%(forumName)s needs permission to access your account.', {
- forumName: c.forumName
- }))), a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'audiencesync',
- className: 'proceed btn submit'
- }, d('Next')))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/guestForm', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function () {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'acceptance-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'tos'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, d('I agree to Disqus\' %(terms)s', {
- terms: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466260-terms-of-service',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('Terms of Service'))
- }))), a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'privacy-policy'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, d('I consent to Disqus’ processing of my personal data, in accordance with its %(policy)s and %(terms)s, (including the use of strictly necessary cookies) to the extent needed to authenticate me and enable me to post comments or use other Disqus services. I acknowledge that my personal data will be processed in the United States', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/privacy-policy',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('Privacy Policy')),
- terms: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466260-terms-of-service',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('Terms of Service'))
- }))), a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'data-sharing'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, d('I consent to Disqus collecting, using, and disclosing my personal data for marketing purposes, including the use of tracking cookies for cross context behavioral advertising. My personal data may be transferred to the companies listed %(dataRecipients)s. I may withdraw my consent at any time by clicking %(policy)s', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/data-sharing-settings/',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('here')),
- dataRecipients: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1944034-cookies-and-data-recipients',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('here'))
- }))))
- },
- f = function (b) {
- var f = b.isRefreshEnabled,
- g = f ? 'sign-up-wrapper-refresh' : '',
- h = f ? 'guest guest--refresh' : 'guest',
- i = f ? 'guest-form-title guest-form-title--refresh' : 'guest-form-title';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: h
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: g
- }, a.createElement('h6', {
- className: i
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'register-text'
- }, ' ', d('or sign up with Disqus'), ' '), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'guest-text'
- }, ' ', d('or pick a name'), ' ')), ' ', a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- className: 'help-tooltip__wrapper help-icon',
- name: 'guest_tooltip',
- tabIndex: 0
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'rules',
- className: 'help-tooltip__container',
- 'data-role': 'guest-form-tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip show help-tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('h3', {
- className: 'help-tooltip__heading'
- }, d('Disqus is a discussion network')), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'help-tooltip__list'
- }, a.createElement('li', null, a.createElement('span', null, d('Don\'t be a jerk or do anything illegal. Everything is easier that way.')))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://docs.disqus.com/kb/terms-and-policies/',
- className: 'btn btn-small help-tooltip__button',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- target: '_blank'
- }, d('Read full terms and conditions'))))))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'input-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- dir: 'auto',
- type: 'text',
- placeholder: d('Name'),
- name: 'display_name',
- id: (b.cid || '') + '_display_name',
- maxLength: '30',
- className: 'input--text',
- 'aria-label': 'name'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'guest-details ' + (c(b.sso, [
- 'url'
- ]) ? 'expanded' : ''),
- 'data-role': 'guest-details'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'input-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- dir: 'auto',
- type: 'email',
- placeholder: d('Email'),
- name: 'email',
- id: (b.cid || '') + '_email',
- className: 'input--text',
- 'aria-label': 'email'
- })), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'input-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- dir: 'auto',
- disabled: !c(b.sso, [
- 'url'
- ]),
- type: c(b.sso, [
- 'url'
- ]) ? 'password' : 'text',
- className: 'register-text input--text',
- placeholder: d('Password'),
- name: 'password',
- 'aria-label': 'password',
- id: (b.cid || '') + '_password'
- })), b.isPrivate ? a.createElement(e, null) : a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'privacy-info'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, d('By clicking submit, I authorize Disqus, Inc. and its affiliated companies to'), ':'), a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'privacy-info-list'
- }, a.createElement('li', null, d('Use, sell, and share my information to enable me to use its comment services and for marketing purposes, including cross-context behavioral advertising, as described in our %(terms)s and %(policy)s', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/privacy-policy',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('Privacy Policy')),
- terms: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466260-terms-of-service',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('Terms of Service'))
- })), a.createElement('li', null, d('Supplement the information that I provide with additional information lawfully obtained from other sources, like demographic data from public sources, interests inferred from web page views, or other data relevant to what might interest me, like past purchase or location data')), a.createElement('li', null, d('Contact me or enable others to contact me by email with offers for goods and services (from any category) at the email address provided')), a.createElement('li', null, d('Process any sensitive personal information that I submit in a comment for the purpose of displaying the comment')), a.createElement('li', null, d('Retain my information while I am engaging with marketing messages that I receive and for a reasonable amount of time thereafter. I understand I can opt out at any time through an email that I receive. Companies that we share data with are listed %(dataRecipients)s.', {
- dataRecipients: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1944034-cookies-and-data-recipients',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, d('here'))
- }))))), b.allowAnonPost ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'guest-checkbox'
- }, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'author-guest'
- }), ' ', d('I\'d rather post as a guest'))) : a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'author-guest',
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- }
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'g-recaptcha',
- 'data-role': 'grecaptcha-container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'proceed',
- 'data-role': 'submit-btn-container'
- }, b.allowAnonPost ? a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'proceed__button btn submit',
- 'aria-label': d('Post')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-proceed'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spinner'
- })), a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'proceed__button btn next',
- 'aria-label': d('Next')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-proceed'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spinner'
- }))) : a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'proceed__button btn submit',
- 'aria-label': d('Next')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-proceed'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spinner'
- })))))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/loginButtons', [
- 'react',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = function (c) {
- return a.createElement('ul', {
- 'data-role': 'login-menu',
- className: 'services login-buttons'
- }, b(c.sso, [
- 'url'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'sso'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:sso',
- title: b(c.sso, [
- 'name'
- ], ''),
- className: 'sso__button ' + (b(c.sso, [
- 'button'
- ]) ? 'image' : 'no-image')
- }, b(c.sso, [
- 'button'
- ]) ? a.createElement('img', {
- alt: b(c.sso, [
- 'name'
- ], ''),
- src: b(c.sso, [
- 'button'
- ], '')
- }) : b(c.sso, [
- 'name'
- ], null))) : null, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-disqus'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:disqus',
- title: 'Disqus',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with Disqus'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon-disqus'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-facebook'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:facebook',
- title: 'Facebook',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with Facebook'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon-facebook-circle'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-twitter'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:twitter',
- title: 'X (Twitter)',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with X (Twitter)'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon-twitter-x'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-google'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:google',
- title: 'Google',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with Google'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon-google-plus-circle'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-microsoft'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:microsoft',
- title: 'Microsoft',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with Microsoft'
- })), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'auth-apple'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'button',
- 'data-action': 'auth:apple',
- title: 'Apple',
- className: 'connect__button',
- 'aria-label': 'Login with Apple'
- })))
- };
- return c
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/loginForm', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/audienceSync',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/guestForm',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/loginButtons'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = b.gettext,
- i = function (b) {
- var i = b.forumName,
- j = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: i
- }),
- k = j ? 'connect__heading' : '';
- return a.createElement('div', null, d(b.user, [
- 'isAnonymous'
- ]) ? a.createElement('section', {
- className: 'auth-section logged-out__display'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'connect'
- }, a.createElement('h6', {
- className: k
- }, h('Log in with')), a.createElement(g, {
- sso: b.sso
- })), a.createElement(f, {
- cid: b.cid,
- sso: b.sso,
- allowAnonPost: b.allowAnonPost,
- isPrivate: b.isPrivate,
- captcha_site_key: b.captcha_site_key,
- isRefreshEnabled: j
- })) : null, b.audienceSyncRequired ? a.createElement('section', {
- className: 'auth-section'
- }, a.createElement(e, {
- apiKey: b.apiKey,
- forumName: b.forumName
- })) : null)
- };
- return i
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/LoginFormView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'jquery',
- 'remote/config',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/views/common/LoginFormView',
- 'common/models',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'templates/lounge/loginForm'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- 'use strict';
- var j = f.extend({
- events: {
- 'click input[name=author-guest]': 'updateLoginForm',
- 'focusin input[name=display_name]': 'expandGuestForm',
- 'change input[name=tos], input[name=privacy-policy]': 'updateEnabled',
- 'keyup input[name=display_name]': 'showCaptcha',
- 'click button[name=guest_tooltip]': 'toggleGuestFormTooltip'
- },
- User: g.User,
- initialize: function (b) {
- f.prototype.initialize.call(this, b),
- this.thread = b.thread,
- this.session = b.session,
- this.alert = b.alert,
- this.config = a.property('config') (h.getLounge()) || {
- }
- },
- expandGuestForm: function () {
- this.$('[data-role=guest-details]').hasClass('expanded') || (this.$('[data-role=guest-details]').addClass('expanded'), this.$('input[name=password]').attr('type', 'password').removeAttr('disabled'), this.$('[name=display_name]').focus())
- },
- retractGuestForm: function () {
- this.$('[data-role=guest-details]').hasClass('expanded') && this.$('[data-role=guest-details]').removeClass('expanded')
- },
- toggleGuestFormTooltip: function () {
- this.$('[data-role=guest-form-tooltip]').hasClass('expanded') ? this.$('[data-role=guest-form-tooltip]').removeClass('expanded') : this.$('[data-role=guest-form-tooltip]').addClass('expanded')
- },
- showCaptcha: function (d, e) {
- !this.captchaShown && this.$('input[name=display_name]').val().trim().length && (c.register.ENABLE_CAPTCHA || e) && (window.onCaptchaChange = a.bind(this.updateEnabled, this), window.onCaptchaLoad = a.bind(function () {
- window.grecaptcha && (this.captchaId = window.grecaptcha.render(this.$('[data-role=grecaptcha-container]') [0], {
- sitekey: this.session.getRecaptchaKey(),
- callback: 'onCaptchaChange',
- 'expired-callback': 'onCaptchaChange'
- }), this.updateEnabled(), a.delay(function () {
- b('iframe[title^="recaptcha challenge"]').parent().parent().addClass('recaptcha-challenge-container')
- }, 1000))
- }, this), b('<script>').attr('src', 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onCaptchaLoad&render=explicit').appendTo(b('head')), this.captchaShown = !0)
- },
- shouldRegisterUser: function () {
- return this.session.isLoggedOut() && !this.$('input[name=author-guest]').is(':checked')
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(i({
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- forumName: this.thread.forum.get('name'),
- audienceSyncRequired: this.session.needsAudienceSyncAuth(this.thread.forum),
- allowAnonPost: this.thread.forum.get('settings').allowAnonPost,
- apiKey: this.config.apiKey || '',
- sso: this.session.get('sso'),
- cid: this.cid,
- isPrivate: Boolean(this.config.isPrivate)
- })),
- this.updateEnabled(),
- this
- },
- updateEnabled: function () {
- this.$el.closest('form').find('button[type=submit]').attr('disabled', Boolean(this.config.isPrivate) && (!this.$('input[name=tos]').prop('checked') || !this.$('input[name=privacy-policy]').prop('checked')) || Boolean(this.captchaShown && window.grecaptcha && !window.grecaptcha.getResponse(this.captchaId)))
- },
- handleRegistrationSuccess: function () {
- var a = this.$('input[name=data-sharing]');
- a.length && e.call('internal/users/setDNT', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- value: a.prop('checked') ? 0 : 1
- }
- }),
- this.session.setUser(this.model),
- d.frame.trigger('onboardAlert.show'),
- this.retractGuestForm()
- },
- handleRegistrationError: function (b) {
- var c = this;
- c.clearRegistrationErrors(),
- a.isString(b) && (b = {
- all: [
- b
- ]
- }),
- a.has(b, 'all') && (c.alert && c.alert(b.all[0], {
- type: 'error'
- }), b = a.omit(b, 'all')),
- a.each(b, function (a, b) {
- var d = c.$('input[name=' + b + ']');
- d.attr('aria-invalid', 'true').attr('aria-labelledby', 'label-for-' + d.attr('id')).after('<label for="' + d.attr('id') + '" id="label-for-' + d.attr('id') + '" class="input-label">' + a[0] + '</label>').parent('.input-wrapper').addClass('has-error')
- }),
- c.$('[aria-invalid]').first().focus()
- },
- updateLoginForm: function () {
- var a = this.$el,
- b = a.find('input[name=author-guest]').is(':checked'),
- c = a.find('.guest'),
- d = a.find('input[name=password]');
- d.val(''),
- c.toggleClass('is-guest', b),
- this.clearRegistrationErrors()
- },
- clearRegistrationErrors: function () {
- this.$('.input-wrapper.has-error').removeClass('has-error').find('.input-label').remove(),
- this.$('[aria-invalid]').removeAttr('aria-invalid')
- }
- });
- return j
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('templates/lounge/partials/profileLink', [
- 'react',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (d) {
- var e = d.children,
- f = d.user,
- g = d.forumId,
- h = d.profileTab,
- i = _objectWithoutProperties(d, [
- 'children',
- 'user',
- 'forumId',
- 'profileTab'
- ]),
- j = c(f, [
- 'isSSOProfileUrl'
- ]);
- if (!j && b.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: g
- })) return a.createElement('span', i, e);
- var k = c(f, [
- 'profileUrl'
- ], ''),
- l = 'profile';
- return j ? l = null : k && h && (k = '' + k + h),
- a.createElement('a', _extends({
- href: k,
- 'data-action': l,
- 'data-tab': h || '',
- 'data-username': c(f, [
- 'username'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, i), e)
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/userAvatar', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.gettext,
- h = d.getInitials,
- i = function (b) {
- var d = b.defaultAvatarUrl,
- i = b.forum,
- j = b.user,
- k = b.hasForumAvatar,
- l = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: i.id
- }),
- m = l && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: i.id
- }),
- n = l ? 'user user--refresh' : 'user',
- o = void 0,
- p = e(i, [
- 'avatar',
- 'large',
- 'cache'
- ], '');
- return void 0 === j.avatar.isCustom || j.avatar.isCustom === !0 ? o = e(j, [
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], '') : l ? l && k && (o = p) : o = p ? p : d,
- a.createElement(f, {
- user: j,
- forumId: i.id,
- className: n
- }, o ? a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- 'data-user': e(j, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- src: d || o,
- 'data-src': d ? o : null,
- alt: g('Avatar'),
- className: l ? 'image-refresh' : null
- }) : a.createElement('div', null, m ? h(j.name) [0] : h(j.name)))
- };
- return i
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/form', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/userAvatar'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.gettext,
- h = function (b) {
- var h = b.forum.id,
- i = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: h
- }),
- j = c.isFeatureActive('embed_v2', {
- forum: h
- }),
- k = i ? 'textarea-outer-wrapper textarea-outer-wrapper--refresh' : 'textarea-outer-wrapper',
- l = i ? 'user user--refresh' : 'user',
- m = i ? 'image-refresh' : '',
- n = !d.isDefaultAvatar(e(b.forum, [
- 'avatar',
- 'large',
- 'cache'
- ], ''));
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'postbox'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- role: 'alert'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-wrapper',
- 'data-role': 'ratings-container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'compose-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, e(b.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) ? a.createElement(f, {
- forum: b.forum,
- user: b.user,
- hasForumAvatar: n
- }) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: l
- }, i && !n ? a.createElement('div', null, 'G') : a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- src: e(b.forum, [
- 'avatar',
- 'large',
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- alt: g('Avatar'),
- className: m
- }))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: k
- }, j ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'textarea-wrapper textarea-wrapper--embedv2',
- 'data-role': 'textarea',
- dir: 'auto'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'textarea-skeleton'
- })) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'textarea-wrapper',
- 'data-role': 'textarea',
- dir: 'auto'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- 'data-role': 'drag-drop-placeholder',
- className: 'media-drag-hover',
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'drag-text'
- }, '⬇ ', g('Drag and drop your images here to upload them.'))), b.displayMediaPreviews ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'media-preview empty',
- 'data-role': 'media-preview'
- }) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'edit-alert',
- role: 'postbox-alert'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'text-editor-container'
- })))), a.createElement('div', {
- 'data-role': 'login-form'
- }))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/textEditor', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/textEditorConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.gettext,
- g = function (b) {
- var c = b.forum,
- g = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c
- }),
- h = function () {
- return g ? b.useSmallPostButton ? 'hidden' : '' : e(b.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) && !b.useSmallPostButton ? '' : 'hidden'
- };
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'temp-post'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'btn post-action__button full-size-button ' + h()
- }, g ? f('Comment') : f('Post as %(name)s', {
- name: a.createElement('span', {
- 'data-username': e(b.user, [
- 'username'
- ], ''),
- 'data-role': 'username'
- }, e(b.user, [
- 'name'
- ], null))
- })), a.createElement('button', {
- type: 'submit',
- className: 'btn post-action__button small-size-button' + (e(b.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) && b.useSmallPostButton ? '' : ' hidden')
- }, f(g ? 'Comment' : 'Post')))
- },
- h = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'logged-in'
- }, a.createElement('section', null, b.edit ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'temp-post'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'btn post-action__button edit-button',
- type: 'submit'
- }, f('Save Edit')), a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'cancel post-action__cancel',
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'edit'
- }, f('Cancel'))) : a.createElement(g, b)))
- },
- i = function (c) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg'
- }, c.buttonsToShow.indexOf(b.GIF_PICKER_BUTTON) > - 1 ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'gif-picker'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item',
- 'data-role': 'gif-picker-toggle',
- title: f('GIF'),
- 'aria-label': 'Open GIF menu',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__gif',
- title: f('GIF'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'hidden gif-picker__popout-container',
- 'data-role': 'gif-picker-popout-container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'new-feature-badge-star',
- title: f('New')
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__star-badge wysiwyg__star-badge-dims'
- }))) : null, c.buttonsToShow.indexOf(b.MEDIA_UPLOADER_BUTTON) > - 1 ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'media-uploader'
- }, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item',
- 'data-role': 'media-uploader',
- tabIndex: '-1'
- })) : null, (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf(b.GIF_PICKER_BUTTON) > - 1 || c.buttonsToShow.indexOf(b.MEDIA_UPLOADER_BUTTON) > - 1) && c.buttonsToShow.length > 1 ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'vertical-separator'
- }) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-buttons'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('b') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'b',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add bold tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__bold',
- title: f('Bold'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('i') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'i',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add italics tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__italic',
- title: f('Italic'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('u') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'u',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add underline tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__underline',
- title: f('Underline'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('s') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 's',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add strikethrough tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__strikethrough',
- title: f('Strikethrough'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('a') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'a',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add link tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__link',
- title: f('Link'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('spoiler') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'spoiler',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add spoiler tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__spoiler',
- title: f('Spoiler'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('code') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'code',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add code tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__code',
- title: f('Code'),
- role: 'img'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__item' + (c.buttonsToShow.indexOf('blockquote') > - 1 ? '' : ' hidden'),
- 'data-action': 'text-editor-tag',
- 'data-tag': 'blockquote',
- tabIndex: '0',
- 'aria-label': 'Add block quote tags to text editor'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'wysiwyg__blockquote',
- title: f('Quote'),
- role: 'img'
- }))))
- },
- j = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-actions'
- }, a.createElement(i, b), a.createElement(h, b))
- };
- return j
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/blacklistErrorMessage', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function (b) {
- return [b.expirationRelative ? c('We are unable to post your comment because %(blocker)s has placed your account in a timeout. You will be able to comment again when your timeout expires %(expirationRelative)s.', {
- blocker: b.blocker,
- expirationRelative: b.expirationRelative
- }) : c('We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by %(blocker)s.', {
- blocker: b.blocker
- }),
- ' ',
- a.createElement('a', {
- key: 'error-link',
- target: '_blank',
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466223-who-deleted-or-removed-my-comment-'
- }, c('Find out more.'))]
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/emailVerifyAlert', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- return [d('%(forumName)s requires you to verify your email address before posting.', {
- forumName: b.forumName
- }),
- ' ',
- a.createElement('a', {
- key: 'alert-link',
- 'data-action': 'verify-email',
- 'data-forum': b.forumId,
- title: d('Verify Email'),
- href: '/verify'
- }, d('Send verification email to %(email)s', {
- email: c(b.user, [
- 'email'
- ], '')
- }))]
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/PostReplyView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom/server',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/views/PostReplyView',
- 'common/models',
- 'lounge/mixins/asGifPicker',
- 'lounge/mixins/asTextEditor',
- 'lounge/mixins/asTextEditorV2',
- 'lounge/mixins/withStarRatings',
- 'lounge/mixins/post-reply',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/views/posts/ContentEditableView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/DummyTextareaView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/LoginFormView',
- 'templates/lounge/form',
- 'templates/lounge/textEditor',
- 'templates/lounge/blacklistErrorMessage',
- 'templates/lounge/emailVerifyAlert'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v) {
- 'use strict';
- var w = e.preventDefaultHandler,
- x = h,
- y = x.prototype,
- z = x.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- y.initialize.call(this, a),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:audienceSyncVerified', this.redraw),
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.loginFormView = new r({
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session,
- alert: b.bind(this.alert, this)
- });
- var e = o.getLounge();
- b.each(['uiCallback:postCreated',
- 'domReflow'], function (a) {
- this.listenTo(this, a, b.bind(e.trigger, e, a))
- }, this),
- this.template = s,
- this.textEditorTemplate = t,
- this.blacklistErrorMessageTemplate = function (a) {
- return d.renderToStaticMarkup(c.createElement(u, a))
- },
- this.emailVerifyAlertTemplate = function (a) {
- return d.renderToStaticMarkup(c.createElement(v, a))
- },
- this.postEditMode = !1
- },
- getTemplateData: function () {
- var a = y.getTemplateData.call(this);
- return a.audienceSyncRequired = this.session.needsAudienceSyncAuth(this.thread.forum),
- a.forum = this.thread.forum.toJSON(),
- a
- },
- getEditorProps: function () {
- return {
- placeholder: this.getPlaceholderText(),
- allowUploads: this.allowUploads,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled,
- focusOnLoad: Boolean(this.parent),
- onSubmit: this.submitForm.bind(this, null),
- draftKey: 'v2:' + this.post.storageKey()
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.loginFormView.$el.detach(),
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled ? (this.$el.html(this.template(this.getTemplateData())), this.loadEditorV2(this.getEditorProps()), this.textarea = new q, this.constructor.mustVerifyEmailToPost(this.session.user, this.thread.forum) && this._alertMustVerify(this.shouldShowEmailAlertInForm), this._isHidden && this.$el.addClass('hidden'), this.initStarRatings()) : y.render.call(this),
- this.loginFormView.render(),
- this.loginFormView.$el.appendTo(this.$('[data-role=login-form]')),
- this.session.user.id ? this.$el.addClass('authenticated') : this.$el.removeClass('authenticated'),
- this
- },
- createTextarea: function () {
- var a = {
- placeholder: this.getPlaceholderText(),
- storageKey: this.post.storageKey()
- };
- return this.constructor.canUseContentEditable ? (a.userSuggestions = this.userSuggestions, new this.constructor.ContentEditableView(a)) : new this.constructor.TextareaView(a)
- },
- getPostParams: function (c) {
- var d = a.Deferred(),
- e = y.getPostParams.call(this);
- return b.isString(c) && (e.raw_message = c),
- g.isFeatureActive('before_comment_callback', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) ? (f.frame.sendHostMessage('posts.beforeCreate', {
- raw_message: e.raw_message
- }), this.listenToOnce(f.frame, 'posts.beforeCreate.response', function (a) {
- a && (e.raw_message = a),
- d.resolve(e)
- })) : d.resolve(e),
- d.promise()
- },
- getAuthorParams: function () {
- return this.session.isLoggedIn() ? {
- author_id: this.session.user.id
- }
- : {
- author_name: this.loginFormView.getDisplayName(),
- author_email: this.loginFormView.getEmail()
- }
- },
- initiatePost: function (a) {
- var c = b.bind(this.createPost, this);
- this.getPostParams(a).done(c)
- },
- shouldAbortCreatePost: function (a, c) {
- return this.constructor.mustVerifyEmailToPost(this.session.user, this.thread.forum) ? (this.session.fetch().always(b.bind(function () {
- this.constructor.mustVerifyEmailToPost(this.session.user, this.thread.forum) ? this._alertMustVerify(!0) : this.createPost(c)
- }, this)), !0) : y.shouldAbortCreatePost.call(this, a, c)
- },
- _onCreateError: function (a, b) {
- y._onCreateError.call(this, a, b),
- this.thread.incrementPostCount( - 1)
- },
- _onCreateSync: function (a, c) {
- y._onCreateSync.call(this, a, c),
- this.thread.posts.saveToCache(c),
- this.isEmbedV2Enabled && this.loadEditorV2(b.extend({
- clearDraft: !0
- }, this.getEditorProps()))
- },
- addPostToThread: function (a) {
- this.thread.incrementPostCount(1),
- this.thread.posts.add(a)
- },
- remove: function () {
- return this.loginFormView && (this.loginFormView.remove(), this.loginFormView = null),
- y.remove.call(this)
- },
- _submitForm: function (a, b) {
- return this.dismissAlert(),
- this.loginFormView.shouldRegisterUser() ? void this.loginFormView.registerUser() : this.initiatePost(b)
- },
- submitForm: w(function (a, c) {
- if (this.isEmbedV2Enabled && !b.isString(c)) {
- var d = this.$el.find('[data-role=textarea] button[type=button]');
- return void d.trigger('click')
- }
- return this._submitForm(a, c)
- })
- }, {
- ContentEditableView: p,
- User: i.User,
- Post: i.Post
- });
- return n.asRealtimeTyping(z.prototype),
- m.call(z.prototype),
- k.call(z.prototype),
- l.call(z.prototype),
- j.call(z.prototype),
- z
- }),
- define('core/constants/badgesConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- AWARD: 'award',
- REMOVE: 'remove'
- },
- },
- }),
- define('core/models/RichMediaViewModel', [
- 'backbone'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- deferred: !0,
- showButtons: !0,
- activated: !1,
- kind: 'image',
- deferredHeight: 0,
- providerExpandMessage: '',
- providerCollapseMessage: '',
- providerIcon: 'icon-proceed',
- respectSettings: !0
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaInlineLink', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.hasUserText : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(2, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 2,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 5,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- 2: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f = a.lambda,
- g = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<a href="' + g(f(null != b ? b.href : b, b)) + '" rel="nofollow">' + g(f(null != b ? b.text : b, b)) + '</a>\n'
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = a.lambda,
- h = a.escapeExpression,
- i = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<a href="' + h(g(null != b ? b.href : b, b)) + '" class="post-media-link" data-action="expand-collapse-media" rel="nofollow">' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(i, null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerIcon : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(5, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 10,
- column: 3
- },
- end: {
- line: 10,
- column: 74
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + h(g(null != b ? b.mediaLinkText : b, b)) + (null != (f = c['if'].call(i, null != b ? b.domain : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(7, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 14,
- column: 3
- },
- end: {
- line: 14,
- column: 87
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</a>\n'
- },
- 5: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<i class="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerIcon : f, b)) + '"></i>'
- },
- 7: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<span class="post-media-link-domain"> — ' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.domain : b, b)) + '</span>'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.deferred : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(4, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 16,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? f : ''
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/RichMediaLinkView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/templates/postMediaInlineLink'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.View.extend({
- tagName: 'span',
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=expand-collapse-media]': 'handleToggle'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.media = a.media;
- var c = a.$link;
- this.linkText = c.text(),
- this.linkHref = c.attr('href'),
- this.linkDomain = b.getDomain(this.linkHref),
- this.linkHasUserText = this.isUserText(c),
- this.hasGenericMessage = !1,
- this.linkHasUserText ? this.mediaLinkText = this.linkText : this.media.get('title') ? this.mediaLinkText = b.niceTruncate(this.media.get('title'), 60) : (this.hasGenericMessage = !0, this.mediaLinkText = this.model.get('providerExpandMessage')),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:deferred', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:activated', this.onChangeActivated)
- },
- isUserText: function (a) {
- if ('A' !== a[0].nodeName) return !1;
- var b = (a.text() || '').toLowerCase();
- if (!b) return !1;
- if (0 === b.indexOf('http') || 0 === b.indexOf('www')) return !1;
- b = b.replace(/\.\.\.$/, '');
- var c = (a.attr('href') || '').toLowerCase();
- return c.indexOf(b) === - 1
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.mediaLinkText;
- return this.hasGenericMessage && this.model.get('activated') && (a = this.model.get('providerCollapseMessage')),
- this.$el.html(c({
- model: this.model.toJSON(),
- text: this.linkText,
- href: this.linkHref,
- mediaLinkText: a,
- domain: this.linkDomain,
- hasUserText: this.linkHasUserText
- })),
- this
- },
- onChangeActivated: function () {
- this.hasGenericMessage && this.render()
- },
- handleToggle: function (a) {
- this.model.get('deferred') || (this.model.set('activated', !this.model.get('activated')), a && a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault())
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMedia', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return (null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.providerName : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(2, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 5,
- column: 26
- },
- end: {
- line: 5,
- column: 90
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.title : f, b))
- },
- 2: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.providerName : f, b)) + ' – '
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<i class="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerIcon : f, b)) + ' publisher-background-color"></i>'
- },
- 6: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'media-video'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = a.lambda,
- h = a.escapeExpression,
- i = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '\n<a class="media-button media-button-expand publisher-color publisher-border-color" href="' + h(g(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.url : f, b)) + '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" data-action="expand"\ntitle="' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(i, null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.title : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 5,
- column: 7
- },
- end: {
- line: 5,
- column: 112
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(i, null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerIcon : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(4, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 6,
- column: 98
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '\n' + h(g(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerExpandMessage : f, b)) + '\n</a>\n<a class="media-button media-button-contract publisher-color publisher-border-color" href="#" target="_blank" data-action="contract">\n<i class="icon-cancel publisher-background-color"></i> ' + h(g(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerCollapseMessage : f, b)) + '\n</a>\n<div class="media-content-loader" data-role="content-loader"></div>\n<div data-role="content-placeholder" class="media-content-placeholder media-' + h(g(null != (f = null != b ? b.media : b) ? f.providerName : f, b)) + ' ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(i, null != b ? b.isVideo : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(6, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 15,
- column: 99
- },
- end: {
- line: 15,
- column: 132
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '"></div>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaPlaceholder', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<a href="#" class="media-force-load" data-action="force-load"><i class="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.providerIcon : f, b)) + '"></i></a>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/constants/mediaTypeConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- '3',
- '9',
- '12',
- '14'
- ]
- }),
- define('core/views/RichMediaView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/views/RichMediaLinkView',
- 'core/templates/postMedia',
- 'core/templates/postMediaPlaceholder',
- 'core/constants/mediaTypeConstants'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- 'use strict';
- var j = d.preventDefaultHandler,
- k = function (a, b, c, d) {
- a[b.get(c) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](d)
- };
- return c.View.extend({
- className: 'media-container',
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=expand]': 'handleExpand',
- 'click [data-action=contract]': 'handleContract',
- 'click [data-action=force-load]': 'handleForceLoad'
- },
- template: g,
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.options = a,
- this.media = a.media,
- this.template = a.template || this.template,
- this.$linkEl = null,
- this.setupMode(),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:activated', this.applyState),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:deferredHeight', this.onChangeDeferredHeight),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:showButtons', this.updateElementClass),
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:deferred', this.render),
- this.listenTo(e, 'change:collapsed', this.setupMode)
- },
- getMediaDimensions: function () {
- return {
- width: null,
- height: null
- }
- },
- getAvailableWidth: function () {
- return this.$el.parent().width() || e.get('loadedThumbnailWidth')
- },
- updateDeferredHeight: function () {
- this.model.set('deferredHeight', this.calculateDeferredHeight())
- },
- calculateDeferredHeight: function () {
- var a = this.getMediaDimensions(),
- b = a.width,
- c = a.height;
- if (!b || !c) return c;
- var d = this.getAvailableWidth(),
- e = d * c / b;
- return e
- },
- convertToButton: function (a) {
- this.model.set('showButtons', !1),
- this.linkSubview && this.linkSubview.remove(),
- this.linkSubview = new f({
- model: this.model,
- media: this.media,
- $link: a
- }),
- a.replaceWith(this.linkSubview.$el),
- this.linkSubview.render()
- },
- applyContentNodeHeight: function (a) {
- this.contentNode.height(a || 'auto')
- },
- shouldAutoplay: function () {
- return !this.model.get('deferred')
- },
- generateContentHtml: function () {
- return this.media.get('html')
- },
- createContentNode: function (b) {
- return a(b)
- },
- insertContentNode: function (a) {
- this.contentNode.html(a)
- },
- prepareElementEvents: function () {
- },
- displayContent: function () {
- this.updateDeferredHeight();
- var a = this.generateContentHtml(),
- b = this.createContentNode(a);
- this.prepareElementEvents(b),
- this.insertContentNode(b),
- this.applyContentNodeHeight(null)
- },
- configureDeferred: function () {
- this.enterViewport()
- },
- configureContentFromActivated: function () {
- this.model.get('activated') ? this.displayContent() : this.displayPlaceholder()
- },
- displayPlaceholder: function () {
- this.contentNode.html(h({
- model: this.model.toJSON()
- }))
- },
- updateElementClass: function () {
- var a = this.$el,
- b = this.model;
- k(a, b, 'deferred', 'media-mode-deferred'),
- k(a, b, 'activated', 'media-activated'),
- k(a, b, 'showButtons', 'media-show-buttons')
- },
- applyState: function () {
- this.configureDeferred(),
- this.configureContentFromActivated(),
- this.updateElementClass()
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(this.template({
- model: this.model.toJSON(),
- media: this.media.toJSON(),
- isVideo: b.contains(i.VIDEO_CODES, this.media.get('mediaType'))
- })),
- this.contentNode = this.$el.find('[data-role=content-placeholder]'),
- this.applyState(),
- this
- },
- remove: function () {
- this.linkSubview && this.linkSubview.remove(),
- c.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- enterViewport: function () {
- this.model.get('deferred') && this.activate()
- },
- activate: function () {
- this.model.set('activated', !0)
- },
- setupMode: function () {
- if (this.model.get('respectSettings')) {
- this.model.set('activated', !1);
- var a = e.get('collapsed');
- a ? this.model.set('deferred', !1) : this.model.set('deferred', !0)
- }
- },
- onChangeDeferredHeight: function () {
- this.model.get('deferred') && !this.model.get('activated') && this.applyContentNodeHeight(this.model.get('deferredHeight'))
- },
- handleExpand: j(function () {
- this.model.set('activated', !0)
- }),
- handleContract: j(function () {
- this.model.set('activated', !1)
- }),
- handleForceLoad: j(function () {
- this.model.get('deferred') && this.model.set('activated', !0)
- })
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaImage', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return '<video src="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.thumbnailUrl : b, b)) + '" autoplay muted loop></video>\n'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f,
- g = a.escapeExpression,
- h = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<img src="' + g(a.lambda(null != b ? b.thumbnailUrl : b, b)) + '" alt="' + g(c.gettext.call(h, 'Thumbnail', {
- name: 'gettext',
- hash: {
- },
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 33
- },
- end: {
- line: 6,
- column: 56
- }
- }
- })) + '" ' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(h, null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.deferredHeight : f, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(4, e, 0),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 6,
- column: 58
- },
- end: {
- line: 6,
- column: 128
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '>\n'
- },
- 4: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return ' height="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != (f = null != b ? b.model : b) ? f.deferredHeight : f, b)) + '" '
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f;
- return '<a href="' + a.escapeExpression(a.lambda(null != b ? b.imageUrl : b, b)) + '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">\n' + (null != (f = c['if'].call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.isVideo : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0),
- inverse: a.program(3, e, 0),
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 3,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 7,
- column: 8
- }
- }
- })) ? f : '') + '</a>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/ImageRichMediaView', [
- 'core/views/RichMediaView',
- 'core/models/Media',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/templates/postMediaImage'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = new RegExp('(^|\\.)' + c.getDomain(d.urls.media).split('.').slice( - 2).join('\\.') + '$');
- return a.extend({
- getMediaDimensions: function () {
- return {
- width: this.media.get('thumbnailWidth'),
- height: this.media.get('thumbnailHeight')
- }
- },
- getImageUrl: function () {
- return this.media.get('resolvedUrlRedirect') || this.media.get('urlRedirect') || this.media.get('thumbnailUrl')
- },
- getImageThumbnailUrl: function () {
- var a = this.media.get('thumbnailUrl');
- return this.constructor.isOnDisqusCDN(a) && !this.isVideo() && (a = c.serialize(a, {
- w: e.get('loadedThumbnailWidth'),
- h: this.model.get('deferredHeight')
- })),
- a
- },
- isVideo: function () {
- return this.media.get('mediaType') === b.MEDIA_TYPES.MP4_VIDEO
- },
- generateContentHtml: function () {
- return f({
- model: this.model.toJSON(),
- media: this.media.toJSON(),
- thumbnailUrl: this.getImageThumbnailUrl(),
- imageUrl: this.getImageUrl(),
- isVideo: this.isVideo()
- })
- },
- prepareElementEvents: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = a.find('img');
- c.on('load.richMediaView error.richMediaView', function (a) {
- b.trigger(a.type),
- c.off('.richMediaView')
- })
- },
- calculateDeferredHeight: function () {
- var b = Math.floor(a.prototype.calculateDeferredHeight.apply(this, arguments)),
- c = this.getMediaDimensions().height;
- return Math.min(c, b) || null
- }
- }, {
- isOnDisqusCDN: function (a) {
- var b = c.getDomain(a);
- return g.test(b)
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/IframeRichMediaView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/views/RichMediaView'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- return c.extend({
- getMediaDimensions: function () {
- return {
- width: this.media.get('htmlWidth'),
- height: this.media.get('htmlHeight')
- }
- },
- _findIframe: function (a) {
- return a.is('iframe') ? a : a.find('iframe')
- },
- configureContentFromActivated: function () {
- c.prototype.configureContentFromActivated.apply(this, arguments),
- this.model.get('activated') || this.$el.removeClass('media-loading')
- },
- createContentNode: function () {
- var a = c.prototype.createContentNode.apply(this, arguments);
- return a.attr({
- width: '100%',
- height: this.model.get('deferredHeight')
- }),
- a
- },
- insertContentNode: function (a) {
- this.loaderNode = this.$el.find('[data-role=content-loader]'),
- this.loaderHeight = this.model.get('deferredHeight') || b.get('defaultIframeHeight'),
- this.loaderNode.height(this.loaderHeight),
- this.$el.addClass('media-loading'),
- c.prototype.insertContentNode.call(this, a)
- },
- prepareElementEvents: function (b) {
- var c = this._findIframe(b);
- c.one('load', a.bind(this.finishLoad, this, c))
- },
- finishLoad: function (a) {
- this.$el.removeClass('media-loading'),
- a.height(this.loaderHeight),
- this.trigger('load')
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/FacebookPhotoRichMediaView', [
- 'core/views/ImageRichMediaView'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.extend({
- getImageThumbnailUrl: function () {
- return this.media.get('metadata').imageUrl || a.prototype.getImageThumbnailUrl.call(this)
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/AutoplayRichMediaView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'jquery',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/views/IframeRichMediaView'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- return d.extend({
- createContentNode: function () {
- var a = d.prototype.createContentNode.apply(this, arguments),
- b = a.attr('src');
- return this.shouldAutoplay() && b && !this.model.get('playerjs') && (b = c.serialize(b, {
- auto_play: !0,
- autoplay: 1
- }), a.attr('src', b)),
- a
- },
- insertContentNode: function (c) {
- if (this.model.get('playerjs')) {
- var e = this._findIframe(c),
- f = e.attr('src');
- '//' === f.substr(0, 2) && (f = window.location.protocol + f);
- var g = f.split('/');
- g = g[0] + '//' + g[2],
- this.playerjs = {
- ready: !1,
- queue: [
- ],
- origin: g,
- $iframe: e
- },
- this.model.get('mute') && this.send('mute'),
- this.shouldAutoplay() && this.send('play');
- var h = a.once(a.bind(function () {
- this.playerjs.ready = !0;
- var b = this.playerjs.queue;
- this.playerjs.queue = [
- ],
- a.each(b, this.send, this)
- }, this));
- b(window).on('message', function (a) {
- if (a = a.originalEvent, a.origin === g) {
- var b;
- try {
- b = JSON.parse(a.data)
- } catch (c) {
- return
- }
- 'ready' === b.event && b.value && b.value.src === f && h()
- }
- })
- }
- return d.prototype.insertContentNode.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- send: function (a) {
- if (this.playerjs) {
- if (!this.playerjs.ready) return void this.playerjs.queue.push(a);
- var b = {
- context: 'player.js',
- version: '0.0.10',
- method: a
- };
- this.playerjs.$iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(b), this.playerjs.origin)
- }
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/DynamicHeightRichMediaView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/views/RichMediaView'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return b.extend({
- insertContentNode: function () {
- b.prototype.insertContentNode.apply(this, arguments),
- this.finishLoad()
- },
- finishLoad: function () {
- var b = this,
- c = 0,
- d = 150,
- e = 20,
- f = function () {
- c += 1,
- c < e ? a.delay(f, d) : b.trigger('load')
- };
- f()
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/templates/postMediaTwitterContent', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- var f = a.lambda,
- g = a.escapeExpression;
- return '<meta name="twitter:widgets:csp" content="on">\n<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-theme="' + g(f(null != b ? b.theme : b, b)) + '" data-link-color="' + g(f(null != b ? b.linkColor : b, b)) + '" lang="' + g(f(null != b ? b.language : b, b)) + '">\n<a href="' + g(f(null != b ? b.url : b, b)) + '"></a>\n</blockquote>\n<script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>\n'
- },
- useData: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/TwitterRichMediaView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/views/DynamicHeightRichMediaView',
- 'core/templates/postMediaTwitterContent'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.extend({
- generateContentHtml: function () {
- var b = window.document.documentElement.lang;
- b = b && b.substring(0, 2);
- var e = this.media.get('url');
- return this.media.get('resolvedUrl').indexOf('/status') !== - 1 && (e = this.media.get('resolvedUrl')),
- c({
- url: e,
- theme: a.result(d, 'theme'),
- linkColor: a.result(d, 'linkColor'),
- language: b
- })
- }
- }, {
- theme: 'light',
- linkColor: '#2e9fff'
- });
- return d
- }),
- define('core/views/SoundCloudRichMediaView', [
- 'core/views/AutoplayRichMediaView'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.extend({
- getMediaDimensions: function () {
- return {
- width: null,
- height: this.media.get('htmlHeight')
- }
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/VineRichMediaView', [
- 'core/views/AutoplayRichMediaView',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.extend({
- createContentNode: function () {
- var c = a.prototype.createContentNode.apply(this, arguments),
- d = c.attr('src');
- return this.shouldAutoplay() && d && (d = b.serialize(d, {
- audio: 1
- }), c.attr('src', d)),
- c
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/IframeGifRichMediaView', [
- 'core/views/IframeRichMediaView'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return a.extend({
- insertContentNode: function (b) {
- a.prototype.insertContentNode.call(this, b),
- this.loaderNode.width(this.getMediaDimensions().width)
- },
- createContentNode: function () {
- var b = a.prototype.createContentNode.apply(this, arguments);
- return b.attr(this.getMediaDimensions()),
- b
- },
- calculateDeferredHeight: function () {
- return this.getMediaDimensions().height
- },
- displayPlaceholder: function () {
- a.prototype.displayPlaceholder.call(this);
- var b = this.getMediaDimensions();
- this.contentNode.height(b.height).width(b.width)
- }
- })
- }),
- define('core/media', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/models/Media',
- 'core/models/RichMediaViewModel',
- 'core/views/ImageRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/IframeRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/FacebookPhotoRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/AutoplayRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/TwitterRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/SoundCloudRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/VineRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/IframeGifRichMediaView'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) {
- 'use strict';
- var m = b.get,
- n = {
- kind: 'html',
- providerExpandMessage: m('Play'),
- providerCollapseMessage: m('Hide')
- },
- kind: 'html',
- providerExpandMessage: m('View'),
- providerCollapseMessage: m('Hide')
- },
- kind: 'image',
- providerIcon: 'icon-images',
- providerExpandMessage: m('View'),
- providerCollapseMessage: m('Hide')
- }
- },
- o = function (b) {
- var m = function (b, c) {
- return a.defaults({
- providerIcon: c
- }, n[b])
- },
- o = null,
- p = null,
- q = c.MEDIA_TYPES;
- switch (b.get('mediaType')) {
- case q.IMAGE:
- case q.IMAGE_UPLOAD:
- case q.MP4_VIDEO:
- o = n.VIEW_IMAGE;
- break;
- p = g,
- o = n.VIEW_IMAGE;
- break;
- case q.GIF_VIDEO:
- p = l,
- o = n.VIEW_HIDE;
- break;
- case q.VIMEO_VIDEO:
- p = h,
- o = m('PLAY_HIDE', 'icon-video');
- break;
- p = i,
- o = m('VIEW_HIDE', 'icon-twitter-x');
- break;
- case q.VINE_VIDEO:
- p = k,
- o = m('PLAY_HIDE', 'icon-video');
- break;
- o = m('VIEW_HIDE', 'icon-video');
- break;
- p = j,
- o = m('PLAY_HIDE', 'icon-music');
- break;
- case q.GOOGLE_MAP:
- o = m('VIEW_HIDE', 'icon-map');
- break;
- default:
- return null
- }
- if (null === p) switch (o.kind) {
- case 'webpage':
- return null;
- case 'html':
- p = f;
- break;
- case 'image':
- p = e
- }
- var r = new d(o);
- return {
- Cls: p,
- mediaViewModel: r
- }
- },
- p = function (a) {
- var b = o(a);
- return b ? new b.Cls({
- model: b.mediaViewModel,
- media: a
- }) : null
- },
- q = function (a) {
- return new e({
- model: new d(n.VIEW_IMAGE),
- media: a
- })
- };
- return {
- instantiateRichMediaView: p,
- instantiateRichMediaThumbnail: q,
- getRichMediaViewConfig: o
- }
- }),
- define('core/mixins/withRichMedia', [
- 'underscore',
- 'jquery',
- 'core/collections/MediaCollection',
- 'core/media'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- function e(a) {
- var c = {
- };
- return a.length ? (a.find('a').each(function (a, d) {
- var e = d.href;
- c[e] || (c[e] = b(d))
- }), c) : c
- }
- function f() {
- a.extend(this, g)
- }
- var g = {
- renderRichMedia: function (a, f, g) {
- return g = g || {
- },
- a = a instanceof c ? a : new c(a),
- a.chain().map(function (a) {
- return d.instantiateRichMediaView(a)
- }).without(null).map(function (a) {
- var c = a.media.get('urlRedirect');
- g.normalize && (c = g.normalize.call(this, c));
- var d = e(this.$('[data-role=message]')),
- h = d[c];
- return g.beforeRender && g.beforeRender.call(this, a),
- a.render(),
- h ? g.convertLinkToButton ? (h.after(a.$el), a.convertToButton(h)) : h.replaceWith(a.$el) : (f = f || this.$('[data-role=post-media-list]'), f.append(b('<li>').append(a.$el))),
- a
- }, this).value()
- }
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('core/views/common/HoverCard', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/bus'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- mouseenter: 'enter',
- mouseleave: 'leave'
- },
- initialize: function () {
- this._id = b.uniqueId(),
- this._rendered = !1,
- this._hoverState = 'out',
- this._visible = !1,
- this._enterTimeout = null,
- this._leaveTimeout = null,
- e.open = {
- },
- this.events = this.events || {
- },
- this.events['click [data-action=profile]'] = 'handleShowProfile',
- this.listenTo(this, 'authenticating', this.keepOpen)
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.hide(),
- a('body').append(this.el),
- this
- },
- target: function (a) {
- a.on('mouseenter', b.bind(this.enter, this, a)),
- a.on('mouseleave', b.bind(this.leave, this))
- },
- enter: function (a) {
- var c = this;
- a.originalEvent && (a = null),
- a && (c.$target = a),
- c._leaveTimeout && clearTimeout(c._leaveTimeout),
- 'in' !== c._hoverState && (c._hoverState = 'in', c._enterTimeout = b.delay(function () {
- 'in' === c._hoverState && c.show(),
- c._enterTimeout = null
- }, e.DELAY_ENTER), e.open[this.uid] = this)
- },
- leave: function () {
- var a = this;
- a._enterTimeout && clearTimeout(a._enterTimeout),
- 'out' !== a._hoverState && (a._hoverState = 'out', a._leaveTimeout = b.delay(function () {
- 'out' === a._hoverState && a.hide(),
- a._leaveTimeout = null
- }, e.DELAY_LEAVE), e.open[this.uid] && delete e.open[this.uid])
- },
- show: function () {
- var a = this;
- a._rendered || (a._rendered = !0, a.render()),
- a.moveTo(a.$target),
- a.$el.show(),
- a._visible = !0,
- a.trigger('show')
- },
- moveTo: function (a) {
- if (a) {
- var b = e.POSITION_OFFSET,
- c = a.offset(),
- d = this.$el,
- f = d.height(),
- g = this.getContainerPosition();
- c.top -= b;
- var h = c.top + f + g.containerOffset.top,
- i = g.pageOffset + g.containerHeight;
- h <= i ? d.css('top', c.top) : d.css('top', c.top - f + 2 * b),
- d.css('left', c.left + b)
- }
- },
- getContainerPosition: function () {
- return {
- pageOffset: a(window).scrollTop(),
- containerOffset: {
- top: 0,
- height: a(window).height()
- },
- containerHeight: a(window).height()
- }
- },
- hide: function () {
- this._keepOpen || (this._enterTimeout && clearTimeout(this._enterTimeout), this.$el.hide(), this._visible = !1)
- },
- keepOpen: function () {
- this._keepOpen = !0,
- this.setupKeepOpenCanceler()
- },
- setupKeepOpenCanceler: function () {
- var c = this,
- e = function () {
- 'out' === c._hoverState && (c.stopListening(d, 'window.click', e), a('body').off('click', e), c._keepOpen = !1, c.hide())
- };
- b.delay(function () {
- c.listenTo(d, 'window.click', e),
- a('body').on('click', e)
- }, 100)
- },
- isVisible: function () {
- return this._visible
- },
- handleShowProfile: function () {
- this.hide()
- }
- }, {
- open: {
- },
- instances: {
- },
- exitAll: function () {
- b.invoke(e.open, 'leave')
- },
- create: function (a, b, c, d) {
- var f = e.instances[c];
- f || (e.instances[c] = f = {
- });
- var g = f[a];
- return g || (g = new d(b), f[a] = g),
- b.targetElement && g.target(b.targetElement),
- g
- }
- });
- return function () {
- a(window.document).on('mouseout', b.debounce(function (a) {
- var b = a.relatedTarget || a.toElement;
- b && 'HTML' !== b.nodeName || e.exitAll()
- }, 10))
- }(),
- e
- }),
- define('core/utils/views', [
- 'underscore'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function (b, c, d) {
- var e = b.prototype,
- f = a.extend({
- }, c, d);
- if (a.defaults(e, f), a.defaults(e.events, f.events), void 0 !== e.initialize && void 0 !== f.initialize) {
- var g = e.initialize;
- e.initialize = function () {
- var a = g.apply(this, arguments);
- return f.initialize.apply(this, arguments),
- a
- }
- }
- };
- return {
- mixin: b
- }
- }),
- define('core/views/common/mixins/LocalScroll', [
- ], function () {
- 'use strict';
- var a = {
- events: {
- mousewheel: 'handleScrollEvent',
- wheel: 'handleScrollEvent'
- },
- scrollMeasureSelector: '',
- getScrollMeasure: function () {
- return this.scrollMeasure || (this.scrollMeasure = this.$el, this.scrollMeasureSelector && (this.scrollMeasure = this.$el.find(this.scrollMeasureSelector))),
- this.scrollMeasure
- },
- handleScrollEvent: function (a) {
- var b = a.originalEvent,
- c = b.wheelDeltaY || - b.deltaY,
- d = this.$el,
- e = d.height(),
- f = this.getScrollMeasure(),
- g = f.height(),
- h = f.parent() [0].scrollTop,
- i = h >= g - e,
- j = 0 === h;
- (i && c < 0 || j && c > 0) && a.preventDefault()
- }
- };
- return a
- }),
- define('core/templates/usersCard', [
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/templates/handlebars.partials',
- 'core/extensions/handlebars.helpers'
- ], function (a) {
- return a.template({
- 1: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'guests-only'
- },
- 3: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'tooltip--post-refresh'
- },
- 5: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- var h;
- return null != (h = c.each.call(null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- }, null != b ? b.users : b, {
- name: 'each',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(6, e, 0, f, g),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 5,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 7,
- column: 9
- }
- }
- })) ? h : ''
- },
- 6: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- var h;
- return null != (h = a.invokePartial(d.cardUser, b, {
- name: 'cardUser',
- hash: {
- isRefreshEnabled: null != g[1] ? g[1].isRefreshEnabled : g[1],
- forumId: null != g[1] ? g[1].forumId : g[1],
- highlight: null != g[1] ? g[1].highlight : g[1]
- },
- data: e,
- helpers: c,
- partials: d,
- decorators: a.decorators
- })) ? h : ''
- },
- 8: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- return 'tooltip-point--refresh'
- },
- compiler: [
- 8,
- '>= 4.3.0'
- ],
- main: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- var h,
- i = null != b ? b : a.nullContext || {
- };
- return '<div class="tooltip-wrapper">\n<div class="tooltip voters ' + (null != (h = c.unless.call(i, null != (h = null != b ? b.users : b) ? h.length : h, {
- name: 'unless',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(1, e, 0, f, g),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 2,
- column: 27
- },
- end: {
- line: 2,
- column: 73
- }
- }
- })) ? h : '') + ' ' + (null != (h = c['if'].call(i, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(3, e, 0, f, g),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 2,
- column: 74
- },
- end: {
- line: 2,
- column: 126
- }
- }
- })) ? h : '') + '">\n<ul class="scroll-measure" data-role="content">\n' + (null != (h = c['if'].call(i, null != (h = null != b ? b.users : b) ? h.length : h, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(5, e, 0, f, g),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 4,
- column: 0
- },
- end: {
- line: 8,
- column: 7
- }
- }
- })) ? h : '') + '</ul>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div class="tooltip-point hidden ' + (null != (h = c['if'].call(i, null != b ? b.isRefreshEnabled : b, {
- name: 'if',
- hash: {
- },
- fn: a.program(8, e, 0, f, g),
- inverse: a.noop,
- data: e,
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 12,
- column: 33
- },
- end: {
- line: 12,
- column: 86
- }
- }
- })) ? h : '') + '"></div>\n'
- },
- usePartial: !0,
- useData: !0,
- useDepths: !0
- })
- }),
- define('core/views/UsersCard', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'handlebars',
- 'core/config',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/utils/views',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/views/common/HoverCard',
- 'core/views/common/mixins/LocalScroll',
- 'core/templates/usersCard'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {
- 'use strict';
- var l = function (a) {
- return a.get('isAnonymous') || a.get('isBlocked') || a.get('isBlocking')
- },
- m = i.extend({
- guestTextPartialName: 'cardOtherUserText',
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.isRefreshEnabled = a.isRefreshEnabled,
- this.$el.attr('class', this.isRefreshEnabled ? 'tooltip-outer voters-outer voters-outer--refresh' : 'tooltip-outer voters-outer'),
- i.prototype.initialize.call(this, a),
- this.collection = this.collection || a.collection,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.numUsers = a.numUsers,
- this.voteType = a.voteType,
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.addUser),
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change:isBlocked', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this.removeUser),
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render)
- },
- addUser: function (a) {
- l(a) ? this.updateGuests() : this.$listEl && this.$listEl.length && (this.$listEl.prepend(c.partials.cardUser(this.getUserTemplateData(a))), this.stopHighlightUsername())
- },
- removeUser: function (a) {
- if (l(a)) this.updateGuests();
- else {
- var b = this.$el.find('[data-username=' + a.get('username') + ']');
- b.length && b.remove()
- }
- },
- stopHighlightUsername: b.debounce(function () {
- var a = this.$el.find('.highlight');
- a.removeClass('highlight')
- }, 1100),
- getGuestCount: function () {
- return Math.max(this.numUsers - this.collection.reject(l).length, 0)
- },
- updateGuests: function () {
- var a = this.$el.find('[data-role=guest]'),
- b = this.getGuestCount(),
- e = c.partials[this.guestTextPartialName]({
- guestCount: b
- }),
- f = {
- guestCount: b,
- guestAvatarUrl: d.urls.avatar.generic,
- highlight: a.length,
- guestText: e,
- isRefreshEnabled: this.isRefreshEnabled
- },
- g = c.partials.cardGuestUser(f);
- a.length ? (a.replaceWith(g), this.stopHighlightUsername()) : this.$listEl && this.$listEl.length && this.$listEl.append(g)
- },
- getTemplateData: function () {
- var a = b.invoke(this.collection.reject(l), 'toJSON').map(function (a) {
- return a.initials = h.getInitials(a.name || ''),
- a
- });
- return {
- users: a,
- highlight: !1,
- isRefreshEnabled: this.isRefreshEnabled
- }
- },
- getUserTemplateData: function (a) {
- var c = a.toJSON();
- return c.initials = h.getInitials(c.name || ''),
- b.extend({
- highlight: !0,
- isRefreshEnabled: this.isRefreshEnabled
- }, c)
- },
- render: function () {
- delete this.pointEl,
- this.$el.html(k(this.getTemplateData())),
- i.prototype.render.call(this),
- this.$listEl = this.$el.find('.voters ul'),
- this.updateGuests()
- },
- show: function () {
- this.numUsers && !this.isVisible() && (i.prototype.show.call(this), e.trigger('uiAction:userCardShow'))
- },
- showPoint: function (a) {
- var c = [
- 'tl',
- 'bl'
- ],
- d = this.$el.find('.tooltip--post-refresh'),
- e = this.$el.find('.tooltip-wrapper');
- this.pointEl || (this.pointEl = this.$el.find('.tooltip-point'), this.pointEl.removeClass('hidden')),
- b.each(c, function (a) {
- this.pointEl.removeClass('point-position-' + a),
- d.removeClass('tooltip--' + a),
- e.removeClass('tooltip-wrapper--' + a)
- }, this),
- this.pointEl.addClass('point-position-' + a),
- d.addClass('tooltip--' + a),
- e.addClass('tooltip-wrapper--' + a)
- },
- moveTo: function (a, b) {
- if (a) {
- var c = i.POSITION_OFFSET,
- d = a.offset(),
- e = this.$el,
- f = e.height(),
- g = a.outerWidth(),
- h = this.getContainerPosition();
- b && (f += e.find('li.user').height() + 10),
- d.top - f - c >= 0 && d.top - f + h.containerOffset.top >= h.pageOffset ? (e.css({
- bottom: h.containerOffset.height - d.top + c,
- top: 'inherit'
- }), this.showPoint('bl')) : (e.css({
- bottom: 'inherit',
- top: d.top + 2 * c
- }), this.showPoint('tl')),
- 'rtl' === window.document.documentElement.dir ? e.css('right', d.left ? h.containerOffset.width - d.left - g - c : 0) : e.css('left', d.left - c)
- }
- },
- handleShowProfile: function (b) {
- i.prototype.handleShowProfile.call(this, b);
- var c = a(b.currentTarget),
- d = c.attr('data-username');
- e.trigger('uiCallback:showProfile', d, b)
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a, b) {
- return i.create(a, b, 'UsersCard', m)
- }
- });
- return f.mixin(m, j, {
- scrollMeasureSelector: '[data-role=content]'
- }),
- m
- }),
- define('core/views/VotersCard', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/views/common/HoverCard',
- 'core/views/UsersCard',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = e.preventDefaultHandler,
- g = c.extend({
- guestTextPartialName: 'cardGuestVoterText',
- initialize: function (b) {
- this.voteType = b.voteType;
- var d = b.model,
- e = 1 === this.voteType ? d.getUpvotersUserCollection() : d.getDownvotersUserCollection();
- a.extend(b, {
- collection: e,
- numUsers: 1 === this.voteType ? d.get('likes') : d.get('dislikes')
- }),
- c.prototype.initialize.call(this, b),
- this.model = d,
- this.session = b.session,
- this.likes = d.get('likes'),
- this.dislikes = d.get('dislikes'),
- this.hadLikes = Boolean(this.likes),
- this.hadDislikes = Boolean(this.dislikes),
- this.isRefreshEnabled = b.isRefreshEnabled,
- this._fetched = !1,
- this._rendered = !1,
- this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:userScore', this.updateUserSet),
- 1 === this.voteType ? this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:likes', this.updateGuests) : this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:dislikes', this.updateGuests)
- },
- updateGuests: function () {
- this.numUsers = (1 === this.voteType ? this.model.get('likes') : this.model.get('dislikes')) || 0,
- c.prototype.updateGuests.call(this)
- },
- updateUserSet: function () {
- var a = this.session.user,
- b = this.likes,
- c = this.dislikes,
- d = !1;
- this.likes = this.model.get('likes'),
- this.dislikes = this.model.get('dislikes'),
- this.model.get('userScore') === this.voteType ? (this.session.isLoggedIn() && this.collection.add(a), 1 === this.voteType && this.likes && !b || this.voteType === - 1 && this.dislikes && !c ? (this._rendered = !1, this.show()) : d = !!this.session.isLoggedOut() || Boolean((1 === this.voteType ? this.likes : this.dislikes) - 1 - this.collection.length)) : (this.collection.remove(a), (1 === this.voteType && !this.likes || this.voteType === - 1 && !this.dislikes) && this.hide()),
- this.updateGuests(),
- this.moveTo(this.$target, d)
- },
- show: function () {
- if (this.isRefreshEnabled && (b.prototype.constructor.POSITION_OFFSET = 12), !(1 === this.voteType && !this.likes || this.voteType === - 1 && !this.dislikes || this.isVisible())) {
- if ((1 === this.voteType && !this.hadLikes || this.voteType === - 1 && !this.hadDislikes) && (this._fetched = !0), !this._fetched) return void this.collection.fetch({
- vote: this.voteType
- }).done(a.bind(function () {
- this._fetched = !0,
- this.show()
- }, this));
- var d = this.session.user;
- this.model.get('userScore') === this.voteType && this.session.isLoggedIn() && !this.collection.contains(d) && this.collection.add(d),
- c.prototype.show.call(this)
- }
- },
- handleShowProfile: f(function (a) {
- c.prototype.handleShowProfile.call(this, a)
- }),
- getTemplateData: function () {
- var b = c.prototype.getTemplateData.apply(this, arguments);
- return a.extend({
- }, b, {
- forumId: this.model.get('forum')
- })
- },
- getUserTemplateData: function () {
- var b = c.prototype.getUserTemplateData.apply(this, arguments);
- return a.extend({
- }, b, {
- forumId: this.model.get('forum')
- })
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- var c = a.model;
- if (c.has('id')) return b.create([c.get('id'),
- '-',
- a.voteType].join(''), a, 'VotersCard', g)
- }
- });
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/contextCard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/switches',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.gettext,
- h = d.getInitials,
- i = function (b) {
- var d = e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.post.forum
- }),
- f = !c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'avatar',
- 'isCustom'
- ]);
- return f && d ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'initials user--refresh'
- }, h(b.post.author.name)) : a.createElement('img', {
- src: c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: g('Avatar')
- })
- },
- j = function (b) {
- var d = e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.post.forum
- }),
- g = d ? 'avatar avatar--refresh' : 'avatar',
- h = d ? 'tooltip tooltip--post-refresh' : 'tooltip';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: h
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'notch'
- }), c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isAnonymous'
- ]) ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: g
- }, a.createElement(i, {
- post: b.post
- })) : a.createElement(f, {
- className: g,
- user: c(b.post, [
- 'author'
- ]),
- forumId: b.post.forum
- }, a.createElement(i, {
- post: b.post
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__content'
- }, a.createElement('h3', null, c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isAnonymous'
- ]) ? a.createElement('h3', null, c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'name'
- ], null)) : a.createElement(f, {
- user: c(b.post, [
- 'author'
- ]),
- forumId: b.post.forum
- }, a.createElement('h3', null, c(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'name'
- ], null)))), a.createElement('p', null, c(b.post, [
- 'excerpt'
- ], null))))
- };
- return j
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/followButtonSmall', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.gettext,
- g = function (c) {
- var g = e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.forumId
- }),
- h = g && e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.forumId
- });
- return d(c.user, [
- 'isSession'
- ]) ? d(c.user, [
- 'isEditable'
- ]) ? g ? a.createElement('a', {
- href: b.editProfile || '',
- target: '_blank',
- className: c.buttonAsLink ? 'publisher-anchor-color follow-link hover-card' : 'follow-btn btn-small hover-card edit'
- }, f('Edit')) : a.createElement('a', {
- href: b.editProfile || '',
- target: '_blank',
- className: c.buttonAsLink ? 'publisher-anchor-color follow-link' : 'btn btn-small'
- }, f('Edit profile')) : null : d(c.user, [
- 'isPrivate'
- ]) ? g ? h ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn btn-small follow-btn private'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: d(c.user, [
- 'profileUrl'
- ], ''),
- 'data-action': 'profile',
- 'data-username': d(c.user, [
- 'username'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-lock'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text'
- }, f('Private Profile')))) : null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn btn-small follow-btn private'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-lock'
- }), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text'
- }, f('Private'))) : g ? h ? a.createElement('a', {
- href: d(c.user, [
- 'profileUrl'
- ], ''),
- className: '' + (c.buttonAsLink ? 'publisher-anchor-color follow-link' : 'btn btn-small follow-btn hover-card') + (d(c.user, [
- 'isFollowing'
- ]) ? ' following' : ''),
- 'data-action': 'toggleFollow',
- 'data-user': d(c.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text following-text hover-card'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'follow-user is-following'
- }), f('Following')), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text follow-text'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'follow-user publisher-background-color-refresh hover-card'
- }), f('Follow'))) : a.createElement('a', {
- href: d(c.user, [
- 'profileUrl'
- ], ''),
- className: '' + (c.buttonAsLink ? 'publisher-anchor-color follow-link' : 'btn btn-small follow-btn hover-card') + (d(c.user, [
- 'isFollowing'
- ]) ? ' following' : ''),
- 'data-action': 'toggleFollow',
- 'data-user': d(c.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text following-text hover-card'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'follow-user is-following publisher-background-color-refresh'
- })), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text follow-text'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'follow-user publisher-background-color-refresh hover-card'
- }))) : a.createElement('a', {
- href: d(c.user, [
- 'profileUrl'
- ], ''),
- className: '' + (c.buttonAsLink ? 'publisher-anchor-color follow-link' : 'btn btn-small follow-btn') + (d(c.user, [
- 'isFollowing'
- ]) ? ' following' : ''),
- 'data-action': 'toggleFollow',
- 'data-user': d(c.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text following-text'
- }, f('Following')), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'btn-text follow-text'
- }, f('Follow')), a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-checkmark'
- }))
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/hovercardActions', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/followButtonSmall',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = b.gettext,
- g = function (b) {
- var g = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }),
- h = g && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: b.forumId
- });
- return g ? h ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'hovercard-actions-container'
- }, b.showFollowButton ? a.createElement(d, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink,
- forumId: b.forumId
- }) : null, b.user.isPrivate && !b.user.isEditable ? null : a.createElement(e, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- className: 'view-profile'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'eye'
- }), f('View Profile'))) : a.createElement('div', null, b.showFollowButton ? a.createElement(d, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink,
- forumId: b.forumId
- }) : null) : a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement(e, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- className: 'full-profile'
- }, f('Full profile')), b.showFollowButton ? a.createElement(d, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink
- }) : null, 'Â ')
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/hovercardCounters', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var f = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }),
- g = f && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: b.forumId
- });
- return f ? g ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'hovercard-counters-container hovercard-counters-container-v2'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'counters'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'count count-v2 comment'
- }), 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ]) ? '1' : b.user.numPosts), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'counters'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'count count-v2 like'
- }), 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ]) ? '1' : b.user.numLikesReceived)) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'hovercard-counters-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'counters'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'count comment'
- }), 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ]) ? '1' : b.user.numPosts), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'counters'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'count like'
- }), 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ]) ? '1' : b.user.numLikesReceived)) : a.createElement('div', null, 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ]) ? e('1 comment') : e('%(numPosts)s comments', {
- numPosts: c(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ], '')
- }), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'bullet'
- }, '•'), ' ', 1 === c(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ]) ? e('1 vote') : e('%(numLikesReceived)s votes', {
- numLikesReceived: c(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ], '')
- }))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/hovercard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/utils',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/hovercardActions',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/hovercardCounters',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = b.gettext,
- j = e.getInitials,
- k = function (b, c) {
- return b.length <= c ? b : a.createElement('span', null, b.slice(0, c), '…')
- },
- l = function (b) {
- var e = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }),
- l = e && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }),
- m = d(b.user, [
- 'isPrivate'
- ]),
- n = d(b.user, [
- 'avatar',
- 'isCustom'
- ]) ? d(b.user, [
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], '') : b.forumAvatar;
- return e ? l ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip tooltip-v2 tooltip--refresh--v2'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__header'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: b.forumId,
- className: 'avatar avatar--refresh-v2'
- }, n ? a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-user': d(b.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- src: n,
- className: 'user',
- alt: i('Avatar')
- }) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'initials'
- }, j(b.user.name) [0])), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__content tooltip__content--refresh-v2'
- }, a.createElement('h3', {
- className: 'profile-link-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'profile-link-username profile-link-username-refresh-v2'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- 'data-role': 'username'
- }, d(b.user, [
- 'name'
- ], null)))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'stats stats--refresh-v2',
- 'data-role': 'counters'
- }, null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ], null) && null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ], null) ? a.createElement(g, {
- user: b.user
- }) : null))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__bio'
- }, d(b.user, [
- 'about'
- ]) ? a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'bio'
- }, d(b.user, [
- 'about'
- ], '')) : null), a.createElement('footer', {
- className: 'tooltip__footer-v2',
- 'data-role': 'actions'
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink,
- showFollowButton: b.showFollowButton,
- forumId: b.forumId
- }))) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip tooltip--refresh'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: b.forumId,
- className: 'avatar avatar--refresh'
- }, n ? a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-user': d(b.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- src: n,
- className: 'user user--refresh',
- alt: i('Avatar')
- }) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'initials user--refresh'
- }, j(b.user.name)), m ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'view-profile-message-container'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-lock'
- }), a.createElement('div', null, 'Private')) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'view-profile-message-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, 'View'), a.createElement('div', null, 'Profile'))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__content tooltip__content--refresh'
- }, a.createElement('h3', {
- className: 'profile-link-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'profile-link-username'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- 'data-role': 'username'
- }, d(b.user, [
- 'name'
- ], null))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__actions',
- 'data-role': 'actions'
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink,
- showFollowButton: b.showFollowButton,
- forumId: b.forumId
- }))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'stats stats--refresh',
- 'data-role': 'counters'
- }, null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ], null) && null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ], null) ? a.createElement(g, {
- user: b.user
- }) : null))) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'notch'
- }), a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-user': d(b.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- src: d(b.user, [
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: i('Avatar')
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip__content'
- }, a.createElement('h3', null, a.createElement(h, {
- user: b.user,
- forumId: null,
- 'data-role': 'username'
- }, d(b.user, [
- 'name'
- ], null)), ' ', d(b.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge moderator'
- }, i('MOD')) : null), d(b.user, [
- 'about'
- ]) ? a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'bio'
- }, k(d(b.user, [
- 'about'
- ], ''), 80)) : null, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'stats',
- 'data-role': 'counters'
- }, null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numPosts'
- ], null) && null !== d(b.user, [
- 'numLikesReceived'
- ], null) ? a.createElement(g, {
- user: b.user
- }) : null), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'hovercard-badges',
- 'data-role': 'hovercard-badges'
- })), a.createElement('footer', {
- className: 'tooltip__footer',
- 'data-role': 'actions'
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- user: b.user,
- buttonAsLink: b.buttonAsLink,
- showFollowButton: b.showFollowButton
- })))
- };
- return l
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/upgradeCard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'notch'
- }), a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-normal'
- }, d('Disqus Pro gives you access to exclusive features like auto-moderation, shadow banning, and customization options.')), a.createElement('a', {
- href: [
- 'https://disqus.com/admin/',
- b.organization ? 'orgs/' + c(b.organization, [
- 'id'
- ]) + '/' + c(b.organization, [
- 'slug'
- ], 'sites') + '/' : '',
- 'settings/subscription/'
- ].join(''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- className: 'btn btn-small',
- 'data-role': 'upgrade-link'
- }, d('Subscriptions and Billing'))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/userBadges', [
- 'react',
- 'core/bus',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (b) {
- var d = b.badge,
- e = b.user,
- f = b.forumId,
- g = b.context,
- h = b.trackClick,
- i = b.postId;
- return d.image ? a.createElement(c, {
- user: e,
- forumId: f,
- profileTab: 'badges',
- id: g + '-badge_' + e.id + '-' + d.id + '-' + i,
- className: 'user-badge badge-tooltip__wrapper',
- 'data-role': 'user-badge',
- 'data-badge': d.id,
- onClick: function (a) {
- return h(a, d.id)
- },
- tabIndex: 0
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'user-badge-image',
- src: d.image,
- alt: d.name
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'badge-tooltip__container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'tooltip show badge-tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-tooltip__content'
- }, d.name)))) : null
- },
- e = function (a, b) {
- return b.badges ? b.badges.filter(function (b) {
- return a.badges[b.id]
- }) : [
- ]
- },
- f = function (f) {
- var g = f.forum,
- h = f.user,
- i = f.context,
- j = f.limit,
- k = f.postId;
- if (!(g.settings.badgesEnabled && g.badges && Object.keys(g.badges).length && h)) return null;
- var l = e(g, h),
- m = function (a, c) {
- b.trigger('uiAction:clickBadge', a, c)
- },
- n = l.length > j,
- o = n ? j - 1 : j;
- return l.length ? a.createElement('span', {
- 'data-role': 'badges',
- className: 'user-badges-collection',
- 'data-tracking-area': i
- }, l.map(function (b, c) {
- return c < o ? a.createElement(d, {
- key: c,
- badge: b,
- user: h,
- forumId: g.id,
- context: i,
- trackClick: m,
- postId: k
- }) : null
- }), n ? a.createElement(c, {
- user: h,
- forumId: g.id,
- profileTab: 'badges',
- className: 'user-badge truncate-badge publisher-background-color',
- 'data-role': 'user-badge',
- onClick: function (a) {
- return m(a, 'more')
- },
- tabIndex: 0
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'user-badge-more'
- }, '+', l.length - o)) : null) : a.createElement('span', {
- 'data-role': 'badges',
- className: 'user-badges-collection'
- })
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/cards', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/switches',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/views/mixins',
- 'core/constants/badgesConstants',
- 'core/views/common/HoverCard',
- 'core/views/VotersCard',
- 'templates/lounge/contextCard',
- 'templates/lounge/hovercard',
- 'templates/lounge/upgradeCard',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/hovercardActions',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/hovercardCounters',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/userBadges'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p) {
- 'use strict';
- i.prototype.getContainerPosition = function () {
- var a = c.getLounge().getPosition();
- return {
- pageOffset: a.pageOffset,
- containerOffset: a.frameOffset,
- containerHeight: a.height
- }
- },
- function () {
- var c = 10;
- a(window.document).on('mouseout', b.debounce(function (a) {
- var b = a.relatedTarget || a.toElement;
- b && 'HTML' !== b.nodeName || i.exitAll()
- }, c))
- }();
- var q = i.extend({
- className: 'tooltip-outer profile-card',
- events: b.defaults({
- 'click [data-action=toggleFollow]': 'toggleFollow'
- }, i.prototype.events),
- initialize: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- i.prototype.initialize.call(b, a),
- b.session = a.session,
- b.user = a.user,
- b._fetched = !1,
- b.listenTo(b.session, 'change:id', function () {
- this._rendered && this.render()
- }),
- b.session.attributes.thread && e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.session.attributes.thread.forum.id
- }) && b.el.classList.add('profile-card--refresh')
- },
- onFetch: function (a) {
- this.user = new f.SyncedUser(a.attributes),
- this.updateCounters(),
- this.updateActions(),
- this.updateBadges(),
- this.listenTo(this.user, {
- 'change:numPosts change:numLikesReceived': b.debounce(function () {
- this.updateCounters()
- }),
- 'change:isFollowing': this.updateActions
- });
- var c = function (a) {
- this.set('isFollowing', a.get('isFollowing'))
- };
- a.listenTo(this.user, 'change:isFollowing', c),
- this.user.listenTo(a, 'change:isFollowing', c)
- },
- serialize: function () {
- var a = this.user.toJSON({
- session: this.session
- });
- a.numLikesReceived = a.numLikesReceived || this.user.get('numVotes') || 0;
- var b = this.session.get('thread').forum.get('avatar');
- return b = b && b.large && b.large.cache,
- b = d.isDefaultAvatar(b) ? null : b,
- {
- forumId: this.session.attributes.thread.forum.id,
- forumAvatar: b,
- user: a,
- showFollowButton: this.user.has('isFollowing') || this.session.isLoggedOut()
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- this.$el.html(l(this.serialize())),
- i.prototype.render.call(this)
- },
- setBadges: function (a) {
- this._fetched && (this.user.set('badges', a), this.updateBadges())
- },
- updateBadges: function () {
- if (!e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.session.attributes.thread.forum.id
- })) {
- var a = this.session.get('thread') && this.session.get('thread').forum,
- b = Boolean(a && a.get('settings') && a.get('settings').badgesEnabled && a.get('badges')),
- c = Boolean(b && this.user.get('badges') && this.user.get('badges').length);
- c && !this.el.classList.contains('has-badges') ? this.el.classList.add('has-badges') : !c && this.el.classList.contains('has-badges') && this.el.classList.remove('has-badges'),
- b && this.$el.find('[data-role=hovercard-badges]').html(p({
- forum: a.attributes,
- user: this.user.attributes,
- context: 'hovercard',
- limit: h.MAX_BADGE_COUNT
- }))
- }
- },
- updateCounters: function () {
- this.$el.find('[data-role=counters]').html(o(this.serialize()))
- },
- updateActions: function () {
- this.$el.find('[data-role=actions]').html(n(this.serialize()))
- },
- show: function () {
- this._fetched || (this._fetched = !0, this.user.fetch({
- success: b.bind(this.onFetch, this)
- })),
- e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.session.attributes.thread.forum.id
- }) && (i.prototype.constructor.POSITION_OFFSET = 0, i.prototype.constructor.DELAY_ENTER = 0, i.prototype.constructor.DELAY_LEAVE = 0),
- i.prototype.show.call(this)
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- var b = a.user;
- return i.create(b.id, a, 'ProfileCard', q)
- }
- });
- b.extend(q.prototype, g.FollowButtonMixin);
- var r = i.extend({
- className: 'context-card tooltip-outer',
- initialize: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- i.prototype.initialize.call(b, a),
- b.post = a.post
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.post,
- b = a.toJSON();
- b.excerpt = d.niceTruncate(b.plaintext, 40),
- this.$el.html(k({
- post: b
- })),
- i.prototype.render.call(this)
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- var b = a.post;
- return i.create(b.id, a, 'ContextCard', r)
- }
- }),
- s = i.extend({
- className: 'tooltip-outer upgrade-card',
- events: b.defaults({
- 'click [data-role=upgrade-link]': 'onClickUpgrade'
- }, i.prototype.events),
- initialize: function (a) {
- i.prototype.initialize.call(this, a),
- this.organization = a.organization
- },
- render: function () {
- this.$el.html(m({
- organization: this.organization
- })),
- i.prototype.render.call(this)
- },
- onClickUpgrade: function (a) {
- this.trigger('click:upgrade', a)
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- var b = a.organization;
- return i.create(b ? b.id : 'upgrade', a, 'UpgradeCard', s)
- }
- });
- return {
- HoverCard: i,
- ProfileCard: q,
- ContextCard: r,
- VotersCard: j,
- UpgradeCard: s
- }
- }),
- define('core/views/SourcelessIframeRichMediaView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/views/RichMediaView'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- return c.extend({
- createContentNode: function (b) {
- return a('<iframe>').attr({
- frameBorder: 0,
- scrolling: 'no',
- width: '100%',
- height: this.model.get('deferredHeight'),
- 'data-src': b,
- src: 'javascript:window.frameElement.getAttribute("data-src");'
- })
- },
- insertContentNode: function (a) {
- c.prototype.insertContentNode.apply(this, arguments);
- var d = this.model.get('deferredHeight') || b.get('defaultIframeHeight');
- a.height(d)
- }
- })
- }),
- define('lounge/views/media', [
- 'underscore',
- 'stance',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/utils/html/toHexColorString',
- 'core/media',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/models/RichMediaViewModel',
- 'core/views/RichMediaLinkView',
- 'core/views/RichMediaView',
- 'core/views/IframeRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/SoundCloudRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/AutoplayRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/SourcelessIframeRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/DynamicHeightRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/TwitterRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/ImageRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/FacebookPhotoRichMediaView',
- 'core/views/VineRichMediaView',
- 'lounge/common'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t) {
- 'use strict';
- function u() {
- var b = d.get('disqus.collapse-media');
- return a.isBoolean(b) || (b = c.isMobileUserAgent()),
- b
- }
- return a.extend(j.prototype, {
- topEdgeOffset: function () {
- return - t.getLounge().getPosition().height
- },
- configureDeferred: function () {
- this.model.get('deferred') && !this.model.get('activated') && this.listenToOnce(b(this), 'enter', function () {
- this.relatedPost && this.listenToOnce(this, 'load error', function () {
- t.getLounge().postsView.onDeferredViewReady(this.relatedPost)
- }),
- this.enterViewport()
- }),
- this.listenToOnce(t.getLounge().postsView, 'render:end', this.updateDeferredHeight)
- }
- }),
- p.theme = function () {
- return t.getLounge().config.colorScheme
- },
- p.linkColor = function () {
- return e(t.getLounge().config.anchorColor)
- },
- g.set({
- collapsed: u()
- }),
- g.on('change:collapsed', function (b, c) {
- if (a.isObject(c)) {
- if (!c.persist) return;
- c = c.value
- }
- d.set('disqus.collapse-media', c)
- }),
- {
- settings: g,
- getCollapseDefault: u,
- getDomain: c.getDomain,
- RichMediaLinkView: i,
- RichMediaViewModel: h,
- RichMediaView: j,
- IframeRichMediaView: k,
- SoundCloudRichMediaView: l,
- AutoplayRichMediaView: m,
- SourcelessIframeRichMediaView: n,
- DynamicHeightRichMediaView: o,
- TwitterRichMediaView: p,
- ImageRichMediaView: q,
- FacebookPhotoRichMediaView: r,
- VineRichMediaView: s,
- instantiateRichMediaView: f.instantiateRichMediaView,
- getRichMediaViewConfig: f.getRichMediaViewConfig
- }
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/BadgesManageTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/constants/badgesConstants'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = c.gettext,
- g = function (b) {
- var c = b.text,
- d = b.value,
- e = b.selected,
- f = b.handleChange,
- g = function (a) {
- var b = 13;
- a.keyCode === b && f(a)
- };
- return a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'padding-default align align__item--grow align__item--equal align--center align--column modal__option' + (e ? ' -selected' : ''),
- tabIndex: '0',
- onKeyPress: g,
- onChange: f
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'badge_action',
- value: d,
- checked: e
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-semibold text-center modal__option-text'
- }, c))
- },
- h = function (b) {
- var c = b.badge,
- d = b.selectedBadge,
- e = b.handleChange;
- return a.createElement('span', {
- key: c.id,
- className: 'badge-option spacing-right ' + (d && d === c.id ? ' selected' : '') + (c.disabled ? ' disabled' : '')
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- id: 'badge-' + c.id + '-input',
- name: 'badge',
- type: 'radio',
- className: 'badge-option_input',
- value: c.id,
- onChange: e,
- disabled: c.disabled,
- tabIndex: '0'
- }), a.createElement('label', {
- htmlFor: 'badge-' + c.id + '-input',
- className: 'badge-option_label'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-option_image-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'badge-option_image',
- src: c.image,
- alt: c.name
- })), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-option_title'
- }, c.name)))
- },
- i = function (b) {
- var c = b.badgeAction,
- d = b.formValues,
- i = b.badgeOptions,
- j = b.updateBadgeAction,
- k = b.updateBadgeSelection,
- l = b.handleSubmit,
- m = b.handleClose,
- n = 'https://' + d.forum + '.disqus.com/admin/settings/badges';
- return a.createElement('form', {
- className: 'badges-manage-form'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__content padding-bottom'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--stretch align--wrap'
- }, a.createElement(g, {
- text: e('Award a Badge'),
- value: f.AWARD,
- selected: c === f.AWARD,
- handleChange: j
- }), a.createElement(g, {
- text: e('Remove a Badge'),
- value: f.REMOVE,
- selected: c === f.REMOVE,
- handleChange: j
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'modal__description border-bottom-dark'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'modal__option-subtext'
- }, e(c === f.AWARD ? 'Select a badge below to award it to this commenter.' : 'Select one of the manually awarded badges below to remove it from this commenter. Automatically awarded badges can only be removed by removing the badge from your site entirely.'), a.createElement('br', null), e('You can manage your site\'s badges using the '), a.createElement('a', {
- href: n,
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, e('Badges settings')), e(' in the Disqus Admin.'))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'modal__config'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'badge-options_list'
- }, i.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement(h, {
- key: b.id,
- badge: b,
- selectedBadge: d.badge,
- handleChange: k
- })
- }), c === f.AWARD ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-option spacing-right create-badge'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'badge-option_link',
- href: n,
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-option_image-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon icon-plus badge-option_add-icon'
- })), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-option_title'
- }, e('Create a new badge')))) : null), c !== f.REMOVE || i.length ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'badge-options_empty'
- }, e('This user doesn\'t have any badges.')), d.errorMessage ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-top-narrow'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-small modal__option-subtext modal__error'
- }, d.errorMessage)) : null))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__footer clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--brand button-small text-capitalized',
- onClick: l
- }, e(c === f.AWARD ? 'Award badge' : 'Remove badge')), a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill button-small text-capitalized',
- onClick: m
- }, e('Cancel'))))
- };
- return i
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('lounge/views/posts/BadgesManageView', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/templates/react/BadgesManageTemplate',
- 'core/constants/badgesConstants'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = h.ACTION_TYPES,
- k = f.preventDefaultHandler,
- l = e.get,
- m = b.View.extend({
- className: 'badges-action',
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.forum = a.forum
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.$el;
- return this.badgeAction = this.badgeAction || i.AWARD,
- this.formValues = _extends({
- user: this.model.author.id,
- forum: this.forum.id
- }, this.formValues),
- a.html(g({
- badgeAction: this.badgeAction,
- formValues: this.formValues,
- badgeOptions: this.getBadgeOptions(),
- updateBadgeAction: this.updateBadgeAction.bind(this),
- updateBadgeSelection: this.updateBadgeSelection.bind(this),
- handleSubmit: this.submit.bind(this),
- handleClose: this.cancel.bind(this)
- })),
- this.trigger('render'),
- this
- },
- updateBadgeAction: function (a) {
- this.formValues.badge = null,
- this.formValues.errorMessage = null,
- this.badgeAction = a.target.value || a.target.children[0].value,
- this.render()
- },
- updateBadgeSelection: function (a) {
- this.formValues.errorMessage = null,
- a.target.disabled || (this.formValues.badge = a.target.value)
- },
- getBadgeOptions: function () {
- var a = [
- ],
- b = [
- ],
- c = this.forum.get('badges') ? f.deepClone(this.forum.get('badges')) : [
- ],
- d = this.model.author.get('badges') || [
- ];
- if (this.badgeAction === i.AWARD) {
- var e = d.map(function (a) {
- return a.id
- });
- Object.keys(c).forEach(function (d) {
- var f = c[d];
- f.criteria === j.MANUAL && (e.indexOf(f.id) > - 1 ? (f.disabled = !0, b.push(f)) : a.push(f))
- })
- } else this.badgeAction === i.REMOVE && d.forEach(function (c) {
- c.criteria === j.MANUAL ? a.push(c) : (c.disabled = !0, b.push(c))
- });
- return [].concat(a, b)
- },
- submit: k(function () {
- var b = this;
- if (this.formValues.badge) {
- this.formValues.errorMessage = null;
- var e = this.badgeAction === i.AWARD ? 'uiAction:awardBadge' : 'uiAction:removeBadge';
- c.call('badges/' + this.badgeAction, {
- method: 'POST',
- data: a.omit(this.formValues, a.isNull),
- success: function (a) {
- b.trigger('success', {
- action: b.badgeAction,
- badge: a.response
- }),
- d.trigger(e, a.response.id)
- },
- error: function (a) {
- b.formValues.errorMessage = a.responseJSON.response,
- b.render()
- }
- })
- } else this.badgeAction === i.AWARD ? this.formValues.errorMessage = l('You must select a badge to award') : this.formValues.errorMessage = l('You must select a badge to remove'),
- this.render()
- }),
- cancel: k(function () {
- this.trigger('cancel')
- })
- }, {
- defaultFormValues: {
- badge: null,
- errorMessage: null
- }
- });
- return m
- }),
- define('core/constants/moderationUserLists', [
- 'exports',
- 'moment'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- a.LIST_TYPES = {
- WHITELIST: 'whitelist',
- BLACKLIST: 'blacklist'
- },
- a.BAN_TYPES = {
- SHADOW: 'shadowban',
- PERMANENT: 'permanent',
- TEMP: 'temp'
- },
- DELETE: '1',
- },
- durationHours: '24',
- customDurationAmount: '1',
- customDurationScale: '1'
- },
- a.STORAGE_KEY_BAN_TYPE = 'defaultBan',
- a.getDateExpires = function (a) {
- return 'custom' === a.durationHours && (a.durationHours = parseInt(a.customDurationAmount, 10) * parseInt(a.customDurationScale, 10)),
- b().add(a.durationHours, 'hours').toISOString()
- },
- a.isBanTypeSupported = function (b, c) {
- return !!c && (b === a.BAN_TYPES.SHADOW ? c.shadowBanning : b === a.BAN_TYPES.TEMP ? c.temporaryBanning : Boolean(b))
- }
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/ModerationUserListsTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/constants/moderationUserLists'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = this,
- f = c.gettext,
- g = d.LIST_TYPES,
- h = d.BAN_TYPES,
- j = 168,
- k = [
- {
- label: f('1 day'),
- durationHours: '24'
- },
- {
- label: f('1 week'),
- durationHours: j.toString()
- },
- {
- label: f('2 weeks'),
- durationHours: (2 * j).toString()
- }
- ],
- l = function (c) {
- var d = c.user,
- j = c.listName,
- l = c.ipAddress,
- m = c.formValues,
- n = c.supportsShadowBanning,
- o = c.supportsTempBanning,
- p = c.selectRetroactiveAction,
- q = c.toggleBanTypeCallback,
- r = c.toggleUserValueChecked,
- s = c.toggleIpAddressChecked,
- t = c.updateDuration,
- u = c.updateCustomDurationAmount,
- v = c.updateCustomDurationScale,
- w = c.updateReason,
- x = c.handleSubmit,
- y = c.handleClose,
- z = c.handleChangeValue,
- A = c.closeText,
- B = c.getPlaceholderForValue,
- C = c.itemTypes,
- D = c.itemType,
- E = c.UpgradeIcon,
- F = c.itemValue;
- return j ? a.createElement('form', {
- className: j + '-form'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__content padding-bottom'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, j === g.WHITELIST ? a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-default'
- }, f('Adding this person to the whitelist will automatically approve his or her new comments from now on.')) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--stretch align--wrap'
- }, a.createElement('label', {
- className: [
- 'padding-default',
- 'align',
- 'align__item--grow',
- 'align__item--equal',
- 'align--center',
- 'align--column',
- 'modal__option',
- 'ban__option',
- o ? null : '-disabled',
- m.type === h.TEMP ? '-selected' : null
- ].join(' ')
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'ban_type',
- value: h.TEMP,
- checked: m.type === h.TEMP,
- onChange: q,
- disabled: !o
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-semibold text-center modal__option-text ban__option-text'
- }, f('Timeout'), o ? null : a.createElement(E, {
- tooltipClass: 'tooltip-timeout'
- }))), j === g.BLACKLIST && m.type === h.TEMP ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'padding-default modal__description ban__description border-bottom-dark'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'text-small modal__option-subtext ban__option-subtext'
- }, f('Restrict a user\'s ability to comment for a period of time. This notifies the user of their timeout. If discussions get heated, enforce timeouts so that users cool off and improve their behavior.'), k.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'fieldset__block--checkbox text-medium spacing-bottom-small text-semibold text-gray-dark',
- key: b.durationHours
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'duration',
- checked: m.durationHours === b.durationHours,
- onChange: t,
- value: b.durationHours,
- className: 'spacing-right-small'
- }), b.label)
- }), a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'text-medium spacing-bottom-small inline__item spacing-right text-semibold text-gray-dark'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'duration',
- checked: 'custom' === m.durationHours,
- onChange: t,
- value: 'custom',
- className: 'spacing-right-small'
- }), f('Custom')), a.createElement('input', {
- name: 'customDurationAmount',
- type: 'number',
- value: m.customDurationAmount,
- onChange: u,
- onFocus: u,
- onKeyPress: u,
- className: 'spacing-right-small -text-small',
- maxLength: '2',
- style: {
- width: '50px'
- },
- min: '0'
- }), a.createElement('select', {
- value: m.customDurationScale,
- onChange: v
- }, a.createElement('option', {
- value: '1'
- }, 'Hour(s)'), a.createElement('option', {
- value: '24'
- }, 'Day(s)'), a.createElement('option', {
- value: 168 .toString()
- }, 'Week(s)'))))) : null, a.createElement('label', {
- className: [
- 'padding-default',
- 'align',
- 'align__item--grow',
- 'align__item--equal',
- 'align--center',
- 'align--column',
- 'modal__option',
- 'ban__option',
- n ? null : '-disabled',
- m.type === h.SHADOW ? '-selected' : null
- ].join(' ')
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'ban_type',
- value: h.SHADOW,
- checked: m.type === h.SHADOW,
- onChange: q,
- disabled: !n
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-semibold text-center modal__option-text ban__option-text'
- }, f('Shadow Ban'), n ? null : a.createElement(E, null))), j === g.BLACKLIST && m.type === h.SHADOW ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'modal__description ban__description border-bottom-dark'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-small modal__option-subtext ban__option-subtext'
- }, f('Ban a user without them knowing. The user can still comment, however, their posts will only be visible to themselves. Use it against trolls and spammers who attempt to circumvent a ban with new accounts.'))) : null, a.createElement('label', {
- className: [
- 'padding-default',
- 'align',
- 'align__item--grow',
- 'align__item--equal',
- 'align--center',
- 'align--column',
- 'modal__option',
- 'ban__option',
- m.type === h.PERMANENT ? '-selected' : null
- ].join(' ')
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'ban_type',
- value: h.PERMANENT,
- checked: m.type === h.PERMANENT,
- onChange: q
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-semibold text-center modal__option-text ban__option-text'
- }, 'Permanent Ban')), j === g.BLACKLIST && m.type === h.PERMANENT ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'modal__description ban__description border-bottom-dark'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-small modal__option-subtext ban__option-subtext'
- }, f('Permanently ban the user so they can no longer post, vote, or flag comments on your site. If the user repeatedly violates your comment policy, revoke their ability to participate.'), a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'fieldset__block--checkbox text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text-semibold text-gray-dark'
- }, f('Last 30 days of comments:'), ' '), a.createElement('select', {
- value: m.retroactiveAction,
- onChange: p,
- className: 'custom-select'
- }, a.createElement('option', {
- value: i.DO_NOTHING
- }, f('Do nothing')), a.createElement('option', {
- value: i.DELETE
- }, f('Delete')), a.createElement('option', {
- value: i.MARK_AS_SPAM
- }, f('Mark as spam')))))) : null)), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'padding-default modal__config ban__config'
- }, !d || d.isAnonymous ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--stretch access__block spacing-bottom embed-hidden'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: d.profileUrl,
- className: 'spacing-right'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: d.avatar.cache,
- alt: d.name,
- className: 'comment-__avatar border-radius-sm'
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'access__value'
- }, a.createElement('h4', null, d.name), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-gray text-small'
- }, ' ', d.username, ' '))), d ? a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'fieldset__block--checkbox text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- checked: Boolean(m.username),
- onChange: b.partial(r, b, 'username'),
- className: 'spacing-right-small'
- }), f('User:'), ' ', ' ', a.createElement('strong', null, ' ', d.username, ' ')) : a.createElement(a.Fragment, null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-top spacing-bottom form-attribute-input'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('h3', {
- className: 'text-gray-darker'
- }, 'Type')), a.createElement('select', {
- name: 'itemType',
- className: 'input--select',
- value: e.itemType,
- onChange: z,
- disabled: C.length <= 1
- }, C.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement('option', {
- key: b.value,
- value: b.value
- }, ' ', b.displayName, ' ')
- }))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-top spacing-bottom form-attribute-input'
- }, a.createElement('h3', {
- className: 'text-gray-darker'
- }, 'Value'), a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('input', {
- className: 'input--textbox',
- name: 'itemValue',
- type: 'text',
- placeholder: B(D),
- value: F,
- onChange: z
- })))), d && j === g.BLACKLIST ? a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'fieldset__block--checkbox text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- checked: Boolean(m.email),
- onChange: b.partial(r, b, 'email'),
- className: 'spacing-right-small'
- }), f('Email:'), ' ', a.createElement('strong', null, ' ', d.email, ' ')) : null, j === g.BLACKLIST && l ? a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'fieldset__block--checkbox text-medium spacing-bottom-small'
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- checked: Boolean(m.ipAddress),
- onChange: s,
- className: 'spacing-right-small'
- }), f('IP Address:'), ' ', a.createElement('strong', null, ' ', l, ' '), a.createElement('div', {
- className: [
- 'spacing-default-narrow',
- 'text-small',
- 'text-gray',
- 'spacing-left-large',
- 'embed-hidden'
- ].join(' ')
- }, a.createElement('strong', null, f('Note:'), ' '), f('Adding an IP address to the banned list may also unintentionally block others who may share this IP address.'))) : null, j === g.BLACKLIST ? a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-bottom-small spacing-top-narrow'
- }, a.createElement('label', {
- className: 'modal__reason ban__reason'
- }, f('Reason for banning:'), a.createElement('input', {
- name: 'reason',
- type: 'text',
- value: m.reason || '',
- onChange: w,
- className: 'input--textbox -text-small border-gray-light',
- maxLength: '50'
- }))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-small modal__option-subtext ban__option-subtext'
- }, f('You can remove the user from the banned list at any time.'))) : null)), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__footer clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('button', {
- className: [
- 'button',
- 'button-fill--brand',
- 'button-small',
- 'text-capitalized'
- ].join(' '),
- disabled: !(m.email || m.username || m.ipAddress || F),
- onClick: x
- }, f(j === g.WHITELIST ? 'Add to Trusted List' : 'Add to Banned List')), j === g.BLACKLIST ? a.createElement('button', {
- className: [
- 'button',
- 'button-fill',
- 'button-small',
- 'text-capitalized'
- ].join(' '),
- onClick: y
- }, f(A)) : null))) : null
- };
- return l
- }),
- define('lounge/utils', [
- 'jquery',
- 'core/api'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = {
- },
- d = function (d) {
- if (c[d]) return c[d];
- var e = a.Deferred();
- return d ? (c[d] = e.promise(), b.call('forums/details', {
- method: 'GET',
- data: {
- forum: d,
- attach: 'forumFeatures'
- }
- }).done(function (a) {
- e.resolve(a.response.features)
- }).fail(function () {
- e.reject({
- })
- }), e.promise()) : e.reject({
- })
- };
- return d._clearCache = function () {
- c = {
- }
- },
- {
- getSaasFeatures: d
- }
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('lounge/views/posts/BlacklistView', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'moment',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/templates/react/ModerationUserListsTemplate',
- 'core/constants/moderationUserLists',
- 'lounge/utils',
- 'lounge/views/cards'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) {
- 'use strict';
- var n = k.BAN_TYPES,
- o = k.LIST_TYPES,
- s = k.getDateExpires,
- t = k.isBanTypeSupported,
- u = h.preventDefaultHandler,
- v = c.View.extend({
- className: 'moderate',
- initialize: function (b) {
- this.forum = b.forum;
- var c = [
- l.getSaasFeatures(this.model.get('forum'))
- ];
- this.model.get('ipAddress') && this.model.author.get('email') || c.push(this.model.fetch()),
- this.loading = a.when.apply(a, c)
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this,
- b = this.$el;
- return b.addClass('loading'),
- f.trigger('uiAction:viewBanUser'),
- this.loading.always(function (c) {
- var e = a.model.author,
- f = i.get(p);
- a.saasFeatures = c,
- a.formValues = _extends({
- }, r, {
- type: t(f, c) ? f : n.PERMANENT,
- username: e.get('username'),
- email: e.get('email'),
- user: e.get('id'),
- postId: a.model.id
- }, a.formValues),
- b.removeClass('loading'),
- b.html(j({
- user: e.toJSON(),
- listName: o.BLACKLIST,
- ipAddress: a.model.get('ipAddress'),
- formValues: a.formValues,
- supportsShadowBanning: t(n.SHADOW, a.saasFeatures),
- supportsTempBanning: t(n.TEMP, a.saasFeatures),
- selectRetroactiveAction: a.selectRetroactiveAction.bind(a),
- toggleBanTypeCallback: a.toggleBanTypeCallback.bind(a),
- toggleUserValueChecked: a.toggleUserValueChecked.bind(a),
- toggleIpAddressChecked: a.toggleIpAddressChecked.bind(a),
- updateReason: a.updateReason.bind(a),
- updateDuration: a.updateDuration.bind(a),
- updateCustomDurationAmount: a.updateCustomDurationAmount.bind(a),
- updateCustomDurationScale: a.updateCustomDurationScale.bind(a),
- handleSubmit: a.submit.bind(a),
- handleClose: a.cancel.bind(a),
- closeText: 'Cancel',
- UpgradeIcon: function () {
- return d.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text-largest text-yellow icon-upgrade-arrow-pro media-middle spacing-left upgrade-card',
- 'data-role': 'upgrade-card-target'
- })
- }
- })),
- a.initUpgradeCard()
- }),
- this.trigger('render'),
- this
- },
- initUpgradeCard: function () {
- var b = m.UpgradeCard.create({
- organization: this.forum ? {
- id: this.forum.get('organizationId')
- }
- : null
- });
- this.$('[data-role=upgrade-card-target]').each(function () {
- b.target(a(this))
- }),
- this.listenToOnce(b, 'show', function () {
- f.trigger('uiAction:viewUpgradeCard')
- }),
- this.listenTo(b, 'click:upgrade', function (a) {
- a.stopPropagation(),
- f.trigger('uiAction:clickUpgrade')
- })
- },
- toggleBanType: function (a, b) {
- t(b, this.saasFeatures) && (this.formValues.type = b, i.set(p, b), this.render())
- },
- toggleBanTypeCallback: function (a) {
- this.toggleBanType(a, a.target.value)
- },
- selectRetroactiveAction: function (a) {
- this.formValues.retroactiveAction = a.target.value || q.DO_NOTHING
- },
- toggleUserValueChecked: function (a, b) {
- this.formValues[b] = a.target.checked ? 1 : 0
- },
- toggleIpAddressChecked: function (a) {
- this.formValues.ipAddress = a.target.checked ? 1 : 0
- },
- updateReason: function (a) {
- this.formValues.reason = a.target.value
- },
- updateDuration: function (a) {
- this.formValues.durationHours = a.target.value
- },
- updateCustomDurationAmount: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- if ('keypress' === a.type && /[^\d]/.test(a.key)) return void a.preventDefault();
- var c = a.target.value,
- d = 'custom';
- this.formValues.customDurationAmount === c && this.formValues.durationHours === d || (this.formValues.customDurationAmount = c, this.formValues.durationHours = d, a.target === window.document.activeElement && this.once('render', function () {
- b.$('input[name=customDurationAmount]').focus()
- }), this.render())
- },
- updateCustomDurationScale: function (a) {
- this.formValues.customDurationScale = a.target.value,
- this.formValues.durationHours = 'custom',
- this.render()
- },
- cancel: u(function () {
- this.trigger('cancel')
- }),
- submit: u(function () {
- var a = this,
- c = this.formValues.type === n.TEMP ? s(this.formValues) : null;
- f.trigger('uiAction:clickBanUser', JSON.stringify({
- date_expires: c,
- date_added: e().toISOString()
- }));
- var d = {
- post: this.formValues.postId,
- notes: this.formValues.reason,
- shadowBan: this.formValues.type === n.SHADOW ? 1 : 0,
- dateExpires: c
- };
- this.formValues.email && (d.banEmail = 1),
- this.formValues.username && (d.banUser = 1),
- this.formValues.ipAddress && (d.banIp = 1),
- this.formValues.type === n.PERMANENT && (d.retroactiveAction = this.formValues.retroactiveAction),
- d.post && g.call('forums/block/banPostAuthor.json', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: b.omit(d, b.isNull),
- success: function () {
- a.trigger('success')
- }
- })
- })
- }, {
- defaultFormValues: {
- postId: null,
- username: null,
- email: null,
- ipAddress: null,
- reason: '',
- retroactiveAction: null
- }
- });
- return v
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/edit', [
- 'react',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = function (c) {
- var d = c.forum.id,
- e = b.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: d
- }),
- f = b.isFeatureActive('embed_v2', {
- forum: d
- }),
- g = e ? 'textarea-outer-wrapper textarea-outer-wrapper--refresh' : 'textarea-outer-wrapper',
- h = f ? 'textarea-wrapper textarea-wrapper--embedv2' : 'textarea-wrapper';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: g
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-wrapper',
- 'data-role': 'ratings-container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: h,
- 'data-role': 'textarea'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'edit-alert',
- role: 'postbox-alert'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'text-editor-container'
- })))
- };
- return c
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/PostEditView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'moment',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/mixins/withAlert',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/time',
- 'core/views/TextareaView',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/mixins/asTextEditor',
- 'lounge/mixins/asTextEditorV2',
- 'lounge/mixins/withStarRatings',
- 'lounge/views/posts/DummyTextareaView',
- 'templates/lounge/edit',
- 'templates/lounge/textEditor'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = f.get,
- s = a.View.extend({
- tagName: 'form',
- className: 'edit',
- events: {
- submit: 'submitForm',
- 'click [data-action=cancel]': 'cancel'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.post = a.post,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.isRefreshEnabled = g.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }),
- this.isRefreshV2Enabled = this.isRefreshEnabled && g.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }),
- this.$el.addClass(this.isRefreshEnabled ? 'form-refresh' : ''),
- this.$el.addClass(this.isRefreshV2Enabled ? 'form-refresh-v2' : ''),
- this._alertSelector = '[role=postbox-alert]',
- this.textEditorTemplate = q,
- this.postEditMode = !0
- },
- cancel: function () {
- this.trigger('cancel')
- },
- getEditTimeLeft: function () {
- var a,
- c = b().format(h.ISO_8601);
- return a = c < this.post.get('editableUntil') ? f.interpolate(r('You have until %(editableUntil)s to edit this comment.'), {
- editableUntil: this.post.getRelativeCreatedAt('editableUntil')
- }) : r('The edit period for this comment has expired.'),
- '<div class="edit-time-left">' + a + ' <a class="edit-time-message"href="https://help.disqus.com/commenting/remove-and-edit-your-comments"target="_blank"rel="noopener noreferrer"align="center">' + r('Learn more') + '</a></div>'
- },
- getEditorProps: function () {
- return {
- focusOnLoad: !0,
- onSubmit: this.submitForm.bind(this, null),
- isEdit: !0,
- onCancel: this.cancel.bind(this),
- initialState: this.post.toJSON().message
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.post.toJSON();
- this.$el.html(p({
- post: a,
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- forum: this.thread.forum
- }));
- var b = this.getEditTimeLeft();
- if (this.isEmbedV2Enabled) this.loadEditorV2(this.getEditorProps()),
- this.textarea = new o,
- this.$('[data-role=textarea]').after(b);
- else {
- this.initTextEditor();
- var c = this.textarea = new i({
- value: a.raw_message
- });
- this.$('[data-role=textarea]').prepend(c.render().el).after(b)
- }
- return this.initStarRatings(),
- this
- },
- resize: function () {
- var a = k.getLounge();
- a && this.textarea && this.textarea.$input && this.textarea.$input.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd', function () {
- a.resize()
- }),
- this.textarea.resize()
- },
- submitForm: function (a, b) {
- this.dismissAlert(),
- a && a.preventDefault() && a.preventDefault();
- var e = this,
- f = {
- raw_message: b || this.textarea.get(),
- rating: this.rating
- },
- g = e.post.validateMessage(f);
- return void 0 !== g ? this.alert(g, {
- type: 'error'
- }) : void e.post.save(f, {
- success: function () {
- e.trigger('submitted'),
- d.trigger('uiCallback:postUpdated', e.post, {
- area: 'main'
- }),
- c.isNumber(e.rating) && j.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(e.thread) && (e.thread.set('userRating', e.rating), c.delay(c.bind(e.thread.fetchRatings, e.thread), 500))
- },
- error: function (a, b) {
- var c;
- return c = b.response.indexOf('Comment edit period expired') > - 1 ? r('You can no longer edit this comment. Comments can only be edited within 7 days after posting.') + ' <a href="https://help.disqus.com/commenting/remove-and-edit-your-comments" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"style="color:white ! important" >' + r('Learn more') + '</a>' : b.response,
- e.alert(c, {
- type: 'error',
- safe: !0
- })
- }
- })
- },
- remove: function () {
- this.$el.remove()
- }
- });
- return e.call(s.prototype),
- n.call(s.prototype),
- l.call(s.prototype),
- m.call(s.prototype),
- s
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/TypingUserView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.get,
- f = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.options = a
- },
- render: function () {
- var a,
- d = this.options.parentView.reply,
- f = d && d.typingUser,
- g = this.model.usersTyping.count(f && f.id),
- h = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.model.get('forum')
- });
- return g <= 0 ? void this.$el.hide() : (1 === g ? a = e(h ? '1 person writing a comment…' : 'One other person is typing…') : (a = e(h ? '%(num)s people writing comments…' : '%(num)s other people are typing…'), a = b.interpolate(a, {
- num: g
- })), this.$el.text(a), this.$el.show(), this)
- }
- });
- return f
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('templates/lounge/flaggingReasons', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = [
- {
- id: 6,
- title: c('I disagree with this user')
- },
- {
- id: 0,
- title: c('Targeted harassment'),
- description: c('posted or encouraged others to post harassing comments or hate speech targeting me, other individuals, or groups')
- },
- {
- id: 1,
- title: c('Spam'),
- description: c('posted spam comments or discussions')
- },
- {
- id: 2,
- title: c('Inappropriate profile'),
- description: c('profile contains inappropriate images or text')
- },
- {
- id: 3,
- title: c('Threatening content'),
- description: c('posted directly threatening content')
- },
- {
- id: 4,
- title: c('Impersonation'),
- description: c('misrepresents themselves as someone else')
- },
- {
- id: 5,
- title: c('Private information'),
- description: c('posted someone else\'s personally identifiable information')
- }
- ],
- e = function (b) {
- var c = b.id,
- d = b.title,
- e = b.description,
- f = b.updateReason;
- return a.createElement('label', {
- className: [
- 'padding-default',
- 'flagging__reason'
- ].join(' ')
- }, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'radio',
- name: 'reason',
- value: c,
- onChange: f
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'text-bold flagging__reason-text'
- }, d, e ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text-small text-normal'
- }, ' — ', e) : null))
- },
- f = function (b) {
- var f = b.updateReason,
- g = b.handleSubmit,
- h = b.handleCancel;
- return a.createElement('form', {
- className: 'flagging-form'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__title text-semibold'
- }, c('Flag Comment')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__content'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'flagging__subtitle text-semibold'
- }, c('Why are you flagging this comment?')), d.map(function (b) {
- return a.createElement(e, _extends({
- key: b.id,
- updateReason: f
- }, b))
- }), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'flagging__reason-subtext'
- }, c('Before flagging, please keep in mind that %(disqus)s does not moderate communities. Your username will be shown to the moderator, so you should only flag this comment for one of the reasons listed above.', {
- disqus: 'Disqus'
- }))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__footer -mobile clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--brand',
- onClick: g
- }, c('Flag Comment')), ' ', a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill',
- onClick: h
- }, c('Cancel'))))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/flaggingUserBlocking', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var f = b.user,
- g = b.forumId,
- h = b.handleBlock,
- i = b.handleComplete;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__blocking-form'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__title text-semibold'
- }, e('Thanks for your feedback!')), c.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: g
- }) ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__footer -mobile clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--brand',
- onClick: i
- }, e('Done'))) : [
- a.createElement('div', {
- key: 'blocking-0',
- className: 'flagging__blocking-content'
- }, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'flagging__subtitle text-semibold'
- }, e('Other tools for you:')), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-bottom'
- }, e('Blocking this user will hide all of their activity and comments from your %(disqus)s content, feeds, and notifications.', {
- disqus: 'Disqus'
- })), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-top spacing-bottom-none'
- }, e('Would you like to block %(user)s?', {
- user: a.createElement(d, {
- user: f,
- forumId: g,
- className: 'text-semibold'
- }, f.name)
- }))),
- a.createElement('div', {
- key: 'blocking-1',
- className: 'admin-modal__footer -mobile clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--red',
- onClick: h
- }, e('Block User')), ' ', a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill',
- onClick: i
- }, e('No Thanks'))))
- ])
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/flaggingUserBlocked', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function (b) {
- var d = b.displayName,
- e = b.handleComplete,
- f = b.error;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__blocking-complete'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__title'
- }, c('Blocked User')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'flagging__blocking-complete-content'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- className: 'flagging-pam',
- alt: 'Pam',
- src: 'https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/assets/img/PamX.fe88e2955f3d594a6cc13c66569ed7d0.svg'
- }), f ? a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-top-bottom'
- }, f) : a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-top-bottom text-semibold'
- }, c('You\'ve blocked %(user)s.', {
- user: d
- })), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'spacing-top-bottom'
- }, c('You won\'t see comments from this user on %(disqus)s in discussions, notifications, and more.', {
- disqus: 'Disqus'
- })))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'admin-modal__footer -mobile clearfix'
- }, a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-fill--brand',
- onClick: e
- }, c('Done')), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'button button-fill',
- href: 'https://disqus.com/home/settings/blocking/',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- onClick: e
- }, c('Manage Blocked Users')))))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/FlaggingView', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/strings',
- 'templates/lounge/flaggingReasons',
- 'templates/lounge/flaggingUserBlocking',
- 'templates/lounge/flaggingUserBlocked'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = c.preventDefaultHandler,
- j = e.gettext,
- k = a.View.extend({
- className: 'moderate',
- render: function () {
- if (this.model.get('isFlaggedByUser')) if (this.blockComplete) {
- var a = this.model.author;
- this.$el.html(h({
- displayName: a.get('name'),
- error: this.blockError,
- handleComplete: this.handleComplete.bind(this)
- }))
- } else {
- var b = this.model.author;
- this.$el.html(g({
- user: b.toJSON(),
- forumId: this.model.get('forum'),
- handleBlock: this.handleBlockUser.bind(this),
- handleComplete: this.handleComplete.bind(this)
- })),
- d.trigger('uiAction:viewBlockUser')
- } else this.$el.html(f({
- updateReason: this.updateFlaggingReason.bind(this),
- handleSubmit: this.submitReason.bind(this),
- handleCancel: this.cancel.bind(this)
- })),
- d.trigger('uiAction:viewFlagPost');
- return this;
- },
- updateFlaggingReason: function (a) {
- this.reason = a.target.value
- },
- cancel: i(function () {
- this.trigger('cancel')
- }),
- handleComplete: function () {
- this.trigger('success')
- },
- submitReason: i(function () {
- this.reason && (d.trigger('uiAction:clickFlagPost'), this.model.report(this.reason), this.model.set('isFlaggedByUser', !0), this.render())
- }),
- handleBlockUser: i(function () {
- var a = this,
- c = this.model.author;
- return d.trigger('uiAction:clickBlockUser'),
- c.block().fail(function (c) {
- var d = j('Something went wrong while trying to block this user. Please try again later.'),
- e = c && c.responseJSON && c.responseJSON.code;
- e === b.ERROR_CODES.MAX_ITEMS_REACHED && (d = j('Unfortunately this user could not be blocked; you have reached the limit for number of users blocked.')),
- a.blockError = d
- }).always(function () {
- a.blockComplete = !0,
- a.render()
- })
- })
- });
- return k
- }),
- define('core/views/Tooltip', [
- 'jquery',
- 'core/views/common/HoverCard'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.extend({
- className: 'tooltip-outer message-card',
- initialize: function (a) {
- b.prototype.initialize.call(this, a),
- this.template = a.template,
- this.message = a.message
- },
- render: function () {
- if (this.template) this.$el.html(this.template());
- else {
- if (!this.message) return;
- this.$el.html(a('<div>').addClass('tooltip').text(this.message))
- }
- b.prototype.render.call(this)
- },
- moveTo: function (a) {
- if (a) {
- var b = this.constructor.POSITION_OFFSET,
- c = a.offset(),
- d = this.getContainerPosition(),
- e = this.$el.width();
- this.$el.css({
- bottom: d.containerOffset.height - c.top + b,
- top: 'inherit',
- left: c.left - e / 2
- })
- }
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- return b.create(a.id, a, 'Tooltip', c)
- },
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('core/views/ClickTooltip', [
- 'underscore',
- 'core/views/common/HoverCard',
- 'core/views/Tooltip'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = c.extend({
- target: function (b) {
- b.on('click', a.bind(this.targetClicked, this, b)),
- b.on('mouseleave', a.bind(this.leave, this))
- },
- targetClicked: function (a) {
- a && (this.$target = a),
- 'in' !== this._hoverState && (this._hoverState = 'in', this.show(), c.open[this.uid] = this)
- }
- }, {
- create: function (a) {
- return b.create(a.id, a, 'ClickTooltip', d)
- }
- });
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postVotes', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.gettext,
- g = function (c) {
- var g = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.forumId
- }),
- h = a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'control'
- }, g ? null : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-arrow-2'
- })),
- i = a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'updatable count',
- 'data-role': 'likes'
- }, e(c.post, [
- 'likes'
- ], null)),
- j = g ? [
- h,
- ' ',
- i
- ] : [
- i,
- ' ',
- h
- ];
- return c.votingType === b.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-votes'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'vote-up ' + (e(c.post, [
- 'userScore'
- ], 0) > 0 ? 'upvoted' : '') + ' count-' + e(c.post, [
- 'likes'
- ], ''),
- 'data-action': 'upvote',
- title: e(c.post, [
- 'likes'
- ]) ? '' : f('Vote up'),
- name: f('Vote up')
- }, j), c.votingType === b.VOTING_TYPES.DOWNVOTE_DISABLED || g ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-votes__separator'
- }, ''), c.votingType === b.VOTING_TYPES.DOWNVOTE_DISABLED ? null : a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'vote-down ' + (e(c.post, [
- 'userScore'
- ], 0) < 0 ? 'downvoted' : '') + ' count-' + (c.votingType === b.VOTING_TYPES.DOWNVOTE_LIMITED ? 0 : e(c.post, [
- 'dislikes'
- ], '')),
- 'data-action': 'downvote',
- title: e(c.post, [
- 'dislikes'
- ]) ? '' : f('Vote down'),
- name: f('Vote down')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'control'
- }, g ? null : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-arrow'
- })), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'updatable count',
- 'data-role': 'dislikes'
- }, c.votingType === b.VOTING_TYPES.DOWNVOTE_LIMITED ? null : e(c.post, [
- 'dislikes'
- ], null))))
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postFooter', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postVotes'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = c.gettext,
- h = function (c) {
- var h = (e(c.session, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) || !d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.post.forum
- })) && c.votingType !== b.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED,
- i = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.post.forum
- }),
- j = i && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.post.forum
- }),
- k = i ? 'realtime-replies realtime-replies--refresh icon icon-pencil' : 'realtime-replies',
- l = i ? 'realtime-button realtime-button--refresh' : 'realtime-button';
- return a.createElement('menu', {
- className: 'comment-footer__menu'
- }, h ? [
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'vote-0',
- className: 'voting',
- 'data-role': 'voting'
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- post: c.post,
- votingType: c.votingType,
- forumId: c.forumId
- })),
- i && j ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'vote-1',
- className: 'bullet',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }, '•')
- ] : null, e(c.post, [
- 'canBeEdited'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'edit-0',
- className: 'edit',
- 'data-role': 'edit-link'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'comment-footer__action',
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'edit'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon icon-pencil-large'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text'
- }, g('Edit')))) : null, e(c.post, [
- 'canBeRepliedTo'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'reply-0',
- className: 'reply',
- 'data-role': 'reply-link'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'comment-footer__action',
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'reply'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text'
- }, g('Reply')))) : null, e(c.post, [
- 'isSponsored'
- ]) && !e(c.post, [
- 'hideViewAllComments'
- ]) ? [
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'sponsored-0',
- className: 'thread-link',
- 'data-role': 'thread-link'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: e(c.post, [
- 'permalink'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- 'data-action': 'thread'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon icon-mobile'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text'
- }, g('View all comments')), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'mobile-text'
- }, g('All Comments')))),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'sponsored-1',
- className: 'bullet',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }, '•')
- ] : null, e(c.post, [
- 'canBeShared'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- id: 'comment__share-' + e(c.post, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- className: 'comment__share'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'toggle',
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'expand-share'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- className: 'icon icon-share'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text'
- }, g('Share'), ' ›')), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'comment-share__buttons'
- }, c.disableSocialShare ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'comment-share__social-share-buttons'
- }, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'twitter share__button-container'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'share__button icon icon-twitter-x',
- 'data-action': 'share:twitter',
- 'aria-label': 'Share comment on X (Twitter)'
- })), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'facebook share__button-container'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'share__button icon icon-facebook',
- 'data-action': 'share:facebook',
- 'aria-label': 'Share comment on Facebook'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'link share__button-container'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'share__button icon icon-link',
- value: e(c.post, [
- 'shortLink'
- ], ''),
- name: g('Link'),
- title: g('Click to copy post link'),
- 'data-action': 'copy-link',
- 'aria-label': 'Copy link to comment'
- }), a.createElement('input', {
- className: 'share__button link_url',
- value: e(c.post, [
- 'shortLink'
- ], ''),
- name: g('Link'),
- title: g('Click to copy post link'),
- 'data-action': 'copy-link',
- readOnly: !0
- })))) : null, e(c.post, [
- 'isDeleted'
- ]) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'realtime',
- 'data-role': 'realtime-notification:' + e(c.post, [
- 'id'
- ], '')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- },
- className: k
- }), a.createElement('a', {
- style: {
- display: 'none'
- },
- href: '#',
- className: l
- })), e(c.post, [
- 'isSponsored'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'feedback'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- 'data-action': 'feedback'
- }, g('Leave Feedback'))) : null)
- };
- return h
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postMenu', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = c.gettext,
- g = function (a, c, d, g) {
- var h = [
- ],
- i = e(c, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]),
- j = e(c, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]),
- k = j && e(a, [
- 'author'
- ]) && e(a, [
- 'author',
- 'id'
- ]) === e(c, [
- 'id'
- ]);
- if (i) {
- if (h = [
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'spam',
- text: f('Mark as Spam')
- },
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'delete',
- text: f('Delete')
- },
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'blacklist',
- text: f('Ban User')
- },
- {
- link: b.moderate + 'approved/search/id:' + e(a, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- action: 'moderate',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- text: f('Moderate')
- },
- {
- link: '#',
- action: e(a, [
- 'isHighlighted'
- ]) ? 'unhighlight' : 'highlight',
- text: f(e(a, [
- 'isHighlighted'
- ]) ? 'Stop featuring' : 'Feature this comment'),
- className: 'highlight-toggle'
- }
- ], d && !a.author.isAnonymous) {
- var l = 4;
- h.splice(l, 0, {
- link: '#',
- action: 'manage-badges',
- text: f('Manage Badges')
- })
- }
- k || g || h.unshift({
- link: '#',
- action: 'block-user',
- text: f('Block User')
- })
- } else k ? h = [
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'delete',
- text: f('Delete')
- },
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'flag',
- text: f(e(a, [
- 'isFlaggedByUser'
- ]) ? 'Flagged' : 'Flag as inappropriate')
- }
- ] : j && (h = [
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'block-user',
- text: f('Block User')
- },
- {
- link: '#',
- action: 'flag',
- text: f(e(a, [
- 'isFlaggedByUser'
- ]) ? 'Flagged' : 'Flag as inappropriate')
- }
- ]);
- return h
- },
- h = function (b) {
- var c = null,
- h = e(b.session, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]),
- i = d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: b.post.forum
- }),
- j = b.forum && b.forum.settings && b.forum.settings.badgesEnabled,
- k = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.post.forum
- }),
- l = g(b.post, b.session, j, i);
- return e(b.post, [
- 'id'
- ]) && e(b.post, [
- 'isMinimized'
- ]) !== !0 && e(b.post, [
- 'isDeleted'
- ]) !== !0 && e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isBlocked'
- ]) !== !0 && e(b.post, [
- 'sb'
- ]) !== !0 && (l.length ? c = a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'dropdown-toggle',
- 'data-toggle': 'dropdown',
- href: '#'
- }, k ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'dropdown-toggle-icon' + (h ? ' moderator-menu-options' : '')
- }) : a.createElement('b', {
- className: 'caret' + (h ? ' moderator-menu-options' : '')
- })), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'dropdown-menu' + (k ? ' dropdown-menu--refresh' : '')
- }, l.map(function (b) {
- var c = {
- };
- return b.rel && (c.rel = b.rel),
- b.target && (c.target = b.target),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: b.action,
- className: 'dropdown-item ' + (b.className || '')
- }, a.createElement('a', _extends({
- className: 'dropdown-link',
- href: b.link,
- 'data-action': b.action,
- role: 'menuitem'
- }, c), b.text))
- }))) : i || (c = a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'dropdown-toggle',
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'flag',
- 'data-role': 'flag',
- title: f('Flag as inappropriate')
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-flag'
- })))),
- a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'post-menu dropdown' + (k ? ' post-menu--refresh' : ''),
- 'data-role': 'menu',
- 'data-view-id': 'post-menu',
- 'data-post-id': e(b.post, [
- 'id'
- ])
- }, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'post-menu-item collapse'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'collapse',
- title: f('Collapse'),
- name: f('Collapse')
- }, a.createElement('span', null, '−'))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'post-menu-item expand'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'collapse',
- title: f('Expand'),
- name: f('Collapse')
- }, a.createElement('span', null, '+'))), null === c ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- className: (h ? 'moderator-menu-options' : '') + ' post-menu-item',
- role: 'menuitem'
- }, c))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postUserAvatar', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/userAvatar'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.gettext,
- h = d.getInitials,
- i = function (b) {
- var d = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forum && b.forum.id
- }),
- i = d ? 'user user--refresh' : 'user',
- j = d ? 'user image-refresh' : 'user',
- k = void 0;
- return k = e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) && e(b.post, [
- 'isMinimized'
- ]) !== !0 ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar hovercard'
- }, a.createElement(f, {
- defaultAvatarUrl: b.defaultAvatarUrl,
- forum: b.forum,
- user: b.post.author,
- hasForumAvatar: b.hasForumAvatar
- })) : e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'hasSponsoredAvatar'
- ]) ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'user'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- src: b.defaultAvatarUrl,
- 'data-src': e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: g('Avatar')
- }))) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: i
- }, d && !b.hasForumAvatar ? a.createElement('div', null, h(b.post.author.name) || 'G') : a.createElement('img', {
- src: b.defaultAvatarUrl,
- className: j,
- alt: g('Avatar')
- })))
- };
- return i
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postMenu'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = b.gettext,
- g = function (b) {
- var g = [
- 'post-content',
- d(b.post, [
- 'isRealtime'
- ]) && 'new',
- d(b.session, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) && d(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'id'
- ]) === d(b.session, [
- 'id'
- ]) && 'authored-by-session-user'
- ].filter(Boolean).join(' ');
- return [a.createElement('div', {
- key: 'post-wrapper-content',
- 'data-role': 'post-content',
- className: g,
- tabIndex: 0
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'indicator'
- }), c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forum && b.forum.id
- }) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'pinned-icon'
- }) : null, a.createElement(e, {
- post: b.post,
- session: b.session,
- forum: b.forum
- }), b.children, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'moderate-form blacklist-form',
- 'data-role': 'blacklist-form'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'moderate-form flag-form',
- 'data-role': 'flagging-form'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'badges-form',
- 'data-role': 'badges-form'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reply-form-container',
- 'data-role': 'reply-form'
- })),
- a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'children',
- key: 'post-wrapper-children'
- }, a.createElement('ul', {
- 'data-role': 'children'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'show-children-wrapper ' + (b.post.hasMore ? '' : 'hidden')
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'show-children',
- id: 'post-' + b.post.id + '-show-children',
- 'data-action': 'show-children',
- href: '#'
- }, f('Show more replies'))))]
- };
- return g
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/post', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postFooter',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postUserAvatar',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/userBadges'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {
- 'use strict';
- var l = c.gettext,
- m = function (a) {
- var b = e(a.parentPost, [
- 'author',
- 'id'
- ]),
- c = e(a.session, [
- 'blockedUserIdSet'
- ]);
- return a.post.hideParent || !(!b || !c) && c.has(b)
- },
- n = function (b) {
- return e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'badge'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge',
- 'data-type': 'tracked-badge'
- }, b.hasEmbedRefreshV2 ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-content'
- }, e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'badge'
- ], null)) : e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'badge'
- ], null)) : e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge moderator'
- }, b.hasEmbedRefreshV2 ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-content'
- }, l('Mod')) : l('Mod')) : b.opBadgeEnabled && e(b.post, [
- 'author',
- 'thread',
- 'isOP'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge'
- }, b.hasEmbedRefreshV2 ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'badge-content'
- }, l('OP')) : l('OP')) : null
- },
- o = function (b) {
- var c = e(b.author, [
- 'isFollowing'
- ]),
- f = e(b.author, [
- 'id'
- ]),
- g = e(b.session, [
- 'id'
- ]);
- return !d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }) || f === g || e(b.author, [
- 'isPrivate'
- ]) ? null : a.createElement('a', {
- 'data-action': 'follow',
- 'data-user': f,
- className: 'follow-user-container',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'follow-user' + (c ? ' is-following' : ''),
- 'aria-label': l(c ? 'Unfollow' : 'Follow'),
- title: l(c ? 'Unfollow' : 'Follow')
- }))
- },
- p = function (b) {
- return !b.parentPost && f.isThreadRatingsEnabled(b.thread, b.forum) && b.post.author.threadRating ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'post-ratings'
- }, b.hasEmbedRefresh ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'bullet time-ago-bullet',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }, '•'), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'post-ratings-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-stars active',
- style: {
- width: Math.round(20 * b.post.author.threadRating) + '%'
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-stars inactive'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★')))) : null
- },
- q = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'post-meta'
- }, b.hasEmbedRefresh ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'bullet time-ago-bullet',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }, '•'), ' ', e(b.post, [
- 'id'
- ]) ? a.createElement('a', {
- href: e(b.post, [
- 'permalink'
- ], ''),
- 'data-role': 'relative-time',
- className: 'time-ago' + (b.hasEmbedRefresh && !b.hasEmbedRefreshV2 ? ' icon icon-clock' : ''),
- title: e(b.post, [
- 'formattedCreatedAt'
- ], '')
- }, e(b.post, [
- 'relativeCreatedAt'
- ], null)) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'time-ago' + (b.hasEmbedRefresh && !b.hasEmbedRefreshV2 ? ' icon icon-clock' : ''),
- 'data-role': 'relative-time',
- title: e(b.post, [
- 'formattedCreatedAt'
- ], '')
- }, e(b.post, [
- 'relativeCreatedAt'
- ], null)), ' ', e(b.post, [
- 'isEdited'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', null, b.hasEmbedRefresh ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'bullet time-ago-bullet',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }, '•'), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'has-edit',
- 'data-role': 'has-edit'
- }, l('edited'))) : null)
- },
- r = function (c) {
- return [a.createElement('div', {
- key: 'post-alert',
- role: 'alert'
- }),
- a.createElement(i, {
- key: 'post-wrapper',
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- post: c.post,
- forum: c.forum,
- defaultAvatarUrl: c.defaultAvatarUrl,
- hasForumAvatar: c.hasForumAvatar
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body'
- }, a.createElement('header', {
- className: 'comment__header'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'post-byline'
- }, e(c.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', null, c.isInHome && e(c.post, [
- 'author',
- 'isPowerContributor'
- ]) ? a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'icon__position -inline -allstar',
- 'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
- 'data-role': 'allstar',
- title: l('All-Star')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-allstar allstar__icon'
- })) : null, ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'author publisher-anchor-color'
- }, a.createElement(j, {
- user: e(c.post, [
- 'author'
- ]),
- forumId: c.post.forum
- }, e(c.post, [
- 'author',
- 'name'
- ], null))), ' ', a.createElement(n, {
- post: c.post,
- forumId: c.forum.id,
- hasEmbedRefreshV2: d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.forum && c.forum.id
- }) && d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.forum && c.forum.id
- }),
- opBadgeEnabled: c.isOnChannel
- }), d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.forum.id
- }) ? null : a.createElement(o, {
- author: e(c.post, [
- 'author'
- ]),
- session: c.session,
- forumId: c.forum.id
- }), a.createElement(k, {
- forum: c.forum,
- user: e(c.post, [
- 'author'
- ]),
- context: 'post',
- limit: 4,
- postId: e(c.post, [
- 'id'
- ])
- })) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'author'
- }, e(c.post, [
- 'author',
- 'name'
- ], null)), c.parentPost && !m(c) ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'parent-link-container'
- }, ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: e(c.parentPost, [
- 'permalink'
- ], ''),
- className: 'parent-link',
- 'data-role': 'parent-link'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-label': 'in reply to',
- className: 'icon-forward',
- title: 'in reply to'
- }), ' ', e(c.parentPost, [
- 'author',
- 'name'
- ], null))) : null), ' ', d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.forum && c.forum.id
- }) ? [
- a.createElement(p, {
- parentPost: e(c, [
- 'parentPost'
- ]),
- thread: c.thread,
- forum: c.forum,
- post: c.post,
- key: 'ratings',
- hasEmbedRefresh: !0
- }),
- ' ',
- a.createElement(q, {
- post: c.post,
- key: 'meta',
- hasEmbedRefresh: !0,
- hasEmbedRefreshV2: d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.forum && c.forum.id
- })
- })
- ] : [
- a.createElement(q, {
- post: c.post,
- key: 'meta'
- }),
- ' ',
- a.createElement(p, {
- parentPost: e(c, [
- 'parentPost'
- ]),
- thread: c.thread,
- forum: c.forum,
- post: c.post,
- key: 'ratings'
- })
- ], ' ', c.stateByline ? a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'state-byline state-byline-' + e(c.stateByline, [
- 'style'
- ], '')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-mobile icon-' + e(c.stateByline, [
- 'icon'
- ], ''),
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'text'
- }, e(c.stateByline, [
- 'text'
- ], null))) : null), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body-inner'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message-container',
- 'data-role': 'message-container'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'publisher-anchor-color',
- 'data-role': 'message-content'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message ' + (e(c.post, [
- 'message'
- ]) ? '' : 'loading'),
- 'data-role': 'message',
- dir: 'auto'
- }, '' === e(c.post, [
- 'message'
- ]) ? a.createElement('p', null, a.createElement('i', null, l('This comment has no content.'))) : a.createElement('div', {
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
- __html: e(c.post, [
- 'message'
- ], '')
- }
- })), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'post-media'
- }, a.createElement('ul', {
- 'data-role': 'post-media-list'
- })))), a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'see-more hidden',
- title: l('see more'),
- 'data-action': 'see-more'
- }, l('see more'))), a.createElement('footer', {
- className: 'comment__footer'
- }, a.createElement(g, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- disableSocialShare: e(c.forum, [
- 'settings',
- 'disableSocialShare'
- ], !1),
- votingType: e(c.forum, [
- 'votingType'
- forumId: c.forum && c.forum.id
- }))))]
- };
- return r
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/postDeleted', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postMenu',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = c.gettext,
- h = function (c) {
- return a.createElement(f, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-src': d(b, [
- 'avatar',
- 'generic'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: g('Avatar')
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message'
- }, a.createElement('p', null, g('This comment was deleted.'))), a.createElement('header', null, a.createElement(e, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }))))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/postBlocked', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/switches',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = c.gettext,
- h = function (c) {
- return a.createElement(f, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-src': d(b, [
- 'avatar',
- 'generic'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: g('Avatar')
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message'
- }, a.createElement('p', null, g('Content unavailable')))))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/postMinimized', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postMenu',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postUserAvatar',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = b.gettext,
- h = function (b) {
- var d = void 0;
- return d = c(b.post, [
- 'isApproved'
- ]) ? a.createElement('p', null, g('Comment score below threshold.'), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'reveal'
- }, g('Show comment.'))) : b.created ? a.createElement('p', null, g('Your comment is awaiting moderation.'), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'reveal'
- }, g('See your comment.')), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466223',
- className: 'help-icon',
- title: g('Why?'),
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }), ' ') : a.createElement('p', null, g('This comment is awaiting moderation.'), ' ', a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'reveal'
- }, g('Show comment.')))
- },
- i = function (b) {
- return a.createElement(f, {
- post: b.post,
- session: b.session,
- forum: b.forum
- }, a.createElement(e, {
- post: b.post,
- forum: b.forum,
- defaultAvatarUrl: b.defaultAvatarUrl
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message publisher-anchor-color'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- create: b.created,
- post: b.post
- })), a.createElement('header', null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-meta'
- }, g('This comment is awaiting moderation.')), a.createElement(d, {
- post: b.post,
- session: b.session,
- forum: b.forum
- }))))
- };
- return i
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/postSpam', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postMenu',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postWrapper'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- 'use strict';
- var g = c.gettext,
- h = function (c) {
- return a.createElement(f, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'avatar'
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-src': d(b, [
- 'avatar',
- 'generic'
- ], ''),
- className: 'user',
- alt: g('Avatar')
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-body'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-message'
- }, a.createElement('p', null, g('This comment was marked as spam.'))), a.createElement('header', null, a.createElement(e, {
- post: c.post,
- session: c.session,
- forum: c.forum
- }))))
- };
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/anonUpvoteCard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function () {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'vote-action tooltip'
- }, c('You must sign in to up-vote this post.'))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/anonDownvoteCard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function () {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'vote-action tooltip'
- }, c('You must sign in to down-vote this post.'))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/views/post', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'stance',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/constants/badgesConstants',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/mixins/withAlert',
- 'core/mixins/withRichMedia',
- 'core/WindowBus',
- 'core/bus',
- 'common/urls',
- 'common/views/mixins',
- 'common/utils',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/mixins',
- 'lounge/views/cards',
- 'lounge/views/media',
- 'lounge/views/posts/BadgesManageView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/BlacklistView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/PostEditView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/PostReplyView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/TypingUserView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/FlaggingView',
- 'core/views/ClickTooltip',
- 'core/views/Tooltip',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postFooter',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postMenu',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/userBadges',
- 'templates/lounge/post',
- 'templates/lounge/postDeleted',
- 'templates/lounge/postBlocked',
- 'templates/lounge/postMinimized',
- 'templates/lounge/postSpam',
- 'templates/lounge/anonUpvoteCard',
- 'templates/lounge/anonDownvoteCard'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O) {
- 'use strict';
- var P = l.preventDefaultHandler,
- Q = j.get,
- R = new o,
- T = 13,
- U = c.View.extend({
- tagName: 'li',
- className: 'post',
- events: {
- 'click > [data-role=post-content] [data-action]': 'performAction',
- 'keydown > [data-role=post-content] [data-action]': function (a) {
- a.keyCode && a.keyCode !== T || this.performAction(a)
- },
- 'click [data-role=allstar]': function () {
- R.broadcast('click:allstar')
- }
- },
- actions: {
- upvote: P(function (a) {
- this.handleVote(a, 1)
- }),
- downvote: P(function (a) {
- this.handleVote(a, - 1)
- }),
- reply: 'handleReply',
- flag: 'handleFlag',
- 'block-user': 'handleBlockUser',
- edit: 'handleEdit',
- 'delete': 'handleDelete',
- spam: 'handleSpam',
- blacklist: 'handleBlacklist',
- 'manage-badges': 'handleManageBadges',
- highlight: 'handleHighlight',
- unhighlight: 'handleUnhighlight',
- collapse: 'handleCollapse',
- reveal: 'handleReveal',
- 'expand-share': 'handleExpandShare',
- 'share:twitter': '_onShare',
- 'share:facebook': '_onShare',
- 'copy-link': 'handleCopyLink',
- follow: 'toggleFollow'
- },
- performAction: function (c) {
- var d = this,
- e = a(c.currentTarget).attr('data-action'),
- f = d.actions[e];
- if (f) return (b.isFunction(f) ? f : d[f]).call(d, c)
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.created = Boolean(a.created),
- this.options = a,
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.gifPickerEnabled = Boolean(this.thread) && Boolean(this.thread.forum) && this.thread.forum.get('settings').gifPickerEnabled,
- this.config = a.config,
- this.setAlertSelector('> [role=alert]'),
- this.listenTo(this.model, {
- 'change:isDeleted spam': this.removeAsDeleted,
- 'change:message': this.stopLoading,
- 'change:points': this.updateVotePoints,
- 'change:userScore': this.updateActiveUserVote,
- 'change:isFlaggedByUser': this.updateMenu,
- 'change:hasMore': this.handleHasMoreChanged,
- 'change:isHighlighted': function () {
- this.redraw()
- },
- 'change:hideReplyPreview': this.updateHideReplyPreview,
- change: function () {
- var a = this.model.changedAttributes();
- (a.id || a.message) && (a.media && k.isFeatureActive('embed_v2', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) && (this.shouldWaitToRenderMedia = !0, this.listenToOnce(this.model.media, 'reset', function () {
- this.shouldWaitToRenderMedia = !1,
- this.renderMedia()
- })), this.redraw())
- }
- }),
- this.model.author && (this.listenTo(this.model.author, 'change:isBlocked', function (a, c) {
- var d = a.previous('isBlocked') || !1;
- return b.flaggingView ? void b.listenToOnce(b.flaggingView, 'success cancel', b.redraw) : b.manageBadgeView ? void b.listenToOnce(b.manageBadgeView, 'success cancel', b.redraw) : void (c !== d && b.redraw())
- }), this.listenTo(this.model.author, 'change:badges', this.updateBadges), this.listenTo(this.model.author, 'change:isFollowing', this.updateFollowing)),
- this.thread.forum.get('features') || this.listenToOnce(this.thread.forum, 'change:features', this.redraw),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:ratingsEnabled', this.redraw),
- !this.model.getParent() && this.model.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session) && this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:userRating', function () {
- this.model.author.set('threadRating', this.thread.get('userRating')),
- this.redraw()
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.model.usersTyping, 'add remove reset change', this.updateTypingCount),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', function () {
- this.updateFooter(),
- this.updateMenu(),
- this.updateSessionClass(),
- k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) && this.updateFollowingInitial()
- }),
- this.listenTo(t.getLounge(), 'opened:post-menu', this.positionMenu),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:ratingsEnabled', this.render),
- this.hasVisibleChildren = !1,
- this.reply = null,
- this.edit = null,
- this.parent = a.parent,
- this.trackPosition = !1,
- this.offset = {
- top: - 1,
- height: - 1
- },
- this.dim = {
- height: - 1,
- width: - 1
- },
- this.listenTo(t.getLounge(), 'domReflow', this.calcRect),
- this.isCollapseAllowed = !0,
- this.haveSubscribedToRichMediaEvents = !1
- },
- calcRect: function () {
- if (!this.trackPosition || !this.visible) return this.offset = {
- top: - 1,
- height: - 1
- },
- void (this.dim = {
- height: - 1,
- width: - 1
- });
- var a = this.contentNode;
- this.offset = a.offset(),
- this.dim = {
- height: a.height(),
- width: a.width()
- }
- },
- updatePostMetaPlacement: function () {
- var a = k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- });
- if (a && !l.isMobileUserAgent()) {
- var b = a && k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }),
- c = this.$el.find('.comment__header').first(),
- d = c.find('.post-meta'),
- e = 32;
- d.css({
- display: '',
- 'margin-top': ''
- }),
- c.height() <= e ? d.css({
- display: 'block',
- 'margin-top': b ? '' : '6px'
- }) : b && d.css({
- top: '-2px'
- })
- }
- },
- createTypingUserView: function () {
- var a = this.$el.find('[data-role=realtime-notification\\:' + this.model.id + '] .realtime-replies');
- this.typingUserView = new B({
- parentView: this,
- model: this.model,
- el: a
- })
- },
- updateTypingCount: function () {
- this.typingUserView || this.createTypingUserView(),
- this.typingUserView.render()
- },
- stopLoading: function () {
- this.contentNode.find('.loading').removeClass('loading')
- },
- updateRelativeTime: function () {
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=relative-time]').text(this.model.getRelativeCreatedAt())
- },
- updateSessionClass: function () {
- var a = 'authored-by-session-user';
- this.model.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session) ? this.contentNode.addClass(a) : this.contentNode.removeClass(a)
- },
- updateActiveUserVote: function () {
- var a = this.model,
- b = this.contentNode.find('[data-action=upvote]'),
- c = this.contentNode.find('[data-action=downvote]');
- c.removeClass('downvoted'),
- b.removeClass('upvoted'),
- a.get('userScore') > 0 ? b.addClass('upvoted') : a.get('userScore') < 0 && c.addClass('downvoted')
- },
- updateHideReplyPreview: function () {
- var a = this.contentNode.find('a.parent-link');
- a.removeClass('parent-link'),
- a.addClass('hidden'),
- this.updatePostMetaPlacement()
- },
- updateVotePoints: function () {
- var c = this,
- d = c.model,
- e = c.contentNode.find('[data-role=likes], [data-role=dislikes]'),
- f = c.contentNode.find('[data-action=upvote], [data-action=downvote]'),
- g = function (a) {
- b.delay(function () {
- a.addClass('update'),
- b.delay(function () {
- a.removeClass('update')
- }, 1000)
- }, 500)
- };
- b.each(e, function (b, e) {
- b = a(b);
- var h = b.html(),
- j = d.get(b.attr('data-role')),
- k = a(f[e]);
- if (j = Math.max(j, 0).toString(), h !== j) {
- k.removeClass('count-' + h);
- var l = c.thread.forum.get('votingType'),
- l === i.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED || 'dislikes' === b.attr('data-role') && m ? k.addClass('count-0') : (k.addClass('count-' + j), b.html(j)),
- g(b)
- }
- })
- },
- updateFooter: function () {
- var a = this.contentNode.find('footer'),
- b = F({
- post: this.getPostAttributes(),
- session: this.session.toJSON(),
- disableSocialShare: this.thread.forum.get('settings').disableSocialShare,
- votingType: this.thread.forum.get('votingType'),
- forumId: this.thread.forum.id
- });
- A.open[this.model.cid] && this.toggleReplyLink(!0),
- a.html(b),
- this.initVotersCard()
- },
- updateMenu: function () {
- var a = this.contentNode.find('[data-role=menu]'),
- b = G({
- session: this.session.toJSON(),
- post: this.getPostAttributes(),
- forum: this.thread.forum.toJSON()
- });
- a.replaceWith(b)
- },
- updateBadges: function () {
- var a = this.getPostAttributes().author,
- b = this.contentNode.find('[data-role=badges]'),
- c = H({
- forum: this.thread.forum.toJSON(),
- user: a,
- context: 'post',
- limit: 4
- });
- b.replaceWith(c),
- this.profileCard && this.profileCard.setBadges(a.badges),
- this.updatePostMetaPlacement()
- },
- updateFollowing: function () {
- var a = '[data-user=' + this.model.author.id + '][data-action=follow]';
- if (this.model.author.get('isPrivate') || this.model.author.id === this.session.user.id) return void this.$el.find(a).hide();
- var b = Boolean(this.model.author.get('isFollowing')),
- c = a + ' .follow-user',
- d = Q(b ? 'Unfollow' : 'Follow');
- this.$el.find(c).toggleClass('is-following', b),
- this.$el.find(c).attr('aria-label', d),
- this.$el.find(c).attr('title', d)
- },
- updateFollowingInitial: function () {
- (this.session.user.get('followingUserIdSet') && this.session.user.get('followingUserIdSet').has(this.model.author.id) || this.session.user.id === this.model.author.id) && this.updateFollowing()
- },
- updatePostStateClasses: function () {
- var a = this.model,
- b = a.get('isHighlighted') || a.get('isSponsored');
- this.$el.toggleClass('highlighted', Boolean(b)),
- this.contentNode.toggleClass('disabled', !a.id)
- },
- getMessageContent: function () {
- return this.messageContent && this.messageContent.length || (this.messageContent = this.contentNode.find('[data-role=message-content]')),
- this.messageContent
- },
- manageMessageHeight: function (a) {
- var b = this,
- c = b.getMessageContent(),
- d = 1.5 * b.collapsedHeight,
- e = c && c.length && c.height() || 0;
- e += a || 0,
- e > d && !b.$el.hasClass('collapsed') ? b.collapse() : b.expand(!0)
- },
- preventCollapsing: function (a) {
- a.get('deferred') || (this.expand(), this.isCollapseAllowed = !1)
- },
- markSeen: function () {
- function a() {
- c.contentNode.addClass('seen'),
- b.delay(function () {
- c.contentNode.removeClass('seen'),
- c.contentNode.removeClass('new')
- }, 10000),
- c.trackPosition = !1
- }
- var c = this,
- e = d(c);
- e.isVisible() ? a() : this.listenToOnce(e, 'enter', a)
- },
- renderMedia: function () {
- var a = this.model.media;
- if (a && a.length) {
- var c = this.$el.find('[data-role=post-media-list]');
- this.richMediaViews = this.renderRichMedia(a, c, {
- convertLinkToButton: !0,
- beforeRender: function (a) {
- this.listenTo(a.model, 'change:activated', this.preventCollapsing),
- a.relatedPost = this.model.cid
- },
- normalize: function (a) {
- var b = l.bleachFindUrls(a);
- return b.length && (a = b[0].url),
- a
- }
- }),
- !this.haveSubscribedToRichMediaEvents && this.richMediaViews.length && (this.listenTo(w.settings, 'change:collapsed', function (a, c) {
- if (c) this.manageMessageHeight();
- else {
- var d = b.reduce(this.richMediaViews, function (a, b) {
- return a + (b.model.get('deferredHeight') || 0)
- }, 0);
- this.manageMessageHeight(d)
- }
- }), this.haveSubscribedToRichMediaEvents = !0)
- }
- },
- renderSpoilers: function () {
- this.$el.find('spoiler').each(function () {
- a(this).attr('tabindex', '0')
- })
- },
- getStateByline: function () {
- var a,
- b = this.model;
- return b.get('isHighlighted') ? a = {
- icon: 'trophy',
- text: Q('Featured by %(forum)s'),
- style: 'default'
- }
- : b.get('isSponsored') ? a = {
- icon: 'trophy',
- text: Q('Sponsored on Disqus'),
- style: 'sponsored'
- }
- : b.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session) && (b.get('isApproved') || (a = {
- icon: 'clock',
- text: Q('Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by %(forum)s.'),
- style: 'default'
- })),
- a && (a.text = j.interpolate(a.text, {
- forum: this.thread.forum.get('name')
- })),
- a
- },
- getTemplate: function (a) {
- if (a.isDeleted) return J;
- var b = this.model.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session);
- return a.sb && !b ? J : a.isSpam ? M : this.model.author && (this.model.author.get('isBlocked') || this.model.author.get('isBlocking')) ? K : b && !a.isApproved ? I : a.isMinimized ? L : I
- },
- getPostAttributes: function () {
- var a = this.model.toJSON({
- session: this.session,
- thread: this.thread
- }),
- b = this.model.getParent();
- return b && b.get('isSponsored') && (a.canBeRepliedTo = !1, a.hideViewAllComments = b.get('hideViewAllComments')),
- a
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.$el,
- b = this.getPostAttributes(),
- c = t.getLounge(),
- d = this.thread.forum.get('avatar'),
- g = this.model.getParent(),
- h = this.getTemplate(b);
- return !b.message && b.raw_message && s.isPlainText(b.raw_message) && (b.message = this.model.constructor.formatMessage(b.raw_message)),
- f.render(e.createElement(h, {
- post: b,
- forumName: this.thread.forum.get('name'),
- session: this.session.toJSON(),
- thread: this.thread.toJSON(),
- forum: this.thread.forum.toJSON(),
- created: this.created,
- parentPost: g && g.toJSON({
- session: this.session,
- thread: this.thread
- }),
- defaultAvatarUrl: d ? d.large.cache : q.avatar.generic,
- hasForumAvatar: Boolean(d && !l.isDefaultAvatar(d.large.cache)),
- stateByline: this.getStateByline(),
- isInHome: c.isInHome(),
- isOnChannel: c.isOnChannel()
- }), this.el),
- h === I ? a.removeClass('minimized') : a.addClass('minimized'),
- b.sb && !this.model.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session) ? this.hasVisibleChildren || a.addClass('banned') : this.parent && this.parent.markHasVisibleChildren(),
- !this.options.excludeAnchor && this.model.id && a.attr('id', 'post-' + this.model.id),
- this.contentNode = a.find('[data-role=post-content]'),
- this.childrenNode = a.find('[data-role=children]'),
- this.messageNode = this.contentNode.find('[data-role=message]'),
- this.highlightSyntax(),
- this.processMentions(),
- this.initCards(),
- this.updatePostStateClasses(),
- this.shouldWaitToRenderMedia || this.renderMedia(),
- this.renderSpoilers(),
- this.model.get('isRealtime') && (this.trackPosition = !0, this.listenToOnce(c.postsView, 'render:end', this.markSeen)),
- this.listenToOnce(c.postsView, 'render:end', function () {
- this.markSeen(),
- this.manageMessageHeight(),
- this.updatePostMetaPlacement()
- }),
- this
- },
- positionMenu: function (b) {
- var c = b.data('postId').toString();
- if (c === this.model.id) {
- var d = this.$('.dropdown-menu', b);
- if (d.css('top', ''), d.height() + d.offset().top > a(window.document).height()) {
- var e = d.css('top') || 0;
- d.css('top', (d.height() + parseInt(e, 10)) * - 1)
- }
- }
- },
- markHasVisibleChildren: function () {
- this.hasVisibleChildren = !0,
- this.model.get('sb') && (this.$el.removeClass('banned'), this.parent && this.parent.markHasVisibleChildren())
- },
- highlightSyntax: function () {
- var a = this.contentNode.find('pre code');
- a.length && a.each(function () {
- s.syntaxHighlighter.highlight(this)
- })
- },
- redraw: function () {
- var a = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
- this.childrenNode.children().appendTo(a),
- this.render(),
- this.childrenNode.append(a),
- this.blacklist && this.contentNode.find('[data-role=blacklist-form]').first().append(this.blacklist.el),
- t.getLounge().postsView.trigger('render:end'),
- t.getLounge().trigger('domReflow')
- },
- handleHasMoreChanged: function () {
- var b = this.$el.find('.show-children-wrapper');
- a(b[b.length - 1]).toggleClass('hidden', !this.model.get('hasMore'))
- },
- processMentions: function () {
- var b = this.session,
- c = b && b.get('sso') && b.get('sso').profile_url;
- c && (c = String(c), 0 === c.indexOf('//') && (c = 'https:' + c), /https?:\/\//.test(c) || (c = null), /\{username\}/.test(c) || (c = null));
- var d = k.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) && !c;
- this.contentNode.find('[data-dsq-mention]').each(function () {
- var b = a(this);
- if (d) {
- var e = a('<span />');
- e.text(b.text()),
- e.addClass('mention'),
- b.replaceWith(e)
- } else {
- if (c) {
- var f = c.replace(/\{username\}/gi, encodeURIComponent(b.text()));
- b.attr('href', f),
- b.attr('title', f)
- } else {
- var g = b.attr('data-dsq-mention').split(':') [0];
- b.attr('data-action', 'profile'),
- b.attr('data-username', g)
- }
- b.addClass('mention')
- }
- })
- },
- attachChild: function (a) {
- var b = a.model;
- b.created || !b.id || b.get('isImmediateReply') ? this.childrenNode.prepend(a.el) : this.childrenNode.append(a.el)
- },
- toggleReply: function () {
- this.reply && this.reply.isOpen() ? this.hideReply() : this.showReply()
- },
- toggleReplyLink: function (a) {
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=reply-link]').toggleClass('active', a),
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=reply-link]').toggleClass('publisher-anchor-color', a)
- },
- showReply: function () {
- this.reply ? (this.$el.find('[data-role=reply-form]').first().prepend(this.reply.$el), this.reply.show(), this.reply.focus()) : this.getReplyView(),
- this.toggleReplyLink(!0)
- },
- hideReply: function () {
- this.reply && (this.reply.hide(), this.toggleReplyLink(!1))
- },
- toggleEdit: function () {
- return this.contentNode.find('[data-role=edit-link]').toggleClass('active', !this.edit),
- this.edit ? (this.edit.remove(), this.edit = null, void this.messageNode.show()) : void this.showEdit()
- },
- showEdit: function () {
- if (this.session.isLoggedOut()) return void this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', this.toggleEdit);
- if (this.model.canBeEdited(this.session, this.thread) && !this.edit) {
- this.edit = new z({
- post: this.model,
- session: this.session,
- thread: this.thread
- }),
- this.edit.render(),
- this.listenTo(this.edit, 'submitted cancel', this.toggleEdit),
- this.expand(!0);
- var a = this.messageNode;
- a.parent().prepend(this.edit.$el),
- a.hide(),
- this.edit.resize();
- var b = t.getLounge();
- b && b.scrollToPost(this.model.id),
- p.trigger('uiAction:postStartUpdate', this.model, {
- area: 'main'
- })
- }
- },
- removeAsDeleted: function () {
- this.redraw()
- },
- initCards: function () {
- var a = this;
- a.initProfileCard(),
- a.initContextCard(),
- a.initVotersCard(),
- a.initAnonVoteCards(),
- a.initTooltips()
- },
- initProfileCard: function () {
- if (!l.isMobileUserAgent() && !k.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })) {
- var a = this.$el.find('.hovercard');
- a.length && (this.profileCard = v.ProfileCard.create({
- session: this.session,
- user: this.model.author,
- targetElement: a
- }))
- }
- },
- initContextCard: function () {
- if (!l.isMobileUserAgent()) {
- var a = this.parent && this.parent.model;
- a && !a.get('isDeleted') && (this.contextCard = v.ContextCard.create({
- post: a,
- targetElement: this.$el.find('[data-role=parent-link]')
- }))
- }
- },
- initVotersCard: function () {
- if (!l.isMobileUserAgent()) {
- var a = this.$el.find('[data-action=upvote]'),
- b = this.$el.find('[data-action=downvote]'),
- c = this.thread.forum.get('votingType');
- a.length && c !== i.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED && (this.upvotersCard = v.VotersCard.create({
- session: this.session,
- model: this.model,
- targetElement: a,
- voteType: 1,
- isRefreshEnabled: k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })
- })),
- !b.length || null !== c && void 0 !== c && c !== i.VOTING_TYPES.DETAILED || (this.downvotersCard = v.VotersCard.create({
- session: this.session,
- model: this.model,
- targetElement: b,
- voteType: - 1,
- isRefreshEnabled: k.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })
- }))
- }
- },
- initAnonVoteCards: function () {
- this.session.isLoggedOut() && !this.thread.forum.get('settings').allowAnonVotes && (this.anonVoteCards = this.anonVoteCards || {
- }, b.each({
- upvote: N,
- downvote: O
- }, function (a, b) {
- this.anonVoteCards[b] && (this.anonVoteCards[b].remove(), this.anonVoteCards[b] = null);
- var c = this.$('[data-action=' + b + ']');
- c.length && (this.anonVoteCards[b] = D.create({
- targetElement: c,
- template: a,
- id: 'anon' + b + this.model.id
- }))
- }, this), this.anonVoteCards.upvote && this.listenTo(this.anonVoteCards.upvote, 'show', this.closeUpvotersCard), this.anonVoteCards.downvote && this.listenTo(this.anonVoteCards.upvote, 'show', this.closeDownvotersCard))
- },
- initTooltips: function () {
- if (!l.isMobileUserAgent()) {
- var b = this.$el.find('[data-toggle=tooltip]');
- b.length && b.each(function (b, c) {
- var d = a(c),
- e = d.attr('title');
- d.attr('data-original-title', e).attr('title', ''),
- E.create({
- targetElement: d,
- message: e,
- id: e
- })
- })
- }
- },
- closeUpvotersCard: function () {
- this.upvotersCard && this.upvotersCard.hide()
- },
- closeDownvotersCard: function () {
- this.downvotersCard && this.downvotersCard.hide()
- },
- _onShare: P(function (a) {
- if (!this.thread.forum.get('settings').disableSocialShare) {
- var b = s.extractService(a.target, 'share');
- b && (t.getLounge().trigger('uiAction:postShare', this.model, b), this.share(b))
- }
- }),
- handleBlacklist: P(function () {
- if (!this.blacklist) {
- var a = this.blacklist = new y({
- model: this.model,
- forum: this.thread.forum
- });
- a.render(),
- this.listenTo(a, 'success cancel', function () {
- this.blacklist.remove(),
- this.blacklist = null
- }),
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=blacklist-form]').first().append(a.el)
- }
- }),
- handleManageBadges: P(function () {
- if (!this.manageBadgeView) {
- var a = this.manageBadgeView = new x({
- model: this.model,
- forum: this.thread.forum
- });
- a.render(),
- p.trigger('uiAction:viewBadgeModal'),
- this.listenTo(a, 'success cancel', function () {
- this.manageBadgeView.remove(),
- this.manageBadgeView = null
- }),
- this.listenTo(a, 'success', function (a) {
- var b = this.model.author;
- b.get('badges') || b.set('badges', [
- ]);
- var c = b.get('badges');
- a.action === S.AWARD ? c.unshift(a.badge) : a.action === S.REMOVE && b.set('badges', c.filter(function (b) {
- return b.id !== a.badge.id
- })),
- this.thread.trigger('change:badgeAction', b)
- }),
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=badges-form]').first().append(a.el)
- }
- }),
- toggleCollapse: function (a) {
- this.$el.toggleClass('collapsed', a)
- },
- handleCollapse: P(function () {
- this.toggleCollapse()
- }),
- handleHighlight: P(function () {
- this.model.highlight();
- var a = Q('You\'ve featured a comment! This comment will now also appear at the top of the discussion.');
- this.alert(a, {
- safe: !0,
- type: 'success'
- }),
- this.thread.set('highlightedPost', this.model);
- var b = t.getLounge();
- b && b.scrollToPost(this.model.id)
- }),
- handleUnhighlight: P(function () {
- this.model.unhighlight(),
- this.dismissAlert(),
- this.thread.unset('highlightedPost')
- }),
- handleVote: function (a, b) {
- if (this.thread.forum.get('votingType') !== i.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED && (b !== - 1 || this.thread.forum.get('votingType') !== i.VOTING_TYPES.DOWNVOTE_DISABLED)) {
- if (!this.thread.forum.get('settings').allowAnonVotes && this.session.isLoggedOut()) return void this.queueAuthAction(function () {
- this.handleVote(a, b)
- }, this);
- var c = t.getLounge(),
- d = this.model.get('userScore') === b;
- d ? c.trigger('uiAction:postUnvote', this.model, a) : 1 === b ? c.trigger('uiAction:postUpvote', this.model, a) : b === - 1 && c.trigger('uiAction:postDownvote', this.model, a),
- this.model.vote(d ? 0 : b)
- }
- },
- queueAuthAction: function (a, b) {
- this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', function () {
- this.session.isLoggedIn() && a.call(b)
- }),
- this.session.get('sso') && this.session.get('sso').url ? this.session.authenticate('sso') : this.session.authenticate('disqusDotcom')
- },
- getReplyView: function () {
- return this.reply ? this.reply : (this.reply = new A({
- parentView: this,
- parent: this.model,
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.options.session,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- gifPickerEnabled: this.gifPickerEnabled,
- shouldShowEmailAlertInForm: !0
- }), this.reply.render(), this.showReply(), this.reply)
- },
- handleReply: P(function () {
- this.toggleReply()
- }),
- handleFlag: P(function () {
- if (!this.model.get('isFlaggedByUser') && !this.flaggingView) {
- if (this.session.isLoggedOut()) {
- var a = this;
- return a._pendingFlagComplete = !1,
- void a.queueAuthAction(function () {
- a._pendingFlagComplete || (a._pendingFlagComplete = !0, setTimeout(function () {
- a.handleFlag()
- }, 400))
- })
- }
- var b = this.flaggingView = new C({
- model: this.model
- });
- b.render(),
- this.listenTo(b, 'cancel success', function () {
- b.remove(),
- this.flaggingView = null,
- this.updateMenu()
- }),
- this.contentNode.find('[data-role=flagging-form]').first().append(b.el),
- p.frame.sendHostMessage('scrollTo', {
- top: b.$el.offset().top - 80
- })
- }
- }),
- handleBlockUser: P(function () {
- this.dismissAlert(function (a) {
- return a.options && a.options.isBlockError
- });
- var a = this;
- this.model.author.block().fail(function (b) {
- var c = Q('Something went wrong while trying to block this user. Please try again later.'),
- d = b && b.responseJSON && b.responseJSON.code;
- d === g.ERROR_CODES.MAX_ITEMS_REACHED && (c = Q('Unfortunately this user could not be blocked; you have reached the limit for number of users blocked.')),
- a.alert(c, {
- type: 'error',
- isBlockError: !0
- })
- })
- }),
- handleEdit: P(function () {
- this.toggleEdit()
- }),
- handleDelete: P(function () {
- this.model.get('isHighlighted') && (this.model.set('isHighlighted', !1), this.thread.unset('highlightedPost')),
- this.model._delete()
- }),
- handleSpam: P(function () {
- this.model.spam()
- }),
- handleReveal: P(function () {
- this.model.set('isMinimized', !1),
- this.redraw()
- }),
- handleExpandMessage: P(function () {
- return this.expand()
- }),
- handleExpandShare: P(function () {
- var a = this.$('#comment__share-' + this.model.id + ' .comment-share__buttons');
- a.toggleClass('comment-share__buttons-visible')
- }),
- handleCopyLink: function () {
- l.copyToClipboard(this.model.shortLink())
- }
- });
- return b.extend(U.prototype, u.ShareMixin),
- b.extend(U.prototype, r.FollowButtonMixin),
- m.call(U.prototype),
- u.asCollapsible.call(U.prototype, {
- collapsedHeight: 374,
- collapseTargetSelector: '[data-role=message-container]',
- collapseScope: 'contentNode'
- }),
- n.call(U.prototype),
- U
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/collection', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'moment',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/utils',
- 'lounge/views/posts/PostReplyView',
- 'lounge/views/post'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {
- 'use strict';
- var l = f.get,
- m = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=more-posts]': 'handleLoadMore',
- 'click [data-action=show-children]': 'handleLoadMoreChildPosts'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.lounge = a.lounge,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.posts = a.posts,
- this.postsToAppend = [
- ],
- this.postsToPrepend = [
- ],
- this.session = a.session,
- this.subViews = {
- },
- this.state = {
- nextPassTimeoutId: null,
- renderedPosts: [
- ],
- clearDomAfterRender: !1,
- totalPostsProcessed: 0,
- totalElapsedTime: 0
- },
- this.addPostsIncremental = b.bind(this.addPostsIncremental, this),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, {
- reset: this.redrawPosts,
- add: this.addPosts,
- remove: this.removePost
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:badgeAction', this.handleBadgeAction),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:highlightedPost', this.handleHasHighlightedState),
- this.listenToOnce(this.lounge, 'threadView:init', function () {
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:isClosed', this.toggleNoPosts),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', this.toggleNoPosts),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'reset add', this.toggleNoPosts)
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'reset add', this.enableTimestampUpdates),
- this.listenTo(this, 'render:end', this.toggleLoadMorePosts),
- this.listenTo(this, 'render:end', this.handleHasHighlightedState),
- g.isFeatureActive('limit_rendered_posts', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) && this.listenTo(this.lounge, 'scroll', b.throttle(this.hideOffscreenPosts, 200))
- },
- handleHasHighlightedState: function () {
- this.$el.toggleClass('has-highlighted-post', this.thread.has('highlightedPost'))
- },
- handleBadgeAction: function (a) {
- var b = this;
- Object.keys(this.subViews).forEach(function (c) {
- var d = b.subViews[c];
- d.model.author.id === a.id && d.updateBadges()
- })
- },
- getPostView: function (a) {
- return this.subViews[a]
- },
- bootstrap: function (a, c) {
- this.permalinkOptions = c,
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'reset', b.bind(this.posts.restoreFromCache, this.posts)),
- this.listenTo(this.posts, 'change:isDeleted', b.bind(this.posts.removeFromCache, this.posts)),
- this.handleInitialCommentCount(a.posts)
- },
- handleInitialCommentCount: function (a) {
- var c = this.thread.forum.get('initialCommentCount');
- if (!c) {
- var d = g.getSwitchContext('customCommentCounts') || {
- };
- c = d[this.thread.forum.id]
- }
- this.posts.reset(a, {
- customThreadLength: c
- }),
- b.invoke(this.subViews, 'manageMessageHeight')
- },
- bindUIUpdateHandlers: function () {
- var c = this,
- d = a(window),
- e = a(window.document.body),
- f = e.width(),
- g = b.debounce(function () {
- var a = e.width();
- f !== a && c.subViews && (f = a, b.each(c.subViews, function (a) {
- a.manageMessageHeight()
- }))
- }, 50);
- d.on('resize', g)
- },
- updateTimestamps: function () {
- return !(!this.subViews || b.size(this.subViews) < 1) && (b.invoke(this.subViews, 'updateRelativeTime'), !0)
- },
- enableTimestampUpdates: function () {
- var a = this,
- c = 60000;
- if (!a.timestampUpdateTimer) {
- var d = function e() {
- return a.updateTimestamps() ? void (a.timestampUpdateTimer = b.delay(e, c)) : void (a.timestampUpdateTimer = null)
- };
- a.timestampUpdateTimer = b.delay(d, c)
- }
- },
- openReply: function (a) {
- var b = this.posts.get(a);
- if (b) {
- var c = this.subViews[b.cid];
- c.showReply()
- }
- },
- openEdit: function (a) {
- var b = this.posts.get(a);
- if (b) {
- var c = this.subViews[b.cid];
- c.showEdit()
- }
- },
- toggleLoadMorePosts: function () {
- var a = this.lounge.threadView.$el.find('#posts [data-role=more]'),
- b = this.posts.hasNext();
- b ? a.show() : a.hide()
- },
- handleLoadMore: function (a) {
- var b = this.posts.currentPage();
- this._loadMore(a),
- this.lounge.trigger('uiAction:seeMore', b + 1)
- },
- handleLoadMoreChildPosts: function (a) {
- var b = a.currentTarget.id.split('-') [1],
- c = this.posts.get(b);
- this._loadMore(a, c),
- this.lounge.trigger('uiAction:seeMoreChildren', a)
- },
- _loadMore: function (b, c) {
- b.preventDefault();
- var d = this,
- f = a(b.currentTarget);
- f.addClass('busy'),
- d.posts.more({
- post: c,
- success: function () {
- d.posts.restoreFromCache(),
- d.once('render:end', function () {
- f.removeClass('busy')
- })
- },
- error: function () {
- f.removeClass('busy')
- }
- }),
- e.frame.sendHostMessage('posts.paginate')
- },
- renderLayout: a.noop,
- toggleNoPosts: function () {
- var a,
- b = this.lounge.threadView.$el.find('#no-posts');
- this.posts.models.length ? b.hide() : (a = l(this.thread.get('isClosed') ? 'This discussion has been closed.' : this.session.get('canReply') ? 'Be the first to comment.' : 'Nothing in this discussion yet.'), b.text(a), b.show())
- },
- handleSort: function () {
- a('#posts [data-role=more]').hide(),
- a('#no-posts').hide(),
- a('#post-list').addClass('loading').empty()
- },
- redrawPosts: function () {
- var a = this;
- a.subViews = {
- },
- a.once('render:end', function () {
- b.each(j.open, function (b, c) {
- var d = a.subViews[c];
- if (d) {
- var e = d.getReplyView();
- e.textarea.set(b.textarea.get()),
- b.isOpen() ? e.show() : e.hide()
- }
- })
- }),
- a.posts.setPageFor && a.permalinkOptions && a.permalinkOptions.postId && a.posts.setPageFor(a.permalinkOptions.postId, {
- silent: !0
- }),
- a.addPosts(a.posts, {
- clearDom: !0
- })
- },
- hideOffscreenPosts: function (a) {
- var c = a.pageOffset,
- d = this.lounge.position.frameOffset.top,
- e = 2 * a.height,
- f = c - e,
- g = c + a.height + e;
- b.isNumber(c) && b.isNumber(e) && b.each(this.subViews, function (a) {
- var b = a.$el,
- c = b.offset().top + d,
- e = c + b.outerHeight();
- e < f || c > g ? b.addClass('invisible') : b.removeClass('invisible')
- })
- },
- postsShouldBePrepended: function (a) {
- var b = a.length && a[0];
- return Boolean(b && (b.created || !b.id || b.get('isRealtime') || b.get('isCached') || b.requestedByPermalink))
- },
- hasQueuedPosts: function () {
- return this.postsToAppend.length || this.postsToPrepend.length
- },
- addPosts: i.decorate(c.collectionAddNormalizer(c.Collection, h.Post), function (a, c, d) {
- var e = this;
- if (d.clearDom && (e.postsToAppend = [
- ], e.postsToPrepend = [
- ], e.postsShouldClearDom = !0), e.postsShouldBePrepended(a)) {
- var f = [
- ];
- b.each(a, function (a) {
- var b = a.get('parent');
- b && e.posts.get(b) ? e.postsToPrepend.push(a) : f.push(a)
- }),
- e.postsToPrepend = f.concat(e.postsToPrepend)
- } else e.postsToAppend = e.postsToAppend.concat(a);
- e.state.nextPassTimeoutId || (e.state.nextPassTimeoutId = b.defer(function () {
- e.trigger('render:start'),
- e.addPostsIncremental(!0)
- }))
- }),
- onDeferredViewReady: function (a) {
- var b = this.subViews;
- b.hasOwnProperty(a) && b[a].manageMessageHeight()
- },
- removePost: function (a) {
- if (this.hasQueuedPosts()) return void this.once('render:end', b.bind(this.removePost, this, a));
- var c = this.subViews[a.cid];
- c && (c.remove(), delete this.subViews[a.cid])
- },
- addPostsIncremental: function (a) {
- this.state.nextPassTimeoutId = null,
- this.discardRenderProgressIfClearDomRequested();
- var b = this.getPostModelsForThePass();
- b.length && this.renderPass(b, a ? m.FIRST_ATTEMPT_TIME_SCALE : void 0),
- this.finishPass(b),
- this.scheduleNextPass()
- },
- discardRenderProgressIfClearDomRequested: function () {
- this.postsShouldClearDom && (this.state.clearDomAfterRender = !0, this.postsShouldClearDom = !1, this.state.renderedPosts = [
- ])
- },
- getPostModelsForThePass: function () {
- return this.postsToAppend.length ? this.postsToAppend : this.postsToPrepend
- },
- renderPass: function (a, b) {
- b && (c *= b);
- for (var d = this.calculatePostsForNextRun(c) || m.MINIMUM_POSTS_PER_RUN; d > 0; ) {
- var e = a.splice(0, d),
- f = this.timedRenderPosts(e);
- if (null === f) break;
- c -= f,
- d = this.calculatePostsForNextRun(c)
- }
- },
- timedRenderPosts: function (a) {
- if (!a.length) return null;
- var c = Number(new Date);
- this.state.renderedPosts = this.state.renderedPosts.concat(b.map(a, this.createPostView, this));
- var d = Number(new Date) - c;
- return d < 0 && (d = 0),
- this.state.totalElapsedTime += d,
- this.state.totalPostsProcessed += a.length,
- d || null
- },
- createPostView: function (a) {
- var b,
- c = a.get('parent');
- c && (c = this.posts.get(c), b = c && this.getPostView(c.cid));
- var d = new k({
- parent: b,
- model: a,
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session,
- created: a.created,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- config: this.lounge.config
- });
- return this.subViews[a.cid] = d,
- d.render(),
- d
- },
- calculatePostsForNextRun: function (a) {
- return a <= 0 ? 0 : this.state.totalElapsedTime <= 0 ? this.state.totalPostsProcessed : Math.floor(a * this.state.totalPostsProcessed / this.state.totalElapsedTime)
- },
- finishPass: function (a) {
- if (!a.length) {
- if (this.$postList = this.lounge.threadView.$el.find('#post-list'), this.state.clearDomAfterRender && (this.$postList.empty(), this.state.clearDomAfterRender = !1), this.state.renderedPosts.length) {
- this.removeOldPostsIfRealtime(),
- this.enablePostTracking(this.state.renderedPosts);
- var b = a === this.postsToAppend;
- this.insertPostElements(this.state.renderedPosts, b),
- this.state.renderedPosts = [
- ]
- }
- this.$postList.removeClass('loading'),
- this.postsToPrepend.length || this.postsToAppend.length || this.trigger('render:end')
- }
- },
- removeOldPostsIfRealtime: function () {
- var a = b.any(this.state.renderedPosts, function (a) {
- return a.model.get('isRealtime')
- });
- a && this.removeOldPosts()
- },
- removeOldPosts: function () {
- var a = b.size(this.subViews) - this.STREAMING_MAX_VISIBLE;
- if (!(a <= 0)) for (var c, e = this.posts.sortBy(function (a) {
- return d(a.get('createdAt')).valueOf()
- }), f = 0, g = 0; g < e.length && f <= a; g++) c = this.getPostView(e[g].cid),
- c && 0 === c.childrenNode.children().length && (this.posts.remove(e[g]), f += 1)
- },
- enablePostTracking: function (a) {
- b.each(a, function (a) {
- a.visible = !0
- })
- },
- insertPostElements: function (a, c) {
- var d = b.groupBy(a, function (a) {
- return Boolean(a.parent)
- });
- b.each(d['true'], function (a) {
- a.parent.attachChild(a)
- });
- var e = b.pluck(d['false'], '$el');
- c ? this.$postList.append(e) : this.$postList.prepend(e)
- },
- scheduleNextPass: function () {
- (this.postsToPrepend.length || this.postsToAppend.length) && (this.state.nextPassTimeoutId = b.defer(this.addPostsIncremental))
- }
- });
- var n = c.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.lounge = a.lounge,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.userSuggestions = a.userSuggestions,
- this.posts = a.posts,
- this.postsToAppend = [
- ],
- this.postsToPrepend = [
- ],
- this.session = a.session,
- this.subViews = {
- },
- this.state = {
- nextPassTimeoutId: null,
- renderedPosts: [
- ],
- clearDomAfterRender: !1,
- totalPostsProcessed: 0,
- totalElapsedTime: 0
- },
- this.listenTo(this.posts, {
- reset: this.addPosts,
- add: this.addPosts
- })
- },
- handleHasHighlightedState: function () {
- },
- handleBadgeAction: function () {
- },
- getPostView: function () {
- },
- bootstrap: function (a) {
- this.posts.reset(a.posts)
- },
- handleInitialCommentCount: function () {
- },
- bindUIUpdateHandlers: function () {
- },
- enableTimestampUpdates: function () {
- },
- openReply: function () {
- },
- openEdit: function () {
- },
- toggleLoadMorePosts: function () {
- },
- handleLoadMore: function () {
- },
- handleLoadMoreChildPosts: function () {
- },
- _loadMore: function () {
- },
- renderLayout: function () {
- },
- toggleNoPosts: function () {
- },
- handleSort: function () {
- },
- redrawPosts: function () {
- },
- hideOffscreenPosts: function () {
- },
- postsShouldBePrepended: function () {
- },
- hasQueuedPosts: function () {
- },
- addPosts: function () {
- this.trigger('render:end')
- },
- onDeferredViewReady: function () {
- },
- removePost: function () {
- },
- addPostsIncremental: function () {
- },
- discardRenderProgressIfClearDomRequested: function () {
- },
- getPostModelsForThePass: function () {
- },
- renderPass: function () {
- },
- timedRenderPosts: function () {
- },
- createPostView: function () {
- },
- calculatePostsForNextRun: function () {
- },
- finishPass: function () {
- },
- removeOldPostsIfRealtime: function () {
- },
- removeOldPosts: function () {
- },
- enablePostTracking: function () {
- },
- insertPostElements: function () {
- },
- scheduleNextPass: function () {
- }
- });
- return {
- PostCollectionView: m,
- DummyPostCollectionView: n
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/onboard', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = c.gettext,
- f = function (c) {
- return [a.createElement('div', {
- key: 'onboard-notice',
- className: 'notice ' + (c.showHome ? 'notice--brand' : '')
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'notice-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'notice__icon icon icon-disqus'
- }), a.createElement('a', {
- 'data-action': 'show-home',
- href: (b.home || '') + 'explore/?utm_source=embed&utm_medium=onboard_message&utm_content=see_home_msg&forum_id=' + d(c.forum, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- className: 'notice__message'
- }, e('Welcome to %(Disqus)s! Discover more great discussions just like this one. We\'re a lot more than comments.', {
- Disqus: 'Disqus'
- })), a.createElement('a', {
- 'data-action': 'show-home',
- href: (b.home || '') + 'explore/?utm_source=embed&utm_medium=onboard_message&utm_content=see_home_btn&forum_id=' + d(c.forum, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- target: '_blank',
- className: 'btn btn-primary notice__button'
- }, e('Get Started')))),
- a.createElement('a', {
- key: 'onboard-link',
- className: 'dismiss',
- 'data-action': 'close',
- href: '#',
- title: e('Dismiss')
- }, 'Dismiss ', a.createElement('span', {
- 'aria-label': 'Dismiss',
- className: 'cross'
- }, '×'))]
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/onboard-alert', [
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'common/utils',
- 'templates/lounge/onboard'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = a.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=close]': 'handleClose',
- 'click [data-action=show-home]': 'handleShowHome'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.session = a.session,
- this.forum = a.forum
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.session.isLoggedIn() && this.shouldShow() && (c.render(b.createElement(e, {
- forum: this.forum.toJSON()
- }), this.el), this.trigger('uiAction:onboardAlertShow')),
- this
- },
- shouldShow: function () {
- return !1
- },
- getCookie: function () {
- return d.cookies.read(f.COOKIE_NAME)
- },
- setInitialCookie: function () {
- this.session.user.get('joinedRecently') && this.createCookie(f.COOKIE_NEW_USER)
- },
- createCookie: function (a) {
- d.cookies.create(f.COOKIE_NAME, a, {
- expiresIn: 2592000000
- })
- },
- eraseCookie: function () {
- d.cookies.erase(f.COOKIE_NAME)
- },
- handleShowHome: function () {
- this.remove()
- },
- handleClose: function (a) {
- a.preventDefault(),
- this.remove(),
- this.trigger('uiAction:onboardAlertDismiss')
- },
- remove: function () {
- this.eraseCookie(),
- this.session = null,
- a.View.prototype.remove.call(this)
- }
- }, {
- COOKIE_NAME: 'disqus.onboarding',
- COOKIE_NEW_USER: 'newUser'
- });
- return {
- OnboardAlert: f
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/notificationMenu', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (d) {
- var e = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: d.forumId
- }),
- f = e ? 'notification-icon notification-icon--refresh' : 'notification-icon',
- g = e ? 'notification-count notification-count--refresh' : 'notification-count';
- return a.createElement('a', {
- href: b.homeInbox || '',
- className: 'notification-container',
- 'data-action': 'home',
- 'data-home-path': 'home/notifications/'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: f + ' icon-comment',
- 'aria-hidden': !0
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: g,
- 'data-role': 'notification-count'
- }))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/views/notification-menu', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'stance',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils',
- 'templates/lounge/notificationMenu'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=home]': 'handleShowHome'
- },
- initialize: function (c) {
- var e = a.Deferred();
- this.listenToOnce(d(this), 'enter', function () {
- e.resolveWith(this)
- });
- var f = this.session = c.session;
- this.forum = c.forum,
- this.language = window.document.documentElement.lang,
- this.listenTo(f, 'change:id', this.render),
- this.listenTo(f, 'change:notificationCount', this.updateCount),
- this.listenTo(f, 'change:id', function () {
- e.done(b.bind(f.fetchNotificationCount, f)),
- e.done(this.preloadSidebar)
- }),
- this.listenTo(this, {
- 'sidebar:open:start': this.startLoadingAnimation,
- 'sidebar:open:done': this.stopLoadingAnimation
- })
- },
- startLoadingAnimation: function () {
- this.$el.addClass('notification-loading')
- },
- stopLoadingAnimation: function () {
- this.$el.removeClass('notification-loading')
- },
- preloadSidebar: function () {
- e.trigger('sidebar:preload')
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.forum.get('settings').ssoRequired && this.session.isLoggedOut() || f.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) ? void this.$el.hide() : (this.$el.html(h({
- forumId: this.forum.id
- })), this.updateCount(), this.$el.show(), this)
- },
- handleShowHome: function (b) {
- if (this.session.set('notificationCount', 0), !g.willOpenNewWindow(b)) {
- b.preventDefault();
- var c = a(b.currentTarget).attr('data-home-path');
- e.trigger('sidebar:open', c, this)
- }
- },
- updateCount: function () {
- var a = this.session.get('notificationCount') || 0;
- a > 0 ? (this.$('[data-role=notification-count]').html(a > 9 ? '9<i class="icon icon-plus"></i>' : a), this.$el.addClass('unread')) : (this.$('[data-role=notification-count]').html(''), this.$el.removeClass('unread'))
- }
- });
- return {
- NotificationMenuView: i
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/highlightedPost', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('div', null, b.isRefreshEnabled ? null : a.createElement('h2', {
- className: 'highlighted-comment-header'
- }, c('Featured Comment')), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'post-list'
- }))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/views/highlighted-post', [
- 'backbone',
- 'underscore',
- 'jquery',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'common/models',
- 'lounge/views/post',
- 'templates/lounge/highlightedPost'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = g.extend({
- getPostAttributes: function () {
- var a = g.prototype.getPostAttributes.apply(this, arguments);
- return a.hasMore = !1,
- d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) ? a.hideParent = !0 : a.canBeRepliedTo = !1,
- a
- },
- getStateByline: function () {
- return !1
- }
- }),
- j = a.View.extend({
- template: h,
- itemViewContainer: '.post-list',
- initialize: function (a) {
- b.extend(this, b.pick(a, [
- 'thread',
- 'session',
- 'userSuggestions',
- 'config'
- ])),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:highlightedPost', this.reset)
- },
- getPost: function () {
- return this.post ? c.Deferred().resolve(this.post) : this.getHighlightedPost()
- },
- _getHighlightedPost: function () {
- var a = this.thread.get('highlightedPost');
- return a ? (a instanceof f.Post || (a = new e(f.Post, a)), a.get('isDeleted') ? null : a.get('sb') && !a.isAuthorSessionUser(this.session) ? null : a.get('isHighlighted') ? a : null) : null
- },
- getHighlightedPost: function () {
- var a,
- e = this.post = this._getHighlightedPost(),
- g = c.Deferred();
- return e ? !(a = e.getParent()) || a.author || d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- }) ? e.sync('read', e, {
- isHighlighted: !0
- }).always(b.bind(g.resolve, g)) : f.Post.fetchContext(e.id, this.thread).always(b.bind(g.resolve, g)) : g.reject(),
- g.promise()
- },
- reset: function () {
- delete this.post,
- this.getPost().always(b.bind(this.render, this))
- },
- createPostView: function () {
- return this.post ? new i({
- model: this.post,
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- config: this.config,
- excludeAnchor: !0
- }).stopListening(this.post.usersTyping) : null
- },
- render: function () {
- var a = this.createPostView();
- return a ? (a.render(), this.$el.html(this.template({
- isRefreshEnabled: d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })
- })), this.$(this.itemViewContainer).append(a.el), this.$el.show(), this) : (this.$el.hide(), this)
- }
- });
- return {
- HighlightedPostView: j,
- FeaturedPostView: i
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/realtimeCommentNotification', [
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.gettext,
- d = function (a) {
- var d = b.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: a.forumId
- });
- return 1 === a.comments ? c(d ? '+1 new comment' : 'Show One New Comment') : d ? c('+%(comments)s new comments', {
- comments: a.comments
- }) : c('Show %(comments)s New Comments', {
- comments: a.comments
- })
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/realtimeReplyNotification', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- var e = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forumId
- }),
- f = e ? 'indicator indicator--refresh' : 'indicator';
- return 1 === b.replies ? [
- a.createElement('span', {
- key: 'indicator',
- className: f
- }),
- d(e ? '+1 new reply' : 'Show 1 new reply')
- ] : [
- a.createElement('span', {
- key: 'indicator',
- className: f
- }),
- e ? d('+%(replies)s new replies', {
- replies: b.replies
- }) : d('Show %(replies)s new replies', {
- replies: b.replies
- })
- ]
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('lounge/views/realtime', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'templates/lounge/realtimeCommentNotification',
- 'templates/lounge/realtimeReplyNotification'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {
- 'use strict';
- var k = f.preventDefaultHandler,
- l = b.View.extend({
- events: {
- click: 'handleDrain'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.options = a
- },
- getDirection: function (a) {
- if (this.offset && this.dim) {
- var b = a.pageOffset,
- c = b + a.height,
- d = this.offset.top + a.frameOffset.top,
- e = d + this.dim.height;
- return e < b ? 1 : d > c ? - 1 : 0
- }
- },
- setCount: function (a) {
- this.options.count = a
- },
- render: function () {
- return 0 === this.options.count ? void this.$el.hide() : (d.render(c.createElement(i, {
- comments: this.options.count,
- forumId: this.model.get('forum')
- }), this.el), this.listenTo(h.getLounge(), 'domReflow', a.throttle(function () {
- 0 !== this.options.count && (this.offset = this.$el.offset(), this.dim = {
- height: this.$el.height(),
- width: this.$el.width()
- })
- }, 400)), this.$el.show(), this)
- },
- handleDrain: k(function () {
- this.model.queue.drain(),
- this.setCount(this.model.queue.counters.comments),
- this.render(),
- e.trigger('uiAction:loadLiveComments')
- })
- }),
- m = l.extend({
- events: {
- click: 'handleDrain'
- },
- getDirection: function (a) {
- if (this.options.postView.visible) {
- this.offset = this.options.postView.offset,
- this.dim = this.options.postView.dim;
- var b = l.prototype.getDirection.call(this, a);
- return delete this.offset,
- delete this.dim,
- b
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- var b = this,
- e = b.options.postView;
- return 0 === b.options.count ? (b.$el.hide(), void (e.trackPosition = !1)) : (e.trackPosition = !0, e.calcRect(), d.render(c.createElement(j, {
- replies: b.options.count,
- forumId: this.model.get('forum')
- }), this.el), b.$el.show(), void a.delay(function () {
- b.$el.addClass('reveal')
- }, 13))
- },
- handleDrain: k(function () {
- var a = this.model.id,
- b = this.options.postView,
- c = this.options.thread.queue;
- c.drain(a),
- this.setCount(c.counters.replies[a]),
- b.trackPosition = !1,
- this.render(),
- e.trigger('uiAction:loadLiveReplies')
- })
- });
- return {
- QueuedPostView: l,
- QueuedReplyView: m
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/views/posts/UserSuggestionsManager', [
- 'underscore',
- 'common/collections'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- function c(a) {
- this.remotes = [
- ],
- this.threadId = a.threadId,
- this.userCollection = new b.UserSuggestionsCollection([], {
- threadId: this.threadId
- })
- }
- return a.extend(c.prototype, {
- fetch: function (a, b) {
- this.userCollection.fetch({
- query: a || '',
- next: b
- })
- },
- addRemote: function (a) {
- this.remotes.push(a)
- },
- all: function () {
- var c = new b.UserCollection;
- return c.add(this.userCollection.models),
- c.add(a.chain(this.remotes).pluck('models').flatten().value()),
- c
- },
- find: function (a, b) {
- a && a.length && this.fetch(a.join(' ').replace(/[^\w\s]/, ''), b)
- },
- get: function (a) {
- return this.userCollection.get(a)
- }
- }),
- c
- }),
- define('lounge/views/sidebar', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'modernizr',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/shared/urls',
- 'core/utils'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = b.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.config = a.config,
- this.language = window.document.documentElement.lang,
- 'en' === this.language && (this.language = void 0),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', this.destroyHome),
- this.listenTo(d, {
- 'sidebar:open': this.open,
- 'sidebar:preload': this.preload
- }),
- this.iframeAlive = !0,
- this.iframeReady = !1,
- this.listenToOnce(d.frame, 'home.timeout', this.handleTimeout),
- this.listenToOnce(d.frame, 'home.ready', this.handleReady)
- },
- isIE9: function () {
- return 9 === window.document.documentMode
- },
- shouldUseIframe: function () {
- return !!this.iframeAlive && (this.session.isSSO() || this.forum && this.forum.get('settings').sidebarEnabled)
- },
- handleTimeout: function () {
- this.iframeAlive = !1
- },
- handleReady: function () {
- this.iframeReady = !0,
- d.frame.off('home.timeout')
- },
- open: function (b, c) {
- if (this.shouldUseIframe()) {
- if (this.storeHomeSession(), d.frame.sendHostMessage('home.show', {
- path: b,
- language: this.language,
- forum: this.forum && this.forum.id
- }), this.iframeReady || this.listenToOnce(d.frame, 'home.timeout', a.bind(this.open, this, b, c)), c) {
- c.trigger('sidebar:open:start');
- var e = a.bind(c.trigger, c, 'sidebar:open:done');
- this.listenToOnce(d.frame, {
- 'home.opened': e,
- 'home.timeout': e
- })
- }
- } else h.openWindow(f(g.apps.home + b, {
- l: this.language
- }));
- var i = 'unknown';
- 0 === b.indexOf('home/forums/') ? i = 'community' : 0 === b.indexOf('by/') ? i = 'profile' : 'home/inbox/' === b && (i = 'notifications'),
- d.trigger('uiAction:openHome', i, this.shouldUseIframe())
- },
- destroyHome: function () {
- d.frame.sendHostMessage('home.destroy')
- },
- preload: function () {
- this.session.isLoggedOut() || this.shouldUseIframe() && (this.storeHomeSession(), d.frame.sendHostMessage('home.preload', {
- language: this.language
- }))
- },
- storeHomeSession: function () {
- c.sessionstorage && window.sessionStorage.setItem('home.session', JSON.stringify(this.session.user.toJSON()))
- }
- });
- return i
- }),
- define('core/constants/ratingsConstants', [
- 'exports'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- average: 0,
- breakdown: {
- 1: 0,
- 2: 0,
- 3: 0,
- 4: 0,
- 5: 0
- },
- count: 0
- }
- });
- var _slicedToArray = function () {
- function a(a, b) {
- var c = [
- ],
- d = !0,
- e = !1,
- f = void 0;
- try {
- for (var g, h = a[Symbol.iterator](); !(d = (g = h.next()).done) && (c.push(g.value), !b || c.length !== b); d = !0);
- } catch (i) {
- e = !0,
- f = i
- } finally {
- try {
- !d && h['return'] && h['return']()
- } finally {
- if (e) throw f
- }
- }
- return c
- }
- return function (b, c) {
- if (Array.isArray(b)) return b;
- if (Symbol.iterator in Object(b)) return a(b, c);
- throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance')
- }
- }();
- define('core/templates/react/RatingsScoreTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (b) {
- var c = b.breakdown,
- d = b.totalCount;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-units align align--stretch'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align__item--flex-1 align align--column'
- }, c.map(function (b, c) {
- var e = b.rating,
- f = b.count,
- g = b.percentage;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-unit-row align align--middle',
- key: c
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-text'
- }, e, ' ', a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align__item--flex-1 align align--center align--middle'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-outer-bar'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-inner-bar' + (d && f ? '' : ' no-rating'),
- style: {
- width: g / 2 + 'px'
- }
- }))))
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--column'
- }, c.map(function (b, c) {
- var d = b.percentage;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: c,
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-unit-row ratings-breakdown-percentage align__item--flex-1 align align--center'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align__item--flex-1 text-right'
- }, d, '%'))
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--column'
- }, c.map(function (b, c) {
- var d = b.count;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: c,
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-unit-row ratings-breakdown-percentage align__item--flex-1 align align--center'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align__item--flex-1 text-left'
- }, '(', d, ')'))
- })))
- },
- e = function (e) {
- var f = e.totalCount,
- g = e.average,
- h = e.breakdown,
- i = e.error,
- j = e.expandClass;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-score'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'spacing-top-small align align--center'
- }, 1 === f ? c.gettext('1 Rating') : c.gettext('%(totalCount)s Ratings', {
- totalCount: f
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-items align align--center align--middle',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars score-stars',
- style: {
- width: 20 * g + '%'
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'stars base-stars'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'rating-star'
- }, '★'))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-average'
- }, (Math.round(10 * g) / 10).toFixed(1), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown ' + j
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-notch-border'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ratings-breakdown-notch'
- }), a.createElement(d, {
- breakdown: b.sortBy(b.mapObject(h, function (a, b) {
- return [Number(b),
- a]
- }), function (a) {
- return - a[0]
- }).map(function (a) {
- var b = _slicedToArray(a, 2),
- c = b[0],
- d = b[1];
- return {
- rating: c,
- count: d,
- percentage: f && d ? (100 * d / f).toFixed() : 0
- }
- }),
- totalCount: f
- })))), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'err text-semibold'
- }, i || ''))
- };
- return e
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('lounge/views/ratings', [
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/constants/ratingsConstants',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'core/templates/react/RatingsScoreTemplate'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = b.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.session = a.session,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.error = null,
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:ratingsEnabled change:ratings', this.render),
- this.thread.forum.get('features') || this.listenToOnce(this.thread.forum, 'change:features', this.render)
- },
- setError: function () {
- var b = this;
- this.error = 'You must be logged in to rate this page',
- this.render(),
- setTimeout(a.bind(function () {
- b.error = null,
- b.render()
- }, this), 5000)
- },
- render: function () {
- if (f.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(this.thread)) {
- var a = this.thread.get('ratings') || e.DEFAULT_RATINGS;
- d.render(c.createElement(g, _extends({
- }, a, {
- totalCount: a.count || 0,
- error: this.error,
- expandClass: 'expand-below'
- })), this.el)
- } else this.$el.empty();
- return this
- }
- });
- return h
- }),
- define('core/utils/reactions', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (b) {
- for (var d, e = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b
- }), f = e && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: b
- }), g = 24, h = a('#reactions').width(), i = a('.reaction-item').map(function (b, c) {
- return e ? Math.ceil(a(c) [0].getBoundingClientRect().width) : a(c).width()
- }).get(), j = 0, k = [
- ]; !d && j < a('.reaction-item').length; ) {
- j += 1,
- d = !0;
- var l = Math.ceil(i.length / j);
- k = [
- ];
- for (var m = 0; m < j; m++) {
- var n = i.slice(l * m, l * (m + 1)),
- o = (n.length - 1) * g,
- p = n.reduce(function (a, b) {
- return a + b
- }, 0) + (e && !f ? o : 0);
- if (p >= h) {
- d = !1;
- break
- }
- k.push(p)
- }
- }
- if (e) {
- var q = 16;
- a('.reaction-tooltip').each(function (b, c) {
- a(c).height() > q && (c.style.top = '-68px')
- })
- }
- a('.reaction-items__container').width(Math.max.apply(null, k) + 1)
- },
- e = function (b) {
- var c = a('.reaction-items').width();
- c !== b._lastReactionsWidth && (b._lastReactionsWidth = c, d(b.forum))
- },
- f = function (c) {
- c._lastReactionsWidth = a('.reaction-items').width();
- var d = 200;
- c._reactionsResizeListener = b.debounce(b.partial(e, c), d),
- a(window).resize(c._reactionsResizeListener)
- },
- g = function (b) {
- b._reactionsResizeListener && a(window).off('resize', b._reactionsResizeListener)
- };
- return {
- attachReactionsListener: f,
- formatReactionsItems: d,
- detachReactionsListener: g
- }
- }),
- define('core/constants/reactionConstants', [
- 'exports',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.get,
- d = '//c.disquscdn.com/next/current/publisher-admin/assets/img/emoji/';
- {
- text: 'Upvote',
- imageUrl: d + 'upvote-512x512.png'
- },
- {
- text: 'Funny',
- imageUrl: d + 'funny-512x512.png'
- },
- {
- text: 'Love',
- imageUrl: d + 'love-512x512.png'
- },
- {
- text: 'Surprised',
- imageUrl: d + 'surprised-512x512.png'
- },
- {
- text: 'Angry',
- imageUrl: d + 'angry-512x512.png'
- },
- {
- text: 'Sad',
- imageUrl: d + 'sad-512x512.png'
- }
- ],
- a.DEFAULT_PROMPT = c('What do you think?'),
- 'Upvote',
- 'Funny',
- 'Love',
- 'Surprised',
- 'Angry',
- 'Sad'
- ],
- 'invalid-image-file': 'Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that the file is valid and in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF).',
- 'invalid-content-type': 'Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that the file is in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF).',
- 'file-too-large': 'Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that your image is under 5MB.',
- 'not-authenticated': 'You must be logged in to upload an image.',
- 'default': 'Unfortunately your image upload failed. Please verify that your image is in a supported format (JPEG, PNG, or GIF) and under 5MB. If you continue seeing this error, please try again later.'
- }
- });
- var _extends = Object.assign || function (a) {
- for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
- var c = arguments[b];
- for (var d in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d])
- }
- return a
- };
- define('core/templates/react/ReactionItemsPartial', [
- 'react',
- 'core/constants/reactionConstants'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = function (c) {
- var d = c.reactionsList,
- e = c.onSubmitReaction,
- f = c.showVoteCount,
- g = c.readonly,
- h = c.isRefreshEnabled,
- i = c.isRefreshV2Enabled,
- j = h ? 'reaction-items__container--refresh' : '',
- k = h ? 'reaction-item reaction-item--refresh' : 'reaction-item align align--column align--middle spacing-bottom-narrow',
- l = h ? 'reaction-item__button reaction-item__button--refresh' : 'align align--middle align--column reaction-item__button',
- m = h ? 'reaction-item__votes reaction-item__votes--refresh' : 'reaction-item__votes',
- n = h ? 'reaction-item__votes-wrapper reaction-item__votes-wrapper--refresh' : 'reaction-item__votes-wrapper',
- o = h ? 'reaction-item__image-wrapper reaction-item__image-wrapper--refresh' : 'reaction-item__image-wrapper',
- p = h ? 'reaction-item__image reaction-item__image--refresh' : 'reaction-item__image',
- q = 'reaction-vote',
- r = function (a, b) {
- e && !g && e(a, b)
- },
- s = function (a, b, c) {
- var d = 13;
- a.keyCode === d && r(b, c)
- },
- t = d.map(function (a) {
- if (!a.imageUrl) return a;
- var c = a.imageUrl.split('/'),
- d = b.DEFAULT_REACTIONS.filter(function (a) {
- var b = a.imageUrl.split('/');
- return b[b.length - 1].split('-') [0].split('.') [0] === c[c.length - 1].split('-') [0].split('.') [0]
- }),
- e = (d.length ? d[0] : a).imageUrl;
- return _extends({
- }, a, {
- imageUrl: e
- })
- }),
- u = function (a) {
- if (a > 999) {
- var b = a.toString();
- return a < 9999 ? b[0] + '.' + b[1] + 'k' : a < 99999 ? b.slice(0, 2) + '.' + b[2] + 'k' : a < 999999 ? b.slice(0, 3) + '.' + b[3] + 'k' : b[0] + '.' + b[1] + 'm'
- }
- return a
- },
- v = function (a) {
- return (!h || i) && a.text && a.text.trim()
- };
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--center align--wrap reaction-items__container ' + j
- }, t.map(function (b, c) {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- key: c,
- className: [
- k,
- e ? 'reaction-item__enabled' : 'reaction-item__disabled',
- b.isSelected ? 'reaction-item__selected' : ''
- ].join(' ').trim()
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: l,
- tabIndex: g ? '-1' : '0',
- onKeyPress: function (a) {
- return s(a, c, b)
- },
- onClick: function () {
- return r(c, b)
- }
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: o
- }, b.imageUrl ? a.createElement('img', {
- className: p,
- src: b.imageUrl,
- title: b.text || 'reaction ' + c,
- alt: b.text || 'reaction ' + c
- }) : null, !i && f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: n
- }, void 0 !== b.votes && f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: m
- }, b.votes || 0) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: m
- }, 'Â ')) : null), i ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: q
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: n
- }, void 0 !== b.votes && f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: m
- }, u(b.votes) || 0) : a.createElement('div', {
- className: m
- }, 'Â ')) : null) : null, v(b) ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reaction-item__text'
- }, b.text) : null), h && !i ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reaction-tooltip'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'reaction-tooltip__text'
- }, b.text), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reaction-tooltip__triangle'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reaction-tooltip__inner-triangle'
- }))) : null)
- }))
- };
- return c
- }),
- define('core/templates/react/ReactionsTemplate', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/templates/react/ReactionItemsPartial',
- 'core/constants/reactionConstants',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e) {
- 'use strict';
- var f = function (f) {
- var g = f.reactionsList,
- h = f.prompt,
- i = f.onSubmitReaction,
- j = f.error,
- k = f.readonly,
- l = f.userCanModerate,
- m = f.forum,
- n = e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: m
- }),
- o = n && e.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: m
- }),
- p = n ? 'reactions-refresh' : '',
- q = g.reduce(function (a, b) {
- return a + ('number' == typeof b.votes ? b.votes : 0)
- }, 0),
- r = g.some(function (a) {
- return a.isSelected
- });
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'reactions',
- className: p
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'text-bold align align--center spacing-bottom-small prompt'
- }, h && h.trim() || d.DEFAULT_PROMPT), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--center spacing-bottom'
- }, 1 === q ? b.gettext('1 Response') : b.gettext('%(voteCount)s Responses', {
- voteCount: q
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: [
- 'reaction-items',
- k ? 'readonly' : '',
- r ? 'has-selection' : '',
- l || r || k ? 'counts-visible' : ''
- ].join(' ').trim()
- }, a.createElement(c, {
- reactionsList: g,
- onSubmitReaction: i,
- showVoteCount: l || r || k,
- readonly: k,
- isRefreshEnabled: n,
- isRefreshV2Enabled: o
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'err text-semibold'
- }, j || ''))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/reactions', [
- 'backbone',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/utils/reactions',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/templates/react/ReactionsTemplate'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.reactions = a.reactions,
- this.readonly = a.readonly,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.userCanModerate = this.session.get('canModerate'),
- this.isRefreshEnabled = f.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum
- }),
- this.listenTo(this.reactions, 'sync', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.reactions, 'vote:start', this.handleSubmitStart),
- this.listenTo(this.reactions, 'vote:end', this.handleSubmitEnd),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:canModerate', this.handleCanModerateChange),
- e.attachReactionsListener(this)
- },
- handleSubmitStart: function () {
- this.isSubmitting = !0,
- this.$('.reaction-items').addClass('is-submitting'),
- this.$('.err').html()
- },
- handleSubmitEnd: function () {
- this.isSubmitting = !1,
- this.$('.reaction-items').removeClass('is-submitting')
- },
- handleCanModerateChange: function () {
- this.userCanModerate = this.session.get('canModerate'),
- this.render()
- },
- vote: function (a) {
- if (!this.isSubmitting && !this.readonly) {
- var b = this;
- this.reactions.vote(a, {
- success: this.render.bind(this),
- error: function () {
- b.$('.err').html('An error has occurred while saving your reaction. Please try again later.')
- }
- }),
- d.trigger('uiAction:reactionsVote', this.reactions.at(a))
- }
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.reactions.length ? (c.render(b.createElement(g, {
- reactionsList: this.reactions.toJSON(),
- prompt: this.reactions.prompt,
- onSubmitReaction: this.vote.bind(this),
- readonly: this.readonly,
- userCanModerate: this.userCanModerate,
- forum: this.forum
- }), this.el), this.isRefreshEnabled && e.formatReactionsItems(this.forum)) : this.$el.html(''),
- this
- }
- });
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/reactionsPromotion', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/templates/react/ReactionItemsPartial',
- 'core/constants/reactionConstants'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var f = b.onConfirm,
- g = b.onDefer,
- h = b.forumShortname;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'reactions-promotion'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'striped-bar'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--center private'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon icon-lock'
- }), e('Only you can see this')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'promotion-title text-bold align align--center spacing-top-narrow spacing-bottom'
- }, e('Want to increase engagement? Add Reactions to your articles.')), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'reaction-items'
- }, a.createElement(c, {
- reactionsList: d.DEFAULT_REACTIONS,
- readonly: !0
- })), a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'align align--center'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'btn btn-info',
- onClick: g
- }, e('Maybe later')), a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'btn btn-primary spacing-left',
- onClick: f,
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
- href: 'https://' + h + '.disqus.com/admin/settings/reactions/'
- }, 'Enable Reactions')))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/reactions-promotion', [
- 'backbone',
- 'stance',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/api',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'templates/lounge/reactionsPromotion'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- 'use strict';
- var h = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.listenToOnce(b(this), 'visible', this.trackView)
- },
- onConfirm: function () {
- f.getLounge().trigger('uiAction:reactionsEnable'),
- this.onDismiss()
- },
- onDefer: function () {
- f.getLounge().trigger('uiAction:reactionsDefer'),
- this.onDismiss()
- },
- onDismiss: function () {
- this.dismissed = !0,
- this.render(),
- e.call('announcements/messages/view', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- message: 'reactionsEmbedPromotion'
- }
- })
- },
- trackView: function () {
- f.getLounge().trigger('uiAction:viewReactionsPromotion')
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.dismissed ? this.$el.html('') : d.render(c.createElement(g, {
- onDefer: this.onDefer.bind(this),
- onConfirm: this.onConfirm.bind(this),
- forumShortname: this.forum.id
- }), this.el),
- this
- }
- });
- return h
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postCount', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function (b) {
- return a.createElement('a', {
- className: 'publisher-nav-color'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'comment-count'
- }, 1 === b.count ? c('1 comment') : c('%(numPosts)s comments', {
- numPosts: b.count
- })))
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/topNavigation', [
- 'react',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postCount',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = function (e) {
- var f = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: e.thread.attributes.forum
- }),
- g = f ? 'nav-primary nav-primary--refresh' : 'nav-primary',
- h = f ? 'tab-conversation tab-conversation--refresh' : 'tab-conversation';
- return a.createElement('nav', {
- className: 'nav ' + g
- }, a.createElement('ul', null, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--primary ' + h + ' active',
- 'data-role': 'post-count'
- }, e.inHome ? null : a.createElement(c, {
- count: b(e.thread, [
- 'attributes',
- 'posts'
- ], null)
- })), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--primary tab-user'
- }, a.createElement('ul', null, a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--primary notification-menu',
- 'data-role': 'notification-menu'
- }), a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--primary dropdown user-menu',
- 'data-role': 'logout'
- })))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('lounge/views/top-navigation', [
- 'backbone',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/topNavigation'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.inHome = a.inHome,
- this.thread = a.thread
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(b({
- inHome: this.inHome,
- thread: this.thread
- })),
- this
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/threadFooter', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = b.gettext,
- f = function (b) {
- var f = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }),
- g = f ? 'disqus-footer__link disqus-footer__link--refresh' : 'disqus-footer__link',
- h = f ? 'disqus-footer__item disqus-footer__item--refresh' : 'disqus-footer__item',
- i = f ? 'text-item' : 'clip',
- j = f ? 'disqus-footer disqus-footer--refresh' : 'disqus-footer';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: j
- }, a.createElement('ul', {
- className: 'disqus-footer__list'
- }, c.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- id: 'thread-subscribe-button',
- className: 'email ' + h
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'default'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- rel: 'nofollow',
- 'data-action': 'subscribe',
- title: e('Subscribe and get email updates from this discussion'),
- className: g
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'icon-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-subscribe-refresh'
- })) : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-mail'
- }), a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-checkmark'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- id: 'thread-subscribe-text-default',
- className: i
- }, e('Subscribe')), a.createElement('span', {
- id: 'thread-subscribe-text-subscribed',
- className: i
- }, e('Subscribed'))))), c.isFeatureActive('removePrivacyPolicy', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'privacy ' + h
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/privacy-policy',
- rel: 'nofollow noopener noreferrer',
- target: '_blank',
- className: g,
- title: 'Privacy'
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'icon-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-privacy-refresh'
- })) : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-lock'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: i
- }, e('Privacy')))), c.isFeatureActive('removePrivacyPolicy', {
- forum: b.forum.id
- }) ? '' : a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'do-not-sell ' + h
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/data-sharing-settings/',
- rel: 'nofollow noopener noreferrer',
- target: '_blank',
- className: g
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'icon-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-warning-refresh'
- })) : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon icon-warning'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: i
- }, e('Do Not Sell My Data'))))), d(b.forum, [
- 'attributes',
- 'disableDisqusBranding'
- ], null) ? null : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'disqus-footer__logo'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com',
- rel: 'nofollow',
- title: e('Powered by Disqus'),
- className: g
- }, e('Powered by Disqus'))))
- };
- return f
- }),
- define('lounge/views/thread-footer', [
- 'backbone',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/threadFooter'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = a.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.forum = a.forum
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(b({
- forum: this.forum
- })),
- this
- }
- });
- return c
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/postSort', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- var e = b.votingDisabled && 'popular' === b.order ? 'desc' : b.order,
- f = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: b.forum
- }),
- g = f ? '' : 'nav-tab nav-tab--secondary dropdown sorting pull-left spacing-right-large',
- h = f ? 'sort-menu-refresh' : 'dropdown-menu',
- i = f ? 'sort-menu-refresh__item' : '';
- return a.createElement('li', {
- 'data-role': 'post-sort',
- className: g
- }, f ? null : a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'dropdown-toggle',
- 'data-toggle': 'dropdown'
- }, 'popular' === e ? d('Sort by Best') : null, 'desc' === e ? d('Sort by Newest') : null, 'asc' === e ? d('Sort by Oldest') : null, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'caret'
- })), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: h
- }, a.createElement('li', {
- className: i + ' ' + ('popular' === e ? 'selected' : '')
- }, b.votingDisabled ? null : a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'sort',
- 'data-sort': 'popular'
- }, d('Best'), f ? null : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-checkmark'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: i + ' ' + ('desc' === e ? 'selected' : '')
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'sort',
- 'data-sort': 'desc'
- }, d('Newest'), f ? null : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-checkmark'
- }))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: i + ' ' + ('asc' === e ? 'selected' : '')
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'sort',
- 'data-sort': 'asc'
- }, d('Oldest'), f ? null : a.createElement('i', {
- 'aria-hidden': 'true',
- className: 'icon-checkmark'
- })))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/partials/secondaryNavigation', [
- 'react',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postSort',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = function (d) {
- var e = d.forum,
- f = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: e
- }),
- g = f ? 'nav-secondary-refresh__list' : '',
- h = d.inHome ? null : a.createElement(b, {
- order: d.order,
- votingDisabled: d.votingDisabled,
- forum: e
- }),
- i = a.createElement('li', {
- id: 'thread-share-bar',
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--secondary share-bar pull-left'
- }),
- j = a.createElement('li', {
- id: 'favorite-button',
- className: 'nav-tab nav-tab--secondary favorite dropdown pull-left',
- 'aria-label': 'Favorite this discussion'
- }),
- k = a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'nav-secondary-refresh__list-item'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'favorite-button'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'thread-share-bar',
- className: 'share-bar-refresh'
- })),
- l = f ? [
- k,
- h
- ] : [
- h,
- j,
- i
- ];
- return a.createElement('ul', {
- className: g
- }, l)
- };
- return d
- }),
- define('lounge/views/secondary-navigation', [
- 'backbone',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/switches',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/secondaryNavigation'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = a.View.extend({
- attributes: {
- 'data-tracking-area': 'secondary-nav'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.inHome = a.inHome,
- this.order = a.order,
- this.votingDisabled = a.votingDisabled,
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.isRefreshEnabled = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum
- }),
- this.$el.addClass(this.isRefreshEnabled ? 'nav-secondary-refresh' : 'nav nav-secondary')
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(d({
- inHome: this.inHome,
- order: this.order,
- votingDisabled: this.votingDisabled,
- forum: this.forum
- })),
- this
- }
- });
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/userMenu', [
- 'react',
- 'core/config/urls',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/utils/object/get',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/profileLink'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- 'use strict';
- var i = c.gettext,
- j = function (c) {
- var j = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: c.forum.id
- }),
- k = d.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: c.forum.id
- }),
- l = j ? 'username username--refresh' : 'username',
- m = j ? 'avatar avatar--refresh' : 'avatar',
- n = j ? 'dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle--refresh' : 'dropdown-toggle',
- o = j ? 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu--refresh' : 'dropdown-menu',
- p = j ? 'caret caret--refresh' : 'caret',
- q = i(null === g.get('switch:embed_refresh') || g.get('switch:embed_refresh') === !0 ? 'Classic Disqus' : 'New Disqus');
- return [!e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canReply'
- ]) || !e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) && d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.thread.forum
- }) ? null : a.createElement('a', {
- key: 'user-menu-dropdown',
- href: '#',
- className: n,
- 'data-toggle': 'dropdown',
- role: 'menuitem',
- name: e(c.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) ? 'User Menu' : i('Login')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'dropdown-toggle-wrapper'
- }, e(c.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) ? a.createElement('span', null, a.createElement('span', {
- className: m
- }, a.createElement('img', {
- 'data-role': 'user-avatar',
- 'data-user': e(c.user, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- 'data-src': e(c.user, [
- 'avatar',
- 'cache'
- ], ''),
- alt: i('Avatar')
- })), a.createElement('span', {
- className: l,
- 'data-role': 'username',
- 'data-username': e(c.user, [
- 'username'
- ], '')
- }, e(c.user, [
- 'name'
- ]) || e(c.user, [
- 'username'
- ]) || null)) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: l
- }, i('Login')), ' '), ' ', a.createElement('span', {
- className: p
- })),
- a.createElement('ul', {
- key: 'user-menu-menu',
- className: o
- }, e(c.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) ? [
- e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) && d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.thread.forum
- }) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-profile'
- }, a.createElement(h, {
- user: c.user,
- forum: c.forum
- }, i('Your Profile'))),
- d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.thread.forum
- }) || e(c.forum, [
- 'disableDisqusBranding'
- ], null) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-channels'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '/channels/',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, i('Channels'))),
- j && k && !c.isInHome && !d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.thread.forum
- }) ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-community'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: e(c.forum, [
- 'homeUrl'
- ], ''),
- 'data-action': 'community-sidebar',
- 'data-forum': e(c.forum, [
- 'id'
- ], ''),
- id: 'community-tab',
- name: e(c.forum, [
- 'name'
- ], null)
- }, i('Community'))) : null,
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-media'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'media-toggle-on',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-media'
- }, i('Display Media')), a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: 'media-toggle-off',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-media'
- }, i('Hide Media'))),
- e(c.user, [
- 'remote'
- ]) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-settings'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: e(b, [
- 'editProfile'
- ], '')
- }, i('Edit Settings')))
- ] : [
- e(c.sso, [
- 'url'
- ]) ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-sso',
- className: 'sso'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:sso'
- }, e(c.sso, [
- 'name'
- ], null))) : null,
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-disqus'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:disqus'
- }, 'Disqus')),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-facebook'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:facebook'
- }, 'Facebook')),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-twitter'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:twitter'
- }, 'X (Twitter)')),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-google'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:google'
- }, 'Google')),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-microsoft'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:microsoft'
- }, 'Microsoft')),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-auth-apple'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'auth:apple'
- }, 'Apple'))
- ], e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) ? [
- c.forum.settings.validateAllPosts ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-toggle-thread-premoderate'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-thread-premoderate'
- }, i(c.thread.validateAllPosts ? 'Don\'t Premoderate Thread' : 'Premoderate Thread'))),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-toggle-thread'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-thread'
- }, i(e(c.thread, [
- 'isClosed'
- ]) ? 'Open Thread' : 'Close Thread'))),
- e(c.forum, [
- 'settings',
- 'threadReactionsEnabled'
- ]) && e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canModerate'
- ]) && c.thread.reactions.eligible ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-toggle-reactions'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-reactions'
- }, i(c.thread.reactions && c.thread.reactions.enabled ? 'Remove Reactions' : 'Restore Reactions'))) : null,
- f.isForumRatingsEnabled(c.forum) ? a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-toggle-thread-ratings'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-thread-ratings'
- }, i(c.thread.ratingsEnabled ? 'Disable Ratings' : 'Enable Ratings'))) : null,
- e(c.user, [
- 'isGlobalAdmin'
- ]) ? null : a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-help'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/2538045-commenter-launch-pad'
- }, i('Help')))
- ] : null, e(c.user, [
- 'isGlobalAdmin'
- ]) ? [
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-debug'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'debug'
- }, i('Debug'))),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-repair'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'repair'
- }, i('Repair')))
- ] : null, e(c.user, [
- 'isRegistered'
- ]) && e(c.user, [
- 'thread',
- 'canReply'
- ]) ? [
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-toggle-embed-refresh'
- }, d.isFeatureActive('toggle_embed_refresh') && !d.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: c.thread.forum
- }) ? a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'toggle-embed-refresh'
- }, q) : null),
- a.createElement('li', {
- key: 'menu-logout'
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- 'data-action': 'logout'
- }, i('Logout')))
- ] : null)]
- };
- return j
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/threadShareBar', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings',
- 'core/switches'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = b.gettext,
- e = function (b) {
- var e = b.forum,
- f = c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: e
- }),
- g = f && c.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: e
- }),
- h = f ? 'thread-share-bar-buttons-refresh' : 'thread-share-bar-buttons dropdown',
- i = f ? 'share-dropdown-refresh' : 'dropdown-menu pull-right',
- j = f ? 'share-button-toggle' : 'dropdown-toggle icon icon-share',
- k = f ? 'share-dropdown-refresh__item' : 'thread-share__item';
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'thread-share-wrapper'
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'round-delimiter'
- }) : null, a.createElement('span', {
- 'data-role': 'thread-share',
- className: h
- }, a.createElement('a', {
- href: '#',
- className: j + ' ' + (g ? j + '--v2' : ''),
- 'data-toggle': 'dropdown',
- 'aria-label': d('Share')
- }, f ? d('Share') : ''), a.createElement('ul', {
- className: i
- }, f ? null : a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'thread-share__text'
- }, 'Share this discussion'), a.createElement('li', {
- className: k
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'share-icons-wrapper share-icons-wrapper--twitter',
- 'data-action': 'share:twitter'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-twitter-x',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Tweet this discussion'))) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'share-twitter',
- 'data-action': 'share:twitter',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-twitter-circle',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Tweet this discussion')))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: k
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'share-icons-wrapper share-icons-wrapper--facebook',
- 'data-action': 'share:facebook'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-facebook',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Share this discussion on Facebook'))) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'share-facebook',
- 'data-action': 'share:facebook',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-facebook-circle',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Share this discussion on Facebook')))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: k
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'share-icons-wrapper share-icons-wrapper--email',
- 'data-action': 'share:email'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-mail',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Share this discussion via email'))) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'share-email',
- 'data-action': 'share:email',
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-mail',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Share this discussion via email')))), a.createElement('li', {
- className: k
- }, f ? a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'share-icons-wrapper share-icons-wrapper--link',
- 'data-action': 'copy-link',
- title: d('Click to copy discussion link')
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-link',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Copy link to discussion'))) : a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'share-link',
- 'data-action': 'copy-link',
- title: d('Click to copy discussion link'),
- tabIndex: '0'
- }, a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'icon-link',
- 'aria-hidden': 'true'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'visually-hidden'
- }, d('Copy link to discussion')))))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/layout', [
- 'react'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function (b) {
- var c = b.forum;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'layout',
- 'data-tracking-area': 'layout'
- }, c.settings.behindClickEnabled ? a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'behindclick__container'
- }) : null, a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'thread__container'
- }), a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'embed_v2-root'
- }))
- };
- return b
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/inEmbedAd', [
- 'react'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- return function () {
- return a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'ad-content',
- role: 'ad-content'
- })
- }
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/inthreadAd', [
- 'react'
- ], function (a) {
- 'use strict';
- var b = function () {
- return a.createElement('li', {
- className: 'post advertisement'
- }, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'post-content',
- 'data-role': 'post-content'
- }))
- };
- return b
- }),
- define('templates/lounge/termsOfService', [
- 'react',
- 'core/strings'
- ], function (a, b) {
- 'use strict';
- var c = b.gettext,
- d = function () {
- return a.createElement('div', null, a.createElement('div', {
- className: 'checkbox-wrapper'
- }, a.createElement('p', null, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'tos'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, c('I agree to Disqus\' %(terms)s', {
- terms: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466260-terms-of-service',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, c('Terms of Service'))
- })))), a.createElement('p', null, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'privacy-policy'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, c('I agree to Disqus\' processing of email and IP address, and the use of cookies, to facilitate my authentication and posting of comments, explained further in the %(policy)s', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/privacy-policy',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, c('Privacy Policy'))
- })))), a.createElement('p', null, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- name: 'data-sharing'
- }), a.createElement('span', {
- className: 'spacing-left-small'
- }, c('I agree to additional processing of my information, including first and third party cookies, for personalized content and advertising as outlined in our %(policy)s', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/data-sharing-settings/'
- }, c('Data Sharing Policy'))
- }))))))
- },
- e = function (b) {
- var e = b.onAccept,
- f = b.isPrivate;
- return a.createElement('div', {
- id: 'tos__message',
- className: 'align align--column align--middle'
- }, a.createElement('h1', null, c('Important Update')), a.createElement('p', null, c('When you log in with Disqus, we process personal data to facilitate your authentication and posting of comments. We also store the comments you post and those comments are immediately viewable and searchable by anyone around the world.')), f ? a.createElement(d, null) : a.createElement('p', null, a.createElement('label', null, a.createElement('span', null, c('Please access our %(policy)s to learn what personal data Disqus collects and your choices about how it is used. All users of our service are also subject to our %(terms)s.', {
- policy: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://disqus.com/privacy-policy',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, c('Privacy Policy')),
- terms: a.createElement('a', {
- href: 'https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466260-terms-of-service',
- target: '_blank',
- rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
- }, c('Terms of Service'))
- })))), a.createElement('p', {
- className: 'align'
- }, a.createElement('button', {
- className: 'button button-large',
- onClick: e,
- id: 'accept_tos'
- }, c('Proceed'))))
- };
- return e
- }),
- define('common/collections/profile', [
- 'core/api',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/collections'
- ], function (a, b, c) {
- 'use strict';
- var d = c.PaginatedCollection.extend({
- initialize: function (a, b) {
- this.user = b.user,
- c.PaginatedCollection.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments)
- },
- fetch: function (a) {
- return a = a || {
- },
- a.data = a.data || {
- },
- a.data.user = this.user.id,
- c.PaginatedCollection.prototype.fetch.call(this, a)
- }
- }),
- e = d.extend({
- model: b.SyncedUser,
- url: a.getURL('users/listFollowing'),
- PER_PAGE: 20
- });
- return {
- SessionPaginatedCollection: d,
- FollowingCollection: e
- }
- });
- var _typeof = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (a) {
- return typeof a
- }
- : function (a) {
- return a && 'function' == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof a
- };
- define('lounge/views', [
- 'jquery',
- 'underscore',
- 'backbone',
- 'loglevel',
- 'raven',
- 'stance',
- 'moment',
- 'react',
- 'react-dom',
- 'core/ads/ads',
- 'core/analytics/identity',
- 'core/api',
- 'core/mediaConfig',
- 'core/UniqueModel',
- 'core/mixins/appliesPublisherClasses',
- 'core/mixins/withAlert',
- 'core/models/ThreadVote',
- 'core/models/Vote',
- 'core/constants/voteConstants',
- 'core/config',
- 'remote/config',
- 'common/models',
- 'common/collections',
- 'common/utils',
- 'core/bus',
- 'core/strings',
- 'common/urls',
- 'core/analytics/jester',
- 'common/views/mixins',
- 'common/Session',
- 'common/keys',
- 'core/utils',
- 'core/utils/isIframed',
- 'core/utils/html/toRGBColorString',
- 'core/utils/threadRatingsHelpers',
- 'core/utils/url/serialize',
- 'core/utils/storage',
- 'core/utils/isMediaTradecraftAdEnabled',
- 'core/switches',
- 'core/viglink',
- 'core/WindowBus',
- 'common/outboundlinkhandler',
- 'core/mixins/withEmailVerifyLink',
- 'core/templates/react/BehindClickTemplate',
- 'core/templates/react/ThreadTemplate',
- 'core/shared/urls',
- 'lounge/common',
- 'lounge/menu-handler',
- 'lounge/mixins',
- 'lounge/realtime',
- 'lounge/views/badges-message',
- 'lounge/views/email-signup',
- 'lounge/views/posts/PostReplyView',
- 'lounge/views/posts/collection',
- 'lounge/views/media',
- 'lounge/views/onboard-alert',
- 'lounge/views/notification-menu',
- 'lounge/views/highlighted-post',
- 'lounge/views/realtime',
- 'lounge/views/posts/UserSuggestionsManager',
- 'lounge/views/sidebar',
- 'lounge/views/ratings',
- 'lounge/views/reactions',
- 'lounge/views/reactions-promotion',
- 'lounge/views/favorite-button',
- 'lounge/views/top-navigation',
- 'lounge/views/thread-footer',
- 'lounge/views/secondary-navigation',
- 'lounge/tracking',
- 'templates/lounge/userMenu',
- 'templates/lounge/threadShareBar',
- 'templates/lounge/layout',
- 'templates/lounge/inEmbedAd',
- 'templates/lounge/inthreadAd',
- 'templates/lounge/termsOfService',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postCount',
- 'templates/lounge/partials/postSort',
- 'common/main',
- 'common/collections/profile'
- ], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, $, _, aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa, ga, ha, ia, ja, ka, la, ma, na, oa, pa, qa, ra, sa, ta, ua, va, wa, xa) {
- 'use strict';
- var ya = window.document,
- za = z.get,
- Aa = F.preventDefaultHandler,
- Ba = new O,
- Ca = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=subscribe]': 'subscribe'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change:userSubscription', this.updateStatus),
- this.updateStatus()
- },
- updateStatus: function () {
- this.thread.get('userSubscription') ? (this.$el.addClass('subscribed'), this.$el.find('#thread-subscribe-text-default').addClass('hidden'), this.$el.find('#thread-subscribe-text-subscribed').removeClass('hidden')) : (this.$el.removeClass('subscribed'), this.$el.find('#thread-subscribe-text-default').removeClass('hidden'), this.$el.find('#thread-subscribe-text-subscribed').addClass('hidden'))
- },
- subscribe: Aa(function () {
- var a = this.thread.get('userSubscription');
- this.session.isLoggedOut() ? this.subscribeAfterAuthentication() : this.thread.subscribe(!a)
- }),
- subscribeAfterAuthentication: function () {
- this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'fetchThreadDetails:success', function () {
- this.session.isLoggedIn() && this.thread.subscribe()
- }),
- this.session.get('sso') && this.session.get('sso').url ? this.session.authenticate('sso') : this.session.authenticate('disqusDotcom')
- }
- }),
- Da = c.View.extend({
- topEdgeOffset: function () {
- return - U.getLounge().getPosition().height
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.options = a,
- this.hasLoaded = null,
- this.listenToOnce(f(this), 'enter', this.loadImage)
- },
- loadImage: function () {
- var a = this;
- if (!a.hasLoaded) {
- var b = function (b) {
- return function () {
- a.trigger(b),
- a.$el.off('.deferredMediaView'),
- a.relatedPost && U.getLounge().postsView.onDeferredViewReady(a.relatedPost)
- }
- };
- a.$el.on('load.deferredMediaView', b('load')),
- a.$el.on('error.deferredMediaView', b('error')),
- a.$el.attr('src', a.options.url),
- a.hasLoaded = !0
- }
- }
- }),
- Ea = c.View.extend({
- tagName: 'ul',
- className: 'debug',
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.values = a
- },
- render: function () {
- return this.$el.html(b.reduce(this.values, function (a, b, c) {
- return a + '<li><strong>' + c + '</strong>: ' + b + '</li>'
- }, '')),
- this
- }
- }),
- Fa = c.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.session = a.session,
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.isInHome = a.isInHome,
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', this.render),
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change', this.render),
- this.listenTo(aa.settings, 'change:collapsed', this.onMediaCollapseChange),
- this.listenToReactions()
- },
- listenToReactions: function () {
- this.thread.get('reactions') ? this.listenTo(this.thread.get('reactions'), 'sync change:enabled', this.render) : this.listenToOnce(this.thread, 'change:reactions', this.listenToReactions)
- },
- render: function () {
- return i.render(h.createElement(pa, {
- user: this.session.toJSON(),
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- thread: this.thread.toJSON(),
- sso: this.session.get('sso'),
- isInHome: this.isInHome
- }), this.el),
- this.onMediaCollapseChange(),
- this
- },
- onMediaCollapseChange: function () {
- aa.settings.get('collapsed') ? this.$el.addClass('media-collapsed') : this.$el.removeClass('media-collapsed')
- }
- }),
- Ga = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action=share\\:twitter]': '_onShare',
- 'keyup [data-action=share\\:twitter]': '_onShare',
- 'click [data-action=share\\:facebook]': '_onShare',
- 'keyup [data-action=share\\:facebook]': '_onShare',
- 'click [data-action=share\\:email]': '_onShare',
- 'keyup [data-action=share\\:email]': '_onShare',
- 'click [data-action=copy-link]': '_onCopyLink',
- 'keyup [data-action=copy-link]': '_onCopyLink'
- },
- _onCopyLink: Aa(function () {
- F.copyToClipboard(this.model.shortLink())
- }),
- _onShare: Aa(function (a) {
- var b = 13;
- if (!a.keyCode || a.keyCode === b) {
- var c = x.extractService(a.target, 'share');
- c && this.sharers[c] && (U.getLounge().trigger('uiAction:threadShare', c), this.share(c))
- }
- }),
- render: function () {
- return i.render(h.createElement(qa, {
- forum: this.model.forum.id
- }), this.el),
- this
- }
- });
- b.extend(Ga.prototype, W.ShareMixin);
- var Ha = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'change input[name=tos], input[name=privacy-policy]': 'updateEnabled'
- },
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.isPrivate = a.isPrivate,
- this.session = a.session
- },
- updateEnabled: function () {
- this.$('#accept_tos').prop('disabled', !!this.isPrivate && !this.areTosAccepted())
- },
- areTosAccepted: function () {
- return this.$('input[name=tos]').prop('checked') && this.$('input[name=privacy-policy]').prop('checked')
- },
- onAccept: function () {
- if (!this.isPrivate || this.areTosAccepted()) {
- var a = this.$('input[name=data-sharing]');
- a.length && l.call('internal/users/setDNT', {
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- value: a.prop('checked') ? 0 : 1
- }
- }),
- l.call('users/acceptTerms', {
- method: 'POST'
- }),
- this.close()
- }
- },
- close: function () {
- this.remove()
- },
- render: function () {
- return i.render(h.createElement(ua, {
- onAccept: this.onAccept.bind(this),
- isPrivate: this.isPrivate
- }), this.el),
- this.updateEnabled(),
- this
- }
- }),
- Ia = c.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.postCount = a.thread.get('posts') || 0,
- this.settings = a.settings
- },
- render: function () {
- return i.render(h.createElement(R, {
- postCount: this.postCount,
- titleEnabled: this.settings.title_enabled,
- titleText: this.settings.title_text,
- titleCSS: this.settings.title_css,
- buttonText: this.settings.button_text,
- buttonCSS: this.settings.button_css
- }), this.el),
- this
- }
- }),
- Ja = c.View.extend({
- initialize: function (a) {
- this.thread = a.thread,
- this.forum = a.forum,
- this.inHome = a.inHome,
- this.hideFooter = a.hideFooter,
- this.posts = a.posts
- },
- render: function () {
- return i.render(h.createElement(S, {
- thread: this.thread.toJSON(),
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- inHome: this.inHome,
- hideFooter: this.hideFooter,
- isPolicyAccepted: Boolean(K.get('isPolicyAccepted:' + this.forum.id)),
- posts: this.posts
- }), this.el),
- this
- }
- }),
- Ka = c.View.extend({
- events: {
- 'click [data-action^=auth\\:]': 'handleAuth',
- 'click [data-action=logout]': 'handleLogout',
- 'click [data-action=audiencesync]': 'audienceSync',
- 'click [data-action=profile]': 'handleShowProfile',
- 'click [data-action=community-sidebar]': 'handleShowCommunitySidebar',
- 'click [data-action=sort]': 'handleSort',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-thread-premoderate]': 'toggleThreadPremoderate',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-thread]': 'toggleThread',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-thread-ratings]': 'toggleThreadRatingsEnabled',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-thread-visibility]': 'toggleBehindClick',
- 'click [data-action=debug]': 'renderDebugInfo',
- 'click [data-action=repair]': 'repairThread',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-media]': 'toggleMedia',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-reactions]': 'toggleReactions',
- 'click a': 'handleLinkClick',
- 'click [data-action=accept-comment-policy]': 'setPolicyAccepted',
- 'click [data-action=toggle-embed-refresh]': 'toggleEmbedRefresh'
- },
- initialize: function (c) {
- U.setLounge(this),
- c = c || {
- };
- var d = c.jsonData || {
- };
- this.language = ya.documentElement.lang,
- this.initialData = d.response || {
- },
- this.cleanInitialData(this.initialData),
- this.onboardWindowName = x.globalUniqueId('disqus_'),
- this.initialData.forum && this.initialData.forum.id && (A.moderate = x.updateURL(A.moderate, {
- hostname: this.initialData.forum.id + '.'
- })),
- this.deferredViews = [
- ],
- this.unsortedDeferredViews = [
- ],
- this.inthreadAdApps = [
- ],
- this.adPromise = a.Deferred().resolve(),
- D.setDefaults(this.initialData.session),
- this.session = D.get(),
- this.forum = new v.Forum,
- this.forum.set(this.initialData.forum),
- this.thread = new v.Thread(this.initialData.thread, {
- forum: this.forum,
- postCursor: d.cursor,
- moderators: (this.initialData.thread || {
- }).moderators,
- order: d.order
- }),
- this.initUserSuggestionsManager();
- this.postsView = new _.PostCollectionView({
- posts: this.thread.posts,
- thread: this.thread,
- lounge: this,
- session: this.session,
- el: this.el,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions
- }),
- this.states = {
- fullyVisible: !1,
- realtimeIndicatorsCreated: !1,
- streamingPaused: !1,
- inViewport: !1,
- behindClick: !1
- },
- this.meta = {
- topics: null
- },
- xa.timings.loungeStart = Number(new Date);
- var e = b.bind(this.bootstrap, this);
- G(window) ? (this.listenTo(y.frame, 'init', e), this.initThreadView()) : b.defer(e),
- this.setAlertSelector('#layout'),
- this.initResizeHandler(),
- this.initAlertListeners(),
- this.initTopics()
- },
- setPolicyAccepted: function () {
- K.set('isPolicyAccepted:' + this.forum.id, !0),
- this.$el.find('#comment-policy').addClass('hidden')
- },
- cleanInitialData: function (a) {
- var c = a.thread && a.thread.highlightedPost;
- c && (c.isHighlighted = !0),
- b.each(a.posts, function (a) {
- c ? a.isHighlighted = a.id === c.id : a.isHighlighted = !1
- })
- },
- initAlertListeners: function () {
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'alert', this.alert)
- },
- initOnboardAlert: function () {
- var a = this.onboardAlert = new ba.OnboardAlert({
- session: this.session,
- forum: this.forum
- });
- this.proxyViewEvents(this.onboardAlert),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', function () {
- a.setInitialCookie(),
- a.render().$el.appendTo('#onboard')
- })
- },
- bootstrap: function (a) {
- var c,
- d = this,
- e = {
- };
- d.config = a = a || x.getConfigFromHash(window),
- a.forceSwitch && M.forceFeature(a.forceSwitch),
- a.loaderVersion = xa.version,
- d.states.fullyVisible = a.startedFullyVisible,
- k.init({
- isPrivate: a.isPrivate
- });
- var f = a.experiment;
- if (f) {
- if (f.experiment && f.variant) {
- var g = f,
- h = g.experiment,
- i = g.variant;
- h = h.replace(/_hidden$/, ''),
- M.forceFeature(['experiment',
- h,
- i].join(':'))
- }
- } else a.experiment = f = {
- };
- a.apiKey && (e['X-Disqus-Publisher-API-Key'] = a.apiKey),
- b.isObject(a.remoteAuthS3) && b.isEmpty(a.remoteAuthS3) ? a.remoteAuthS3 = null : e['X-Disqus-Remote-Auth'] = a.remoteAuthS3,
- b.isEmpty(e) || l.headers(e),
- a.anchorColor && (c = H(a.anchorColor), x.setPublisherColor(c), x.addStylesheetRules([['.publisher-anchor-color a',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]],
- [
- 'a.publisher-anchor-color',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-anchor-hover a:hover',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- 'a.publisher-anchor-hover:hover',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.active .publisher-nav-color:after',
- [
- 'background',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.media-preview .active.publisher-border-color',
- [
- 'border-color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-color',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !1
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-color:hover',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !1
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-background-color',
- [
- 'background-color',
- c,
- !1
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-border-color',
- [
- 'border-color',
- c,
- !1
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-color-refresh',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-color-refresh:hover',
- [
- 'color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-background-color-refresh',
- [
- 'background-color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-background-color-hover-refresh:hover',
- [
- 'background-color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ],
- [
- '.publisher-border-color-refresh',
- [
- 'border-color',
- c,
- !0
- ]
- ]])),
- a.impressionId && k.impression.setImpressionId(a.impressionId),
- x.injectBaseElement(),
- a.referrer && (d.thread.currentUrl = a.referrer),
- this.config.inthreadLeadingCommentCount && (this.config.inthreadLeadingCommentCount = Number(this.config.inthreadLeadingCommentCount), this.config.inthreadRepeatCommentCount = Number(this.config.inthreadRepeatCommentCount), this.config.inthreadTrailingCommentCount = Number(this.config.inthreadTrailingCommentCount));
- var j = this.getPermalinkOptions(a.parentWindowHash);
- j && y.frame.once('embed.rendered', b.bind(d.scrollToPost, d, j.postId, j.options)),
- a.sso && d.session.set('sso', a.sso),
- M.isFeatureActive('embed_v2', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && (window.embedv2 = window.embedv2 || {
- }, window.embedv2.embedConfig = a, window.embedv2.TLDS = t.TLDS),
- a.initialPosition ? d.position = a.initialPosition : d.position = x.calculatePositionFullscreen(),
- d.initPrivacySettings(),
- d.initLinkAffiliation(),
- d.initLiveRamp(),
- d.updateModeratorBadgeText(),
- d.bindBusListeners();
- var m = xa.timings;
- m.hostStart = a.timestamp || m.initStart,
- m.embedLoadTime = a.loadTime,
- this.once('threadView:prep', function () {
- d.listenToOnce(d.postsView, 'render:start', function () {
- m.renderStart = Number(new Date)
- }),
- d.listenToOnce(d.postsView, 'render:end', d.sendTelemetry),
- m.bootstrapStart = Number(new Date),
- d.postsView.bootstrap(d.initialData, j),
- d.initAfterPostCreateHandler(),
- d.initSession()
- }),
- d.initUI(),
- d.initLinkHandler(),
- d.initialized = !0,
- d.trigger('bootstrap:complete', d)
- },
- _isInHome: function (a, b) {
- var c = /^(?:https?:)?\/\/(?:www.)?/;
- return a = a.replace(c, ''),
- b = b.replace(c, ''),
- 0 === a.indexOf(b)
- },
- isInHome: function () {
- return !(!this.config || !this.config.referrer) && this._isInHome(this.config.referrer, T.apps.home + 'home/')
- },
- isOnChannel: function () {
- return !(!this.forum || !this.forum.id) && 0 === this.forum.id.indexOf('channel-')
- },
- initSession: function () {
- var a = this.config,
- b = this.session,
- c = this.thread;
- b.start({
- remoteAuthS3: a.remoteAuthS3,
- sso: a.sso,
- apiKey: a.apiKey,
- thread: c
- })
- },
- initPrivacySettings: function () {
- this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', function (a) {
- oa.isPrivate(a) && m.set({
- collapsed: {
- value: !0,
- persist: !1
- }
- })
- })
- },
- initLiveRamp: function () {
- var a = this.forum.get('settings') || {
- };
- a.userIdentityDisabled || this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', function (a) {
- var b = a.get('email');
- b && y.frame.sendHostMessage('liveramp:init', {
- email: a.get('email'),
- launchpad: A.liveRampAtsV2
- })
- })
- },
- initLinkAffiliation: function () {
- var a = N.getVersion();
- if (M.isFeatureActive('viglink_experiment', {
- forum: this.forum.id,
- forumPercent: this.forum.id
- }) && (a = N.getExperimentVersion()), this.isLinkAffiliatorEnabled() && !this.initLinkAffiliatorCalled && 'none' !== a) {
- this.initLinkAffiliatorCalled = !0;
- var b = A.linkAffiliatorClientV4;
- oa.shouldTrack(this.forum, this.session.user) && 'v5' === a && (b = A.linkAffiliatorClientV5),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('viglink:init', {
- clientUrl: b,
- apiUrl: A.linkAffiliatorAPI,
- key: E.viglinkAPI,
- id: this.forum.get('pk')
- })
- }
- },
- initAfterPostCreateHandler: function () {
- this.listenTo(this.thread, 'create', function (a) {
- var c = a.toJSON();
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('posts.create', c),
- Ba.broadcast('posts.create', b.pick(c, 'forum', 'parent', 'id'))
- })
- },
- sendTelemetry: function () {
- if (x.shouldSample(u.lounge.telemetry_sample_percent)) {
- var c = a.now(),
- d = xa.timings,
- e = {
- embed: d.embedLoadTime,
- frame: d.initStart - d.hostStart,
- asset: d.downloadEnd - d.initStart,
- render: c - d.renderStart,
- total: c - d.hostStart - (d.renderStart - d.bootstrapStart)
- },
- f = window.performance;
- if (f) {
- var g = f.timing;
- g.responseStart && (e.frame_rtt = g.responseStart - g.navigationStart);
- var h = b.find(f.getEntries && f.getEntries() || [
- ], function (a) {
- return a.name.indexOf('/next/config.js') > - 1
- });
- h && h.responseStart && (e.config_rtt = h.responseStart - h.startTime)
- }
- var i = 'lounge_' + ('static' === this.config.experiment.service ? 'static' : 'dynamic');
- return B.telemetry(i, e)
- }
- },
- initUI: function () {
- this.applyPublisherClasses(),
- this.renderLayout(),
- this.setAlertSelector('#global-alert'),
- this.bindUIUpdateHandlers(),
- this.initDeferredViews(),
- this.postsView.once('render:end', function () {
- var a = x.getPageHeight();
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('rendered', {
- height: a
- }),
- this._lastHeight = a,
- this.initRealtime()
- }, this),
- this.once('threadView:prep', this.initUIComponents),
- this.initThreadView()
- },
- initUIComponents: function () {
- this.initMainPostBox(),
- this.initTermsOfService(),
- this.initReactions(),
- this.initStarRatings(),
- this.initThreadFooter(),
- this.initSecondaryNavigation(),
- this.isInHome() || (this.initTopNavigation(), this.initUserMenu(), this.initOnboardAlert(), this.initNotificationMenu(), this.initFavoriteButton(), this.initThreadShareBar()),
- M.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) || this.initBadgesMessage(),
- this.initHighlightedPost(),
- this.initEmailSignup(),
- this.initThreadSubscribe(),
- this.bindProfileUIListeners(this.session),
- this.updatePostCount(),
- this.trigger('threadView:render')
- },
- initHighlightedPost: function () {
- var a = this.thread.get('highlightedPost');
- a && !M.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && this.thread.posts.add(a),
- this.highlightedPostView = new da.HighlightedPostView({
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('#highlighted-post'),
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- config: this.config
- }),
- this.highlightedPostView.reset()
- },
- initReactions: function () {
- if (this.forum.get('settings')) {
- if (!this.forum.get('settings').threadReactionsEnabled && !this.forum.channel) return void this.initReactionsPromotion();
- var a = new w.ReactionsCollection([], {
- thread: this.thread,
- userIsAnonymous: this.session.user.isAnonymous()
- });
- this.listenTo(a, 'sync', function () {
- a.length ? this.showReactions(a) : this.removeReactions()
- }),
- this.listenTo(a, 'change:enabled', function () {
- a.enabled ? this.showReactions(a) : this.removeReactions()
- }),
- this.thread.set('reactions', a),
- a.fetch()
- }
- },
- showReactions: function (a) {
- if (!this.reactionsView) {
- var b = this.reactionsView = new ia({
- reactions: a,
- readonly: this.thread.get('isClosed'),
- session: this.session,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- });
- b.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#reactions__container').prepend(b.$el)
- }
- },
- removeReactions: function () {
- this.reactionsView && (this.reactionsView.remove(), this.reactionsView = null)
- },
- initReactionsPromotion: function () {
- if (!this.thread.isModerator(this.session.user)) return void this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', this.initReactionsPromotion);
- var b = 'reactionsEmbedPromotion',
- c = this;
- l.call('announcements/messages/checkViewed', {
- data: {
- message: b
- }
- }).success(function (d) {
- var e = d.response;
- if (!e[b]) {
- var f = c.reactionsPromotionView = new ja({
- forum: c.forum
- });
- f.render(),
- a('#reactions__container').prepend(f.$el)
- }
- })
- },
- initStarRatings: function () {
- this.forum.get('features') ? I.isForumModelRatingsEnabled(this.forum) && (this.thread.get('ratingsEnabled') && this.thread.fetchRatings(), this.listenTo(this.thread, 'change', this.showRatings), this.showRatings()) : this.listenToOnce(this.thread.forum, 'change:features', this.initStarRatings)
- },
- showRatings: function () {
- var a = M.isFeatureActive('star_ratings_total_hidden', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- });
- if (!this.ratingsView && this.thread && this.session && !a) {
- var b = this.ratingsView = new ha({
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session
- });
- b.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#ratings__container').html(b.$el)
- }
- },
- bindUIUpdateHandlers: function () {
- var a = this,
- b = a.thread,
- c = a.session;
- a.listenTo(b, {
- 'change:posts': a.updatePostCount
- }),
- a.listenTo(b.queue, 'add reset', a.toggleRealtimeNotifications),
- a.postsView.bindUIUpdateHandlers(),
- a.listenTo(c, 'change:id', a.updateThreadSessionData),
- a.listenTo(a, 'scrollOffViewport', function () {
- this.states.realtimeIndicatorsCreated && y.frame.sendHostMessage('indicator:hide')
- }),
- a.listenTo(a, 'scroll', function (a) {
- this.position = a
- }),
- a.listenTo(a, 'scroll', a.handleRealtimeScroll),
- a.listenTo(a.postsView, 'render:end', function () {
- a.toggleRealtimeNotifications(),
- a.config.inthreadPlacementUrl && a.loadInthreadAd()
- }),
- a.listenToOnce(a, 'threadView:render', function () {
- a.loadInEmbedAd()
- })
- },
- whenFullyVisible: function () {
- var b = a.Deferred();
- return this.states.fullyVisible ? b.resolve() : this.listenTo(this, 'frame.visible', function () {
- b.resolve()
- }),
- b.promise()
- },
- canShowInthreadAd: function (a, b) {
- if (!this.config.inthreadMultipleAds && a > 0) return !1;
- var c = this.config.inthreadLeadingCommentCount + this.config.inthreadRepeatCommentCount * a,
- d = c + this.config.inthreadTrailingCommentCount;
- return b >= d
- },
- inthreadAdInit: function (b, c) {
- var d = a.Deferred();
- return this.inthreadAdApps[b].init(),
- this.listenToOnce(this.inthreadAdApps[b], 'frame:ready', function () {
- c.css({
- height: 'auto',
- 'margin-bottom': '24px'
- }),
- d.resolve()
- }),
- this.listenToOnce(this.inthreadAdApps[b], 'ad-placement-empty', function () {
- c.css({
- height: '',
- 'margin-bottom': ''
- })
- }),
- d.promise()
- },
- loadInEmbedAd: function () {
- var c = this.config.topInEmbedPlacementUrl;
- if (c) {
- var d = a(sa());
- d.prependTo(this.postsView.$el);
- var e = j.Ads(b.extend({
- adUrl: c,
- placement: 'top_in_embed',
- container: d[0],
- isInHome: !1,
- isOnHostPage: !1,
- forumId: this.forum.get('pk'),
- version: this.config.version
- }, this.config));
- e.init()
- }
- var f = this.config.bottomInEmbedPlacementUrl;
- if (f) {
- var g = a(sa());
- g.appendTo(this.postsView.$el);
- var h = j.Ads(b.extend({
- adUrl: f,
- placement: 'bottom_in_embed',
- container: g[0],
- isInHome: !1,
- isOnHostPage: !1,
- forumId: this.forum.get('pk'),
- version: this.config.version
- }, this.config));
- h.init()
- }
- },
- loadInthreadAd: function () {
- var c = this.postsView.$el.find('#post-list');
- if (!(this.config.adBlockEnabled && !this.config.defaultPlacementUrl || c.hasClass('loading'))) {
- var d = this.config.inthreadCountChildren ? c.find('.post:not(.advertisement)') : c.children(':not(.advertisement)'),
- e = {
- };
- 0 === this.config.experiment.experiment.indexOf('googlewidemargins') && 'fallthrough' !== this.config.experiment.variant && (e.margin = '0 ' + this.config.experiment.variant, e['min-width'] = 'calc(100% - ' + 2 * parseInt(this.config.experiment.variant, 10) + 'px)');
- var f;
- f = this.config.adBlockEnabled && this.config.defaultPlacementUrl ? J(this.config.defaultPlacementUrl, {
- position: 'inthread'
- }) : this.config.inthreadPlacementUrl;
- for (var g = this.inthreadAdApps.length; this.canShowInthreadAd(g, d.length); g++) {
- var h = this.config.inthreadLeadingCommentCount + this.config.inthreadRepeatCommentCount * g,
- i = a(ta());
- d && d.length && d[h] ? i.insertBefore(d[h]) : i.appendTo(a('#post-list')),
- this.inthreadAdApps[g] = j.Ads(b.extend({
- adUrl: f,
- placement: 'inthread',
- container: i.find('[data-role=post-content]') [0],
- isInHome: this.isInHome(),
- isOnHostPage: !1,
- forumId: this.forum.get('pk'),
- version: this.config.version,
- styles: e
- }, this.config));
- var k = this.inthreadAdInit.bind(this, g, i);
- 0 === g ? this.adPromise = this.whenFullyVisible().then(k) : this.adPromise = this.adPromise.then(k)
- }
- }
- },
- relayScrollToStance: function (a) {
- f.scroll({
- top: a.pageOffset - a.frameOffset.top,
- height: a.height
- })
- },
- initDeferredViews: function () {
- this.listenTo(this, 'scroll', this.createDeferredViewsForImages),
- this.listenTo(this, 'domReflow', function () {
- f.invalidate(),
- this.position && (this.createDeferredViewsForImages(), this.relayScrollToStance(this.position))
- })
- },
- bindBusListeners: function () {
- this.listenTo(y.frame, {
- 'window.hashchange': function (a) {
- var b = this.getPermalinkOptions(a);
- b && this.scrollToPost(b.postId, b.options)
- },
- 'window.scroll': function (a) {
- this.trigger('scroll', a),
- this.relayScrollToStance(a)
- },
- 'window.inViewport': function () {
- this.states.behindClick || (this.states.inViewport = !0, this.trigger('inViewport'))
- },
- 'window.scrollOffViewport': function () {
- this.states.inViewport = !1,
- this.trigger('scrollOffViewport')
- },
- 'frame.visible': function () {
- this.states.fullyVisible = !0,
- this.trigger('frame.visible')
- },
- error: function (a) {
- a = JSON.parse(a),
- e.captureException(a.error, {
- extra: {
- details: a.details
- },
- culprit: a.culprit
- })
- },
- 'window.resize': this.resize,
- 'indicator:click': this.handleRealtimeClick
- }),
- this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', this.initSidebar)
- },
- isLinkAffiliatorEnabled: function () {
- return this.forum.get('settings').linkAffiliationEnabled && !this.isInHome()
- },
- initLinkHandler: function () {
- this.outboundLinkHandler = new P,
- this.outboundLinkHandler.registerBeforeNavigationHandler(this.logLinkClick, this)
- },
- handleLinkClick: function (a) {
- this.outboundLinkHandler.handleClick(a)
- },
- initRealtimeIndicators: function () {
- var a = this;
- if (!a.states.realtimeIndicatorsCreated) {
- var c = [
- 'north',
- 'south'
- ].reduce(function (c, d) {
- return c[d] = {
- contents: '\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="' + b.escape(a.language) + '">\n <head>\n <meta charset="utf-8">\n <title>Disqus Realtime Notification</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <link rel="stylesheet" href="' + b.escape('https://c.disquscdn.com/next/embed/styles/realtime.b23ff3c36dd0169627f8e54ca1621eca.css') + '">\n <div class="' + b.escape(d) + '" id="message">-</div>\n </body>\n</html>\n'
- },
- c
- }, {
- });
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('indicator:init', c),
- a.states.realtimeIndicatorsCreated = !0
- }
- },
- insertStreamingComments: b.throttle(function () {
- var a = this.thread.queue;
- a.drain(),
- b.each(a.counters.replies, function (b, c) {
- a.drain(c)
- })
- }, 1000),
- updateModeratorBadgeText: function () {
- var a = this.forum.get('moderatorBadgeText');
- a && (z.translations.Mod = a)
- },
- logLinkClick: function (b) {
- var c = a(b.currentTarget);
- if (F.clickShouldBeLogged(b, c)) return B.client.emit({
- verb: 'click',
- object_type: 'link',
- object_id: c[0].href,
- area: oa.getEventTrackingArea(b)
- })
- },
- handleRealtimeScroll: function (a) {
- if (this.states.inViewport && this.states.realtimeIndicatorsCreated) {
- var c = b.union([this.queueView], b.values(this.postsView.subViews)),
- d = 0,
- e = 0;
- b.each(c, function (b) {
- if (b && !b.getDirection && (b = b.queueView), b && !(b.options.count <= 0)) {
- var c = b.getDirection(a);
- 1 === c ? d += b.options.count : c === - 1 && (e += b.options.count)
- }
- });
- var f,
- g,
- h = function (a) {
- var c = a.orientation,
- d = a.num,
- e = void 0;
- return e = 'north' === c ? 1 === d ? za('One new comment above.') : z.interpolate(za('%(num)s new comments above.'), {
- num: d
- }) : 1 === d ? za('One new comment below.') : z.interpolate(za('%(num)s new comments below.'), {
- num: d
- }),
- '<p>' + b.escape(e) + '</p>'
- };
- g = {
- type: 'north'
- },
- d > 0 ? (f = 'indicator:show', g.content = h({
- num: d,
- orientation: 'north'
- })) : f = 'indicator:hide',
- y.frame.sendHostMessage(f, g),
- g = {
- type: 'south'
- },
- e > 0 ? (g.content = h({
- num: e,
- orientation: 'south'
- }), f = 'indicator:show') : f = 'indicator:hide',
- y.frame.sendHostMessage(f, g)
- }
- },
- handleRealtimeClick: function (a) {
- var c = this;
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('indicator:hide', {
- type: a
- });
- var d,
- e,
- f,
- g = b.union([c], b.toArray(c.postsView.subViews));
- g = b.filter(g, function (b) {
- if (b = b.queueView, !b || b.options.count <= 0) return !1;
- var d = 'north' === a ? 1 : - 1;
- return b.getDirection(c.position) === d
- }),
- g = b.sortBy(g, function (a) {
- return a === c ? 0 : a.offset.top
- }),
- d = 'north' === a ? b.last(g) : b.first(g),
- e = d.queueView,
- d === c ? (f = 0, e.handleDrain()) : (f = d.offset.top - 100, e.handleDrain()),
- U.getLounge().once('domReflow', b.bind(y.frame.sendHostMessage, y.frame, 'scrollTo', {
- top: f
- }))
- },
- toggleRealtimeNotifications: function () {
- var a = this,
- c = a.thread.queue;
- if (b.defer(function () {
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('fakeScroll')
- }), !c.length) return void a.$el.find('[data-role=realtime-notification]').hide();
- if (a.thread.get('hasStreaming')) return void a.insertStreamingComments();
- if (c.counters.comments) {
- var d = a.queueView || new ea.QueuedPostView({
- model: a.thread,
- el: a.$el.find('button[data-role=realtime-notification]')
- });
- a.queueView = d,
- d.setCount(c.counters.comments),
- d.render()
- }
- b.each(c.counters.replies, function (b, c) {
- var d = a.thread.posts.get(c);
- if (d) {
- var e = a.postsView.getPostView(d.cid);
- if (e) {
- var f = e.queueView;
- f || (f = new ea.QueuedReplyView({
- thread: a.thread,
- postView: e,
- model: d,
- el: e.$el.find('[data-role=realtime-notification\\:' + c + '] a')
- }), e.queueView = f),
- f.setCount(b),
- f.render()
- }
- }
- })
- },
- initBehindClick: function () {
- var c = this;
- if (!c.behindClickView && c.thread && a('#behindclick__container').length) {
- var d = {
- title_enabled: !1,
- title_text: null,
- title_css: null,
- button_text: null,
- button_css: null
- };
- l.call('forums/behindClick/details', {
- data: {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }
- }).success(function (a) {
- var e = a.response;
- c.showBehindClick(b.defaults({
- }, e, d))
- })
- }
- },
- showBehindClick: function (b) {
- var c = a('#behindclick__container'),
- d = new Ia({
- thread: this.thread,
- settings: b
- });
- d.render(),
- c.html(d.$el),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('rendered', {
- height: x.getPageHeight()
- })
- },
- toggleBehindClick: function () {
- this.$('#behindclick__container').hide(),
- this.states.behindClick = !1,
- y.frame.trigger('window.inViewport'),
- y.trigger('uiAction:behindClickButton'),
- this.trigger('threadView:prep')
- },
- initThreadView: function () {
- this.createThreadView(),
- this.forum.get('settings').behindClickEnabled ? (this.initBehindClick(), this.states.behindClick = !0) : this.trigger('threadView:prep')
- },
- createThreadView: function () {
- if (!this.threadView && this.thread && this.session) {
- var a,
- b = this.isInHome();
- this.thread.posts.buffer && (a = this.thread.posts.getOrder());
- var c = this.threadView = new Ja({
- thread: this.thread,
- forum: this.forum,
- order: a,
- inHome: b,
- hideFooter: b,
- posts: this.initialData.posts
- });
- c.render(),
- this.trigger('threadView:init'),
- this.once('threadView:render', function () {
- this.$('#thread__container').html(this.threadView.$el)
- })
- }
- },
- renderDebugInfo: Aa(function () {
- if (this.session.user.get('isGlobalAdmin')) {
- var a = this.thread.forum.get('settings', {
- }),
- b = new Ea({
- Shortname: this.thread.get('forum'),
- 'Thread ID': this.thread.get('id'),
- 'Org ID': this.forum.get('organizationId'),
- 'Thread slug': this.thread.get('slug'),
- 'Anchor color': H(this.config.anchorColor),
- Language: this.thread.forum.get('language'),
- Recommendations: a.organicDiscoveryEnabled,
- 'Ads enabled': a.adsEnabled,
- 'Ads top enabled': a.adsPositionTopEnabled,
- 'Ads bottom enabled': a.adsPositionBottomEnabled,
- 'Ads in-thread enabled': a.adsPositionInthreadEnabled,
- 'Ads recommendations enabled': a.adsPositionRecommendationsEnabled,
- 'Ads Product Display enabled': a.adsProductDisplayEnabled,
- 'Ads Product Links enabled': a.adsProductLinksEnabled,
- 'Ads Product Video enabled': a.adsProductVideoEnabled,
- 'In iframe': this.config.isHostIframed,
- 'Behind click': this.config.isBehindClick,
- 'Height restricted': this.config.isHeightRestricted
- });
- b.render();
- var c = ya.body;
- c.insertBefore(b.el, c.firstChild)
- }
- }),
- repairThread: Aa(function () {
- this.session.user.get('isGlobalAdmin') && l.call('internal/threads/repair.json', {
- method: 'GET',
- data: {
- thread: this.thread.get('id')
- },
- success: b.bind(this.alert, this, 'Thread repair has been queued. Refresh in a few seconds.'),
- error: b.bind(this.alert, this, 'An error occurred while repairing thread. Please try again.', {
- type: 'error'
- })
- })
- }),
- getPermalinkOptions: function (a) {
- var b = a && a.match(/(comment|reply|edit)-([0-9]+)/);
- if (b) return {
- postId: b[2],
- options: {
- highlight: !0,
- openReply: 'reply' === b[1],
- openEdit: 'edit' === b[1]
- }
- }
- },
- scrollToPost: function (a, c) {
- c = c || {
- },
- c.padding = c.padding || 90;
- var d = this,
- e = d.$el.find('#post-' + a);
- if (M.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && !e.length && d.highlightedPostView && d.highlightedPostView.post && d.highlightedPostView.post.id === a) e = d.highlightedPostView.$el.find('.post');
- else if (!e.length) return void v.Post.fetchContext(a, d.thread, {
- requestedByPermalink: !0
- }).done(function () {
- d.postsView.once('render:end', b.bind(d.scrollToPost, d, a, c)),
- y.frame.once('embed.resized', b.bind(d.scrollToPost, d, a, c))
- });
- c.highlight && (d.$el.find('.post-content.target').removeClass('target'), e.find('.post-content').first().addClass('target')),
- c.openReply && d.postsView.openReply(a),
- c.openEdit && d.postsView.openEdit(a),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('scrollTo', {
- top: e.offset().top - c.padding,
- force: c.force || null
- })
- },
- updateThreadSessionData: function (a) {
- if (a) {
- a.get('thread') && this.thread.set(a.get('thread'));
- var c = a.get('votes');
- c && 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof c ? 'undefined' : _typeof(c)) && b.each(c, function (a, b) {
- var c = this.postsView.posts.get(b);
- c && c.set('userScore', a)
- }, this);
- var d = a.get('blockedUserIdSet');
- if (d && 0 !== d.size) {
- var e = this.postsView.posts.models;
- if (e && 'object' === ('undefined' == typeof e ? 'undefined' : _typeof(e))) {
- var f = {
- };
- b.each(e, function (a) {
- var b = a.attributes.id,
- c = a.author.id;
- if (f[b] = c, a.attributes.parent) {
- var e = a.attributes.parent,
- g = f[e];
- d.has(g) && a.set('hideReplyPreview', !0)
- }
- }, this)
- }
- }
- }
- },
- initSidebar: function () {
- this.sidebar = new ga({
- session: this.session,
- forum: this.forum,
- config: this.config
- })
- },
- initNotificationMenu: function () {
- var a = this.notificationMenu = new ca.NotificationMenuView({
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('[data-role=notification-menu]') [0],
- session: this.session,
- forum: this.forum
- });
- a.render()
- },
- initUserMenu: function () {
- var a = this.userMenu = new Fa({
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('[data-role=logout]') [0],
- forum: this.forum,
- session: this.session,
- thread: this.thread,
- isInHome: this.isInHome()
- });
- a.render()
- },
- initThreadShareBar: function () {
- if (!this.thread.forum.get('settings').disableSocialShare) {
- var a = this.threadShareBar = new Ga({
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('#thread-share-bar') [0],
- model: this.thread
- });
- a.render()
- }
- },
- isRealtimeEnabled: function () {
- var a = u.lounge.REALTIME || {
- },
- b = a.THREAD_STALE_DAYS || 7,
- c = g.unix(this.initialData.lastModified);
- return !this.thread.get('isClosed') && g().diff(c, 'days') <= b
- },
- realtimeHandlers: {
- Post: function (a) {
- var b = a.data,
- c = this.thread;
- if (!this.thread.get('hasStreaming') || !this.states.streamingPaused) {
- if (!b.id) return void d.warn('RT: no post ID');
- if (!b.author || !b.author.id) return void d.warn('RT: no author or author ID');
- if (!b.author.name) return void d.warn('RT: no author name or email hash');
- if (!b.author.username) return void d.warn('RT: no author username');
- if (!b.post || !b.post.message) return void d.warn('RT: no post message');
- if (c.posts.get(b.id) || c.queue.get(b.id)) return void d.info('RT: duplicate: ', b.id);
- if ('approved' !== b.type) return void d.info('RT: unapproved: ', b.id);
- if (b.sb) return void d.info('RT: shadowbanned: ', b.id);
- if (b.type === b.type_prev) return void d.info('RT: Post change message, ignoring for now ', b.id);
- this.thread.incrementPostCount(1);
- var e = b.post.parent_post.id;
- if ('0' === e && (e = null), e && !c.posts.get(e) && !c.queue.get(e)) return void d.info('RT: parent is not on this page: ', b.id);
- var f = b.author.name,
- g = b.author.username,
- h = b.author.avatar,
- i = b.author.id,
- j = b.author.is_private;
- '0' === i && (i = void 0);
- var k = new n(v.User, {
- id: i,
- name: f,
- username: g,
- profileUrl: A.root + '/by/' + g + '/',
- isAnonymous: !i,
- isPrivate: j,
- avatar: {
- cache: h,
- permalink: h
- }
- });
- if (k.get('isBlocked')) return void d.info('RT: blocked: ', b.id);
- c.users.add(k, {
- merge: !0
- }),
- c.queue.add({
- id: b.id,
- user: k,
- parentId: e,
- message: b.post.message,
- createdAt: b.date,
- media: b.post.media
- })
- }
- },
- Vote: function (a) {
- var b = a.data;
- if (b.id && b.vote) {
- var c = this.thread,
- e = c.posts.get(b.vote.recipient_post_id);
- if (e) {
- d.debug('RT: Vote for post ', e.id);
- var f = e.votes.get(b.id);
- f || (d.debug('RT: Creating new vote with id ', b.id), f = new r({
- id: b.id
- }), e.votes.add(f));
- var g = e._vote(b.vote.vote, f.get('score'), b.voter);
- 0 !== g && f.set('score', g)
- }
- }
- },
- ThreadVote: function (a) {
- var b = a.data,
- c = this.thread;
- if (b.id && b.vote && (!this.session.user.id || b.vote.voter_id !== this.session.user.id)) {
- var d = c.votes.get(b.id);
- if (d || (d = new q({
- id: b.id
- }), c.votes.add(d)), !d.get('currentUser')) {
- var e = c._vote(b.vote.vote, d.get('score'));
- 0 !== e && d.set('score', e)
- }
- }
- },
- typing: function (a) {
- var c = a.data,
- d = this.thread,
- e = c.typing,
- f = c.post;
- if (c.thread === d.id && f) {
- var g = d.posts.get(f);
- g && (g.usersTyping.count() <= 0 && !e || g.usersTyping.add(v.TypingUser.make(b.extend({
- client_context: a.lastEventId
- }, c))))
- }
- }
- },
- initRealtime: function () {
- var a = X.Manager;
- if (!a.pipe && this.isRealtimeEnabled()) {
- this.initRealtimeIndicators(),
- a.initialize('thread/' + this.thread.id, this.realtimeHandlers, this);
- var b = function (a) {
- return 'POST' === a.method
- },
- c = 0;
- this.listenTo(l, 'call', function (d) {
- b(d) && (c += 1, a.pause())
- }),
- this.listenTo(l, 'complete', function (d) {
- !b(d) || c <= 0 || (c -= 1, c || a.resume())
- })
- }
- },
- initTopNavigation: function () {
- var a = this.topNavigation = new la({
- inHome: this.isInHome(),
- thread: this.thread
- });
- a.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#main-nav').append(a.el)
- },
- initThreadFooter: function () {
- var a = this.threadFooter = new ma({
- forum: this.forum
- });
- a.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#footer').append(a.el)
- },
- initSecondaryNavigation: function () {
- var a,
- b = this.forum.get('votingType') || s.VOTING_TYPES.DEFAULT_VOTING_TYPE,
- this.thread.posts.buffer && (a = this.thread.posts.getOrder());
- var d = this.secondaryNavigation = new na({
- inHome: this.isInHome(),
- order: a,
- votingDisabled: c,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- });
- d.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#secondary-navigation').append(d.el)
- },
- initFavoriteButton: function () {
- if (this.favoriteButton && this.favoriteButton.remove(), !M.isFeatureActive('sso_less_branding', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- })) {
- var a = this.favoriteButton = new ka({
- thread: this.thread,
- session: this.session
- });
- this.listenTo(a, {
- 'vote:like': b.bind(this.trigger, this, 'uiAction:threadLike'),
- 'vote:unlike': b.bind(this.trigger, this, 'uiAction:threadUnlike')
- }),
- a.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#favorite-button').append(a.el)
- }
- },
- initThreadSubscribe: function () {
- this.threadSubscribeButton = new Ca({
- session: this.session,
- thread: this.thread,
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('#thread-subscribe-button') [0]
- })
- },
- initBadgesMessage: function () {
- this.badgesMessageView = new Y({
- forum: this.forum,
- session: this.session,
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('#badges-message__container') [0]
- }).render()
- },
- initEmailSignup: function () {
- this.emailSignupForm = new Z({
- forum: this.forum,
- session: this.session,
- el: this.threadView.$el.find('#email-signup') [0]
- }).render()
- },
- updatePostCount: function () {
- var a = this.thread.get('posts');
- this.isInHome() || (this.$postCountContainer = this.$postCountContainer || this.threadView.$el.find('li[data-role=post-count]'), this.$postCountContainer.html(va({
- count: a
- }))),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('posts.count', a)
- },
- renderLayout: function () {
- this.addFeatureDetectionClasses(),
- V.init(this);
- var b = a(ra({
- forum: this.forum.toJSON(),
- thread: this.thread.toJSON()
- }));
- b.appendTo(this.$el),
- this.postsView.renderLayout(),
- u.readonly ? this.alert(za('The Disqus comment system is temporarily in maintenance mode. You can still read comments during this time, however posting comments and other actions are temporarily delayed.'), {
- type: 'info'
- }) : this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', this.showPremoderationAlert)
- },
- showPremoderationAlert: function () {
- this.thread.isModerator(this.session.user) && !this.getAlert() && (this.forum.get('settings').validateAllPosts ? this.alert(b.escape(za('Comments on this entire site are premoderated (only moderators can see this message).')) + (' <a href="' + b.escape('https://' + this.forum.id + '.disqus.com/admin/settings/community/') + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' + b.escape(za('Change site settings.')) + '</a>'), {
- safe: !0,
- isPremoderateStatus: !0
- }) : this.thread.get('validateAllPosts') && this.alert(za('Comments on this thread are premoderated (only moderators can see this message).'), {
- isPremoderateStatus: !0
- }))
- },
- dismissPremoderationAlert: function () {
- this.dismissAlert(function (a) {
- return a.options && a.options.isPremoderateStatus
- })
- },
- addFeatureDetectionClasses: function () {
- var b = a(ya.documentElement);
- (this.config.forceMobile || F.isMobileUserAgent()) && b.addClass('mobile'),
- F.isMobileUserAgent() || b.addClass('use-opacity-transitions'),
- M.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && (b.addClass('embed-refresh'), M.isFeatureActive('embed_refresh_v2', {
- forum: this.forum.id
- }) && b.addClass('embed-refresh-v2'))
- },
- initMainPostBox: function () {
- if (this.form && (this.form.remove(), this.form = null), this.thread.get('isClosed')) return this.threadView.$el.find('#secondary-navigation').addClass('no-postbox'),
- void this.showClosedAlert();
- if (!this.session.get('canReply')) return this.threadView.$el.find('#secondary-navigation').addClass('no-postbox'),
- void this.session.once('change:id', this.initMainPostBox, this);
- this.threadView.$el.find('#secondary-navigation').removeClass('no-postbox');
- var a = this.form = new $({
- thread: this.thread,
- userSuggestions: this.userSuggestions,
- session: this.session
- });
- a.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#form').prepend(a.$el),
- a.resize()
- },
- showClosedAlert: function () {
- if (this.thread.get('isClosed')) {
- var a = this.thread.get('reactions');
- a ? (this.listenToOnce(a, 'sync change:enabled', this.showClosedAlert), this.alert(za(a.enabled ? 'Comments and reactions for this thread are now closed.' : 'Comments for this thread are now closed'))) : (this.listenToOnce(this.thread, 'change:reactions', this.showClosedAlert), this.alert(za('Comments for this thread are now closed')))
- }
- },
- initTermsOfService: function () {
- if (this.tos && (this.tos.remove(), this.tos = null), this.listenToOnce(this.session, 'change:id', this.initTermsOfService), !(this.session.user.isAnonymous() || this.session.user.get('hasAcceptedGdprTerms') || !this.config.isPrivate && this.session.isSSO() || u.tos_exempt_forums_shortnames.includes(this.forum.id))) {
- var a = this.tos = new Ha({
- isPrivate: this.config.isPrivate,
- session: this.session
- });
- a.render(),
- this.threadView.$el.find('#tos__container').prepend(a.$el)
- }
- },
- initUserSuggestionsManager: function () {
- this.userSuggestions = new fa({
- threadId: this.thread.id
- }),
- this.userSuggestions.addRemote(this.thread.users),
- this.listenTo(this.session, 'change:id', function () {
- this.session.isLoggedIn() && (this.session.user.getFollowing(), this.session.user.following.PER_PAGE = 100, this.userSuggestions.addRemote(this.session.user.following))
- })
- },
- handleShowProfile: function (b) {
- if (!(b.ctrlKey || b.metaKey || b.shiftKey || b.altKey || !this.isInHome() && !this.sidebar)) {
- b.preventDefault();
- var c = a(b.currentTarget).attr('data-username'),
- d = a(b.currentTarget).attr('data-tab') || '';
- this.isInHome() ? y.frame.sendHostMessage('home.open', T.apps.home + 'by/' + c + '/' + d) : this.showProfileSidebar(c, d)
- }
- },
- handleShowCommunitySidebar: function (b) {
- if (!F.willOpenNewWindow(b)) {
- b.preventDefault();
- var c = a(b.currentTarget).attr('data-forum');
- y.trigger('sidebar:open', 'home/forums/' + c + '/')
- }
- },
- handleSort: Aa(function (b) {
- var c = a(b.currentTarget).attr('data-sort'),
- d = this.forum.get('votingType') === s.VOTING_TYPES.DISABLED;
- 'popular' === c && d && (c = 'desc'),
- this.$el.find('[data-role="post-sort"]').replaceWith(wa({
- order: c,
- votingDisabled: d,
- forum: this.thread.forum.id
- })),
- this.thread.posts.setOrder(c),
- this.thread.posts.fetch({
- reset: !0
- }),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('change:sort', c),
- this.inthreadAdApps = [
- ],
- this.postsView.handleSort()
- }),
- toggleThread: Aa(function () {
- var a = this.thread.get('isClosed'),
- c = za(a ? 'An error occurred while opening the thread. Please try again.' : 'An error occurred while closing the thread. Please try again.'),
- d = {
- success: function () {
- window.location.reload(!0)
- },
- error: b.bind(this.alert, this, c, {
- type: 'error'
- })
- };
- a ? this.thread.open(d) : this.thread.close(d)
- }),
- toggleThreadPremoderate: Aa(function () {
- var a = this;
- this.dismissAlert(function (a) {
- return a.options && a.options.isPremoderateError
- });
- var b = this.thread.get('validateAllPosts');
- this.thread.premoderate(!b).then(function () {
- b ? a.dismissPremoderationAlert() : a.showPremoderationAlert()
- }, function () {
- a.alert(za('An error occurred while updating the thread. Please try again.'), {
- type: 'error',
- isPremoderateError: !0
- }),
- a.thread.set('validateAllPosts', b)
- }),
- y.trigger('uiAction:clickThreadPremoderate')
- }),
- toggleThreadRatingsEnabled: Aa(function () {
- var a = this;
- I.isForumModelRatingsEnabled(this.forum) && this.thread.toggleRatingsEnabled().then(function () {
- I.isThreadModelRatingsEnabled(a.thread) && (a.session.fetchThreadDetails({
- thread: a.thread
- }), a.thread.fetchRatings())
- })
- }),
- createDeferredViewsForImages: function () {
- a('img[data-src]').each(function (b, c) {
- var d = a(c),
- e = new Da({
- el: c,
- url: d.attr('data-src')
- });
- e.relatedPost = d.attr('data-post'),
- d.removeAttr('data-src')
- })
- },
- getPosition: function () {
- return this.position
- },
- showProfileSidebar: function (a, b) {
- y.trigger('sidebar:open', 'by/' + a + '/' + b)
- },
- initResizeHandler: function () {
- var a,
- b = this;
- if (window.MutationObserver) new window.MutationObserver(function () {
- a || (a = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
- a = null,
- b.resize()
- }))
- }).observe(ya.body, {
- attributes: !0,
- characterData: !0,
- childList: !0,
- subtree: !0,
- attributeFilter: [
- 'class',
- 'style'
- ]
- });
- else {
- var c = function d() {
- b.resize(),
- window.requestAnimationFrame(d)
- };
- window.requestAnimationFrame(c)
- }
- },
- resize: function () {
- var a = x.getPageHeight();
- this._lastHeight !== a && (this._lastHeight = a, this.trigger('domReflow'), y.frame.sendHostMessage('resize', {
- height: a
- }))
- },
- handleAuth: Aa(function (a) {
- this.session.authenticate(x.extractService(a.target, 'auth'))
- }),
- handleLogout: Aa(function () {
- this.session.logout()
- }),
- audienceSync: Aa(function () {
- this.session.audienceSync()
- }),
- toggleMedia: Aa(function () {
- var a = aa.settings,
- b = !a.get('collapsed');
- a.set('collapsed', b)
- }),
- toggleReactions: Aa(function () {
- this.thread.get('reactions').toggleEnabled()
- }),
- toggleEmbedRefresh: Aa(function () {
- null === K.get('switch:embed_refresh') || K.get('switch:embed_refresh') === !0 ? (K.set('switch:embed_refresh', !1), y.trigger('uiAction:toggleClassicDisqus', !0)) : (K.remove('switch:embed_refresh'), y.trigger('uiAction:toggleClassicDisqus', !1)),
- y.frame.sendHostMessage('reset', {
- reload: !0
- })
- }),
- initTopics: function () {
- var a = this;
- if ('browsingTopics' in ya && ya.featurePolicy && ya.featurePolicy.allowsFeature && ya.featurePolicy.allowsFeature('browsing-topics')) try {
- ya.browsingTopics().then(function (b) {
- a.meta.topics = b
- })
- } catch (b) {
- }
- }
- });
- return b.extend(Ka.prototype, W.ShareMixin),
- p.call(Ka.prototype),
- x.mixin(Ka, C.UiActionEventProxy),
- o.call(Ka.prototype),
- x.mixin(Ka, C.ProfileHtmlHelpers),
- Q.call(Ka.prototype),
- {
- Lounge: Ka,
- UserMenuView: Fa,
- ThreadSubscribeButton: Ca,
- RatingsView: ha,
- ReactionsView: ia,
- BehindClickView: Ia,
- ThreadView: Ja,
- DeferredMediaView: Da,
- DebugInfoView: Ea
- }
- }),
- define('lounge/main', [
- 'jquery',
- 'core/utils/getEmbeddedData',
- 'lounge/tracking',
- 'lounge/views'
- ], function (a, b, c, d) {
- 'use strict';
- return {
- init: function () {
- var e = b('threadData');
- if (!e) return {
- code: 'no_thread_data'
- };
- if (e.code) return 2 === e.code ? 'Endpoint resource not valid.' === e.response && (e.code = 'invalid_endpoint_resource') : 15 === e.code && 'Thread creations from embed disabled.' === e.response && (e.code = 'thread_creations_disabled'),
- e;
- a.extend(e.response, b('forumData')),
- a('#postCompatContainer').remove();
- var f = new d.Lounge({
- jsonData: e,
- el: window.document.body
- });
- c.init(f)
- }
- }
- }),
- define('lounge.bundle', function () {
- });